Talking Shop – What Your Ecommerce Site Can’t Do Without

If you’re reading this then you know that the future of shopping is well-and-truly online. But not every shop is created equal. The ecommerce businesses that keep the tips below in mind are going to see much more success with their customers.

StrategyDriven Marketing and Sales Article

Focus on the user experience first and foremost

This should be a given for any site but in the world of ecommerce, it’s actually easier to lose customers. Beyond categorization for products that makes sense and smart advanced search options, take an in-depth look through the whole process of buying items on your store. Think about where you can trim the fat, where another page or another click might not necessarily be needed. Putting customers through too long a process puts you at real risk of shopping cart abandonment. Another way of fighting it is by using breadcrumb navigation that shows customers at what stage they’re at through every part of the process. User friendliness must be your first and last concern.

Work to your product

No two ecommerce systems should work alike. In fact, if they have different products and different target markets, they should be wildly different. Beyond good navigation, you need a focus on the value proposition of the site and the individual products. For instance, the front page should be loud and clear with the deals on some of the most popular product types on the site. A front page that says nothing about the products is going to result in a lot of confused visitors. But attention to detail should go deeper than that. For instance, writing great product descriptions depends wildly from product to product. Lifestyle and fashion products, for instance, rely more on greater visual detail. Meanwhile, tech like computers and TVs need the technical details up-front. We’re talking resolutions, gigabytes, and compatibilities. You can’t sell two different kinds of products on the same selling points.

Have a site that works with you

Even worse than a site that’s confusing to customers is one that’s confusing to you. Not just in terms of design but management. Nowadays, there a lot of ecommerce hosting options that make it a lot easier for site owners to choose a platform built specifically for hosting ecommerce pages, with all the various sub-pages that go with it. Continuous, never-ending testing of the site is essential, too. Not just to make sure all pages are working. Methods like A/B testing also help you better understand how to make the site much easier to use for the customer.

Watch and learn

One of the best things about running a shop online as opposed to in the physical world is how much easier it is to store data on not just your customer base, but individual customers, too. Measuring the whole gives you a finger on the pulse of the market, seeing the trends from the customer’s’ point of view that can help you decide on which new stock might work best for the business. Building individual customer profiles, however, lets you go even further. You can specialize offers and create a bespoke browsing experience for each user that makes them a lot more likely to see something they’re tempted to buy.

3 Questions To Ask Yourself Before Hiring Your First Employee

StrategyDriven Managing Your People Article |Hiring a First Employee|3 Questions To Ask Yourself Before Hiring Your First EmployeeHiring your first employee is a big step for a new business. Things are going well and the workload is increasing so you think that now is the right time to start bringing more people on board, but that isn’t always the case. If you start expanding the business and hiring people too early, you might end up in a difficult financial situation and it could be the end of the business entirely. You may also find that you hire the wrong person if you rush into things without really thinking about it properly first. If you want to avoid getting it wrong, you need to ask yourself these 3 questions before you hire your first employee.

Why Are You Hiring Them?

This is important and it seems like an obvious question but a lot of people don’t actually think about this before they start hiring people. If your answer to this question is simply that you’re making more money and the business is getting a bit bigger so it seems like the right thing to do, you probably aren’t making the right choice. You should be hiring employees to help in specific areas where you’re struggling. For example, if you’re struggling to handle the volume of sales that you’re seeing and you need a sales rep to take on some of that workload, that’s fine. Or maybe you aren’t very good at digital marketing and you think that the company would benefit from having somebody with more experience do it, that’s a great reason to hire somebody. Before you jump into anything, consider how hiring a new employee will actually improve the business in a specific way. If you can’t think of anything, it’s not the right time to start hiring.

Can You Actually Pay Them?

A lot of people have a good month and then decide that they’re financially stable enough to pay an employee. Then they hire somebody and the following month sales dip again and they’re struggling to find the money. It’s best to wait until you’re seeing stable growth over a period of a few months before you decide to hire somebody, and try to put some money aside to cover their salary for a while.

You don’t just need to think about whether you can afford to pay them, you need to think about the actual process of paying them. In other words, do you have a payroll system in place? You’ll need some software to handle that for you and choosing the best payroll software for your business isn’t something that you can just do overnight. If you don’t understand how to deal with payroll yourself, that’s a big problem as well and you’ll need to hire somebody to do that first. If you rush into it and find that you can’t actually pay your employees, you’re going to have a big problem on your hands.

Do You Have A Clear Hiring Process?

Hiring an employee is a lot harder than you might realize. You’re going to get a lot of applications and you need to know how to narrow it down to a few candidates for interview and then choose the perfect person. If your process isn’t good, your first employee won’t be the right fit for the position and you’ll be wasting money. So, before you do anything, you need to sort your hiring process out and make sure that you know how to pick the right candidate.

If you can’t confidently answer all of these questions, it might be best to hold off for a while before hiring your first employee.

Now That People Are Going Back To The Office, How Do You Keep It Clean?

StrategyDriven Managing Your Business Article | Now That People Are Going Back To The Office, How Do You Keep It Clean?

Most offices employed cleaning agencies to give everything the once over in the morning before staff arrived at their desks before the pandemic. But now that COVID-19 is an issue, keeping the office pristine is more critical than it ever was in the past.

The number of germs and bacteria in offices is truly remarkable. Data suggest that there are around 30,000 of them per square inch on surfaces: that’s a lot.

So what can you do to keep your office space pristine and your workers safe in this challenging time? Let’s take a look at your options.

Put Down Mats In Entrances

Start by putting down mats in all your entrances. These areas tend to attract dirt and dust. In some cases, people can traipse muck from inside deep into the building on the bottom of their shoes. Mats collect dirt and are a low key approach to keeping everything nice and clean.

Put Hand Sanitizers Everywhere

Next, look for opportunities to increase the number of hand-sanitizers that you offer. People should be able to quickly wash their hands before opening doors or making their way into the building. Sanitizers are more convenient than asking people to go to the bathroom to wash their hands, especially if you host a lot of guests.

Clean All Surfaces

Evidence suggests that coronaviruses can survive on surfaces and still infect people even after a few days. It’s essential, therefore, that you clean all the surfaces in your office, not just desks and floors.

Window cleaning services, such as Labor Panes, are becoming more popular. So too are services that use micronized particles to spray walls, killing any germs on contact. Ideally, you should use both these methods to keep your places of work safe and clean.

Keep Your Waste Dry

Have you noticed that your waste paper basket doesn’t smell but the office kitchen bin does? That’s because the paper basket is dry and the bin is wet. Bacteria can grow and multiple in a wet environment, causing it to smell.

There are some important steps that you can take to keep your trash dry. Tell your colleagues to put any wet waste down the sink and only use the dry waste for cartons and packets.

Avoid Sponges

Sponges seem like the ultimate cleaning weapons. But it turns out that they are actually breeding grounds for harmful bacteria. Germs find food to eat trapped in the sponge and they can be difficult to dislodge. Many restaurants actually ban sponges from their kitchens for this reason.

Instead of using sponges, use plasticated brushes instead. These are more hygienic and don’t smell after you use them.

Clean Electronics

Lastly, you’ll want to begin thinking more about how you clean your electronics. Electronics are perhaps the dirtiest surfaces in your office overall because they come into contact with people’s hands all the time. You can clean electronics with alcohol-based sprays to protect their internal components. Don’t use any water on them for obvious reasons. Remember to dust underneath the wires.

A Few Ways To Start Your Entrepreneurial Lifestyle

StrategyDriven Entrepreneurship Article | A Few Ways To Start Your Entrepreneurial Lifestyle

Being an entrepreneur is something that you ever want or you don’t. When you are an entrepreneur you commit to working for yourself and do whatever you can’t make yourself and your company or companies in some cases succeed. There are lots of different ways to become an entrepreneur and lots of different levels to start at, you need to find what’s right for you with your age and budget that you have and what level of investment you want to make, to begin with. Being an entrepreneur is a wonderful thing. It gives you flexibility, freedom to choose how you spend your days as well as a better work-life balance. It also allows you to further your career as much as you want to without any restrictions from companies that have their own rules. Where is it a normal 9-to-5 job he may only ever reach 40,000 a year whereas when you’re an entrepreneur the possibilities are endless.

When you starting at the very beginning of wanting to become an entrepreneur and work for yourself most people start with a side hustle, this normally goes alongside their normal 9-to-5 job which they are looking to scale and grow their business to a point where they can leave their normal job and follow their passions and their own company. There are lots of different ways you can do this and the top tips everywhere for entrepreneurs and advice to help you start. There are lots of different ways you can become an entrepreneur. There are things like social media managers and virtual assistants. These are service-based companies and something that you can do in the comfort of your own home or even sitting on holiday as long as you have a laptop and Wi-Fi. As a social media manager, you are stuck at the capacity of how many clients you can handle but you are also able to then further and outsource clients to people who can then work for you. Prices vary all over the world in the US the average is about $1000 a month per client so if you have 10 clients a month that’s $10,000 a month before tax. There are lots of online courses to help you train and learn to do these roles and some of them are free too.

If you’re ready to look at more of a commitment and have a bigger investment amount you’re able to put in you could look at buying a business that’s already there and making it your own. There are lots of businesses for sale all over the place as well as franchises and it’s not a look at the top places where the businesses are. This will give you a bit of a head start into being an entrepreneur and having a business as all the base and foundation work is already done. You’ll be able to come in and take over and make it your helping to scale and grow the business which will increase profits, turnover and the growth of the company.

Great Tips to Improve Your Marketing Skills

StrategyDriven Professional Development Article |Improve your Marketing Skills| Great Tips to Improve Your Marketing SkillsMarketing is one of the most vital elements of any business and can often make or break a company’s success, which is why it pays to boost your marketing skills.

Research Traditional & Contemporary Techniques

Understanding is easily one of the most important things you could ever have when looking to improve any ability, especially one such as marketing. There is a myriad of useful and interesting techniques available to you, both traditional and contemporary, and an understanding of these techniques is the best way to learn how to apply them practically to your business.

Contemporary Marketing Techniques. The majority of contemporary marketing techniques revolve around implementing web-based marketing, mainly through social media, to drive highly specialized web traffic towards your company. Skills such as SEO optimization, social media marketing, understanding how to write a press release, and producing high-quality content are all useful aspects of this kind of marketing and contribute greatly to the success of your marketing campaigns.

Traditional Marketing Techniques. Alternatively, more traditional marketing techniques refer to tried and true methods such as car sign advertising and storefront advertising. These traditional methods tend to cost significantly less than more contemporary marketing and have lower upkeep requirements. However, they also tend to drive less of a response and reach far fewer potential customers than contemporary techniques.

Attend Classes

On top of undertaking your own research, a brilliant way to improve your understanding of marketing skills is to engage with classes on the subject, either online or in person. Fortunately, there are many avenues to accrue an understanding of key marketing skills, any of which are work pursuing.

Relevance of Techniques to Specific Situations. Among the many important skills conferred by this kind of education, one of the most beneficial is assessing when it is most appropriate to apply specific marketing techniques. By understanding when you should be marketing and in which areas of your business, you can apply your efforts and budget far more specifically than you would otherwise. This can help your marketing budget to stretch further and can also help to ensure your marketing campaigns make the most impact possible.

Apply Your Knowledge

Finally, after accumulating relevant marketing knowledge, the best way to continue to improve your skills is to ensure that you are applying your marketing knowledge in the most effective ways possible. By applying your marketing knowledge, you can get a feel for how this knowledge translates to the field and also learn from the experience.

Generate Your Own Marketing Campaigns. The best way to apply the knowledge you have gained is to work at generating your own marketing campaigns, whether or not these are successful for your company.

Learn from Your Failures. One of the most important things to do when you are applying your knowledge in this way is to ensure that you learn from your mistakes. When something goes wrong, take note of why so that when you try again, you know how to avoid similar mistakes.