How to Excel in a Partnership Project

StrategyDriven Project Management Article |Partnership Project|How to Excel in a Partnership ProjectA successful business requires financial investment, hard work and time, and a bit of luck as well. Working within one’s own company might seem easy and comforting as you know the scheme of systems, however, the real task starts when you have to work within a partnership project. Managing different crews of vendors and collaborators spread out can be pretty tough, especially when they have verbal, cultural, economic, political, and social barriers that separate them from the rest of the partners. Aligning different people of different caliber and bringing them at a single pace is a difficult task, but with proper planning and management you can excel in a partnership project, and here is how you can achieve it.

Find a Common Interest

Certain clashes are sure to occur when different people with different organizational interests work together. Conflict arises even when people have to work with different teams of the same company. To proceed in a partnership project, you have to sit with other team members and discuss the points where you share common interests with others. Find a common ground on which you all can fixate your task assignments. To find a common interest, communication serves as a key, interact with your partnership team members and clients, stakeholders, and vendors to know them better.

Create Data Rooms

Virtual data rooms help several businesses, teams, and collabs to work simultaneously on a single project and get easy and safe access to project documentation and data. Firmex is providing excellent services in organizing virtual data rooms for partnership projects and giving a secure way to keep the paperwork flowing. Virtual data rooms are a safe way to share important documents with other companies and this specifically helps while you are dealing with several partners at once in a project.

Time is Crucial

Every partner works at its own pace but the deadline for the project is often the same for every partner involved. Time management is very crucial when you work with different partners on a project. You might have to face new challenges while dealing with different companies and people, however, it is the project manager who has to be alert and keep things running at a flow. A delayed delivered project would bring every involved person at risk, so it’s better to keep the differences aside while working on a project and work as a team.

Stay in Touch

It is quite possible that your partners are not from the same place where you are from. The intercity or interstate differences always cause an issue in managing a project symmetrically. To avoid any problems you must always stay in touch with your team members. Email them, call them, share screens while working, and stay on the same page. Technological inventions have made it quite easier for the business partners to align their work pace and thus keeping in touch is not a difficult task anymore.

Digitize Your Partnership

Digitizing the partnership means that you have to work on common, reliable software to speed up the work tasks. Outsourcing can bring many disparities to the different parts of your partnered team but they are all united under a common goal by taking assistance from the software and apps, whatever that might be for this project. You have to provide your teams with simple but dependable software solutions. This ensures quick, glitch-free performance and also gives you a common measure for determining the productivity of each team, especially if it includes time recording or task management.

Be Flexible

When you work with different companies and partners, giving others an edge is equally important. You have to be flexible and listen to what others are saying. Keep your homework ready, keep your plans ready but always give some space to other partners also. Discuss what they want and how they want. Working collaboratively improves the relationship and increases the likelihood of delivering the results and outcomes expected from the project.

Aim for the Best

It is important that all the partners are optimistic and positive about the end results of the project. When people are positive about achieving a task, they put their best and work efficiently. This brings success to the project partners and aids in business growth.

Four Reasons Outsourcing Might Be The Right Choice For Your Business

StrategyDriven Managing Your Business Article |Reasons for outsourcing|Four Reasons Outsourcing Might Be The Right Choice For Your BusinessBusinesses today must handle a wide range of duties, with numerous parts and facets of the business to consider. Having said that, most businesses now face the prospect of outsourcing. While it is wonderful for a company to manage everything in-house, it does not make financial or operational sense. Given this, we will assist you in determining whether or not you should outsource more aspects of your organization.

Does It Make Financial Sense?

When it comes to outsourcing, this is the first question you should ask yourself. You must ensure that the company to whom you outsource will save your organization money. Many people overlook outsourcing since they believe it will be the more expensive option. However, it is frequently the less expensive option in the long run. The best thing to do is to look at the expenses over a longer period of time, such as a year, to obtain a true grasp of which choice is the most cost-effective. After all, hiring a new employee and handling everything in-house can be expensive.

Could You Benefit From Expert Help?

Aside from the financial aspect, you should also examine whether you need to capitalize on a superior experience. When it comes to hiring accounting support for your business such as Perks, this is a fantastic example. You must ensure that you have adequate IT assistance in place to ensure that your systems operate effectively at all times and that you have adequate safeguards in place to protect you against the possibility of a data breach. If you do not have this experience in-house, you must engage the services of someone who does.

Are You Always Swamped With Work?

The third factor to consider is the passage of time. One of the primary advantages of outsourcing is that you will gain time, which will allow you to focus on the most important operations at your company, i.e. the ones that drive your bottom line and make your firm more money. Outsourcing can be quite useful in terms of business growth in this situation.

Do You Need To Reduce Costs?

Hiring and training employees is one of the most time-consuming and expensive operations in any organization, regardless of size. These procedures can take months, and even then, there really is no guarantee that the individual in issue will be a worthwhile investment and a valuable member of the team. Outsourcing enables you to transform labor costs into variable costs by just paying for the services you intend to use.

Most businesses have seasons of the year when they have more work and, as a result, more capital, and times when they have less work and, as a result, less capital. In ordinary circumstances, you would pay all of your employees the same wages year-round, as well as other expenses – office and toilet supplies, furniture, specialized equipment, computers, servers.

Final Words

When it comes to deciding whether or not outsourcing is good for you, there are numerous aspects to consider. Outsourcing is quite advantageous in a variety of situations. It can benefit your company by allowing you to leverage on higher talent while guaranteeing that you only pay for services as and when you require them. When you examine this, it’s easy to see why outsourcing has become such a popular option for so many individuals today.

Helping Your Staff to Experience Success

StrategyDriven Managing Your People Article |Experience Success|Helping Your Staff to Experience SuccessRunning a business is no easy feat, but having the right team behind you can make this venture a whole lot easier. Sure, you may want to retain as much control as possible over your business, its products, its brand and its operations, by managing as much as you possibly can yourself. But as time goes on, and as demand on your company increases, you’ll quickly find that you can’t do everything on your own. Not only does hiring staff allow you to distribute your workload, lifting a weight from your shoulders, but it can also give you access to individuals with specialist knowledge and expertise in different areas that will help your company to progress beyond your own limitations. Of course, when you take staff on, you do become responsible for them in many ways. You’re going to want to make sure that they experience success and are happy in the workplace and their position. Here’s some more on the topic!

Why Help Staff to Succeed?

All too many business owners make the mistake of thinking that if they train and improve their staff, their staff will leave for better opportunities elsewhere. But this isn’t necessarily the case. In fact, employees that are constantly encouraged to experience success through support and training are much more likely to be satisfied in their roles and this can seriously help with staff retention levels. Holding onto good staff members will reduce recruitment costs and prevent you from having to experience dips in productivity as you hire, train and introduce new members to your team as a replacement. On top of this, when you train staff, you benefit from the skills and expertise that they acquire through their training. You will simply find yourself with the best quality team you can possibly have.

Software and Tools

Make sure that your team has the software and tools they need to do their job to the highest standard. Whether that’s communications software like Microsoft dynamics phone integration or a new piece of machinery that helps with the manufacturing process. Ensuring that your team has the best tools in the trade will make sure that they can do their job to the highest standard. Unsure of developments in different areas of equipment and software to specific roles? Chances are your team working in that area knows about the latest developments and releases. Talk to them. They’ll be able to advise you on whether their current options are up to scratch or whether they could do with an upgrade.


The most straightforward and logical way to help your staff to experience success is to provide them with job-specific training. There are so many different options that you might want to consider. A copywriter might benefit from training in SEO. Management may benefit from knowing how to use Excel and other spreadsheet software. Someone in marketing could benefit from a marketing masters degree. The list goes on. Make sure to do some research and consider which areas you want your team to progress into. This can help to introduce you to training programs that benefit everyone. You may also want to consider health and safety training, such as how to do CPR, fire steward or fire marshall training and more.

Personal Development Plans

Remember that not all training has to be completely job-specific. You can help your team with personal development in areas that aren’t necessarily directly relevant to their role. Instead, you can help them to build traits, confidence and other skills that will supplement their position and help them in a variety of professional situations they may find themselves in. For example, if someone feels uncomfortable with public speaking, you may want to help them with some therapy, confidence building exercises and courses in public speaking or speech making that can help them to overcome this. If your team member wants to be healthier, you can help them along their fitness journey, which can help them to feel healthier, fitter and less likely to take time off work. If your team member wants to learn a second language, you can help them with lessons or language learning software, which will then benefit your company if you ever decide to expand into overseas markets.

It really is essential that you help your staff to progress and experience success while they’re working for you. This will keep them on board and significantly increase productivity, which benefits them and benefit you and your business.

3 Ways To Keep Your Employees Safe At Work

StrategyDriven Risk Management Article |Keep your employees safe|3 Ways To Keep Your Employees Safe At WorkIf you employ people, there is a lot more to think about than just how much you’ll pay them and what you want them to do in return for that money. As an employer, you have a number of different responsibilities toward your employees, and one of those responsibilities is to ensure they are safe at work. The better you can take care of them, the happier they will be, and that leads to better productivity, and as well as this, it’s the ethical thing to do. Here are some suggestions about how to keep your employees safe at work; this is just a start, and there are plenty more ideas to consider as well.

Create A Welcoming Work Environment

In order for an employee to be safe, they must also feel safe, and as such, the working environment you offer them has to make them feel that way – it has to be welcoming and easy to use. When your employees feel safe and comfortable, they will be able to focus on their work rather than being worried about anything going on around them.

To help make the space more comfortable and welcoming, you can do a variety of different things. Some include offering your staff ergonomic furniture, ensuring there is plenty of natural light in the office or warehouse, getting your boiler serviced by Bensons Gas to keep the heating working and ensure there is enough hot water, and creating break rooms so that people have somewhere to go away from their desks.

Assess The Environment

It’s also a good idea to assess the working environment to see if there are any hazards around that you can remove or at least reduce the risk of harm regarding. Carry out a full risk assessment of the workspace (including all outside areas and vehicles) and you’ll instantly be able to see if there are any areas that could be improved in terms of safety and comfort.

As part of the risk assessment, it’s wise to ask your team if there are any issues they are concerned about or anything that makes their job harder, or unsafe. These are things that you might not spot as you walk around doing your risk assessment, especially if you don’t get actively involved in the work your team does. Once you have all the information, it’s important to make changes quickly before there are any accidents and before your staff starts to feel as though you’re just not listening to them.

Offer Training

Sometimes it won’t necessarily be the workplace that’s unsafe; it might be that your team has a lack of training, which can make things that would normally be fine a potential hazard. If they don’t know how to use a particular piece of machinery, or they aren’t aware of the rules regarding safety in the workplace, accidents could happen.

Therefore, you must offer regular training to your team. Everyone who you employ should have an initial session of training to help them understand what is required and what they need to do, but it shouldn’t end there. Ideally, the training should be a regular thing for all employees, no matter how long they have worked for you or what their position is. In this way, you can be sure everyone knows how to keep themselves safe at work.

Should You Apply for an Equipment Financing Loan?

StrategyDriven Managing Your Finances Article | Should You Apply for an Equipment Financing Loan?Can your business benefit from new equipment? Maybe it’s time to apply for an equipment financing loan. Here are some things you should consider first.

What is An Equipment Loan?

An equipment loan is a type of financing in which businesses can purchase new or used equipment. The purchased equipment secures the loan, and the term is typically for 3-5 years. Equipment loans are popular among small businesses because they provide a way to finance needed equipment purchases without having to dip into their working capital or risk their personal finances.

Benefits of Applying for an Equipment Loan

There are several reasons your business might benefit from applying for an equipment loan.  Take a look at some of the most common.

Finance New or Used Equipment

With an equipment loan, your business can finance the purchase of new or used equipment. This can be a great way to upgrade your operations without using your working capital.


The interest on an equipment loan is tax-deductible, which can help reduce your business’s tax burden. In addition, you can write the entire principal amount off as a business expense.

Fixed Interest Rate

Another benefit of an equipment loan is that it typically has a fixed interest rate. This allows you to budget your payments since you’ll know exactly how much to pay each month

Down Payment May Not Be Required

Some equipment loans don’t require a down payment, which can be helpful if you don’t have the cash on hand to make a large purchase.

No Prepayment Penalty

Most equipment financing solutions come with no prepayment penalty, which means if your business can pay off its equipment loan early, you won’t be charged extra. This can save you money in the long run.

Fixed Monthly Payments

Equipment loans have fixed monthly payments, which allow you to budget for your expenses.

Things to Consider Before Applying for an Equipment Loan

Before you apply for an equipment loan, make sure to consider the following.

Purpose of the Loan

The first question you should ask yourself is about the purpose of a loan. Will the equipment purchased with the loan help your business grow? Will it improve your bottom line? If you can’t come up with a legitimate reason fow how your business will benefit from an equipment loan, it may not be the right choice for you.

Can You Afford the Loan?

The next question you need to answer is whether you can afford the loan. An equipment loan is a form of debt, and you need to be sure you can make the payments each month.

Equipment Collateral

You can use the equipment your business purchases as collateral for the loan. If you default on the loan, your lender can seize the equipment. Make sure you’re comfortable with this before applying for a loan.

Length of the Loan

The loan term for an equipment loan is typically 3-5 years. This is the time you have to repay the loan. Be sure you are comfortable with this timeframe before committing to a loan.

Interest Rate

The interest rate on an equipment loan is typically fixed. This means that the interest rate will not change over the life of the loan.

The Bottom Line

Once you have considered the benefits and drawbacks of an equipment loan, it’s time to decide. If your business could benefit from the new or used equipment, an equipment loan might be the right financing option. Be sure to look into various lenders, or work with a fintech marketplace like National, to find solutions suitable to your needs.