Reasons Outsourcing Your Production is a Good Idea

StrategyDriven Managing Your Business Article |Outsourcing Production|Reasons Outsourcing Your Production is a Good IdeaOutsourcing is a popular term these days. Outsourcing refers to contracting out, or “outsourcing,” part of your production to another company. There are many benefits to outsourcing your presentation, including more time and money!

Labor Costs

You have to be very careful with your money as a business owner. This is where outsourcing production of goods comes into play for many entrepreneurs. Outsourcing helps ensure that the quality of products or services will remain high while not breaking your budget. In addition, by paying someone else to handle this aspect of your business, you can focus on other vital areas, such as marketing and sales.

Another reason to outsource production is that labor costs in other countries are often much lower than local ones. This can save you a lot of money on manufacturing or producing your products. In some cases, it may even be cheaper to have someone else make your goods overseas than to do it yourself.

Quality Control

One of business owners’ main concerns when outsourcing production is quality control. It is essential to find a company like Source One that will maintain the same level of quality as you would produce if you were doing everything in-house. This can be done by conducting due diligence on potential production partners and asking for references.

Another concern is the cost of outsourcing production. It is essential to find a company that can provide quality products at a competitive price. Again, references and due diligence are vital in finding the right partner.

When you work with a company specializing in manufacturing and assembly, they have the equipment necessary to produce high-quality products. If your product is going to be shipped out across several states or even countries, to meet certain quality leaves their warehouse. In addition, there are many standards before it needs to be reworked or scrapped altogether.

When you outsource your production, you can be sure that every step of the process is overseen by a professional. As a result, any errors or inconsistencies are caught and corrected before they become a problem. Additionally, since the people watching production are experts in their field, they know how to get the most out of your product and produce it in the most efficient way possible.

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Reliable Production

Outsourcing is an excellent idea for any company looking to expand but doesn’t want the hassle of hiring employees and building out new facilities. Outsourced manufacturing companies can provide solutions with short-term projects and long-term engagements depending on your business needs.

When you outsource your production, you’re essentially tapping into a new and more reliable manufacturing source. By partnering with an experienced and capable outsourced manufacturer, you can increase your production capacity without investing in new equipment or training for your staff. In addition, you can learn more if you are looking for a company with experience in this area.

When you outsource your manufacturing, you’re looking into a team of experts who have the knowledge and resources to create high-quality products efficiently. By working with an experienced manufacturer, you can avoid common problems during production, such as defects and missed deadlines. Additionally, you’ll have access to several different production methods that can be more affordable than working with local manufacturers.

Decreased Lead Times

In today’s world, time is of the essence. Outsourcing your production can lead to decreased lead times for your products. In addition, when you work with a company that specializes in manufacturing and assembly, they will have the latest and greatest technology at their disposal. This means that they can get your product to market faster than if you were to try and do it yourself.

Project Management

When you have someone else produce your product, they will likely have their team in place that can handle all aspects of the project. This means that you don’t have to worry about coordinating different groups or managing multiple deadlines. Instead, you can focus on other aspects of your business that are equally important.


One of the main benefits of outsourcing your production is how much communication you will save. When you outsource, it’s typically a “hands-off” approach, and everything is handled by email or phone calls. There are no in-person meetings that require extensive preparation on your part. This saves time when trying to schedule and organize a project.


Outsourcing design work allows you to have a team of designers that can create custom graphics for your product. This way, everything looks uniform and consistent across the board while still having a unique flair that speaks to your brand’s identity. It also ensures high-quality results with each step of production instead of relying on multiple people to produce subpar work.

Shipping and Logistics

With more companies outsourcing their shipping, logistics, and fulfillment work, you’ll no longer need to worry about hiring additional employees for these tasks. Many eCommerce businesses choose this route because they don’t have the space to store or ship their products. By outsourcing, you can free up valuable office and warehouse space.

Outsourcing your shipping operations also allows you to take advantage of economies of scale. You’ll get better rates on shipping when you work with a company that specializes in this area. And, since these companies have a lot of experience shipping all kinds of products, you can rest assured your orders will be processed quickly.

In addition to saving time and money for your business, outsourcing also helps reduce the stress of managing fulfillment operations in-house. Your employees won’t need to spend their days packing boxes or dealing with suppliers. Instead, they can focus on more critical tasks to help your organization grow. With the correct shipping and logistics partner, you’ll be able to concentrate on growing your business without worrying about how it all gets done behind the scenes.

There are a lot of reasons to outsource production for your business. It can help give you more control over your product, lower costs, and time-to-market, to name a few. However, when it comes down to finalizing whether or not this is the right choice for you, some key things will determine if outsourcing production is the right decision for your business.

Best skills to learn to earn more money

StrategyDriven Professional Development Article |Earn more money|Best skills to learn to earn more moneyHow much money are you making now? Do you think it’s enough to live comfortably in your location? If not, then maybe it’s time to take a look at the skills that could help increase your income. There’re plenty of opportunities out there for people with certain skill sets to earn more money! Take a few moments and read through this post about some skills that will give you an edge over others when applying for jobs. You may be surprised by what you find out!


If you’re looking for a career that will always be in demand, then construction is a great option. There are always new buildings being constructed and older ones that need repairs! This is a great industry to get into if you’re willing to put in the hard work.

Computer Science

Computers play an enormous role in our lives these days, and that’s not going to change any time soon. If you’re good with computers, then consider taking your computer skills to the next level by learning coding or other things like hardware troubleshooting.

Data Entry

Copy and pasting info from one place to another is the definition of data entry! This is an easy skill to learn, so there’s really no reason not to add it to your resume. And if you learn another language, like Spanish or French, then even better!


At one point or another, everyone is going to need their sink fixed! If you’re not opposed to getting your hands dirty and learning how to fix things, then this could be a great option for you. The only downside is plumbing tends to pay lower than other careers with similar skill requirements. But if you don’t mind taking a pay cut, then this could be a great choice for you.

Real Estate and Investing in Property

The real estate industry is always growing, and there’s always a need for new agents. If you’re good with people and have a knack for sales, then this could be a great career choice for you! You’ll need training if you’re serious about getting into real estate. Try Asset Academy; they’ve got a fantastic four-step program focusing on all aspects of property investment. You’ll be ready to get going in no time!


Copywriting is the process of writing copy for advertisements, web pages, or other marketing materials. If you’re good at this, then you can easily make more money than the average person. Many companies are always looking for good copywriters!

Digital Marketing

Digital marketing is the process of promoting a brand or product using digital channels. This can include things like social media, email campaigns, and search engine optimization. If you’re good at this, then you could easily make a career out of it!


According to eMarketer, back in 2014, 63.3% of adults used the internet on a daily basis. That number is only going to rise as time progresses! This means there has never been a better time than now to start an e-commerce business. Just be warned: it’s not as easy as it looks. You’ll need to put in a lot of hard work if you want your business to be successful.

5 Benefits of Flexible Packaging

StrategyDriven Tactical Execution Article |Flexible Packaging|5 Benefits of Flexible PackagingFlexible packaging is fairly new. It can provide some unique options to increase the usefulness or attractiveness of otherwise mundane product packages. As such, it can attract more consumers to try a product whereas they may have just passed it by before. Here are five benefits of flexible packaging.

1. Increased Design Options

Some designs don’t favor a product package that’s boxy or rectangular. It restricts what designs will work and limits the options for creatives. However, flexible packages such as a foil pouch or even a bag, create new opportunities to implement interesting eye-catching designs. Also, being non-traditional shapes, they encourage shoppers to touch them and see how they feel. This increases the level of interaction with the packaging as part of the overall buying experience for the consumer. On the product coding side of things, an inkjet case coder from a company like Diagraph can provide a solution to correctly code products during production runs.

2. Extend Shelf Life

For some products, the use of flexible product packages boasts the opportunity for extended life, especially for fresh produce. While the packaging used to transport the product to its retailer destination may be robust, the retail-level packaging may allow it to breathe or adjust in shape to avoid restricting it.

3. Re-Closure & Re-seal Packaging Solutions Preferred by Consumers

Some flexible packaging is designed not just to contain a product, but to allow it to be accessed, and re-accessed again safely. Especially in the food category, but also relevant for supplements and other categories too, the ability to open the packaging to access the product, to re-seal it again, and do so repeatedly to retrieve small amounts of what’s contained inside is highly useful. These types of solutions can prevent the item from being exposed to too much air, causing it to go stale, lose or change its taste, or suffer other undesirable consequences.

It also prevents someone from needing to use all the supplies quicker than they’d prefer, otherwise it’ll go bad in a day or two once opened. Subsequently, consumers can safely purchase larger volumes and not worry about their longevity.

4. Reduce Waste in Landfills

On the manufacturing side, it has been found that flexible packaging has the benefit of needing less energy to produce and, depending on the product, less H2O too. It’s also lightweight compared to other packaging options, resulting in transportation savings with increased boxes per shipment. Because flexible packaging flattens out better, it requires less space if it gets to a landfill (and isn’t recycled properly).

5. Fewer Greenhouse Gases

Producing flexible packaging is less intensive and so machinery produces fewer emissions. Because it is more efficient to transport it from the manufacturing plant to the retailer, delivery trucks generate fewer greenhouse gases or carbon because lighter packaging requires pushing their truck engines less to get to their destination. Every little bit helps in this regard.

Flexible packaging is taking off because it’s an interesting solution for consumers looking for something different. It is also environmentally friendlier, lighter, and allows for new design ideas to compete in competitive marketplaces.

How SMEs Can Step up Their eCommerce Game

StrategyDriven Online Marketing and Website Development Article |eCommerce|How SMEs Can Step up Their eCommerce GameIn today’s world, there is a huge demand for online shopping. Rather than going into a physical store to shop, more and more people are choosing to make purchases online, which is why now is the best time to start an eCommerce business. From retail stores with an online presence to full-on e-stores with goods available online only, there are plenty of ways enterprising business owners can cash in on the ever-growing trend. With the right business plan and a bit of know-how, SMEs can capitalize on this trend and generate more income. Here are a few top tips to help you step up your eCommerce game.

Place Focus on Visual Branding

It doesn’t matter what industry you find yourself in or whether you sell a service or a product, all company’s need to focus on creating an effective brand. In particular, visual branding can help you communicate your company’s personality and attract your target audience. An attractive, memorable logo with a catchy slogan can help your business go further. While the colors, font, and typography you choose can help your brand stick in consumers’ minds. With stiff competition, strong visual branding can help your business stand out from the crowd and make a lasting impression.

Build an Engaging E-Store

A professional-looking online shop that engages the consumer is a must for eCommerce businesses. It only takes a typo or a bad description to repel potential consumers. Furthermore, your business website needs to be quick to load and easy to navigate. In addition to engaging, well-written content, efficient user experience can help turn site visitors into paying customers. For a website that ticks every single box, make sure you employ an expert in software development. Scrum Launch is made up of a team of experts who have experience in product innovation, marketing automation, and software development. They even provide training in web development in Ukraine for budding developers. These talented developers are then well-equipped to help you build a high-quality, scalable e-store.

Prioritize Delivery Time

Studies show that delivery time is a top priority for many online shoppers. In fact, approximately 87 percent of consumers pinpoint shipping speed as a deciding factor before making a second purchase from an eCommerce company. In addition, 47 percent of consumers are willing to pay more for faster shipping speeds, while 67 percent of consumers would fork out for same-day delivery if they need an item to arrive before a specific date. Placing focus on transport and logistics could impact the number of people who choose to shop with you again and improve the overall buying experience for customers.

Effective Customer Communication Tools

Good customer service can greatly increase the number of customers who return to your online store. At the same time, if you only give bad customer service, it will not only repel existing customers, but it can also ruin your reputation as an online retailer. Effective communication tools, such as email automation and chatbots, can help you streamline your communication, sales, and customer service processes.

Is Your Business In A Downward Spiral? Can You Fix It?

StrategyDriven Managing Your Business Article |Downward Spiral|Is Your Business In A Downward Spiral? Can You Fix It?Have you noticed that your business has been in a downward spiral lately? This happens to some businesses over their time on the market, and if you are one of the ones that are lucky enough to be able to stop it, we suggest that you grab the chance. A lot of businesses won’t be able to make a recovery, but you should be able to tell pretty fast whether or not your business is going to be one of them. In this article, we’re going to be taking a look at some of the things that you should be doing if your business is in a downward spiral so that you can fix it. Keep reading down below if you would like to find out more.

Hire More Employees

The first thing that you should think about is hiring some more employees. We know that this might be trying to use money that you don’t really have, but it’s better than not having enough staff to cover the demand that you currently have. The best thing that you can do for yourself is either outsource to an agency and get some agency workers in on a temporary basis, or just hire people straight away. Ideally, you want someone short term so that you can then work on getting the business back on track, before you start spending more money.

However, this isn’t always how life works out and sometimes you have to get yourself some new full-time employees right away. If this happens, start out with one or two and see how they can manage to curb some of the issues you are having. We’re not saying that it’s going to be an instant fix, but it will certainly help sort out any backlog you have at the moment.

Reduce How Many People You Serve

It may be the case that you have taken on more than you can handle for now, and you need to scale back a little bit. Stop trying to stretch yourself so thin serving as many people as possible and instead focus on providing high quality to a smaller number of people. Once you have done this, you can then work on increasing the amount of people that you can provide your product or service to. While it might feel as though you are taking a step backwards, we can assure you that this is essential to stop the overflow that is happening.

Sometimes taking a step back is not the worst thing in the world. Sometimes, it is necessary so that we can see where things started to go wrong, or simply to give yourself a little breather. There is nothing wrong with this, so don’t be fooled into thinking that it is.

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Focus On Customer Service

Customer service really is important, and if you haven’t been placing enough of a focus on that, then you need to start now. It might be true that one of the reasons your business was on a downward spiral was because you are losing customers faster than water through a bucket with holes in the bottom. To avoid this, you have got to offer your customers an experience that they are not going to forget, and for all the right reasons. You want to ensure that you are doing everything in your power to provide a friendly and helpful service, which means that your employees all need to be trained in this.

Try to add more layers to your customer service if you can, just to give yourself an edge over the competition. For example, add live web chat as an option to contact you, and add in some other language options to make life easier for those whose first language is not English. Both of these things should make life a little more comfortable for the customer, which increases your overall rating.

Think About Your Marketing

Marketing! It’s an important concept even if there are business owners out there who would not agree with that statement. Above we mentioned that you might have too many customers, but the problem could also be that you don’t have enough. If this is true for you, then marketing is going to be your answer. This is how you let people know who you are, what you are capable of and why they should choose you over anyone else in the industry. It’s hard to sell someone on your business if you’re not even putting any emphasis on marketing at all.

For example, if you are a HVAC company then you are going to need to really think about HVAC digital marketing and what is going to appeal to your customers. The same goes for any industry really, as you have got to try and create what they want. Show them what they are looking for, even if they don’t know that’s what they are looking for until they see it. You provide the service, so you need to tell them why they should hire you.

Save Yourself Some Money

A common problem with businesses these days is that they don’t have the money that they need in order to do what they are trying to do. So, the simple solution is to save some more money, right? This isn’t as easy as it sounds though which is where the problem comes in. There are a number of methods that you can try in order to get to your goal, one of which is outsourcing departments rather than trying to maintain them yourself. You can get professional help for less money than you would pay to full-time salaried employees. This means that you will have a little bit of extra cash to pump into the areas that aren’t really working right now.

Another thing that you can do to save money is try and change suppliers. If you can find someone who can provide you with what you need while offering it to you at a cheaper price than your current supplier, all while providing the same quality, then you need to take it. It can save you a lot of cash doing this, as shopping around is always the best way to find the best deals.

Add A New Service

Have you thought about adding a new product or service to your line up? It may simply be a case of the demand for your current services is dwindling at the moment, but this doesn’t mean that you can’t get it back. Demand goes up and down depending on what is going on in the world, and depending on the popularity of some things. There isn’t much that you can do about it other than try to make people want your product or service through marketing but we have already talked about this above. As such, you need to think about adding something else to your list of offerings. This might be the boost and the change that your business needs in order to boost back up to where it should be.

Ideally, this will mean that the downward spiral your business is on will stop, and you will be able to plug the hole with the new service. Essentially, that is all it is when you are trying to sort your business out, plugging holes. You just need to find something that is the right fit.

Take A Look From The Outside

Try to take a look at your business from the outside and see what is going on. Take a look as to how you appear to the average consumer, and then ask yourself if you are a business that you would use. If the answer is no, then you need to put your finger on what the problem is so that you can change it. Come up with a list of things if you can as every little detail is going to matter when it comes to your company. If consumers have a negative perception of your business, this could be keeping them away from using the service that you are offering which is the last thing that you need.

Get feedback from customers and people online to see what they think as well. Combining their feedback with your own perceptions could be really helpful when it comes to working out how to fix what isn’t working anymore.

We hope that you have found this article helpful, and now see some of the things that you can do to try and fix your business if it is in a downward spiral. The most important part of this entire process is stopping the spiral, so if you can manage that then you are going to be in a stronger position than you were before. Once you manage to put the brakes on this, you can then work on implementing things to try and stop your business from crashing any further, and hopefully the advice that we have given you will work. We wish you the very best of luck, and hope that your business starts to see success again soon.