The Hallmarks Of A Good Entrepreneur

StrategyDriven Entrepreneurship Article |Good entrepreneur|The Hallmarks Of A Good EntrepreneurIf you are aiming to be the very best entrepreneur you can be, you need to make sure that you are aware of what it is going to take to be that. This is something that many people might have different ideas about, but as long as you are looking into it in some way or another, you should find that you are able to become a better entrepreneur in no time. By way of some examples, we are going to take a look in this article at some of the most important hallmarks of a good entrepreneur that you may want to try and develop in yourself. You might find these to be especially important.


Probably the most important thing of all is that you need to try and be as enthusiastic as possible if you want to be a good entrepreneur. You can’t simply fake enthusiasm, however, or force it to come about: it arrives when you are genuinely spending your day doing what you love and what you actually want to be doing. If you are not currently feeling enthusiastic about your work, it may be time to make a switch to something that you are likely going to enjoy more. You might be surprised with how much this can actually help.


You’ll also find that it is really important to be as detailed as possible if you want to be a good entrepreneur. This simply means that you are capable and willing to look closely at the details of whatever you are working on, whether that is in the context of a specific daily goal or the larger sense of building a business. Getting the help of a contract research organization to show you where you might be going wrong is a good example of this in action.

A good entrepreneur should also be able to take care of their business premises, if they have any. This means keeping your building clean and taking care of any building washing that needs to be done. A tidy environment to work in is of the utmost importance and can drastically alter your levels of productivity. A tidy workspace isn’t just a pain in the back, it’s also a pain in the brain. Keeping a tidy workspace requires a high degree of mental energy, and if you’re already struggling with a hectic workload, it could push you over the edge. If you keep your desk and filing cabinets impeccably organized, it’s going to take a lot of effort to break that organization down when you need to start a new project. You’re unlikely to be able to do this without getting stressed out, especially if you’re working to a deadline. If you’re always rushing to get your organization back to tip-top shape, it’s going to be hard to focus on your tasks. You might also find that you can’t think straight when you’re trying to break down your organization’s walls. This is going to make it harder to get things done, and could also lead to mistakes.


You might not think that creativity is an absolute must, but in truth it’s something that is radically going to help you to be the best entrepreneur you can be. If you are not creative enough at present with the business you are running, you might want to take a step back, look at it from a fresh perspective, and then see whether you can make any improvements. This alone can mean that your approach is considerably more effective, so it’s something that you are going to want to think about at the very least.


Finally, you will generally need a lot of competitiveness if you hope to be truly successful. For many leaders, this is exactly what spurs them on to do better and greater things, and it can be the fuel that you really need in order to make that happen. Being competitive is likely something that you either have or don’t have, so that is simply a quality that you should hope you have. If you do have it, you should try your hardest to make use of it in your work, as that could spur you on considerably for your business.

However, you should always remember to take time out for yourself and your mental wellbeing when you are pursuing a career, as a tired-out and exhausted entrepreneur cannot be a successful one, so if it is in your best interests to also take care of yourself.

What Are the Learnings You Can Refer to From Crypto Crashes?

StrategyDriven StrategyDriven Editorial Perspective Article |Crypto Crash|What Are the Learnings You Can Refer to From Crypto Crashes?When writing an introduction, it’s important to remember that it’s the first impression your reader will have of your article. The purpose of the introduction is to summarize the main points of your article and whet the reader’s appetite.

You should also use this section to engage your audience with a question or statement that will make them want to read more.
The best way to write an introduction is by starting with a story, which can be something you’re familiar with or something you’ve read about in other articles. Once you have that story down, think about how it relates to what you’re trying to say in your piece: how does that story help explain why crypto markets are volatile?

What are Crypto Crashes?

Crypto Crashes are a normal part of the market, and they’re a good thing. These crashes happen when the price of crypto drops significantly below its average price. Crypto Crashes allow you to buy more at a lower price on the cryptocurrency exchange than you would have paid if you weren’t able to capitalize on their opportunity.

Crypto Crashes can be confusing because they don’t follow any kind of pattern or logic, but they can also be used as learning opportunities. If you understand why these crashes happen, then it will help you make better decisions when buying or selling cryptocurrency in future situations where things might get unstable in your portfolio.

Prepare for the Worst

  • Prepare for the worst.
  • Make sure you have a risk management plan in place.
  • Have a plan for what to do if the market crashes, or if it goes up or down by 50%.
  • Know your risk tolerance and make sure this is reflected in your portfolio choices: If you can ride out a bear market for six months, maybe consider holding more of your assets in BTC than ETH—but if you’re not willing to do that, then don’t invest any money at all!

Have a plan for how you will react if things go wrong:

  • Do you want to sell everything immediately?
  • Take profits off the table?
  • Or ride out the storm while hoping things get better?

It’s totally up to each investor how they want their portfolio to behave during these situations. However, they must know how best-suited their unique personality is towards handling them before making any decisions about their investments at all.

Don’t Panic

It’s tempting to sell your crypto when its value is low, especially if you bought it at a peak and you’ve lost money. But don’t panic.
If you’re thinking about selling all of your cryptocurrency, or any of it, wait until the market starts to recover. If there’s a crash, chances are good that it will recover eventually.

Even if there’s no recovery in sight, we suggest not selling all at once. That way, when the price begins to rise again (which we think it will), you’ll have some coins leftover that didn’t get sold during the crash!

Also, keep in mind: Selling now might mean missing out on future profits down the road. It is especially if things turn around quickly as they did after last year’s big correction.

Learn to Analyze Past Trends

In analyzing past trends, it is crucial to have a good understanding of what has happened in the past and why. Once you have this information, you can make predictions about what might happen next.

The best way to learn from past mistakes is by analyzing historical data for patterns. For example, if someone had invested in bitcoin at the beginning of its boom and sold when it dropped significantly (as many people did), they would have lost out on huge gains later on when the cryptocurrency started rising again.

This is because they didn’t understand how volatile cryptocurrencies could be or how they fluctuated over time.

You want to predict future trends based on historical data analysis. You can use Excel’s Sparklines feature or equivalent tools that allow you to quickly see how something has changed over some time. It is without having to manually enter all of your numbers every month/year/day into an Excel spreadsheet (or whatever tool works best for your needs).

Observe and Learn Patience

The most important lesson to take away is that volatility is normal. It’s easy to panic and makes rash decisions when the market turns against you. However, it’s important to remember that these things can happen—and they often do.

The best thing you can do is stick to your strategy and keep an eye on long-term trends, knowing that eventually, the bear market will end, just like all of those before it has.

Don’t get greedy! If an investment gives you a good return in one year but then declines by 50% in two years, then what is its actual ROI? You may have made money in one year but lost half of it by the time two years had passed. Like everything else in life: patience pays off.

Be Calm, Be Patient

When the price of crypto crashes, it is important to be patient and not panic. Do not sell your crypto because you think you will lose money on it. It is also a good idea to follow your investment plan and know what you are investing in.

The market has changed from when it started and now that more people are trying to make money from the market, there could be a lot of manipulation going on, especially by those who have huge amounts invested in this space.

So if you see something happening in the market or if something doesn’t look right, take some time before making any decisions about your investments.


It’s time to wrap up this article with a few key learnings. The following are some of the most important ones:
Be prepared for the worst and don’t panic when you see your favorite coin falling sharply.

When you’re in love with your investments, it can be hard to maintain composure during market crashes. However, if you take a deep breath and remain calm, you’ll be able to analyze past trends and consider potential causes for price fluctuations more clearly—and that will help you make better decisions in the future.

The Importance of Effective Communication: 3 Ways to Keep Contact With Your Suppliers

StrategyDriven Business Communications Article |Effective Communication|The Importance of Effective Communication: 3 Ways to Keep Contact With Your SuppliersEffective communication is one of the most critical factors in any business relationship. It can make or break a partnership, and it’s especially vital in manufacturing. Keeping track of details, sharing files, and staying organized is essential to maintaining a solid working relationship with your suppliers. If you’re thinking about establishing new partnerships with your suppliers or want to strengthen your existing ones, read on to learn more about effective communication.

Communicate with your suppliers from the beginning

Communication is key at all stages of business, but it’s even more crucial when working with overseas suppliers. Therefore, it’s important to communicate your expectations and requirements from the beginning of your relationship. This way, you should reduce the likelihood of miscommunication later down the line.

The best way to communicate is in-person, but this is often not an option for many businesses. Whether due to time issues, distance issues, or other problems – as we found in recent times with the coronavirus pandemic – meeting in person isn’t always an option.

Try video calling or speaking on the phone. Email can work too. These forms of written communication should be drawn up carefully to ensure everything is clear.

Stay on top of updates and changes

Communication is what holds your business relationships together. It helps partners stay informed, collaborate more effectively, and make smart decisions. While that initial communication is key, continuing to communicate with each other throughout your partnership is the only way to ensure your work goes smoothly.

However, communication can only be effective if it’s two-way. Make sure you’re staying on top of updates and changes. If you’re working with a supplier, they should keep you informed of any changes, too.

When managing a large, global operation, you’re bound to have unplanned changes and updates. So make sure everyone involved in your supply chain knows about these changes as soon as they happen.

Sending regular B2B emails can effectively ensure everyone is aware of any updates or changes. Finding good B2B email ideas can be difficult – especially when there aren’t many changes to update on, but keeping these emails regular will create trust in your suppliers that, when there are changes, they will be made aware.

Keep track of your suppliers’ communication patterns, too. If you notice an increase in a supplier’s communication, it could indicate a problem. This could be anything from a miscommunication to an issue with their operation.

Use cloud-based file storage

Cloud-based file storage is an integral part of effective communication when working with suppliers. You and your partners will likely be sharing files, but you don’t want to put sensitive information on someone else’s server. Cloud storage offers security and privacy that a physical server doesn’t.

It also makes sharing files more straightforward for everyone involved—without compromising security. Use a cloud-based file storage system as soon as you start collaborating with suppliers. This will help you keep track of all the files you’re sharing, make them easily accessible, and keep them safe.

For example, Dropbox is an excellent option for B2B manufacturers who want to streamline their communication, collaborate more effectively, and stay organized. It’s secure and simple to use, making it easy to share files—and track what’s being shared.

4 Ways to Make Your Customers Feel Valued

StrategyDriven Customer Relationship Management Article |Make your customers feel valued|4 Ways to Make Your Customers Feel ValuedIf you want to make sure that your business is a success, then you have to make sure that your customers feel valued. If your customers or clients do not feel valued, then you may find that they seek the same service from elsewhere and this is the last thing that you need. If you want to do something about this, then you need to make sure that you are doing everything you can to focus on your customers and also make sure that they are respected at every stage of the process. Want to find out more? Keep on reading.

Clients are People Too

Everyone loves the feeling of being acknowledged, even in very small ways. One thing that you can do to try and help them here would be for you to ensure that you are treating them as if they are real people. They are not robots that sit on the other side of your computer screen, and they are not another number in your sales pipeline. Find out when your clients are going to be celebrating their birthday or even an anniversary. If it works for your company, then you need to try and offer them a discount if you can. This can work wonders for your sales, and you may even find that it shows your customers that you value them and the business that they bring in. Sign the discount card personally whenever you send it to them in the mail as well. If you can do this, then you’ll soon be able to make them feel more looked-after.

Give them some Personal Attention

Nothing says “very important person” than having someone actively roll out the red carpet. That being said, you do not want to suffocate your customers and clients. You do not want to pounce on them the moment they walk through the door. If you know that your clients do a lot of business with you online rather than in a storefront, then don’t send them emails all the time. If you do, then you may find that they end up feeling overwhelmed. You may even find that you end up turning them off if they feel pressured into using you, and this can cause you to lose out on business in the long run. If possible, you need to find the right balance so that you don’t seem pushy, but caring and supportive instead. This will help your customers to feel valued more than you realise. If you want to support all of your customers, then you may want to invest in something like LoopTV.

Thank Them

Whenever possible, you need to try and thank your clients for doing business with you. You do not want to overdo things here as you may come across as being false. If possible, you need to make sure that you are always genuine and that you are also speaking to them from the heart. By being authentic you can really resonate with them, and you can show them that your company cares more about them than the money they give you. This is an essential step when it comes to customer satisfaction.

Use Gift Cards

Newer clients can easily be given things like gift cards. That being said, you need to make sure that you are not forgetting about the clients that you are working with right now. Your repeat customers, who have come to you time and time again need to feel rewarded too. Loyalty programs are a great way for you to do this and it rewards them every single time they make a purchase. You might also want to think about holding a client appreciation day too. This is a set day where you can thank all of your clients for doing business with you. You have to remember that they are the reason why you are even in business, so it helps to make them feel appreciated.

So, if you can follow this guide then you should be able to make your clients feel way more looked-after and appreciated. If you can implement changes now, then it should not be long before you start seeing great results, so keep this in mind and always be mindful of tracking your bottom line. This will help you to know if the money you are investing is benefitting you in the long run. It will also help you to really push your company to that next level in terms of profit and customer satisfaction.