7 Key Benefits of Trucking Dispatch Software

StrategyDriven Managing Your Business Article |Trucking Dispatch Software|7 Key Benefits of Trucking Dispatch SoftwareFleet operators are now confronted with a slew of difficulties. Managing drivers who are continuously working long hours and traveling from one state to another is problematic. Ensuring the safety of your drivers and assets while reducing operational expenses is a tricky balancing act—and that’s on top of guaranteeing all of your deliveries happen on time.
The operational problems of maintaining a fleet necessitate the use of the proper tools, which includes trucking dispatch software for many firms. Trucking dispatch software may make fleet management appear as simple as a stroll in the park by simplifying routing and driver assignments.

The appropriate tracking software offers many benefits to fleet operators, including;

1. Operations that run more smoothly

Trucking dispatch Scheduling software has grown in popularity in recent years because of its convenience for fleet management. Fleet managers are better prepared to plan with the help of simple dashboards that provide essential information on a single screen. They can easily organize the flow of cargo between hubs, cities, and borders. End-users may communicate more easily thanks to the live chat functionality.

AI and machine learning capabilities are frequently included in trucking dispatch software. As a result, it may assist in determining the most effective routes, planning truck loading schemes, mapping out a courier delivery schedule, and planning maintenance. With such responsibilities handled by transportation dispatch scheduling software, your company may sail past all of the bumps in the road.

2. Improved reaction time

Unforeseen situations are a common occurrence in field operations. You have no influence over external conditions. It might be bad weather, car breakdown, blocked roads, or a variety of other factors impeding your operations. There are only two options in such instances: either you allow it to damage your entire business like a domino effect, or you are well equipped to deal with the difficult conditions.

The latter is only achievable with a sophisticated dispatch management system. It can immediately devise an alternate route in the event of a blockage, dispatch a rescue team in the event of a car breakdown, employ live chat features for immediate help, and plan with the weather in mind. One example of how these technologies are excellent for rapid response is the flexibility of an emergency medical dispatch scheduling system.

3. Manual Labor Reduction

Matching drivers and vehicles with delivery assignments is a time-consuming operation that takes significant time away from dispatchers and other back-office employees. You may enable your team to focus on other higher-value activities if you can minimize time spent on the manual job of allocating drivers through automation.

4. Increasing Agility

Improved visibility, as a result of GPS integration, real-time order status updates, and interactive mapping, may also assist your business in responding to problems more rapidly. After all, a lot can and will go wrong when drivers are on the road, and real-time data on your fleet helps management spot issues before they become unsalvageable. Real-time data also helps fleet dispatchers and management make proactive, well-informed decisions when dealing with a situation. As a consequence, both exception management and incoming customer call volumes are improved.

5. Greater transparency

One issue you typically face as a field service business owner is a lack of clear information about what is going on in the field at any particular time. When you send a team of employees to the field, there is no way to know if they are executing their duties correctly unless you send a supervisor with them. That cannot be an efficient approach to deal with such circumstances.

Trucking dispatch software has features that allow you to manage scattered crews easily. Remote time stamps, resource monitoring, and workflow tracking provide a clearer picture of what is being done regularly.

6. Increased scalability

Growing a firm has its own set of problems. Managers find themselves in uncharted terrain when they are required to handle more resources and employees than planned. If you’ve been utilizing manual dispatch management methods, the issue becomes even worse.

A trucking dispatch software, on the other hand, makes expansion your business’s second nature. You may easily grow the number of your fleet, your region of operations, the size of your crew, and even the type of services you offer.

7. Automation of tasks

Automation is becoming more widespread in organizations, and trucking companies are no exception. There are several jobs that a trucking dispatch application can and should do.

For example, if we talk about a company that delivers orders for an eCommerce website, barcode scanning can be automated. Another important activity that may be automated is dispatch scheduling. The program would consider the due dates of goods waiting at the hub and then send couriers accordingly.


The sooner you transition from manual and old systems to sophisticated software, the better your bottom line will be. Whether you manage 15 or 500 trucks, trucking dispatch software is a must-have for every field service company. When compared to traditional methods of dispatch management, trucking dispatch software makes considerably more sense!

8 Tips to Start a Successful Online Community

StrategyDriven Online Marketing and Website Development Article | Online Community | 8 Tips to Start a Successful Online CommunityOnline communities boost brand recognition and help in lead generation. These communities are one of your most powerful marketing platforms if they have a defined purpose and proper moderation.

Below are valuable tips on how to create a successful online community.

1. Choose the best online community research software

It’s critical to have the appropriate tools to support your online community if you want to get the most out of it. Because each online community has unique requirements, choosing an online community research software with the appropriate functionality is critical. First, it should be mobile-friendly and must have enough levels of privacy and security.

2. Choose the best community manager for the job

Your Community Manager is critical to the success of your neighborhood. If your manager is not properly managing the group, members may be upset by other members, quit, and negatively perceive your brand.
Members will quit if they do not believe they are receiving the value promised to them when they applied for membership in the community. Members will also leave your community and forget about it if they are constantly bombarded with alerts.

3. Selecting the Best Platform

To develop your online community, there are literally thousands of tools and programs to select from. You might use a social media program such as Facebook or a custom software solution.

Consider the following questions while selecting a platform:

  • What platform and device do the bulk of my community members use?
  • Is the platform simple to use? (Single sign-on, as part of an app the person is already familiar with, and so on.)
  • Is it simple to share material and communicate with other members of the community on the platform?
  • Is the platform compatible with your CRM/database?

4. Set up reports to keep track of crucial community indicators

The long-term sustainability of the online community is heavily dependent on how you can demonstrate its worth in relation to your overall company goals. Do you want to enhance possibilities, decrease client turnover, or promote brand awareness?
Whatever your aim, you must define the key performance indicators (KPIs) that you will report on and utilize to measure your progress. You might want to think about the following:

  • Engagement (discussions, likes, comments, and shares)
  • Followers/members
  • Referral traffic
  • Active members
  • Conversion rate

These are just a handful of the essential metrics you should be paying attention to.

5. Satisfy a need

To begin with, you cannot build community if you cannot satisfy people’s desire for community.Every community meets a need. They assist us in staying educated about the world around us or assist us in feeling protected, proud, or good about the world. They assist us in carrying out more significant and more daring efforts. And maybe one of the most strong needs: groups make us feel less alone in the world.

6. Celebrate the members of your community

Your community exists to serve its members. While it’s a wonderful marketing technique for increasing product sales and brand recognition, it only works if you treat your members well.

Highlighting your community members is an integral part of maintaining a thriving online community. You may accomplish this by mentioning members who are successful with the product, performed well in a challenge you organized, referred the most new members, had the greatest participation rate, and so on.

What makes these individuals feel unique and respected is determined by your community. It might be showcasing them in a case study, providing them with a free month’s supply of products, mailing them a t-shirt, or making a post about how glad you are to have them as a member of your community.

7. Create a content strategy

The sort of material you provide is essential to your community’s effective activation and growth, so make it relevant to your audience. Before you reveal your community to the world, make sure you thoroughly understand your target demographic.
When crafting what you want to say, keep the community’s goal in mind, as well as your broader approach. Are you advertising a new product launch, informing your audience about industry trends, or generating fresh ideas?You most likely have a plethora of content ideas; however, bear in mind that how you contact your community, as well as the type of your material, may differ from typical one-way marketing interactions.

8. Participate in and learn from other communities

It is not necessary to reinvent the wheel. Several online communities have discovered the formula for success. You may take ideas from other thriving communities, put them to the test with your audience, and adjust as necessary. Learning from other communities may assist you in growing your community more quickly, increase participation, direct visitors to your website, and scale your business.


Building a community is a labor of love that takes time. Consider the resources you’ll require, from community managers who will live and breathe the community to having the proper design and content assets in place.

Four Key Web Design Rules For 2022 And Beyond

StrategyDriven Online Marketing and Website Development Article |Web Design Rules|Four Key Web Design Rules For 2022 And BeyondThese days even the smallest businesses are expected to have top-quality websites. This means that new entrepreneurs should be prepared to invest in them. You don’t have to build your website yourself. In fact, it’s usually best to delegate the building to a professional. It can, however, be useful to understand the key web design rules for 2022 and beyond.

SEO needs to be baked in

When the internet first started, web design and search engine optimization were separate disciplines with little to no crossover. Now, however, the design of your website can do a lot to help or hinder your SEO. Modern search engine algorithms now assess sites on safety and usability as well as content. This is why SEO has to be baked in from the start.

In some contexts, the effectiveness of your SEO will be seen as an indicator of your overall competence. This is particularly true of tech-related companies. For example, if you’re offering web design services in West Palm Beach then you’ll be expected to rank well for “website design west palm beach”.

Mobile-friendliness is a must

In the old days, people used to surf the net from a computer at their desk. Now, they can also surf it from mobile devices and they increasingly do. The experience of using a website from a computer is often very different from the experience of using a website from a mobile device. This means that websites have to be carefully designed to satisfy both groups of users.

At a superficial level, this means either having two separate websites for the two groups of users or having a single, responsive website. Effective, mobile-friendly web design must, however, go much further than this. It has to accommodate the very different ways and contexts in which the various devices are used.

For example, computers are generally used when you’re seated at a desk or table. Mobile devices can be used in all kinds of places and ways. Computers tend to have fairly large screens whereas mobile devices can have very small ones. Computers have keyboards, mobile devices don’t. In fact, mobile devices are often worked using one hand.

Voice search is now serious

Voice search has now matured to the point where it deserves to be taken very seriously. It’s particularly important for businesses targeting people who are actually on the move. Regardless of whether you’re driving or walking, you want (and often need) to keep your eyes focused on where you’re going. That’s why voice search is so useful.

Even if you’re not targeting people on the move, it’s often still useful to optimize your site for voice search. The growth of smart assistants, especially smart home assistants, is leading to growth in the use of voice search. Quite simply, it is or should be, a really convenient way of getting quick answers to straightforward queries.

Chatbots are go

Chatbots can be used for all kinds of purposes from collecting user feedback to answering basic queries. One of their most popular uses is as “first-responders”. In other words, they will try to help users themselves. If the query is beyond their capability, they’ll pass it on to a human agent. If it’s out of hours, they’ll take a message.

Loopholes in Hiring: What Are You Doing Wrong?

StrategyDriven Talent Management Article |Hiring Loopholes|Loopholes in Hiring: What Are You Doing Wrong?It seems like you’ve decided to go through this article. Well, in that case, there’s a high probability that you’re looking for some assistance in your hiring decisions. Even if you’re an experienced recruiter, things could be looking gloomy in the recruiting area for some time, and that’s a point of concern indeed.

For instance, the problem could be that your employees aren’t meeting expectations, or you feel you’ve hired a good candidate for the wrong position! Fortunately, you’ve stumbled upon this article that will assist you in assessing your own recruiting methods and criteria.

Undoubtedly, hiring new employees is a complicated process. You have to know the law, set recruiting criteria early on, sort out an employment contract and – above all, ensure you’re recruiting the right person. You can easily err if you don’t check all the right boxes. After all, finding the wrong person is worse than finding no one at all – it means having to start over.

The trick to recruiting new employees for your business is to have a clear idea of the skills, characteristics, and experience required for that particular position. A reasonable plan to assess and attract the best of the best entrants is an essential component of effective recruitment. Unfortunately, too many businesses commit the same slipups over and over again, costing themselves money and time in the process. The best way to dodge these mistakes is to learn from them.

To make it easier on you, we’ve compiled a list of all the loopholes that exist in recruiting new employees, including a gist of how to avoid them.

Mistake #1: Not Manifesting Technology

Are you still taking a stroll down the river to wash your clothes on the rocks? Do you hang your unmentionables over shrubbery to dry? Of course not: There is a better way, and you’d only give yourself some trouble if you do not use it. The same applies to screening potential candidates. Sifting through a mountain of resumes and printing every email is a tedious process. It wastes time and energy and leads to inefficient results, such as losing track of an applicant’s information, slowing down the recruitment process.

The Fix

Incorporating technology and specific tools in the recruitment process is a viable way to track all essential details. An applicant tracker, for instance, is a model built to help you handle everything from potential candidates to interview dates, job positions, job descriptions, and so much more. Furthermore, it casts a vast network for attracting applicants by driving traffic directly to your job openings and screens for the top candidates. So instead of schlepping home a box full of resumes to read, you’re now directly scheduling in-person and phone interviews and getting that position filled. It is not just a keen move but cost-effective and easier on your back as well.

Mistake #2: Rushing to Recruit Someone

Hiring someone without thinking twice or scrutinizing their experience/work profile can be as bad as not using technology or making the hiring process overly lengthy. Of course, there can be a sense of urgency to recruit an employee, especially if you have other staff covering the position putting additional strain on the team. But by trying to speed up the process, you may miss out on vital information, which could prove costly in the future.

The Fix

Focus on setting a realistic timeframe to send out the job offer and go through the hiring process. You can then share this with your team to get an idea of how long it will take to find the right candidate for the job.
Also, ensure that you take all the necessary time to perform relevant checks, contact references, and conduct online skill assessments. A checklist can assist you in this regard; by setting a timeline for every step, you can stay on track and ensure nothing is left out.

Mistake #3: Making decisions based on gut feelings

Human beings are biased – no arguments here. However, this becomes a problem when most of the recruitment at a company is based on gut feelings! Subjective and unthoughtful decisions are a primary problem in several organizations.

The Fix

Fortunately, with AI or Artificial Intelligence, recruiting managers can identify the right fit for the position by evaluating the applicant’s characteristics, skills, and other required criteria. AI-based solutions are designed to collect data and convert them into actionable insights. It will ensure that all the crucial decisions are based on untainted data, allowing companies to compare the skills required for a particular position with the applicants’ job profiles.

Moreover, deciding to hire someone based on gut feel can be damaging to the company. If you’re not careful, you might miss the red flags in job applicants. Performing extensive criminal background checks with candidates’ written consent through a third-party background checker is within a business’s legal right, so it’s something you should consider. Background checks can expose problematic behavior and keep bad employees from being hired at all. Since background checks are standard practice, most job seekers are aware that they may go through them.

Mistake #4: Not Including other Staff Members

Hiring managers often use the same old recruiting criteria used previously to hire the last employee. What they don’t realize is that the skills or role requirements might have changed. They often fail to mention these additional requirements in their requisition. Thus, the job offer might attract the wrong group of candidates.

This mistake usually occurs when recruiters and HR work in isolation, not consulting the team and hiring managers about the actual job preferences and duties. This makes the hiring process even more chaotic and prolonged than anticipated.

The Fix

Involve all your staff members in the recruitment process. More than 50% of the time, it is seen that hiring managers make tweaks to the job description. You can invite your staff members into your talent acquisition podium so that you can all give your two cents on the hiring process. Moreover, with open-end discussions, you can discover the right candidate for the job opening.

Mistake #5: Not Offering Enough

When it comes to hiring new employees, staying within your budget will forever remain an essential consideration. Many organizations walk a fine line between spending enough money to expand their business and staying profitable. But now more than ever, job applicants know what they are worth, and they are searching for a job that will be realistic in terms of amenities and salary. So offering less for a job that deserves more is a definite no-go.

The Fix

It is wise to look at what other organizations are paying their employees. The same websites that candidates will use to research what a position is worth can help recruiters too. You don’t necessarily have to pay more than your competitors. Still, you should play fair if you’re expecting to attract top-class talent.

Furthermore, suppose you don’t have the budget to match what your contenders are paying. In that case, you can perhaps offer other bonuses, such as an office gym, 401k matching, tuition reimbursement, etc.


So there you have it – a list of all the plausible mistakes that are bound to sabotage and possibly derail a recruitment process. All recruiters need to consider the pointers mentioned above to ensure an effective and smooth hiring process. To err is human, of course, but you can streamline the entire process and run it smoothly with a little bit of effort and technology. Just be sure to take your time and assess the potential candidates with a sharp eye, and before you know it, you’ll have no trouble finding the best fit for the job.

Guide to Throwing the Best Fall Party

StrategyDriven Managing Your People Article |Best Fall Party|Guide to Throwing the Best Fall PartyBackyard parties are on the way out with the summer months. This is your last chance to throw the best backyard party to celebrate fall and make those fun memories before the cold comes in and sends everyone inside for months. In many ways, the cooling air will make it easier to plan the party.

All you really need is to make it feel cozy and warm and it will be a big hit. But, keep in mind that it is still warm enough for bugs so consult a professional about a mosquito and tick control and preventionplan before the party date.

Once these details are out of the way you can concentrate on the fun stuff. Food and invitations and decorating. Everyone who enjoys entertaining knows that it is so important to have the right food in the correct amounts at a party. It is better to have too much and send covered plates home with guests than to have to call for pizza halfway through the festivities.

That will make your party memorable for all the wrong reasons. Sit down and start making a list of what you will need to make your party special so you can be sure to have a roaring good time.

Digital Invitations

You no longer need to go to the trouble of printing out matching invitations and finding envelopes and addresses etc. Those days of getting irritated with invitations are over. Now, you can design the best and most attractive invitation you could want online and send it out via social media.

You can even make one invitation and a Facebook group where you invite all your guests. They will see the invitation and can easily plan out who brings what and any ride-sharing arrangements in one convenient and easily accessible platform.

This is also a great avenue for conveniently informing everyone about the weather in your area. You can update the group easily about how to dress for the weather, the seating arrangements, and how you plan to occupy their children. They might be able to suggest better activities or volunteer babysitting duties on a schedule so everyone gets to have some fun and enjoy the food.

Get Enough Chairs

It might seem like an easy task to fulfill for the party but seating can be a hassle if you’re not careful. People use seating options to put down their stuff as well as settle their children and their supplies. If you have just enough seating for the exact number of people attending your party, you will have some grumpy people with nowhere to sit.

Look for multiple seating arrangements to accommodate tastes. Deck chairs are always popular but have some table seating as well for older folks who cannot hold a plate with one hand while eating with the other. These tables will also make it easier for any parents to feeds their children with less fuss and mess.

Make it Feel Cozy

Plenty of warm lighting is necessary for evoking that cozy and comfortable feel of fall. A great way to add some real warmth and amplify the coziness is to build a fire. This will be immensely popular with everyone from kids to adults. The appeal will skyrocket if you have plenty of supplies for making s’mores.

Make sure to have plenty of lighting even if you light a fire. A fire tends to draw so much attention that you may think it provides enough light to the backyard. But it will be surrounded by people and the glow will be dimmed. Lights outside the glow of the fire are necessary to make sure people see where they are stepping. Some people may also not be comfortable too close to the fire. They will appreciate a well-lit cozy area to enjoy the fire from afar.

Many Lighting Options

There are many types of lights that you can rent or even purchase for this and other uses. Fairy lights look great in a backyard and add a magical feel that children will love and appreciate. It is also a way to add some lighting to the trees and bushes without too much harshness.

People will be able to easily identify the trees and bushes and see if there are seating options, so they can sit there or avoid going towards those areas because there is clearly no well-lit seating. This is the best way you can ensure that no one trips and falls trying to wander around your garden.

Depending on the type of gathering you are planning, you may need some tents or large parasols as well. In some areas, it can rain towards the evening. If you do not want to be driven inside by a light shower, then some waterproof awnings are a necessity.You may need to find out if your patio has the room and load-bearing capacity for the numberof guests you want to have. This is one of those details that do not easily occur to someone till they hear the deck creaking from the number of people on it.

A party is fun because the party planner makes sure that everyone can concentrate on having fun. If all these details are too much for you, there is no harm in hiring an event planner to put it all together for you. That way, you can enjoy yourself at your party as well, without worrying about everyone else’s good time.