How To Improve Your SME’s Approach To Technology

StrategyDriven Managing Your People Article |SME approach to technology|How To Improve Your SME’s Approach To TechnologyLet’s face it; almost every business now benefits from modern technology. Sadly, the vast majority fail to unlock their full potential. Given that tech features have become more vital than ever thanks to the pandemic, now is the time to put things right.

Here’s how you can transform your approach to tech in just 10 easy steps. The improvements for your business will be incredible.

Step 1: Invest in a fluid approach

When developing a new IT strategy, it’s imperative that your systems are ready to evolve. Managed services ensure that your hardware systems, data, and software licenses are aligned with your needs. Better still, they can be reviewed and altered at regular intervals as your business grows.

There is nothing worse than satisfying today’s needs but limiting tomorrow’s success. Being ready to adapt is key.

Step 2: Build flexible working environments

Over the past two years, you have probably been forced to embrace versatility. Work from home schemes and other flexible solutions have enabled companies to survive. However, many workers now prefer this way of work. Cloud-computing and real-time team messaging apps facilitate this. It can aid productivity and staff satisfaction.

It will also open the door to using ad-hoc remote workers for short-term agreements and one-off projects.

Step 3: Utilise automation

Automated tech has completely revolutionized modern business. Using equipment that is connected to the Internet of Things promotes fast, reliable operations. Manufacturing plants and warehouses can benefit greatly from this move. However, automation also supports stock management and order fulfillment.

One of the great things about increased automation is that it allows workers to focus on more crucial tasks.

Step 4: Don’t forget the human touch

While automation can make your business run smoothly, you must not forget that consumers expect a human touch. Humanizing the company website is a great starting point. It will make users feel closer to the brand and can remove any confusion. Adding a live chat facility to connect them to a real agent can work wonders too.

Interactions with your brand are supposed to be enjoyable and comfortable. Keep this in mind, and you won’t go wrong.

Step 5: Pay extra attention to maintenance

Employees need the right equipment to complete their jobs to the highest possible standards. Still, it’s not enough to simply ensure that they work well on day one. Scheduling maintenance that avoids unwanted downtime is one of the smartest moves you can make. Not least because it will keep products in good health.

Operational efficiency isn’t only important for productivity speeds. It also prevents employees from becoming disinterested.

Step 6: Invest in your employees

It’s one thing to support your business with the best equipment, but it counts for little if your employees don’t know how to use them properly. Therefore, regular training courses are an essential addition. Aside from making them familiar with new tools or ideas, it ensures that all workers take a consistent approach.

Besides, upskilling your employees keeps them mentally engaged. In turn, they’ll be keen to get more out of the tech features.

Step 7: Adopt eco-friendly moves

While many people assume that technology is an enemy of the environment, it doesn’t have to be that way. In fact, using solar energy and recycled materials can have a telling impact. Similarly, opting for paperless tech can cut down on the amount of resources you use. It’s an ideal way to use tech in an efficient way.

Aside from efficiency, corporate responsibility through greener processes will aid your brand image.

Step 8: Look to save money

Every business decision is ultimately a financial one. Long-term savings are often the main incentive for adopting new tech tools in the first place. You can use modern tech to price compare all proposed purchases or service subscriptions. Meanwhile, ideas like 3D printing can save money during prototyping. Embrace it.

By reducing your expenses, you will be in the best position to stay competitively priced. It can often aid your sales.

Step 9: Use tech to form client relationships

By now, you will have embraced digital marketing in one shape or form. Success isn’t only linked to awareness, though. You want customers to feel engaged with your content and loyal to the brand. Using video marketing and social media to provide a look behind the scenes is crucial. Again, it humanizes the brand.

Collecting data on client trends and behaviors will also help you adapt your marketing and customer care efforts.

Step 10: Protect your business

Finally, modern tech doesn’t only create new opportunities. It also presents potential dangers. Managed IT can include cybersecurity, but you must not overlook other dangers. Copyrights and patents are very important. Non-disclosure agreements can also be stored digitally.

Should an ex-employee try to profit from your ideas or innovations, you’ll be able to take the appropriate action with ease.

4 Ways to Start Generating More Website Traffic for Your Business

StrategyDriven Online Marketing and Website Development Article |Generate Website Traffic|4 Ways to Start Generating More Website Traffic for Your BusinessIf you’re like most business owners, you want more website traffic. After all, more website traffic means more leads, which means more sales. Unfortunately, generating website traffic isn’t always easy. You can do several things to increase the amount of traffic your website receives, but not all of them will work for every business. This blog post will discuss four methods that are guaranteed to help you start generating more website traffic for your business!

1) SEO

One of the best ways to generate more traffic to your website is SEO. Search engine optimization is optimizing your website for the search engines, and it can be highly effective if done correctly. You can do several different things to optimize your website for search engines. Still, some of the most important include choosing the right keywords, creating quality content, and building backlinks. If you’re unsure how to get started with SEO, you can find solutions online to drive more seo traffic to your website.

2) PPC Advertising

PPC, or pay-per-click, advertising, is another excellent way to generate more website traffic. With PPC advertising, you can create ads and display them on the search engine results pages when people search for keywords related to your business. When someone clicks on your ad, they’ll be taken to your website, and you’ll only have to pay when someone clicks on your ad. PPC advertising can be highly effective, but it’s essential to make sure that you’re targeting the right keywords and creating quality ads if you want to see results.

3) Social Media

Social media is a great way to connect with potential and current customers, and it can also be used to generate more traffic to your website. By sharing links to your website on social media, you can reach a larger audience and get more people to visit your site. In addition, you can use social media to create brand awareness and build relationships with potential and current customers. You can use many different social media platforms to generate more traffic, but some of the most popular include Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Google+.

4) Email Marketing

Email marketing is another effective way to generate more traffic to your website. You can send out emails to your potential and current customers with links to your website with email marketing. You can also use email marketing to promote special offers, coupons, or other discounts to encourage people to visit your site. In addition, email marketing can build relationships with potential and current customers and keep them up-to-date on what’s happening with your business.

These are just a few ways you can start generating more traffic for your website. If you do not see the results you want, try implementing one or more of these methods into your marketing strategy. You may be surprised at how quickly you start seeing increased website traffic!

Why Aren’t Customers Entering Your Retail Store?

StrategyDriven Managing Your Business Article |Retail Store|Why Aren't Customers Entering Your Retail Store?You invested a lot of money into a retail unit in a fantastic location. In fact, the heavy foot traffic that comes through this area is the main reason you moved your business there. Strangely, despite opening your doors a few weeks ago, you’re struggling to attract any passers-by to your retail store.

Some may stop outside, intrigued by the new store, but they rarely enter. Why is this the case? Why aren’t customers entering your retail store? A whole plethora of answers can follow this question, but we’ve narrowed it down to the most obvious ones:

Your storefront is unattractive

Nobody will enter a store if it looks really unattractive. The signage seems cheap, the shop windows are dirty, the paint is chipped, and you just generally don’t have a very inviting storefront.

It discourages people from paying you a visit, so you need to work on this right away. Start by investing in commercial cleaning services to get the front of your store looking shiny and clean. Then, work on improving your sign so it looks bold and professional. Finally, improve your window displays to encourage people to come inside. A better storefront will instantly boost the chances of seeing foot traffic in your store.

You have no online presence

That’s right, your online presence will heavily dictate your foot traffic.

How? Well, think about how most people start their journey as customers. They begin by searching for products online, which is when they are likely to find your store. Good local SEO means people can see that your shop exists and get directions to it via Google Maps. Thus, they travel down to pay you a visit and buy what they need.

You’re lacking foot traffic because you assume that everyone on the street is already interested in what you have to offer. This isn’t the case; your store might catch some people’s eyes, but most of your customers will start online and come down to see you.

You offer nothing unique

Your retail store is in a fantastic location, but the problem is that you’re surrounded by other retail stores all offering similar things. Even worse, some of these stores are big brands that have well-established reputations.

So, why would someone walk into your store when they could walk a few yards down the street and enter the one that they know they can trust?

To gain more foot traffic, you need to either set your store up in a location where it’ll be more unique or offer something that makes you stand out. What’s different about your store compared to similar ones? Do you sell a particular product that nobody else stocks? Have you got deals that they don’t? Work on making your store more unique, and this can help you gain more foot traffic.

This is why people aren’t entering your retail store. If you make some changes and things still don’t improve, you have to reassess whether or not a physical store is a good idea. Perhaps you’re destined to struggle for foot traffic as your business would operate much better as an online-only entity? Still, a lot of stores will see improvements after tackling the issues discussed above.

Signs You Are Ready To Start Outsourcing

StrategyDriven Managing Your Business Article |Start Outsourcing|Signs You Are Ready To Start OutsourcingOne of the best decisions that you can ever make when you’re a business owner, is to hand over pieces of your business to other people. It’s not that you’re giving your business away or allowing them to have a stake in it, it’s about outsourcing. Outsourcing is not a bad thing – it doesn’t mean you’re losing control. Instead, outsourcing is about getting some help.

You want your company to grow, and whether you’re hiring a virtual assistant, or using Azumo to help you with your software development, you should choose outsourcing to help your company get where it needs to be. You have to think about your goals and your end game with your company. You want your business to be a success, don’t you? Below, we have got all the signs that you are ready to start outsourcing.

  • You get to step back for a moment. Running your own business can be very full on, you have a lot of plates to spin at once and you have to do them well otherwise you’re not going to be a success. When you outsource, you get to step back from your business but you’re not stepping away from your goals. You remain in the loop and you’re making all of the right decisions, but you’re not handling it by yourself. An outsourced expert is there to work with you as a partner.
  • You’re ready to let go. As I mentioned, you’re not handling all of this by yourself. In fact, it can take some guts to let go of things and let somebody else take over. This is a huge sign of your own strength as a business leader that you’re able to do this. You can feel things piling up on you, and you’re smart enough not to burn out. That’s a great sign that you’re ready to start outsourcing.
  • You can see that it’s an incredible investment. Do you know everything there is to know about technology? Of course you don’t. You’re not expected to. It’s an investment to put money into other people‘s talents and other people’s education. When you outsource certain areas of your business, that’s exactly what you’re doing. You’re hiring somebody who knows better than you do, and that’s a great reason to outsource.
  • You’re ready to branch out. When you’re ready to expand on your business and exceed your current goals, it can always help to have a second set of eyes in the most important areas of your business. Let’s take software development for example, you need somebody who knows exactly what they’re doing to bring the software you currently have into the future. They are there to upgrade it, maintain it, and manage it so that it doesn’t go wrong. If you can find the time to fit that into your day, you wouldn’t need to outsource – but here you are!

Outsourcing could be the best thing that you ever do for your business, so what are you waiting for?

The Keys to Becoming a Great Consultant: A Practical Guide

StrategyDriven Entrepreneurship Article |Becoming a consultant|The Keys to Becoming a Great Consultant: A Practical GuideConsulting can be a lucrative way to make a living. You set your own hours and work on projects that interest you. But becoming a great consultant requires more than just learning how to do the job. It requires great people skills and the ability to work well with others. And, of course, it requires a hefty investment of time and energy. If you’re ready to put in the work, here are some things you can do to become a great consultant.

1. Set up Google Alerts for your client and its competitors.

Do you know who your client’s competitors are? If you’re like most consultants, the answer is no — and that’s a huge mistake. If you know who your client’s competitors are, it gives you a much better perspective on your value proposition and shows you where you need to improve.

If you set up Google Alerts for your client and its competitors, you’ll be the first to know when they release new content or make major press announcements. If you keep up with digital trends, you’ll be the first to see and respond to trends that might impact your business.This will help you stay current on client and industry developments, which will come in handy through the project. Go here to get started.

2. Network like crazy

Network marketing, like consulting, is a profession that requires more than just a strong work ethic. It also requires a network of people who can vouch for you and refer business your way.

As a consultant, you’ll find that the more you network the better your opportunities will be. You never know who you might meet or what connections you might make. So, if you’re sitting at a networking event and an opportunity presents itself, take it.

Networking can be nerve-wracking. You have to make time for it, but you also have to make sure that you don’t spend too much time worrying about making a bad impression.

Here are a few tips that can help you make networking productive and enjoyable.

  • Begin conversations with questions. There’s a lot you can learn from other people by asking questions and getting insights into their businesses.
  • Be genuine. The way customers see you and the emotions, associations, and facts they relate to you are what makes you stand out from your competition. Making sure you keep up a positive business reputation is, therefore, obligatory.
  • Be patient. Networking is a process, not a single event. If you’re expecting a quick payoff, you’ll be disappointed. But if you’re patient and give it time, the network will come to you.

3. Be transparent about your time

If you’re going to take on clients as a consultant, they need to trust you. And to build that trust, you need to be as transparent as possible about your time.

Clients expect to pay you for your time. So, when you’re accepting new clients, be upfront about how much time you’ll need to devote to their project. If you promise to deliver results in three months and then deliver them in two, you’re going to lose trust.

4. Stay flexible and learn new skills

If you’re looking for ways to become a great consultant, you should consider staying flexible. You never know when you’re going to need to pick up new skills.

For example, let’s say your company decides to start offering financial planning services. You’re currently working on a project that requires some financial planning expertise, so it’s a good opportunity to learn.

Now, let’s say you decide to specialize in marketing consulting instead. You’ll want to stay flexible enough to take on projects that interest you and allow you to make money.

5. Partner with other consultants or firms

Partnering with other consultants or firms is a great way to take your income to the next level. The more partners you have, the more volume you’ll be able to handle and the more money you’ll be able to make.

If you have a friend who’s a certified public accountant, you could team up to offer combined accounting and auditing services to local businesses. At Continuum Innovations they strive to deliver state-of the art services helping businesses automate and streamline their processes in a cross-functional environment. This means that you can execute your strategy or take on a project that you can’t handle on your own.


If you’re looking for an easy way to make money, this may not be the career for you. But if you’re ready to put in the work to build a successful consulting business, the advice listed here will get you on the right track. Becoming a great consultant takes hard work and dedication, but the effort is definitely worth it.