The benefits of getting professional qualifications

StrategyDriven Professional Development Article | The benefits of getting professional qualificationsIf you are already working in a job that you are happy with and an industry that you love, you might think there’s no need to study for further qualifications. However, the reality is that there are a huge number of benefits to be gained from continuing your official studies while you’re working. Not least of these is that your company may well be willing to cover the cost of your tuition fees as long as you remain employed by them! So if you have been considering returning to formal study in a way that enables you to continue working at the same time, here are just a few reasons why professional qualifications might be perfect for you.

They broaden your knowledge and skills

One of the most obvious advantages of studying for a professional qualification is that it will improve your knowledge and skills in your industry. For instance, it might help you learn more about a different aspect of your field or find out about cutting-edge developments that you can then put into practice at work as your industry modernizes. Of course, it’s possible for you to study through self-directed learning, but an official qualification helps ensure that you are focusing on the most relevant areas. All of this will be a fantastic confidence booster too.

They give you official recognition for your effort

Many people find themselves learning a huge amount throughout their career, but because it is unofficial ‘on the job’ learning, you don’t receive any recognition for it. By studying for an official qualification, however, you ensure that all the hard work and effort you are putting into your career is formally recognized and recorded. This is especially useful if you hope to move to a different company at some point in the future, as it makes it easier to prove that you have the knowledge and skills required to succeed. Visit Innovate Awarding to see just how broad the qualifications available to you are.

They boost your career prospects

Having official professional qualifications listed on your resume is a very effective method of improving your career prospects. It can help you to negotiate a pay rise, make you eligible for a promotion, or boost your chances of getting a new job with a different company. Plus, once you complete a formal qualification, it very often opens doors to more study opportunities at a higher level or in a more specialist niche. All of which is a wonderful way to future-proof your career, as you can show employers that you are dedicated and willing to improve.

They can give you a greater sense of purpose

Another benefit of studying for professional qualifications is that it can help you to find more purpose and direction within your career. This is especially welcome if you have felt like you are stuck in a rut lately. You might discover a passion for a specific part of your industry that you’ve not been involved with before or have the opportunity to network with interesting people. Plus, you’ll have a great sense of accomplishment once you pass!

The Gender Pay Gap & the Importance of Retirement Planning

StrategyDriven Diversity and Inclusion Article |Gender Pay Gap|The Gender Pay Gap & the Importance of Retirement PlanningWhile there has been progress made in terms of gender equality in recent times, it is clear that there is still much more that needs to be done. The gender pay gap is one of the biggest issues in the workplace right now, especially when you consider that it is not just career earnings that this will impact as it will also result in women having a smaller pension at retirement.

The Retirement Gap

The gender pension gap is a serious issue that needs to be addressed. Additionally, it means that women need to plan their retirement finances and make sure that they have taken action to try and bridge the gap as best they can. Key Advice CEO, Will Hale, commented on the worrying issue of the gender pay gap and its impact on retirement finances:

“With women typically earning less over the course of their careers, more likely to work part-time or need to juggle their career and caring responsibilities, the gender pay gap quickly becomes the gender pension’s gap at retirement. It is disheartening that in 2021, women still expect 25% less than their male counterparts and nearly a third expect their income to fall below Joseph Rowntree Foundation’s (JRF) Minimum Income Standard. There is no quick fix to this situation but it does illustrate how important it is to consider all your assets at retirement.”

So, what are a few of the best steps that women can take to plan their retirement finances?

Equity Release

Many people are turning to equity release these days and it can certainly be an effective way to give your retirement income a healthy boost. Essentially, equity release is a way of freeing up the value in your home. The loan amount and any interest are paid back by selling once the last borrower dies or they move into long-term care. Equity release can be a great solution for many homeowners, but there are key considerations so you should always speak with an equity release specialist to see if it is right for you.

Passive Income

Anyone looking to grow their wealth and build towards a brighter retirement may also want to look into passive income streams. This can be a smart way to boost your income while you work and requires little effort once it is up and running. There are a few passive income options, such as rental properties, affiliate marketing and dropshipping businesses.


Investing is also a smart move for anyone looking to improve their retirement fund. Obviously, there is risk when it comes to investing, but options like index funds can be a smart way to diversify and build wealth over time.

There is no quick fix to the gender pay gap issue, which means that it is important that women are planning ahead when it comes to retirement and doing all that they can to boost their finances.