3 Well-Paying Careers That Don’t Involve Much Stress

StrategyDriven Professional Development Article |Well-Paying Careers|3 Well-Paying Careers That Don’t Involve Much StressIt’s not uncommon to assume that well-paying careers involve a lot of stress. While that could be the case for some roles, it’s not for all of them. Instead, there are more than a few well-paying careers that don’t involve much stress.

If you want to increase your paycheck without needing to constantly deal with headaches and a lot of hassle, they could be worth considering. Three specific careers can be worth it, as they’ll be relatively easy to get into.

While there’ll still be some work and effort involved, there’ll be much less of this than you’d think.

Well-Paying Careers That Don’t Involve Much Stress: 3 Top Picks

1. Economist

Economists are one of the more notable people who help shape economic policy, even if they don’t always get the credit they’re due. They also work with universities and similar institutions to research and understand economics-related information, with many going on to publish papers and books on the subject.

Quite a few people who work in this career field have a master’s degree in the subject, but there are more than a few entry-level roles that don’t need this. Despite being entry-level, they can still be well-paid, and you’ll make your way up the career ladder in no time.

2. Call Center

Working in a call center can be better-paid than you could think, and a career here doesn’t involve much stress. There are more than a few other reasons why you might want to consider a career in these, especially if you’re a people person.
You get to help people on a daily basis and actually have an impact on their lives. Since you’ll interact with countless people every week, no two days will be the same. It could end up being much more interesting than you might think, making it even more appealing.

3. Statistician

Statisticians focus on collecting and analysing numbers, using it to help solve real-world problems. If you’ve always been interested in using maths for a career, this could be one of the more notable options to pick. Outside of being number-focused, there are more than a few other reasons why this could be appealing.

Statisticians can work in more than a few different industries. No matter what field you’re interested in, you can rest assured you can work as a statistician in it. While you’ll need at least a bachelor’s degree to start with this, there aren’t any other barriers to entry.

Well-Paying Careers That Don’t Involve Much Stress: Wrapping Up

There are more well-paying careers that don’t involve much stress than you might be aware of, with many of these being quite appealing. The paycheck and decreased stress won’t be the only things that make them attractive, as they all boast various benefits, giving your career a boost.

Working as a statistician, economist, and even in a call center can all be some of the more notable of these. While there’ll always be some stress involved, there’ll be much less of this than many other careers. There’s no reason not to consider them.

6 Ways to Make Real Estate Your Secondary Income Stream

StrategyDriven Entrepreneurship Article |Real Estate Secondary Income|6 Ways to Make Real Estate Your Secondary Income StreamAre you looking for ways to make more money? If so, real estate may be a great option for you! Investing in real estate can be a great way to create passive income, and there are many different ways to do it. In this blog post, we will discuss six different ways that you can use real estate to generate secondary income. We will also provide tips on how to get started!

Invest in Rental Properties

If you’re looking to generate income through real estate, one option is to invest in rental properties. This can be a great way to create passive income, as you will be able to collect rent from your tenants each month. There are many different ways to find good investment properties, and it is important to do your research before making any decisions. Once you have found a few potential properties, you will need to calculate the costs of purchasing and managing the property, as well as the potential income that you could earn from renting it out. You can also use property management software to help you keep track of your rental properties and tenants.

Airbnb Short-term Rentals

Another option for generating income through real estate is to list your property on Airbnb or another short-term rental platform. This can be a great way to earn income if you live in a desirable location or have a unique property. Guests who stay in your rental will pay a nightly fee, and you will be responsible for managing the property and providing amenities for guests. This option can be more work than investing in a traditional rental property, but it can also be more profitable.


If you’re not interested in renting out your entire home, another option is to participate in home-sharing. This involves renting out a room or portion of your home to guests, while still living there yourself. Home-sharing platforms such as Airbnb make it easy to find guests and manage bookings. You will need to be comfortable sharing your space with strangers, but this can be a great way to earn extra income.

Flip Houses

Another option for those looking to invest in real estate is to buy properties and flipping them. This involves purchasing a property, making improvements, and then selling it for a profit. This can be a great way to earn money if you have the time and resources to invest in fixing up properties. However, it is important to do your research before purchasing any property, as there can be significant risks involved.

Wholesaling Properties

If you’re not interested in fixing up and selling properties, another option is wholesaling. This involves finding discounted properties and then selling them to other investors for a profit. This can be a great way to get started in real estate without having to put up a lot of money. However, it is important to find properties that are deeply discounted in order to make a profit.

Commercial Real Estate

Investing in commercial real estate can be a great way to generate income. This includes office buildings, retail space, and industrial properties. Commercial real estate can be more expensive than residential property, but it can also be more profitable. One benefit of investing in commercial real estate is that you will often have longer leases, which can provide stability and predictability for your income stream.

There are many different ways to make money through real estate. You can invest in traditional rental properties, Airbnb short-term rentals, home-sharing, flipping houses, wholesaling properties, or commercial real estate. Each option has its own set of risks and rewards, so it is important to do your research before making any decisions. With the right strategy, you can use real estate to generate a significant secondary income stream.