How Can You Even Begin To Pivot Brand Direction?

StrategyDriven Marketing and Sales Article |Brand Direction|How Can You Even Begin To Pivot Brand Direction?Stopping, changing direction, and starting again is difficult in any area of life. No matter if you’ve decided to quit a bad habit, realize that your current career path really isn’t for you, or perhaps you wish to stop a relationship, heal a little and then join the dating game again – stopping momentum flat out is tough, and sometimes even painful.

After all, as people, we tend to find security and comfort in being on the same set of tracks that take us forward and help us make some sense out of life. However, this is not always correct, as not all tracks lead to the best direction possible.

We can see that in business, too. From time to time, we may realize an error, or perhaps the stale nature of our current entity is crying out for a refreshing approach, and someone who isn’t afraid to bring things back to basics. Pivoting brand direction sounds like a good way to achieve that – but how can you even begin to do such a thing? It’s this question we’ll discuss below, and perhaps yield some advice to help you come to the right conclusions:

Clear, Stated Goals

A clear, stated goal can not only help you bring your staff onboard, but your consumers too. Moreover, a clear goal for the rebrand or change of direction can help you format your new vision into a deliverable concept, as opposed to solely feeling the urge for change. What exactly do you wish to change and why? What do you hope to get out of that? What are the measurable targets you can reach, and what may be the implications of doing so? When you can achieve this, alongside the best consulting firm to help you, you learn more about your reasons for starting in the first place.

Lateral, Then Forward Innovation

Albert Einstein once said that a problem cannot be solved with the same mindset or thinking used to create it. For this reason, it’s good to take a lateral approach, and then innovate from there if you hope to change. So for instance, if your concept for a gastro pub hasn’t been working out due to how pretentious the menu is for the area, then refining that concept in line with the needs of the market, and perhaps bringing some classy additions to that, can help you not try to repackage your concept, but take it’s direction forward from another angle.

Branding & Design

Ultimately, a branding redesign, or at least a lateral movement, is important when trying to renew your initiative. Ths might involve a new logo, or simply jazzing up the logo with new, simpler design that works best for a smartphone app too. It might mean changing your color scheme to more natural colors to showcase how your new environment-based approach is going to systemize your entire brand. Make sure to properly curate a cohesive visual package, and telegraph this calmly ahead of time if you hope for your old customers or clients to regard you favorably. It may take a little time, but it can be achieved well.

With this advice, you’re certain to pivot brand direction in the healthiest manner possible.

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