5 tips on how team bonding can assist to build a solid company culture

StrategyDriven Corporate Cultures Article |Team Bonding|5 tips on how team bonding can assist to build a solid company cultureProductivity in an organization is no longer solely dependant on an individual’s technical competencies. Organizational culture is now vital to employee engagement and happiness. Happy employees contribute better than unhappy ones. The millennial workforce particularly is more inclined towards working in a positive organizational culture than their previous generation. Research also supports this as a LinkedIn survey shows that 65% of employees would work for a lesser pay and forgo a fancy job title rather than deal with a bad work environment.

Building a positive organizational culture is beyond occasional perks and monetary benefits. When people trust each other and connect with each other on a personal level, they tend to be more committed to their employers and go beyond the call of duty. Team bonding activities are one way to bring employees together on a personal level. Team bonding activities have also gained more popularity post-pandemic as employers are grappling to rebuild positive organization cultures. For example, Organizing team bonding activities in Singapore is now more than just fun. Employees and employers in Singapore have been vocal that the pandemic has taken a toll on mental health and team bonding activities can help in reinforcing a positive work culture. Therefore, team bonding activities are no doubt a highly impactful way to build a solid work culture.

Here are 5 ways in which team bonding helps in building culture:

Builds a set of values and beliefs

The set of underlying values and beliefs within an organization is the foundation of it’s culture. When teams or individuals do not align with these values, a positive organizational culture cannot be built. Team building activities not only help in building these values but also help in preserving them. While doing team activities they also evolve into supporting each other, identifying team strengths, and communicating effectively. Some examples of activities that can help in building these values are lunch or dinners, celebrating milestones, recognizing hidden talents, investing in employee’s individual growth etc.

Fosters personal interactions among team members

Culture cannot exist when people do not interact with each other. Social interactions help team members in understanding each other better and nurturing personal relationships. When teams get together to interact on a personal level, they build lasting bonds and make memorable impressions. These bonds help in building a culture that is welcoming, positive, and enduring. Some examples of activities that build personal bonds are truth or dare, a cooking session, an outdoor game day, movie nights, etc. The most important aspect for an activity to successfully build team bonds is to be as much fun as possible. When individuals build memories while interacting with each other, it leads to positive experiences.

Facilitates interactions between leadership and team members

While building a culture is the foundation, preserving it and reinforcing it as a part of organization’s operations is detrimental to the success of an organization. Leadership of the organization and their interactions with team members are pivotal to reinforcing organizational culture. These activities are an opportunity for leaders to engage with their team members and build trust and empathy. Leaders do not have to be worried about becoming vulnerable or losing authority when they interact on a personal level with team members. These activities allow leaders to build transparent and empathetic connections with team members.

Improves collaboration

A highly collaborative organizational culture is one of the strengths of a productive team. When there is a culture that encourages, supports, and promotes collaboration team members feel welcomed and engaged. Team bonding is critical to building a highly collaborative culture. When team members do not share personal bonds they do not trust each other and collaboration becomes forced. This will also lead to rigid and non-communicative teams. Team bonding activities like escape rooms, scavenger hunts etc are great for improving collaboration.

Boosts employee morale

Lastly, a good organizational culture thrives when employees are positive and motivated. Demotivated employees do not take an active part in building the organization’s culture. Organizing team bonding activities regularly helps in cultivating this positive mindset. As these activities provide an opportunity for employees to interact beyond their work desks, a sense of belonging and camaraderie is developed. Furthermore, these activities also bring together individuals to collaborate on a collective goal. Some examples of team bonding activities that are great for motivating employees are outdoor sports days, group fitness sessions, challenges, etc.

Team bonding activities if well organized can have a significant impact on an organization’s culture. They reflect the organization’s commitment to employee well-being and individual success along with the organization’s success. Building culture is also a collective effort rather than individual. Therefore, organizing team building activities regularly will not only build the company culture but also help in preserving it.

Benefits of Studying Automotive Engineering

StrategyDriven Professional Development Article | Benefits of Studying Automotive EngineeringAutomotive engineering is one of the toughest engineering courses. So, if you are also looking to become an automotive engineer, you must be prepared with dedication and passion for the auto world. The automotive engineering degree can offer you several benefits that are not just limited to cars:

Job Opportunities

The first and foremost benefit of automobile engineering is the employment opportunities, as the automobile industry has the largest scope compared to other engineering disciplines. You can find jobs both at the national and international level according to your designation and proficiency and a place where you want to work, such as fabrication plants and design centers.

Wider Area of Work

There is a wide area where you can put your skills into use once you become an automotive engineer. You will have the opportunity to work on all sorts of vehicles, starting from two-wheelers to heavy vehicles. You can also work on the components that are used in vehicles.


One of the best things about this field is that it allows creativity. You are not just limited to design or production, but you can work on anything related to automobiles. This means that you have a lot of opportunities to showcase your creativity and improve it with time, like CEO Patrick James.


Money is not just a motivation for some people; it is necessary for everyone. Automotive engineering offers a good salary and monetary benefits compared to other courses. So, if money is your main concern, then this degree should be your priority.


If you want to travel the world and work on different kinds of the latest technology, then this field is for you. According to your designation, you can be posted in any part of the country or even abroad. This also increases your chance to learn about other cultures and traditions apart from increasing your salary.

Improved Lifestyle

This career offers an improved lifestyle because it provides monetary benefits, but it also helps you make new connections that are beneficial when it comes to certain situations like weddings, etc. Automotive engineers enjoy a better status in society due to their qualifications and job opportunities, so they command respect, improving their social status.

Variety of Jobs

Automotive engineers have a lot to choose from regarding their job profiles. They can work in design, research and development, testing, manufacturing, and many other areas. This allows them to try different things and work on something they are interested in.

Development of Skills

This career does not just offer monetary and social benefits, but it also develops your skills in various areas. You get an opportunity to learn new skills and improve the ones you have. This is very beneficial because it helps you in your professional and personal life.

Global Industry

The automobile industry is global, and you will have the opportunity to work with companies all over the world. This gives you a chance to learn about other countries’ different cultures, traditions, and customs. You will get an opportunity to travel the world and meet new people, which is beneficial in life.

Hands-on Experience

In this field, you get a chance to work on the latest technologies and latest developments happening in the market. You can also get an opportunity to work with different tools and equipment used for automobile development. This is a beneficial thing because not only does it give you experience, but it also teaches you how things work, which is a valuable life lesson.

So, these are some of the benefits of studying automotive engineering. If you are determined to succeed in this field, make sure you have the passion and dedication towards cars. With proper hard work and guidance, you can easily achieve your goals and make a successful career in automotive engineering.

A Guide for Business Owners: How to Protect Your Company Fleet

StrategyDriven Risk Management Article |Protect your company fleet|A Guide for Business Owners: How to Protect Your Company FleetIf your company operates a fleet operation, protecting your vehicles is of the utmost importance. Taking on this responsibility will help your business to remain on the road for longer, which in turn will aid you in your attempt to provide a quick, efficient, and cost-effective service to your consumers.

For advice on how to protect your company fleet, read on.

Protect against collisions

Should any of your drivers, for whatever reason, find themselves involved in a road collision, you could be liable to face a whole host of problems going forward. For one, the driver may suffer substantial injuries and, in turn, be off work for a considerable amount of time. On top of that, you will be tasked with fixing your vehicle, you will have to handle your insurance issues, and you may even be forced to repair your fleet’s reputation.

Protecting against road collisions should be one of your top priorities. To aid you in your attempt to perform this all-important task, it’s advised that you invest in a vehicle blind spot camera. With a cutting-edge tech tool such as Mobileye at your disposal, your drivers will be made more aware of their surroundings while they’re out there on the open road. Amongst a slew of other benefits, this will help them to actively avoid hazardous situations while reversing.

Fend off theft

Unfortunately, there will always be people out there lurking in the shadows, waiting patiently for the perfect moment to steal your vehicular assets. If you don’t want to be blighted by the plight of criminality in this sense, fending off theft should be one of your top priorities.

There are a number of things that you can do to protect your fleet, one of which being to invest in onsite security. With trained security professionals in place, you won’t ever have to worry about your fleet courtyard being left unattended. Even at night, there will always be someone there to keep an eye on your valuable vehicles.

A dedicated security team will not, however, be enough to provide your fleet with full-scale protection. If you’re serious about shoring up your safety measures, it’s highly recommended that you utilize alarms, CCTV, immobilizers, and tracking devices. With all of this technology at hand, not only will you have the capacity to fend off theft at the scene, but you can also help to prevent it altogether.

Train your drivers

Last but certainly not least, training your drivers is another crucial task that you are advised to perform. By taking the time to educate your road-based workforce, you will clarify your exact security specifications and expectations. Ultimately, this will help your staff members to spot and avoid potentially dangerous situations in the future.

When training your drivers, remember to remind them that they shouldn’t leave any valuables in your vehicles overnight. This will drastically reduce the likelihood of your fleet being broken into.

The time, effort, and money that you have invested into growing your fleet will all go to waste if you fail to protect your vehicles, which is why you should consider heeding the above advice.

On-Demand Manufacturing: The Perfect Way to Minimize Your Risk

StrategyDriven Managing Your Business Article |On-Demand Manufacturing|On-Demand Manufacturing: The Perfect Way to Minimize Your RiskCountless businesses benefit from traditional manufacturing techniques. These companies find they can have products produced in large quantities so they are always on hand when customers want and need them. When a company wants a custom product produced, however, obtaining a quote becomes a challenge. The buyer or engineer spends time contacting various suppliers to get quotes and answers to various production questions. Furthermore, they must negotiate the price with each manufacturer.

This process takes time and manpower. Furthermore, the manufacturing process lacks the transparency companies want and need. When a startup or small and medium enterprise moves through this process, they often find they detour from the innovation path. Fortunately, they don’t need to take this route. With the help of on-demand manufacturing, often referred to as cloud manufacturing, companies find they have the items they need and stay on track with their business goals.

What is On-Demand Manufacturing?

With on-demand manufacturing, a company only produces the goods it needs at any given time. They can request one copy of the product or 1,000. This process allows companies of any size to provide their customers with the desired product in a reasonable time frame. Startups and SMEs find this is the solution they need to build their business and expand it.

Why Choose On-Demand Manufacturing Over Traditional Options?

Companies want to know the benefits of cloud manufacturing to ensure it meets their needs. They find the process is scalable and allows them to manufacture only those items they know will sell. They no longer need to sit on inventory and pay for storage space for the products or markdown items that didn’t sell as expected. Furthermore, customers love getting a product they need promptly while paying an affordable price for it. There is also no need for the company to produce parts that will sit around waiting to be used, as they can be manufactured only when they are required to fulfill a sale.

The company can expand its product line and create unique, one-of-a-kind items. In addition, they find the need to forecast new product volumes decreases, and they can dedicate staff resources to those tasks designed to grow the business. Customer service improves as a result.

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Less Risk

Companies take on less risk thanks to on-demand manufacturing. In addition, 3D printing costs continue to decrease, manufacturing industries are modernizing, and consumers love personalized products. Startups and small to medium size enterprises benefit from on-demand manufacturing, as they employ a risk reduction strategy. What are some benefits associated with this option?


Customization options increase with cloud manufacturing, as the business finds it can make small production runs. Customization options boost a company’s sales conversions. Furthermore, companies find they can make prototypes without incurring the high cost of doing so. Prototypes often become cost-prohibitive when traditional manufacturing methods are used, but on-demand manufacturing allows a company to make a prototype at an affordable cost. The company can then determine its market acceptance and determine whether to proceed with manufacturing the item.

Time to Market

Traditional manufacturing methods lead to a lag time between obtaining the initial quote to producing the item. By the time a product makes it to market, the demand for the item could significantly decrease. Startup and small to medium enterprise businesses often find this to be a major issue. They forecast major sales for a product only to find large sums of money are tied up in products that don’t move. Faster production methods enable a business to help more customers and generate more revenue without this risk.

Decreased Costs

The cost assessment takes less time and the estimation process is simplified. The fast production times result in a rapid lead time. Businesses find this reduces their sales risk significantly. Business owners find they no longer need to place a minimum order to work with suppliers. This saves them time and money as well.

Inventory and storage costs drop drastically when a company makes use of on-demand manufacturing. Companies just starting out and small businesses need to maximize their cash flow, and on-demand manufacturing allows them to do so. They reduce the capital spent on storage, as they pay less in warehouse fees and the labor required to manage the storage. The funds saved in this area may be used for marketing, customer service, research and development, and more. All help to grow the business further.

Furthermore, the funds saved in this area may be kept in reserve. Many business owners find they have little in reserve when disaster strikes. The global pandemic of 2020 showed how important it is to prepare for anything and have funds set aside for when a problem arises. Reduced inventory requirements free up funds that become valuable in times such as those.


Cloud manufacturing makes use of a platform-based approach. This approach continues to transform the manufacturing industry in ways people couldn’t have imagined a few short years ago. It finds ways to reduce the frustration experienced by designers and engineers in a variety of areas.

The platform provides an interface that is automated and centralized. This platform allows for simplified communication between the engineers and suppliers while eliminating delays and inefficiencies. The streamlined communication process offers countless benefits and eases the production process at every step.

Companies find they can produce products in the U.S. today that previously weren’t possible. In the past, electronic part production runs were handled offshore for a range of reasons. Today, companies in the United States take on PCB assembly and device manufacturing, among other things, thanks to on-demand manufacturing. This allows for cost savings without the worry of delays associated with international business today. The company can feel confident it will be able to deliver on promises to consumers when on-demand manufacturing methods are used.

If you have yet to consider the use of on-demand manufacturing, now is the time to do so. Companies that employ this manufacturing method find they save money while better meeting the needs of their customers. This allows them to compete against major businesses in crowded industries while boosting their bottom lines.

What Not To Do When Running A Retail Business

StrategyDriven Managing Your Business Article |Running a Retail Business|What Not To Do When Running A Retail BusinessBeing a retailer comes with many perks. For instance, there is less liability risk as you don’t get to bear the loss of replacing a defective product. It doesn’t require significant space and initial capital, making it an ideal business for budding entrepreneurs. As of 2020, there were over 1 million retail establishments in the US, reiterating its popularity.

However, your retail business can crash if you don’t know the right steps to take. Here are costly errors to avoid when running a retail business.

1. Picking the wrong location

Except you’re running an online store, your retail business needs a good location. You may be doing your venture a huge disservice if you don’t get the right place to set up your store. For instance, it’s not prudent to open a high-end fashion retail store close to a college campus. Likewise, opening a meat shop in a predominantly vegetarian area may not get the required sales. Poor location will affect your sales, but you can also reduce employee morale, leading to high turnover rates.

Therefore, it’s best to consider certain factors before opening your store in certain locations. First, you need to determine your target market and where they are located to determine where to set up your shop. While at it, you can leverage creative design in retail to make your store more appealing to your clients. As a tip, choose a closer place to public transportation systems, easy parking spaces to improve accessibility.

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2. Undermining good customer service

Good customer service is instrumental to your retail business growth. A Salesforce research revealed that 91% of customers would patronize a business if they enjoy positive customer service. Likewise, happy and satisfied customers are more likely to promote your business to others. In other words, you get to welcome new customers without spending a dime. What’s more, good customer service can result in increased profits and improved brand image. Considering the benefits of good customer service, you may be doing your business a huge disadvantage by not prioritizing it.

Being friendly and welcoming is a good way to attract customers to your retail store, so keep this in mind. It’s also best to listen to your customers’ feedback and opinions to tailor your products to suit their needs. Also, offer personalized services to your clients, and consider sending them personalized gift cards on their birthdays and anniversaries. These seemingly small acts will make your clients feel valued.

3. Hiring the wrong employees

Although your products are great, you may still lose customers if your staff are not fit for the job. While it may be easy to hire just anyone for your retail store, you’d want to avoid that at all costs. Besides, an employee who doesn’t love to work at retail stores may not treat your customers right, leading to reduced sales. Therefore, it’s best to work with people who align with your work culture. When hiring, place the candidates in real-life situations to determine how they work under pressure.