How To Take Your Business From ‘Small Fry’ To ‘Big Fish’

Right now your business is small. You love what you’re doing and where you’re going but you’re starting to wonder how you can progress your business success more quickly. Being a small business is great but if you’re someone who aspires to go from ‘small fry’ to ‘big fish’ then you’re probably wondering what it takes to give your business the boost it needs.

Growing and developing a business isn’t always simple or straightforward, as there is a lot to think about, from budgets to planning. You have to think about a wide number of things if you’re serious about expanding your business. It’s stressful growing a business, that’s a given, but if you get your approach right, it’s worth taking the time and putting in the effort.

StrategyDriven Managing Your Business Article | How To Take Your Business From ‘Small Fry’ To ‘Big Fish’

So, what steps should you take to start growing your business? Below is a guide to some of the ins and outs of achieving successful business growth.

Create an action plan

First things first, if you want to give your business a boost and actually see results, you need to create an action plan. Your plan of action should lay out the approach that you are going to take to growing your business.

It’s best to set large targets with a number of small goals leading to each one – this approach makes achieving growth seem more doable. You don’t want to set overly ambitious targets as this can make them seem impossibly difficult to reach. Instead, aim to keep goals achievable – remember, you can always exceed them.

Speak to a consultant

If you feel like you could benefit from some professional advice about any area of your business and how to utilise that to see growth, consider booking an appointment with a specialist consultant. Whether that’s a general business consultant or with a consultant from a more specialised field, such as speaking to a finance consultant.

If you’re struggling with a certain area of your business, such as your brand’s marketing, for instance, then you might want to consider expert marketing consultation. You might find that taking the time to speak with a specialist gives you the insight and knowledge that you need to give your business the boost it requires to meet your goals.

Work smarter, not harder

Be a smart worker, not a harder worker. Yes, growing a business requires a lot of hard work, but that doesn’t mean that you can’t be smart about how you achieve business growth. Don’t be afraid to utilise smart tech as a means to an end for your business. Believe it or not, you can use smart tech to make managing your business processes simpler and easier – you can simplify and automate your entire operation.

There you have it, a simple guide to how you can make achieving business growth simpler, easier and more doable. Take note of the tips and ideas above, utilise them for your business and you should be able to make growing your business into a ‘big fish’ a little easier to achieve.

Fun Things You Can Do During the Winter Season

StrategyDriven Practices for Professionals Article | Fun Things You Can Do During the Winter SeasonDuring winter, it can be challenging to find the motivation to engage in recreational activities. If you want to do nothing but relax on the couch and scroll through your phone, you can do so, but where is the fun in that?

Instead of letting time pass with boredom, have fun instead! The winter season is a great time to enjoy alone or with friends and family. The cold temperature and the snow are some of winter’s unique and special attributes. To ensure that your winter will be well-spent and filled with enjoyment, here are a few recommendations of fun things that you can do, whether it’s by yourself or with somebody.

The best hot chocolate

You can invite your friends over to compete in making the best hot chocolate ever. This can also be done with your family members or by yourself. It’s all about creating the most innovative, delicious, and overall best hot chocolate in the world. The best part about this is that you get to drink what you’ve made-a perfect match for the cold season.

Snowball competition

Winter isn’t winter without any snowballs. If you’re tired of all the snowball fights, how about competing for the giant snowball. The winner of this competition is the person who can create the giant snowball within a minute. Seems fun, right? This game will surely excite the competitive spirit in everyone.

DIY Candles

To add warmth to your homes, how about making a personalized candle? A lot of candle-making materials are available online, and the process is not that difficult. You get to customize the scent to make it perfect for your home. Seeing the candles that you’ve made with your own two hands around the house will cozy up space with your personalized touch.


Winter is the perfect time for trying out new hobbies. One hobby that is perfect for the cold season is knitting. You can create knitted winter wear for yourself, your friends, and your family members. You start by making mug coasters for the best chocolate you’ve ever made and then progress to making a scarf or a beanie. You might realize that you have a hidden talent in knitting.

DIY Sled Competition

Sledding is one of the most enjoyable things we do as kids (even as adults) during winter. Make sure that your driveway is free from snow so that you can hold the competition there. You can hire a snow removal service to do that for you. To spice things up, you can have a competition in finding alternatives to the regular sled. Everybody can try to find unusual items that you can use to sled, and the person who can successfully sled down the snow hill wins. This competition can get funny, especially when their DIY sled gets destroyed while trying it out.

Reading books

Catch up on some reading! Take a seat in your favorite spot in the house and start reading books that have been on your wish list for a long time. You’ll undoubtedly appreciate this peace to yourself during one of the laziest times of the year.


It’s time to build a fire on the cold winter nights. Cozy up by the fire with a bunch of friends and a few warm blankets that are both beautiful and comfortable at the same time.


When it comes to de-stressing and pondering your day, yoga is one of the most specific activities you can do. Make yourself comfortable in your favorite pair of comfy yoga outfits by the fireplace and focus entirely on your breathing.

There are many advantages to stretching your body, such as boosting your energy, relieving anxiety, and relieving stressful conditions during the cold winter season.

Baking with the family

Nothing brings you and your kids together than a fun baking activity. Bake cookies and cakes with the kids. You can decorate them with fun icing colors. You can give some of these cookies and cakes to your neighbors and friends to spread some fun during the cozy winter season.

These nine things are only a few of the numerous fun things you can do during the frosty wintertime. Aside from winter sports such as skiing and ice skating, there are relaxing and enjoyable activities that you can do during your leisure time. Whether spending time by yourself or with a company, there will always be a fun winter activity to do. You can create a list to look at it to choose something to do whenever you’re bored, and you can start your list with these nine recommendations.

Taking Another Look at Your Talent: Why Redeployment Might be Better Than Redundancy

StrategyDriven Resource Management Article | Taking Another Look at Your Talent: Why Redeployment Might be Better Than RedundancyMany businesses have struggled since March 2020 and are only just returning to their pre-pandemic operations. During the coronavirus crisis, it was common practice for companies to furlough their staff, but this is now coming to an end as restrictions ease. However, this has left many organisations scrambling to cut costs and potentially scale down their operations.

Many are now considering redundancies as business requirements change in the post-Covid world. However, assessing the talent within your organisation and redeploying employees to other departments could prove more beneficial than redundancies. Here’s why.

It Can be Cheaper

Hiring, onboarding and training talent is a costly procedure. Add redundancy payments that you might have to fork out should you lay off an employee to this, and you have a hefty sum of money.

Filling an internal vacancy elsewhere in the business with an employee who already understands your company’s ethos and methods can be a far better option. It allows you to protect your investment in an employee during the hiring process and avoid further payments if you were laying them off. Overall, this can translate to significant savings, even when the training for the new role is factored in.

It Can Boost Morale

Downsizing your operations through redundancy is sometimes necessary. However, it can dramatically impact the morale of the staff members who retain their jobs. This common occurrence is often referred to as “survivor syndrome”. It is characterised by lower morale, engagement, motivation, dedication and productivity.

It is easy to see how this could impact your business as a whole, so it is likely something you will wish to avoid in your company. Redeployment can be an effective strategy to boost morale and motivation in your organisation.

While it is often driven by financial requirements, the practice offers an opportunity for growth for redeployed staff members. Additionally, it reduces the incidence of “survivor syndrome” that would otherwise be rampant with redundancies. Therefore, it can be an effective way to boost productivity and morale.

It Can Make Your Company More Adaptable

During the pandemic, businesses were forced to adapt to a changing climate. Many working practices had to be suspended, and other employees were forced to work remotely from home. For many businesses, this adaptation was a learning opportunity. Many companies sought to use the pandemic as an opportunity to cross-train their employees, bringing new skills into their workforce.

Rapid redeployment will allow your staff to grow and develop their skills and provide them with a better understanding of how other departments function. Ultimately, this can prepare them for additional opportunities that arise in your company and boost your workforce’s adaptability as a whole. This will allow your organisation to roll with the punches better whenever it faces adversity.


In many cases, it can often be a better option to retrain staff members for roles in other areas of your company. At present, many businesses are adapting their operations to a post-Covid world. For many, this means redundancy is a real possibility. However, for the reasons outlined above, it can often pay to redeploy staff instead.

Why Traditional Invoicing Is a Bottleneck: Do These 4 Things to Remedy It

StrategyDriven Managing Your Finances Article | Why Traditional Invoicing Is a Bottleneck: Do These 4 Things to Remedy ItThe accounts receivable departments must process incoming payments every day and keep financial records up to date. Unfortunately, some companies do not complete these tasks on a daily basis and create bottlenecks. The processes could lead to longer waits for profits, and some companies cannot wait that long.

By following better practices, the business owners can avoid bottlenecks and keep their cash flow coming each day. Several common mistakes made by AP departments can also create further unnecessary complexities.

1. Try An Invoicing Service

Many companies face difficulties with managing all invoices for their customers, and they often turn over some accounts to service providers that help the company collect the overdue balances. Unfortunately, many collection agencies use tactics that do not get the job done and alienate the customers. Even the best customer the company has could face circumstances that cause them to miss a payment, but this doesn’t mean they deserve to constantly get harassing phone calls.

Instead of using these more traditional tactics, many companies are using less invasive practices to give customers a more convenient opportunity to pay their outstanding balance without calling the company to complete the payment. These methods could allow the customer to follow a link in an email from the company that guides them through a more convenient payment process.

The collection efforts won’t interfere with the customer’s personal life or make them feel overwhelmed. The service provider sets up a link that redirects them to an online payment solution and the process is quite simple. Business owners can learn more about using instant invoices by contacting a service provider now.

2. Speed Up Invoice Processing 

Another issue that many companies face is a failure to process and send out the invoices. Companies may have a larger collection of clients and invoicing is a major task for the AP department. This could become a serious issue for the company and prevent cash flow from coming in on time. Some companies pick a specific day of the month to print a huge collection of invoices instead of processing an invoice immediately. Customers that don’t know how much they owe the company cannot send in a payment and update their account. They need an invoice right now.

In turn, the AP department becomes overwhelmed with the number of invoices they must send out at the end of a week or month. These slower processes just delay the payment process and make the company wait longer to get their payments from customers. If the company implements practices that invoice the customer immediately and sends out the invoice, the company receives more payments throughout the month and eliminates common cash flow problems.

3. Analyze Customer Payment Habits

Companies must also analyze their customers’ payment habits, and they must determine when it is time to let certain customers go. A customer with a persistent history of tardy payments isn’t just hurting their own credit or making themselves unworthy of using credit. They are also slowing down the business and preventing the business from collecting the money they are owed by the customer.

By using data mining practices, the company can generate reports that show them which customers are late with their payments and which customers have a history of getting late charges. While companies do not want to discourage customers from buying their products or hiring them for their services, there comes a time when some customers becomd a major problem for businesses and delays the time it takes to get their profits.

Customers that never pay their payments on time create more of a problem for the business than letting the customers go. For example, if the company allows customers to buy products and pay later, the customer must pay later and settle their debt to the company. However, if the same customer is late persistently, they are not a valuable customer and are simply making it more difficult for the company to operate. It’s time to let them go by blocking their account.

4. Ensure Access for Workers Who Need the Information

Another major dilemma with companies that use outsourced customer service or collection services is that they don’t have the information available. All workers who will manage customer accounts need access to the customer files. If they cannot open a customer’s account and review the data, the workers cannot accept and process customer payments.

The business owner will need to review all connections to their database to ensure that the workers have the correct credentials for the task. Customers do not want to call in to make a payment and face one or more transfers to other departments. This takes up the customer’s time, and it will discourage them from doing business with the company. Companies that have automated systems must streamline these processes to ensure that customers’ payments are accepted and processed immediately.

By invoicing immediately after the service or order, the company can also make it possible for the customer service representatives to find the outstanding balance. If the invoices haven’t been processed, they will not show up in the system. This could lead to customers facing delays that are not convenient for them and make them want to get the same services or products somewhere else.

Accounts receivable departments must take on the task of collecting all outstanding payments for the company, and they must follow more streamlined processes. For many companies, slowdowns in invoicing make it difficult for them to collect the customers’ payments in a timely manner. Some companies do not have the time or resources to process invoices only once a month, and the process could prevent access to high volume of capital that they need during the month.

When reviewing strategies for processing invoices, the companies could find a more efficient option that makes it easier to collect now. By using immediate invoices with a direct link to the payment system, they can collect the money faster and update the customer’s files instantly.

Questions to Answer Before Investing in a Start-Up

StrategyDriven Starting Your Business Article | Questions to Answer Before Investing in a Start-Up

Investing in start-ups can be a fascinating endeavor. The idea of being an early investor in a new company and watching it grow into something extraordinary is inspiring.

However, before making any investment decision, it is essential to ask yourself some tough questions to make sure you are ready for the commitment. In this article, you will learn about questions that every potential start-up investor should answer before investing. Read on!

How Does This Affect Your Diversification Strategy?

Diversification is the process of spreading out assets among different investments, such that one lousy investment does not ruin your entire portfolio. Diversification also seeks to balance a portfolio by including other asset classes like stocks and bonds.

It is also a great strategy for continuous improvement in your firm. You can also learn other ways to continually improve your company by signing up in a lean learning center. Investing in a start-up company, for instance, is generally considered to be an illiquid asset because it takes time to realize any return on investment.

As a result, there may not be anything tangible to sell if you need or want out of your position (unless you have been given some venture capital with a liquidation clause).

What Level of Involvement is Required? 

Investing in start-ups can be a difficult decision. One of the primary considerations is what level of involvement you will need to have with the company? For example, are you expected to help decide how to allocate funds or provide feedback on new ideas for products and services?

If your goal is to invest and not be involved in the day-to-day decisions of the company, then you should consider a small investment. A more significant investment may require more involvement from your end and, if not careful, could lead to burnout or lack of interest over time.

What is the Time Frame?

Consider the length of time you plan on staying invested in an investment. Long-term investors may want to invest more heavily and pay less attention to risk, while short-term investors might be looking for quick gains but are unwilling to take as much risk.

Individual situations vary greatly, so carefully consider how long you are planning on investing before making a decision.

What Rate of Return is Expected? 

It is essential to understand your investment expectations. For example, do you want a guaranteed return, or do you need one that entails more risk?

There are different strategies for investing, and understanding the level of risk will help make an informed decision about what type of fund might be appropriate. Investment in start-ups can provide good returns, but it is crucial to understand the level of risk involved.

Investing in start-ups is a risky venture. You need to ask the right questions before investing in any company, and what better way than starting with the above examples. Make sure you don’t get caught off guard if something goes wrong because you might end up with nothing at all. Start-up companies do not always make it, and you have to know when to get out of a sinking ship.