StrategyDriven Online Marketing and Website Development Article |Attract the right clients|4 Tips to Attract the Right Clients

4 Tips to Attract the Right Clients

StrategyDriven Online Marketing and Website Development Article |Attract the right clients|4 Tips to Attract the Right ClientsMany business wonders and freelancers think that attracting any clients they can is a good strategy for business success. However, casting a wide net might not always be the most optimal way to do things.

Why? For one thing, you might get a lot of inquiries from people who are not looking for the specific services you offer, and you may end up wasting a lot of time on determining that, and for another, not all clients are good clients who are easy to work with and who pay on time.

With all that in mind, here are some top tips to help you attract the best possible clients for your business:

1. Use niche SEO

One of the best things you can do to attract the right clients in the first instance is to use sector-specific SEO like this service that focuses on search engine optimization and the law. By using the right keywords, you can be pretty sure that you will attract the people who genuinely require your services to your website in the first instance which will make life a bit easier when dealing with inquiries.

2. Set up a questionnaire lead form

Compiling a questionnaire that you hand out to all of your business leads in the first instance will give you a better idea of what they are looking for, so you can further determine if they would likely make a good client or if you are not a good fit. Ask them everything from the services they require to how much they are willing to pay and it should be easy to identify clients you can work with.

3. Charge more

This may sound strange, but if you have been getting a lot of low-quality clients who are difficult or who do not value the work you are doing for them, try raising your prices. Many clients think that people who charge little for their work are inexperienced and not very good, so they will treat them accordingly. By upping your prices, you can send out the message that you are professionals who know what you are doing, and you are more likely to attract better clients that way.

4. Focus on referrals

If you can incentivize the good clients you already do have to refer you to their friends and colleagues who may need similar services, this can work out really well because if a client is good to work with, pays on time, and does not cause any difficulties, chances are their friends will be similar, and you won’t have to worry about betting them so hard. It’s not a foolproof method, but more often than not, it will work in your favor, and you will find more good clients without having to spend a lot of time and effort.

By taking your time to better choose your clients, you can avoid misunderstandings, timewasters, and clients who are simply not a good fit for whatever reason, so why not put these tips into action in your company today?

1 reply
  1. Bill Harzter
    Bill Harzter says:

    I do agree with you that focusing on one particular industry as an SEO expert can potentially get you more clients. However, keep in mind that a lot of businesses are very territorial, so to speak, and don’t really look kindly about you doing SEO for their competitors while you are doing SEO for them.

    Keywords actually are an older, outdated strategy now, as it’s best to focus on entities rather than keywords. But, I do realize that this post is from 2022.

    Adding a lead form on your website isn’t really a great strategy that’s going to bring you more clients. In fact, it will mostly bring in more spam that you then have to deal with–but there should typically be SOME way that people can get in touch with you.


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