Reasons why you should set up a blog for your business

StrategyDriven Online Marketing and Website Development Article |Set up a blog|Reasons why you should set up a blog for your businessMost companies these days realize the need to be online and understand the tremendous opportunities that can be gained from having a well-designed, optimized website and strong social media presence. However, in a world where there are now more web pages than there are people, it can often be difficult for firms to make their content stand out and gain the attention it deserves.

Industry experts suggest the world now produces a staggering 2.5 quintillion bytes of data per day (for reference, a quintillion has 18 zeros – a truly astonishing figure when you consider that’s the amount output per day). With so much information already floating around the internet, it’s perhaps little wonder your clients (potential and existing) have so many problems sifting through the sheer volume of information that’s currently available.

The need for updated content

To gain attention online these days needs strategy and planning – from both the perspective of users finding your content to then sticking around long enough to read it or watch it – and one of the most successful ways to do that is through a company blog.

Of course, established tools like Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and quality writing/images will help, but most web marketing specialists realize that Google (and other search engines) like nothing more than regularly updated content. Unfortunately, this can prove difficult when you’ve got a front-end corporate showcase site, as adding too many extra pages will only serve to confuse users – hence the reason a blog can prove so successful.

Tips for blogging

As a rule, you should keep your blog site separate (but linked) from your main pages – adding a simple ‘blog’ link to your main navigation will work well. Other tips for a successful company blog site include:

  • Add content that doesn’t particularly ‘fit’ with your main site but is still valuable or informative
  • Write about what you know (this should be obvious)
  • You should blog regularly – even while on the road – so make sure devices are charged regularly and protected from damage by power surge components like those available from
  • The last thing you want is failing or damaged equipment – particularly if you’re blogging from a sales conference or after an important meeting, etc.
  • Use your blog to detail company processes or things you might not normally be able to discuss on your main site
  • Try offering interesting ‘how-to’ articles as these can be a very successful way to generate attention and drive traffic online
  • Ensure you include a link to your main corporate site
  • Remember to focus on your marketing – while a blog shouldn’t be an upfront sales pitch, there’s no harm detailing your experience or knowledge on a subject in a subtle and informative way

How blogging can add value to your existing site

You want your main website to shout your company message, services, and products in the most professional and visually appealing way. Likely, you will have spent hours poring over your site’s images, text, and navigational structure to the point that there probably isn’t much room left for adding additional content. Using a blog site, you can add content that will subtly promote your skills (and could end up found in search engines) without detracting from your main professional, formal pages.

9 Key Elements of a Flawless Gym Business Plan

StrategyDriven Strategic Planning Article |Gym Business Plan|9 Key Elements of a Flawless Gym Business PlanTo run a successful business, gym owners must do more than purchase exercise equipment. They must determine which type of clientele they’ll serve, whether they will require a membership or allow drop-ins, and more. A gym business plan becomes of great help in ensuring nothing is overlooked when establishing and running the operation.

The plan serves as a formal document that outlines the different aspects of the business. It determines how the company will operate and what steps will be taken to ensure its success. A well-defined plan, while not essential, helps businesses secure capital and grow their organization. Gym owners need this document along with tips for digital marketing, great employees to represent the business and more.

How is This Document of Help?

The plan serves as a road map for the organization. It shows where the business currently is and where it would like to go. When writing this plan, owners often find they come up with new ideas for their venture and see where improvements need to be made. What may one learn when they create the plan?

The plan becomes of great help in analyzing the market and determining what makes a gym a success. With this information, it becomes easier for the owner to determine the best path forward and obtain the funds needed to grow and succeed.

This plan begins with plans for allocating resources, hiring personnel, and marketing, among other things. Writing these things down helps to fine-tune them. Additionally, writing the plan out provides an individual with a better understanding of the industry as a whole and which resources are needed to start out and grow the business.

Writing a Business Plan

When writing this plan, the individual must know where they are at and where they want to go. How do they plan to get there? Some gym owners choose a lean start-up plan while others want a traditional document. The lean start-up plan is good when the owner wants to see all relevant details of their business quickly and easily. However, financial institutions require a traditional business plan before lending money to a person.

Elements of a Detailed Business Plan

Business plans contain several elements, and creating this document takes time. Work on one task. When it is complete, move on to the next. If this method is used, the gym owner is less likely to become overwhelmed and give up.

The Executive Summary

The executive summary of the plan includes a description of the company and summarizes the market analysis. With this information, a person can explain why their business is needed and where it fits in the existing market. Only highlight the important parts in this portion of the document. Go into further detail later in the plan.

The Business Overview

Include an overview of the business. This detailed description provides information about the gym, the target audience, and how the organization differs from others. In this portion of the document, the owner should include the gym goals and strategies that will be used to achieve them.

Market Analysis

Next, include the market analysis that was conducted. Explain where the gym will fit into the existing industry and current trends that could increase the odds of the gym succeeding. Include data that back up any assertions made in the plan.

Competitor Analysis

Along with the market analysis, a competitor analysis is needed. Learn the strengths and weaknesses of direct and indirect competitors. Include gyms that are similar to the one you operate along with those that function as gyms but differ in one or more ways. Speak to individuals to learn why they chose the facility they use and what they would like to see in their existing gym or a new one. Show how your gym can meet the needs of customers.

Products and Services

A detailed plan needs to provide information about the products and services to be offered. Share information about membership options, exercise equipment, personal training options, and group classes. If child care will be offered or special training sessions, include them in this portion of the plan. Show how these products and services meet the needs of the target audience.


Marketing plays a key role in the success or failure of a business. A business may advertise, seek sponsors, or offer loyalty programs to bring in customers and generate revenue. Include as much information as possible on how clients will be acquired and retained.


Financial institutions want information about the key personnel in a business. They would like to know their experience. This includes the fitness experts and those who will handle administrative tasks. A gym needs the right people to ensure it succeeds. Add bios and an organizational chart showing these key people. Furthermore, include compensation and benefit plans, as they play a role in a gym’s ability to attract and retain talent.

Outside of rent, labor is the biggest expense for most fitness club operators, so having the right compensation is critically important. Break down your management and staff profile, along with their compensation and benefits. Financial institutions want to know their money is being spent wisely.

Financial Projections

Provide financial projections in the plan. Existing businesses should share a copy of their financial reports for the prior year and projected revenue in the coming years. Market research becomes of great help when providing this data. To show this information, create financial projections that include standard business financial documents, such as balance sheets and income statements.

Create these documents for the coming three-year period showing both the best and worst-case scenarios. Show how the figures presented in the documents compare to industry benchmarks, and reference start-up costs, debt payment schedules, and payroll expectations.


Share resources that may be used to fund the plan. This could be a bank loan, a soft loan from family or friends, personal savings, and other resources. Explain where the funding will come from and how much will be needed.

Every new business comes with challenges. A detailed business plan helps owners deal with these challenges. It serves as a reference when making critical decisions and becomes of help when funding must be secured. A business owner feels confident moving forward, as they know they have a complete understanding of their venture, and employees appreciate knowing this document is in place. They believe this provides them with more job security.

Each business is different, thus each plan will be unique. Create a plan that meets the needs of your gym. Individuals who do so find the plan serves as a blueprint to move their business forward and grow.

Best Tech Business Niches To Get Into

StrategyDriven Entrepreneurship Article |Tech Business Niche|Best Tech Business Niches To Get IntoThe employment landscape of today is more uncertain than at any point in history. With the seemingly endless digitization of business and the rise of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML), it seems there isn’t a single area of commerce that isn’t being transformed by technology.

However, while many might view the increasing reliance on computers and machines in the workplace as a negative thing, technology is opening a world of opportunities for aspiring entrepreneurs and bringing entirely new business prospects.

If you’re looking for ways to jump on the tech bandwagon and start capitalizing on our brave new world, below are some business ideas you could look at developing now to gain a head start before the masses follow.

Graphic and web design

As the real and virtual worlds continue to merge, there is now a huge demand for designers that can aid companies in promoting themselves online and in print. Building a strong brand is essential in today’s highly competitive markets, and firms the world over are starting to wake up to the considerable importance of promoting themselves effectively both on and off-line.

Sign design, engraving and marking

While there’s little doubt about the effect the web and associated online technologies have had on business, there will always be a demand for more traditional signage, vehicle livery and engraving skills. Modern laser cutter technology is now more accurate and precise than ever, making it easy to accurately transfer digital designs onto everything from glass to laminate, wood and metal.

3D printing

For the vast majority of businesses, a 3D printer is an expense they simply can’t justify – so investing in the tech and setting up as a dedicated service provider makes good commercial sense. These days, a professional 3D printing machine can cost as little as $10,000 but will soon pay for itself as you build a market and take more clients on board.

3D printing is becoming increasingly popular for educational purposes, construction, and in particular, manufacturing and prototyping – and the demand shows no signs of slowing.

Mobile application development

When Steve Jobs first showcased Apple’s flagship mobile device, the iPhone, on June 29th, 2007, surely even he couldn’t have predicted the massive societal shift-change his product would cause. These days, pretty much all of us have a smartphone that we rely on for day-to-day tasks like messaging, browsing, emailing and shopping.

Today’s smartphones have usurped a multitude of devices – everything from personal music players to cameras and satnavs – and the majority of these capabilities are powered by mobile applications.

Mobile app growth has been exponential over the last few years and continues to increase at breakneck speed. In 2016, research shows there were a total of 140.6 billion app downloads globally. By the end of 2021, that figure is forecast to grow to a whopping 258 billion, representing an 83% increase over just five years.

Working as an app developer, you will have options to build and market your own software (normally generating revenue from sales, advertising or subscriptions) or could go the more traditional route and build applications for clients (getting paid per project). Certainly, one thing is for sure – apps are here to stay, and app development will be a key niche for the foreseeable future.

Branding Trends To Improve Your Business In 2022

StrategyDriven Marketing and Sales Article | Branding Trends To Improve Your Business In 2022

What does branding mean?

A brand refers to ‘a person’s perception of a product, service, experience, or organization,’ (Emotive Brand, 2021). Branding refers to the actions which you take to develop your brand. Your brand includes many different elements such as your logo, graphics, tone of voice, persona, and message. Modern marketing involves creating a story around your brand, the story should demonstrate who you are, and why your business came to exist.

Why is branding so important?
Branding is so important because it helps to differentiate your business from the competition. Using your brand you can show potential customers why you’re unique, and what sets you apart from the rest. Establishing a brand can help you to create a memorable business, and build recognition. Great branding helps you to create a distinctive style, and show customers your persona. With the right branding, you’ll achieve brand recognition across the market. If you’re looking to improve your branding, here are some of the top branding trends for 2022.

1 . Activist Brands

In 2022 we’ll be seeing an increasing number of activist brands. Consumers prefer brands that use their voices to make a difference. Businesses across the globe are making CSR part of their branding, whether it’s social justice or the environment. The key is to include activism in your brand personality, there are plenty of ways that you can do this including:

  • Support charity work and campaign for positive change.
  • Help customers to make a difference by using your products.
  • Use social media to share your philanthropic values.
  • Focus on inclusivity & diversity.
  • Educate your audience about social justice issues.

2. Immersive Branding

In 2022 businesses will be using immersive experiences, to shape their brand storytelling. What exactly are immersive brand experiences? These experiences are about bringing your audience into the world of your brand. The idea is to engage your community, invite interaction, and establish a connection.

According to Rock Content, ‘ The immersive experience represents any brand action aiming to create a new, illusory environment for its audience.’ The idea is to ensure that the audience ‘feel part of what is being presented to them.’ There are plenty of different immersive experiences you might use, whether it’s a virtual reality experience, a digital game, or a themed event.

3. Quirky Elements

Quirky branding is set to be a hot trend in 2022. There are lots of ways to approach quirky branding, you might use humorous hand-drawn artwork, surreal imagery, or bizarre graphic design.

To create a quirky brand you need to think outside the box and dare to get creative. If your design work is quirky, you’ll need to represent this eccentricity in your tone of voice too. Branding is all about remaining consistent, this way you’ll help your audience to recognize you.

If your branding needs a revamp in 2022 don’t be afraid to shake it up with fun typography, clashing colors, and odd artwork. Eccentric branding is all about making a statement.

4. Minimalism

If you don’t like the sound of quirky and eccentric design work, not to worry, minimalism is still in vogue too!

Why is minimalism still so popular? It could be because customers want to understand a brand with zero effort! They want immediate clarity, (and this works well with plain branding). In 2022 we’ll be seeing plenty of simple logos and typography and neutral colors. It’s best to work with a graphic designer to create your logos and design work. Minimalist designs might look easy to produce, but it’s actually much trickier than you think!

5. Topical Elements

We’ve seen plenty of topical branding and marketing this year, and this is certainly going to continue throughout 2022. Many businesses are focusing on current affairs and using these topics to create their branding.

Topical branding is a great way to engage your audience, using shared values. Of course, there’s always the chance that you could cause controversy. It’s best to do plenty of target audience research beforehand. Before you get started, create guidelines, and discuss your approach with your team.

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6. Inclusivity

Ignoring inclusivity is a huge mistake, not just morally, but for your reputation. So many brands have come under fire for not being inclusive enough, (and you certainly don’t want to join the club)! It’s important to examine your company as a whole, from your staff to your values, the third parties you work with, and your marketing. Unless you build an inclusive brand now you’re going to need a rebranding later down the line.

7. Humanized Personas

To keep up with the latest trends you’ve got to humanize your brand. Customers don’t naturally trust corporations, but they trust their peers. Creating a credible brand is about developing a humanized persona that people will trust.

According to research from Finance Online, consumers like brands that are helpful, friendly, honest, funny, and trendy. Stats also showed that it was important to consumers that brands were politically correct. When you humanize your brand with these attributes it’s easier for customers to relate to you.

When you’re building your brand you’ll want to ensure that you come across as professional. Your audiences will judge your brand on everything, from your website to your social media content and your customer service. You’d be surprised how much small things make a difference. For example, using a business phone instead of your personal number will help you to present your brand as more credible. To read more, check out the website.

8. Nostalgia

Plenty of companies are using nostalgia as part of their branding, throw-backs to the past are a great way to make your audience feel all warm inside! Some brands are using 80’s style graphic designs, others are using 70’s music tracks for their ad campaigns.

Creating a nostalgic brand is about considering your target audience. To get a few cool ideas, check out these examples of nostalgic branding. When you’re looking to create an excellent branding campaign, what you need is a little inspiration.

9. Authentic Stories

Branding is all about telling stories, it’s about using the story of your company to engage your audience. In 2022 brands will start to focus on the stories of their audience. User-generated content is a fantastic way to shape a down-to-earth brand. The great thing about UGC is that it is inexpensive to produce, and it has an excellent engagement rate. Modern consumers are bored of glossy and perfect ads, they want authentic content produced by people just like them.

When you’re building your brand it’s a good idea to perform competitor research. By no means should you copy your competitors, but you should learn from them. Examine the different aspects of their brand, from their strengths to their weaknesses. Understanding the competition will help you to create a stronger brand. The key is to define your USP and use this to promote yourself.

The Takeaway

Paying attention to the latest branding trends will help you to grow your business and thrive. Remember, it’s your brand that helps you to stand out. With so many similar companies in the market, it’s important that you find ways to set yourself apart. Don’t be afraid to get creative when you’re building your brand.

Taking a few risks could help you to build an incredibly memorable brand. Ensure that you gather plenty of feedback from your audience, with the right insights you’ll be able to make lots of improvements. With the right marketing tips and branding advice you’ll take your company from strength to strength.

Five Essentials to Speed Up Business Processes

StrategyDriven Process Management Article |Speed up Business Processes|Five Essentials to Speed Up Business ProcessesIn the information or data age, there have been some dramatic changes in how business is conducted and managed. There are also some basic expectations that all businesses are expected to meet and maintain. Essential modern-day business principles are discussed in this article, providing some insight as to how you can incorporate these principles to improve or modernize your business.

Quicker decision making

One of the most significant changes in how business is conducted or expected to be conducted in the modern age is the speed of transaction. The speed at which transactions are done and decisions made is faster than it has ever been before. This is primarily based on the internet and increase in speeds and widespread connectivity.

It has also seen a notable increase in the use of electronic signatures to speed up these processes. Now authorizations, contracts, and processes can be signed off on immediately through the use of one of several different DocuSign alternatives, allowing you to have the same professional services at a fraction of the costs. It is these technologies that, although simple in nature, will make a marked difference to your business professionalism when seamlessly implemented and integrated with your supply chain and stakeholders.

Connectivity technology

Without ongoing sufficient and reliable connectivity, then there can be no modern business. The internet is the source of all the data in this so-called data age, and if data is the new gold, then there can be no mining or access to this wealth without access and connection to the internet and the world therein. Research shows that at least 31% of American adults are online all the time. This is a massive market, and as such, it’s where your business needs to be as well.

Space in the cloud

There is no need for bulky onsite storage, daily or weekly backups to a portable hard drive or offsite storage that takes hours of your time. All this is and should now be immediate and seamless due to cloud computing. By accessing space in the cloud for both storage and computing power, any small business can compete with the big players out there, with the same IT infrastructure, software, and speed.


The theft, misuse, and criminality related to data and information are higher than it has ever been in America. Unless you have serious cybersecurity, you and your business are likely to be a victim of such online crime. Having the most up-to-date security protocols, firewalls, and antivirus mechanisms that are updated and have the most recent definitions can save both time and money as access to the network or company data is regimented and secure.

IT as a managed service

Having all the connectivity, infrastructure, and IT know-how is fantastic for your business but will mean little if it cannot be maintained. There will be issues, and having a professional team that you can rely on to keep your business running is essential. IT as a managed service is accepted as the best way to keep your business in the fast lane, and with current cloud technology and connectivity allowances, this can be performed remotely in real-time, making downtime a thing of the past.

In summary

The modern business world is an increasingly competitive environment, and unless you have implemented and begun to use the existing technology to speed up and improve your processes, systems, and responses to the market, your business will be left behind.