How To Succeed As A New Teacher

StrategyDriven Professional Development Article |Succeed as a New Teacher|How To Succeed As A New TeacherBeing a teacher is a rewarding career to have. You’re helping others and giving back to your community. As a new teacher, you may have a lot of questions on your mind.

While you may be excited about your role you might also be a bit nervous and hesitant to get started. Your goal should be to have a positive attitude and do all that’s in your power to ensure you and your students succeed. Continue reading to get tips that will help you thrive and perform your best.

Plan Ahead

You can succeed as a new teacher by planning ahead for each school year. Map out what you want your students to learn and what type of material you should be covering. Come prepared to class each day by reviewing some lesson plans such as these It’ll help you structure your classroom and make sure you keep learning fun, engaging, and interactive.

Gather & Listen to Feedback

Succeed as a new teacher by being open to hearing feedback from others. Instead of taking it personally, use it as an opportunity to improve and do better going forward. Not only gather feedback from your students but also from faculty and parents. Take it to heart and listen to what these people have to say so you can do a better job in the future. It’ll help you get to know your strengths and weaknesses better and help you focus on improving in a few particular areas that will truly make a big difference in your teaching skills.

Be Available

As a new teacher, one of the best ways to make a difference in the lives of your students is to be available. Let your students know when they can talk and meet with you and be around during breaks and the lunch hour if necessary. Have an open-door policy and let your students know that they can always come to you with a problem, question, or concern. Get to know your coworkers and the faculty and your new school so that people can get to know you better and feel more comfortable working with you.

Practice Work-Life Balance

Although you want to succeed as a new teacher, it doesn’t mean you should neglect your own needs or health. Therefore, be committed to practicing work-life balance and making sure you leave plenty of time for hobbies and time with friends and family. Take advantage of any free time you get on the weekends or evenings to participate in activities you enjoy or that make you feel calm. Learn productive ways to reduce and manage your stress so you can be at your best each day for your students and not take action or say words you later regret.


These tips will help you succeed as a new teacher and ensure you enjoy your role. You’ll have a much better career and time teaching when you’re committed to excelling and doing a good job. Take pride in your work and remember to acknowledge your small wins along the way that will ultimately add up to you being a successful teacher overall.

3 Safety Measures For Manufacturing Facilities

StrategyDriven Resource Management Article |Manufacturing Facilities|3 Safety Measures For Manufacturing FacilitiesFeeling safe is an important aspect of life. Being safe at home, on the road or in a job, are factors that everyone desires to have. Since being safe and feeling safe are both highly sought after, society has developed procedures for almost everything that we do. Included in this is workplace safety.

Workplace safety is important. It ensures that all employees know how to work safely, avoid any accidents, and reduce the risk of coming into contact with any harm. Understandably, there are certain industries in which the workplace is more dangerous. They will also have a higher risk rate than others. In these environments, such as a manufacturing facility, the term “safety first” is more than just a well-used phrase.

These are a few safety measures to implement in a manufacturing facility that can help to protect the safety of all those involved.

Conducting Risk Assessments

To protect yourself and your employees, you need to be constantly aware of all the things that could potentially go wrong. You will also need to know what you can do, as an employer, to prevent a dangerous situation from occurring. For instance, avoid taking unnecessary risks and remain calm should you find yourself in a dangerous situation.

Every company should conduct a risk assessment as a way of identifying and preventing work hazards. Some companies go a step further and have a safety officer. The role of the safety officer is to recognize and analyze hazards within the workplace. Having a thorough investigation means that both you and your employees are aware of the risks and know how to avoid them.

Ensuring Electrical Safety

Handling electrics, whether it be circuit switches, reactors, breakers, or transformers, can be risky if not performed properly. If an issue were to occur, your workers need to perform maintenance safely. One of the best ways to do this is through a group operated disconnect switch.
With a group operated disconnect switch, it allows workers to confirm where there is an open-air gap exists within their electrical sources. Using a group operated disconnect switch, they can safely perform emergency maintenance or routine check-ups as and when needed.

Knowing How To Operate Heavy Machinery

Within a manufacturing facility, employees will more than likely be in contact with heavy machinery. Each piece of machinery should be in working condition. It should also have all of the manufacturer’s safety guards correctly installed. Whenever a defect or malfunction is detected, immediately contact the maintenance department, and review the instruction manual.

Despite being a common risk, hazardous manual handling remains an underrated risk in too many industries. A general rule is, if you have not undergone proper training in the technical aspects of operating a piece of machinery, do not use it.

Putting Safety First

Every company, regardless of the industry that they operate within, should ensure that their employees are well aware of the safety procedures in place. They should also ensure that the work environment is safe.

All employees should feel safe when entering work at a manufacturing facility. They should not need to worry about working in an unsafe environment. Ultimately, with factory work, the consequences have the potential to be severe.

Preparing Your Store so You Attract Customers and Keep Them Coming Back for More

StrategyDriven Managing Your Business Article | Preparing Your Store so You Attract Customers and Keep Them Coming Back for MoreTake in every part of your business, from the dingy store counter to the floors that have clearly seen better days. If your first thought is about how your business needs a makeover, keep reading for tips on making your space seem fresher while following the ADA guide, and keep your customers coming back for more.

Lighten the Rooms Up

When you walk into a dark space, you feel that you have no options. Unfortunately, many people don’t like this and will leave a store that is too dark. This can be costly for your business, especially if repainting isn’t an option that will help. Fortunately, the easiest way to brighten up a room is to tackle the floors.

Often, hardwoods can become dirty easily but are still salvageable. They need a good cleaning and refinishing. If you have painted concrete, you can also give this an update. Your first option is to repaint it with a lighter color and keep it clean. Or, for a lower maintenance option, you can install linoleum or similar material over the concrete. Just remember to keep the floor in touch with your main theme.

Move the Counters

One of the biggest problems stores face is the layout. Sometimes things are arranged in a way that cuts off sightlines and makes walking around confusing. Plus, many stores place their displays too close to the walls, which cramps up their counter attendants. If these problems sound familiar, you should consider investing in smaller counters, such as the ones Hestra offers, that can be placed in the center of your shop. That lets customers easily walk around your counters.

Start this process by setting up folding tables where you want your counters to go. Then, think about where you will place all your items. You don’t want anything important to be stashed into an unfrequented corner. You also want to avoid allowing anything to block your customers’ line of sight. Lastly, ensure nothing offputting is located at the entrance to your store. Remedying these problems can freshen up your shop’s layout, making it more attractive to customers.

Get Some Coolers Up and Running

Call your local distributor and have some coolers brought in. Have plenty of space that offers cooled items, whether it is fresh produce or something else. Many people are thrilled to see local products, such as cheeses, to snack on after shopping. When you figure out what cool products you want to offer, make sure they have enough light.

Don’t be afraid to paint your coolers, so they match your shop’s theme. Then, keep them out in the open, but don’t block your customers’ lines of sight. Also, get rid of any unnecessary racks for merchandise. At first, this may sound like a bad idea. However, having too many racks can make them get dusty and leave your inventory spread out, which can make your store appear old. Instead of relying strictly on racks, try fun ideas, like hanging merchandise on the walls. You can also try built-in options which may make your space seem more homely.

Give the Space a Makeover

Aside from these, figure out ways to make your space cosmetically appealing. The easiest things to do include figuring out ways to let more natural light in and painting the walls. Also, during your makeover, clean every surface thoroughly. Finally, if you’re changing the layout, think about how you want people to walk through your stores and place your displays accordingly. At the end of the day, make sure you highlight all of your products and that they are well lighted. By the way, lose the spinning racks because they will date your store.

Get Rid of Some Merchandise

If you want to bring in the new, get rid of the old. Even if you love something, don’t keep it in your store if it doesn’t sell. Instead, mark it down and don’t restock those items. They are simply a waste of space on your shelves.

Sometimes, it takes work to get your shop set up properly. However, taking the time to freshen up your space will help you attract new customers and keep them coming back to visit. So get started on your store’s makeover today.

13 Maintenance and Design Tips To Create a Healthy and Productive Workspace

StrategyDriven Managing Your People Article |Healthy Workspace|13 Maintenance and Design Tips To Create a Healthy and Productive WorkspaceAfter the pandemic hit, a staggering number of professionals around the country had to abandon the office and start working from home. While the first few weeks came with all the challenges of an unpredicted adaptation period, most workers then managed to find a new balance.

Today, almost 60% of Americans work from home for most of the week, and they are planning to keep things that way. Organizations around the world have also enjoyed the benefits of this new trend – especially because they can now cut down on office space, reduce expenses, and tap into a worldwide talent pool.

Nonetheless, there are also some reasons for which companies still want employees to come into the office for a few days each month. And, if you are also trying to make this new hybrid work model work for your company, you need to make the experience of coming into the office productive and energizing. Start with the tips below.

Let Nature In

Spending time in nature is linked to lower stress levels and cortisol, better mood and morale, and higher productivity levels. So, we know that if you want to feel calmer and more serene, you have to spend time in a park, forest, or coastal area.

But how can you reap the benefits of nature while working in the office? Bringing nature indoors! You can do so by decorating with plants and natural materials such as wood, metal, and natural fabrics. Try to leave out cheap, single-use items!

Leverage Natural Light and Fresh Air

Just as important as decorating with natural and sustainable elements is letting in some fresh air and natural light. Over the past years, a rising number of employees have started to suffer from Sick Building Syndrome (SBS). This condition is not immediately evident but, in the long term, it can cause respiratory problems, skin conditions, low morale, excessive tiredness, and mental health issues.

You can prevent all of this by opening curtains and windows and letting fresh air and sunshine into the office. Your teams will feel much happier and more energized!

Not only that but naturally lit and ventilated workspaces can improve productivity among your employees. They usually perform much better in a work environment with open windows allowing light and air to come in. 

Insulate the Building

Insulating the building is essential to create a comfortable and adequate working environment while making the whole building more sustainable. Insulation is especially important if the premises are in an area subjected to drastic temperature changes, and it allows you to save over 15% on heating and cooling costs. All this, while allowing your employees to feel comfortable when at their desks.

Maintain Gutters and Roof

The building’s gutters and roof are elements that are not often in sight and can be overlooked. However, it is important to inspect them at least once or twice a year. Gutters can get clogged and, with the first heavy downpours, they can cause rainwater to overflow or stagnate, which can lead to rotting of the fascia board.

Maintaining the roof is just as important! Through regular checks, you can ensure that the whole building is structurally sound and insulated. You should also carry out emergency inspections after a natural disaster or if you suspect that something is wrong with the roof.

Read more here about the maintenance, inspection, and replacement options you have!

Keep Up to Date With the Latest Regulations

Your employees are one of the company’s main assets, and it is your duty and responsibility to provide them with a safe and healthy workplace. Whether the commercial building your offices occupy has been recently built or not, make sure you are up to date with the latest regulations and safety requirements.

Invest in Technology

The pandemic initiated some important trends and sped up some that were already happening. But what it has made obvious is that we all rely more on technology than ever before. Make sure your office has all the technology needed to ensure it remains productive and competitive. Aside from industry-based technological solutions that you should have, you might consider investing in:

  • Cloud system that helps you with daily operations, waste management, remote collaboration, and compliance
  • High-speed internet connection
  • The latest cybersecurity features for you and your employees
  • Team collaboration software that allows you to switch from on-site to remote working seamlessly.

With these modern innovations in place, you can make the life of your employees much easier and less stressful.

Allow for Flexibility

As we have seen, over half of all employees in the US and abroad are working from home most of the week. While for some this has been a drastic and uncomfortable change, for many it was a happy change. Whatever your employees prefer, they might expect flexibility from your end. So, you should adapt the office space to welcome this hybrid workforce. If your team is too small for you to have – and pay for – office spaces, you should consider the coworking or shared office model.

Carve Out Green Spaces

Whether it is one of the walls, on the roof, or outside the premises, consider creating a green space where your employees can spend their lunch break and relax away from the four walls of the office. Green space does not have to necessarily be a perfectly designed garden – it could also be a small patch of land or an urban garden on the top of the building.

Thankfully, many companies or building owners offer workspaces to businesses. One of the good things about these spaces is that they’re well-designed, comfortable, and located in prime locations, making it more convenient for your workforce. With flexible workspaces, your employees can freely move around and work in an exciting and fresh environment where they can share their ideas and improve their creativity. 

Hence, if you’re looking for a flexible office space for your employees, you can search for some options online or seek recommendations from friends, colleagues, and other people in the business community.

Make It Easily Accessible

Thanks to the advent of remote working, many companies have opted to move their offices to locations that are less central and, often, more affordable. Since many employees don’t need to commute to the office anymore, this change makes sense for many organizations. However, some of your employees will still travel to and from the office. So, if you want to encourage them to come into the office at least a few days every week, you should make this option easy and accessible for them!

Consider the Benefits of Pet Therapy

Welcoming pets in the office could be a great way to keep your employees engaged and entertained, and this experience can help them develop a caring attitude towards the company itself! Studies have found that there are several benefits to bringing pets into the office premises, including reducing stress, increasing productivity, improving resiliency, and preventing aggressive reactions in situations of stress.

Include Areas for Relaxation and Socialization

The era of the rat race is over. Today, employees want to be valued and recognized for their hard work, personality, and unique touch. Of course, you need them to be in their best shape, energized, and motivated.

However, productivity does not always come from just sitting in front of a laptop for nine hours! New studies have seen that short breaks of ten minutes or less every hour allow the brain to recharge and can significantly increase productivity.

Introducing strategic stations for relaxation and socialization in the office can pay you back in productivity and better outcomes after all!

Create a Range of Workstations

In the past, the focus has always been on finding the best type of furniture, chair, and desks for employees to be comfortable and focus – all while also keeping an eye on the budget. However, today, we know that working in a fixed position does not help productivity, and can contribute to all the issues that a sedentary life can cause.

Instead, make sure to create a variety of seating options and workstations across the office space. These can include benches, conference rooms, quiet areas, standing desks, cafes, and standard seats.

Invest in Activities

Scheduling group activities such as yoga and meditation can help employees better manage stress, feel more energized, and optimize productivity. Whether you can organize weekly sessions or you just encourage your employees to take five to ten minutes out of their day to practice mindfulness, don’t underestimate the power of these activities on health, mood, emotional well-being, and productivity levels. Try it out today!


It’s important to know that having a healthy and productive work environment can play an integral role in the organization’s growth and success. If you have a beautiful and comfortable workplace, your employees will have the energy and motivation to accomplish their duties and responsibilities more efficiently and quickly. 

Hence, if you want your workplace to be as healthy and productive as possible, keep the tips mentioned above in mind, and you’ll be in the right direction. 

Tips that will Help you to Achieve Success in Your Career

StrategyDriven Professional Development Article |Success in your Career|Tips that will Help you to Achieve Success in Your CareerOne of the best ways that you can achieve career success is for you to try and keep assessing your performance. Don’t want for an annual review. Do it yourself! You also need to set quantifiable goals for yourself, while also setting a timeline to get certain things done. If you can do this, and follow the below tips then there’s no reason why you can’t achieve success in your career.

Be Ready to Learn

If you want to excel in your chosen career, then you have to be willing to learn. You need to be able to accept feedback as well. It doesn’t matter what college you went to or what grades you managed to achieve because professional life will absolutely be different to your normal life. You need to be able to answer a million questions that will probably pop up every day and you also need to show management that you are actually coachable. Paying attention to new things while having a willingness to learn will get you far. If you want to take things to that next level, why not think about getting into Yale Law.

Anticipate Needs

If you want to succeed in a new job and if you want to achieve career success then you need to be aware of what your team need and what managers you are going to be working with. Stay one step ahead of your boss by asking yourself, if you were in that position, what would you want done next? Show initiative and adopt a real go-getter attitude. If you can do this, then you will soon find that you can come out on top.

Communicate Well

Communication is key at the end of the day. If you know that your manager has to ask you for a report, or an update on your status then you may not be doing everything that you could be. The idea is for you to try and be as proactive as possible while also showing a good level of communication. Let people know when a task has been done and then actively move onto the next job. If you can do this, then there’s no reason why you shouldn’t be able to succeed.

Set Goals

Remember that you are not getting paid to work hard. You are paid to fulfil the goals and missions of the company that you work for. This is the case in the short-term as well as the long-term. Therefore, you need to keep in mind that you have to meet clear and defined goals that the company have set. If you can adopt a goal-oriented mindset, then this will help you to achieve career success, regardless of where you are on the corporate ladder.

Show but Don’t Tell

The value of action is far bigger than words. You have to make sure that you use this as a principle for any dealings that you might have in the office. Don’t brag about all of the things that you can do, if you don’t ever end up doing them. Instead, you need to show management what you are capable of, and you also need to prove to everyone that you deserve to be there.