Keeping Your Storage Warehouse In Good Condition

StrategyDriven Managing Your Business Article |Storage Warehouse|Keeping Your Storage Warehouse In Good ConditionWhen we think about managing our inventory properly, we often think of the range of processes that need to be taken care of in maintaining, preserving, securing, and organizing that stock. This may mean storing our goods on strong palettes that can be easily moved by machinery like forklifts and easily loaded onto trucks, using long straps to hold this in place, as well as making sure it is stored properly, without overly stacking goods on top of one another.

In some cases, industrial storage areas require certain conditions to be met. For instance, refrigeration or freezing may be essential for some products, and not necessarily just for food items either. Yet it’s also true that while keeping your inventory in good condition is essential for preserving its value – none of this could be made possible if your warehouse is in shoddy shape.

In this post, then, we’ll discuss a few means by which you can keep your storage warehouse in good condition. With this approach, you’re sure to benefit by keeping your staff safe and your inventory in an ideal environment:

Floor Cleaning

Your floor must be in good condition, stable, free from obstacles at all times, and of course, clean. You can use industrial floor cleaner services to make sure that years of movement, heavy objects being transported, drops, scrapes and other debris that may have effective the floor over the years, not to mention millions of steps, is totally undone and that the space is rendered safe and stable once more. This way, you’ll be sure to improve safety while also keeping your inventory in good condition.

Secure Shelving

Of course, when storing inventory, it’s essential to make sure that actual installations in your building are equipped to handle that weight, and constant use. Flimsy industrial shelving units can cause real problems, as can ill-maintained equipment, as can overused palettes in need of replacement. Constantly making sure your investments to this degree are properly aligned can aid you in preventing a small issue from becoming a big problem, and perhaps even accidental damage from causing internal infrastructure to fall down.

Fire Safety

What’s the most important part of your warehouse? The assets and inventory you store within it? The shelving units and structures you invest so much in to make the logistics of the space necessary? Perhaps the building itself? Not at all – it’s the people within it. Your staff need to be safe at all times. Making sure that fire safety protocols are always handled maturely, that evacuation procedures are trained regularly, that signage is properly placed, that reporting systems are installed, and that proper procedure is followed is key. Ensuring this as standard, never leaving it up to chance, should be the foremost effort we make before we even care about storing a single piece of inventory.

With this advice, you’re sure to keep your storage warehouse in good condition.

How to Take Control of Your Career

StrategyDriven Professional Development Article |Take control of your career|How to Take Control of Your CareerLife is busy, and the months and years can fly by in what seems like the blink of an eye. With time passing so quickly, many people find themselves stuck in the same job, following the same routine each day without even realizing it. So, when they suddenly notice they have been doing the same job for years and every day feels like groundhog day, it can be an essential wake-up call. If you feel like you have been drifting through life and your role is no longer fulfilling, you may be ready to make a change and to take back control.

Realizing your career is not progressing in the way you hoped can be frustrating. But recognizing that something needs to change is the best way to get your job back on track. Putting yourself back in the driving seat and regaining control of your career can benefit every part of your life. Once you get started and begin taking control of your job, you will soon regain your enthusiasm.

Time to Change?

If you have been unhappy with your job for a while, you will need to decide whether it is worth persevering and sticking with it for the long term or whether you need to try something new. Making the break and moving on to a new role can be scary and unsettling, but doing so can bring a renewed sense of purpose into your life.

If you decide to stay with your current employer, you may want to explore the different career options available in the company. Taking on a new role in the same organization is an excellent way to revive your interest in your career and do a job you love. Alternatively, you may decide that you have been following a career path that is not right for you. If this is the case, you may want to focus your attention on thinking about the type of job you would like and how you will make that happen. It is never too late to change your career, so if there is a job you would rather do, why not find out more about it and make it happen?

Reach Out For Guidance

Whether you are just starting your career or you are a seasoned employee, seeking guidance from others is always helpful. Discussing your options with other people can be a valuable way to gain a fresh perspective on your career and will help you make an informed decision on your plans for the future. Talking through your options with your boss is helpful, but seeking a mentor to guide you is likely to be even more useful.

Having a mentor is an excellent way to get your career moving in the right direction. A mentor will help you map out your plans and be by your side to support you while you put them into action. When you choose to work with a mentor, you can benefit from someone else’s experience and skills, which can be helpful when you are trying to enhance your career. Your mentor will also assist you in developing your interview skills to help you secure a new position. While having a mentor can provide many benefits, you will only enjoy these benefits if you find the right mentor.

Selecting a mentor that is not right for you can be a negative experience. So, choosing your mentor carefully is essential. It is helpful to use a Mentoring Platform to help you connect with a wide choice of mentors so you can select someone that best matches your needs.

Make a Plan for Success

Achieving career success means different things to different people. For some, career success means reaching a high-ranking position in their organization, and for others achieving success means securing a six-figure salary. Deciding what your idea of career success looks like is the first step toward making it happen.

Understanding what you want to achieve from your career is an excellent starting point, but knowing how you will make it a reality requires further thought. One way to take ownership of your career plan is to set yourself goals. Setting yourself SMART goals is an excellent way to propel your career forwards. Making a plan for success and then breaking it down into smaller goals will make your career progression so much more manageable. Mapping out a route towards success in this way will help prevent you from becoming overwhelmed and make it easier to achieve the successful outcome you are aiming towards.

Forge Connections

Making connections and getting yourself noticed is a great way to open yourself up to a whole range of new opportunities. Through networking, you may discover an entire range of career options you have not previously considered, and you may even find yourself offered a new role. There are several ways that you can forge connections to benefit your career. Networking is one of the most popular methods of meeting like-minded people and building up your contacts. Looking out for networking groups in your area and joining them will put you in touch with a wide range of connections that you would not have met otherwise.

Keep Monitoring Your Progress

Taking control of your career and achieving your full potential at work is not easy. Maintaining constant progress and pushing yourself forward is challenging, and at times, you may feel your motivation is slipping. To keep your motivation levels high and to sustain your focus, you need to monitor your progress along the way. Celebrating every small success and acknowledging how far you have come on your journey is an excellent way to keep yourself moving in the right direction.

Checking back in with your goals regularly to ensure you are not venturing off track will help you stay in control of your career. With plenty of focused effort and lots of tenacity, you will not only be able to take control of your career but develop it way beyond your expectations.

Top Finance Management Tips

StrategyDriven Managing Your Finances Article |Finance Management Tips|Top Finance Management TipsWhen you have your finances in order, life feels like a breeze. There are a few different ways you can manage your money, but different methods work for different individuals. It’s best to try a few ways of managing your finances and see which one works successfully for you.

If you’ve got debts, pay them off as soon as possible

Debt is the biggest reason people fail to manage their money successfully, if you get yourself into money troubles it will be a lot harder to organise savings, and budgeting can feel pointless if you can still see you’re in debt. If you are in an emergency situation, there are options like payday loans direct lender if you think you will be able to pay it back.

The best way to deal with debt is to push yourself to budget in certain areas of your life and pay a bit off your debt every month. Setting aside a certain amount will ensure you don’t spend it, if you get paid once a month you could pay off a set amount on this date. The main thing to focus on is paying the debt off, whether it’s an overdraft or a credit card the more you pay off, the better. Service fees, interest fees, and other bank charges will keep adding up until you pay the money back.

Create a monthly budget you can stick to

A monthly budget you can actually stick to will set you up for a few weeks. If you get paid once a month, you can divide up your money on payday, make sure you set aside any basic outgoings like mortgage, rent, or bills and then you know you can spend what is left over. However, if you have debts to pay off or saving goals, take this money straight out on your payday aswell, this will prevent you from spending it.

Set an amount to save every month

If you aren’t in debt and you feel at a stable point with your income, you can start to set aside a certain amount to save every month, if you aren’t already doing this. It doesn’t have to be a huge amount but it will slowly add up if you are consistent. At the end of the month seeing savings in your account can feel satisfying and rewarding, you just need a certain amount of self-control to make sure you don’t feel proud of yourself and spend them, you would then be back to square one.

Use money management phone applications

Banks that have a money management feature are very helpful for tracking your spending. Some applications even have categories for your transactions, so you can compare what you are spending every month. It is helpful to set monthly budgets for categories, for example, maybe you want to spend a small amount on transport and try to use your bike more. Planning our budgeting and spending goals at the beginning of the month will keep you motivated.

Find a side hustle

We hope you now feel more positive about managing your finances, whether you’re in debt or doing well with your savings, there will always be a way to manage your money more successfully. It’s just finding the best option for you.

5 Project Management Skills You Need To Have

The Proof Of Fire

StrategyDriven Professional Development Article |Project Management Skills|5 Project Management Skills You Need To HaveSometimes the only way to test something is through what’s known as a “trial by fire”. Now, that may not mean there’s actually a fire; it’s a turn of phrase that indicates extreme testing. A car designed to be safe if an accident causes a roll needs to be rolled. Crash test dummies exist owing to the need for a “trial by fire”, as it were, pertaining to associated safety features.

As a Project Manager or PM, your trial by fire is probably going to be whatever projects you’re working to complete. Each new project will be its own trial by fire, and that which is being put on metaphorical trial are your skills as a PM. Some projects are essentially impossible, while some PMs can’t even handle “softball” assignments.

Regardless of inherent management acumen, like exercise, PM skills can be improved. Part of that improvement involves following known best practices. Here are five skills that any PM should already be proficient in; and if you’re not, at minimum find ways of enhancing your abilities as regards the following.

1. Prioritization

Task priority is quite important. Product testing isn’t as high a priority as prototype development. If you don’t have something to test, how can you test it? So you need to know which steps are most important for which situation.
Determining such steps may well involve specifying a general outline for your project from beginning to end, and organizing efforts based on associated priority.

2. Effective Delegation Of Tasks

Tasks need to be delegated based not only on priority but based on the skill of employees to whom tasks are delegated. That means you need to know your team intimately enough to determine who will do a good job, and who can’t be trusted with certain responsibilities. Everyone has skills, and you want to delegate accordingly.

3. Self-Examination: External Testing Options Help

One of the most important things is to know your own efficacy as a PM. Some of your tasks will involve hands-on participation in a given project, while others will require you to be a more remote player in the production overall. Especially if you’re in a more remote role, a PMP practice exam can be very helpful in advance, as well as between varying projects.

4. Flexibility: Unexpected Circumstances Develop Regularly

You’ve got to be willing to “roll with the changes”, as that old REO Speedwagon song goes. Sometimes someone quits mid-project, sometimes management changes operational focus throughout a given company, sometimes budgets dry up, sometimes bad PR impacts project viability. Flexibility is absolutely paramount to managing such uncontrollable variables.

5. Perseverance: Some Projects Are Much Harder Than Others

You’ve got to be able to see things through. Your first project, if you’ve got a managerial staff of any quality, is going to be something you can handle. As you successfully handle varying products, you’ll be trusted with more complex work.

Certain projects may take years to complete, and that requires perseverance. A “bigger picture” perspective helps both initiate and foster necessary perseverance.

Optimizing Your Effectiveness As A Project Manager

Perseverance, flexibility, honest self-examination that incorporates external means of determination, task delegation, and prioritization all represent fundamental aspects of project management. If you’re in the position of PM for your company, you need to be sure your abilities incorporate such skills.

Certainly, these aspects of effective project management are stated in broad terms. However, that doesn’t mean they’re not fundamentally essential. Whatever your project is, as a manager you’re operating as a leader of sorts, and that means being able to juggle complex projects with skill over the long run.

How to Assess Leadership Skills When Hiring

StrategyDriven Talent Management Article |Leadership Skills|How to Assess Leadership Skills When HiringLeadership is an important attribute when it comes to hiring. Although most hiring managers will often look at skills related to the role itself, other skills such as teamwork, leadership, and communication shouldn’t be overlooked. A lot of people might consider leadership skills unimportant unless hiring for a management position, but in reality, they’re applicable in just about every role.

Skills such as leadership are often more important, as skills directly related to the job can be taught much more easily through training. It’s difficult to train an effective leader if they don’t already have some skills in this area, which is why hiring managers should try to focus on it when assessing new candidates.

A candidate with quality leadership will be more likely to succeed with the company long-term, helping the business achieve its aims. You don’t just need someone who can fill out papers and spreadsheets. Instead, you need someone with actual leadership potential to carry out your company’s overall goal and propel the brand forward.

In this article, we’ll be looking at what leadership skills are and how they’re used. In addition, you’ll be able to learn about the best ways to identify and assess leadership skills in a candidate, improving the selection and hiring process and leading to better results.

What Are Leadership Skills?

Leadership abilities are those that are utilized to organize others in order to achieve a common goal. Leadership abilities enable a person to drive people to perform a sequence of tasks, generally on a schedule, whether they are in a managerial role or heading a project. Leadership is a collection of multiple diverse skills functioning together rather than a single skill.

The best leaders are patient, empathetic, and capable of effective communication and feedback. In addition, they should be assertive and confident while still being able to listen to the ideas of their team. There are many different styles of leadership, but the most effective approach in the majority of cases involves being positive and taking the time to understand the needs and wants of each member of the team.

At their best, leaders can get more out of their team, encouraging and motivating them while helping them move in the right direction. It’s this aspect that makes leadership skills so valuable because they’re difficult to teach, yet they can make a huge difference to the success of a business. Good leaders also have excellent problem-solving skills and are capable of finding the best way to solve a problem before executing the solution successfully.

How to Identify the Right Leaders for Your Team

When hiring for an open position, leadership skills should be one of the main attributes that you look for once you’ve assessed whether the candidate will be a good fit for the role. Even for non-management positions, leaderships skills are incredibly important, especially if the employee stays on at the company over a long period of time. As they develop in their role, they’ll be able to make better use of their leadership skills to help drive the business forward and achieve the goals of the company.

Leadership skills are clearly important, but identifying and assessing them can be difficult in a standard interview. Care also needs to be taken to hire the right kind of leader for the right role, as even a great leader in the wrong job can still be a bad hire. The best way to accurately assess the leadership skills of a candidate is by asking them to complete a pre-employment screening test. These tests can look at specific qualities in a candidate and link their leadership abilities to the responsibilities of their role. A good test will be relatively quick and easy for the candidate to complete while still providing great insight into their skills and abilities.

Not only should a test aim to identify whether a candidate has leadership qualities, but it should also look at what kind of leader they are. You need to find the right leader for your team if you want to have the best success, so this is an important detail to consider. There are three main types of leadership assessments:

The DISC Test

The DISC test is based on a behavioral evaluation paradigm created by psychologist William Marston. It divides human emotional expression into four behavior types, Dominance, Influence, Stability, and Conscientiousness. The test allows candidates to be placed on a quadrant based on their behavior, revealing whether they are more focused on tasks or on people.

This exam can help you get a better understanding of each of your candidates and develop efficient strategies for your team to interact and communicate. The DISC test looks at people from two perspectives, exterior, and interior. The external perspective measures how well individuals interact with others and their surroundings. On the other hand, the internal perspective measures how well they process their thoughts.

The Enneagram Test

The Enneagram test is based on the personality model developed by psychiatrists. The model depicts nine distinct personalities on a nine-pointed diagram, with each personality’s main values and worldview described. It evaluates their leadership styles, as well as their strengths and weaknesses.

Several Fortune 500 companies use the Enneagram exam to better understand their people and team structure. The reformer, the helpful, the investigator, and the challenger are examples of leadership types. Each type has its own set of advantages, and some are more suited to certain roles than others.

The 16 Types test

Similar to the popular personality test, Myers-Briggs, this test takes a comprehensive look at the candidate, including how they process information, how they make decisions, and what kind of person they are. It assesses the candidate based on four areas, Extraversion, Sensing, Thinking, and Judgement.

At the end of the test, the candidate can be placed in one of sixteen different personality types depending on how they performed. The personality types reveal a lot about a person, including what kind of leader they are and how they respond to certain situations.