4 Interesting Ways to Attract New Customers Without Spending a Fortune

StrategyDriven Marketing and Sales Article |Attract New Customers|4 Interesting Ways to Attract New Customers Without Spending a FortuneDespite how exceptional your goods and services are, your business will not be profitable if customers aren’t willing to buy. You have to make people aware of your business and the goods or services it provides. Make your business attractive to draw customers in, and find ways to retain them. For many upcoming businesses, advertising and marketing are problematic. Coming up with a sustainable marketing plan can be challenging, and for some, even costly. The following are interesting and affordable ways to attract new customers to your business.

Offer enticing giveaways and discounts

It may not seem like the ideal marketing plan, especially when working with a lean budget, but offering discounts and free giveaways can attract new customers. When you dig a little deeper into your pockets, you stand the chance of making more profits later. If you run a business in a competitive industry, you will have customers walking through your doors when you discount prices and offer free giveaways. Alternatively, you can partner with another business in your niche to provide free products or services.

Market your business online

The world is interconnected through the internet and electronic devices, making it possible to market your business online without spending a fortune. Some online marketing strategies include social media and content marketing.

If you don’t have a website, consider getting one if you’re looking to make achievements close to or like David Goggins net worth. However, even with a website, the design and content you put up determine whether it attracts customers or not. Make it user-friendly and appealing with fun and informational content. Create social media pages and use them to engage with customers freely through creative posts and prompt responses to their inquiries.

Use word-of-mouth advertising

The best way to attract new customers is by spreading the word to as many people as possible. People, especially friends and family, have a lot of influence on each other. If you provide quality products and offer outstanding customer service, many customers who interact with your business will want to come back and string their friends and family members along.
The internet is also a great place to get out the word about your business by encouraging customers to leave their reviews. Also, be quick to respond and address negative reviews by apologizing or giving compensation.

Make your business stand out by giving it a facelift

If your business’s interior and exterior are outstanding, customers will be fascinated and want to stop by. Give your storefront a facelift by applying a fresh coat of paint, use neon lights and creative images that fit your brand, and keep it clean. Ensure your signage is in good shape and not falling apart, and make it visible from a distance. Invest in the interior with quality furniture, neat product displays, and decorations. However, ensure that your customer service matches or outdoes your business outlook.

Bottom line

Businesses depend on customers to achieve business success. As such, find ways to boost your customer service to attract and retain new customers. Get your business out there through word-of-mouth, engage with customers online, and be open to giving discounts and free giveaways. If you have walk-in services, give your business a facelift and offer exceptional customer service to attract customers.

Methods Of Keeping All Of Your Data Safe And Away From Danger

StrategyDriven Organizational Performance Measures Article |Keep Data Safe|Methods Of Keeping All Of Your Data Safe And Away From DangerIn the world of business, you literally never know when you might fall into danger. You always have to keep your wits about you because you don’t know what might be around the corner. You might have to deal with legal issues, bookkeeping problems, or natural disasters. So, it’s wise to always be prepared for any eventuality.

In 2021, a lot of the work you’ll be doing will be online and via digital platforms. On these platforms and systems, a lot of important information will be around. You’ll also be operating a lot on them, so they’ll need to be functioning properly and will need to be well-guarded. If you leave yourself open in this regard, then you could be in danger of all kinds of negative instances. The good thing is that protecting your systems and data isn’t too difficult. Here are a few ways to do it:

Teach Your Staff What They Need To Know

If you have employees that know what they have to do and how to behave, then it’s going to make the working day a lot less stressful. Training employees in IT skills doesn’t have to be difficult when it comes to the basics, but the more technical aspects may need a little more work. You can bring in training services every now and again, or you can send them to school for a couple of months so that they can fully gain the knowledge, skills, and qualifications. Ensuring that they’re trained would mean that fewer silly errors are made.

Possess A Solid Cloud Server

If your company has a great remote server that can be accessed by everyone on the team, it makes work a lot easier. Sending and receiving items comfortable helps everything move smoothly. One problem in recent years is that they have been hacked into by criminals, so it’s your job to ensure you find a solid, protected server. Secure file sharing is vital if you want to maintain productivity, order, and a good reputation.

Ensure You Have Ample IT Support

There are lots and lots of IT companies around that will help you with things as you get through your day-to-day jobs. The likes of managed IT services will be on hand to watch over you and protect you from attacks. They’ll also be able to advise you regarding the next best possible moves that will benefit the company.

Ensure Harsh Punishments For Violating IT Conduct

A lot of the time, computer systems are compromised due to an issue from someone within the camp. Perhaps they’ve made an error or they’ve tried something underhanded. In order to stop this kind of thing from happening, it’s good to put rules in place. If they know what will happen to them, then it will deter them from trying anything untoward.

Buy The Right Cybersecurity Software

Possessing the right software makes sense for everyone involved. You’ll have to ensure that you have the best programs to protect your data and systems as substandard cybersecurity software will let hackers walk right in.

Top Automated Tools to Save Your Business Time

StrategyDriven Managing Your People Development Article |Automated Business Tools|Top Automated Tools to Save Your Business TimeAutomation has revolutionized all sorts of industries, from manufacturing to finance. In business, it is used to save time and costs while maintaining efficiency and success. Automation tools are becoming more advanced and high-tech and helping businesses stay on top of several important tasks, thus creating value for both your company and customers.

From marketing to operations, you can use all sorts of tools to save time and money. Each tool will help simplify your business’ workflow and ensure a safer, more secure working environment. As technology continues to advance, automated tools are more and more common. This blog will list several of the top automated tools you can use at work.

Interconnection Applications

Many businesses use third-party apps and so will need application interconnectedness, which will ensure that sharing data between platforms is smooth. Interconnection between applications is key to your digital business success because it gives companies the help they need to streamline data and storage facilities between applications. There are many benefits for using software and services that help with scalability, reliability, and monitoring.


Analytic software gives businesses tools for measuring the performance of their data and digital content. Using these types of platforms will allow reports, statistics, and visualizations to be created, which will show you the successes and pitfalls of your business. Using analytics will also allow you to track user behavior and understand which content is performing poorly.

Having access to your data analytics in this way, you can optimize your websites and digital performance; there are several software types to choose from.

File Transfer

File transfer servers are automated systems that help businesses securely move files from one place to another. Software like this can be really useful for ensuring your data is secure and encrypted and that you have total control of where it is going. You can learn about FTP servers at https://www.goanywhere.com/managed-file-transfer/file-server/ftp-server, which offers highly secure file transfer management. Using this type of automated software will save your business time because it simplifies file transfer management and meets all aspects of inbound and outbound data transfers.

E-commerce Customer Service

For businesses that specialize in e-commerce, your digital business spans multiple channels and platforms, known as omnichannel retail if the service is integrated. By offering your customers numerous touchpoints, you are widening your business’ reach; however, the more touchpoints you operate, the more integrated your customer service software needs to be. If you want a seamless buying experience, you should ensure that you have customer service software that meets all your consumers’ needs across multiple platforms.

As the world moves forward digitally, businesses must become more up-to-date with the latest automated software. Taking a step towards new systems and tools that can help with management, customer service, file transfer, and data will upgrade your digital landscape and help you run a seamless and efficient company in step with the advancing market. It’s easier to make incremental advances than leaving it a long time before upgrading. Rather than replacing a whole system, you’ll be making small changes more often.

Building and Growing Your E-Commerce Business

StrategyDriven Online Marketing and Website Development Article |Grow your Ecommerce Business|Building and Growing Your E-Commerce BusinessWhether your business has been established for a few years, or you are a new startup business under 12 months old, building and growing your e-commerce business is the way to go if you want to future-proof your business. If you want to achieve quick results, then you will need a large growth budget, and you will need to set SMART goals and targets, but if you want to build and grow slowly and more naturally, perhaps through social media marketing and good old-fashioned word of mouth, then your costs will be lower. Of course, both types of growth strategies require some amount of research and planning as it would be foolish to just see how a business grows, even if you are aiming to grow slowly and naturally.

Find New Target Markets and Audiences

Who are you currently selling to, and where are they based? What demographic is your existing audience in? Will your new target audience be the same age group of people, perhaps just in a different location, or are you looking to sell to both a completely new age group in a new country? Once you have established who your new target audience is, you will be able to start reaching them through your marketing efforts.

Focus on Upselling and Cross-Selling

To grow your business, you do not just have to focus on new customers; you can also focus on your existing customers. Perhaps they have been with you from the start. Focusing on cross-selling and upselling is beneficial to you as you already know who your audience is, and you know how to reach them. To be successful at selling more to existing customers, you must ensure that you provide good value for money. You must give your customers something that they need and want and something that will enhance their lives.

Get to Grips with Outsourcing and Freelancing

To grow an e-commerce business, you must learn to delegate to others, and you must use external providers. Utilizing others will ensure that you do not spread yourself too thin. You need to ensure that you focus on overseeing your whole business rather than being weighed down by individual areas which can easily be outsourced. For example, you could utilize a fulfillment company; click here to learn more about order fulfillment services and how they can benefit your business. In addition to using fulfillment services, you may also want to hire freelancers for one-off jobs or ad-hoc work, from weekly website management to social media management for your business accounts. Hiring freelancers can allow you to source just the skills you need to grow your e-commerce business successfully.

Look to the Future

You must keep pushing your business growth even if, at times, it is feeling like it is not going in the direction you want it to go in. If you can create a plan for growth (even if you want to go down the slower and more natural route), then you will ensure that you can get the most out of everything you do, and you can also make sure that you implement ideas and tactics which can be tracked and monitored.

Growing Your Business – Finding New Business Premises

StrategyDriven Managing Your Business Article |Business Premises|Growing Your Business – Finding New Business PremisesTo grow your business, you need to focus on expansion, and part of expansion involves finding new business premises. Business premises often need to be larger and better than what you have now to make it worth your while, and they often need to offer you and your business the potential to grow. Space is important as you want to be able to offer new products and you want to increase the ranges and lines of everything you currently offer. Whether this is new services within a large space or new products. Bigger is often better when it comes to business premises, but what else should you be looking for in addition to size?

What Do You Need Out of a New Business Premises?

So, what exactly must your new business premises have? When you are looking at new premises, you need to think about the usable area, the location, and the storage on offer. Some premises offer you the frontage or location that you need, but they do not offer the storage space that you require, and for this, you need StorageArea.com. As storage area is just as important as location, it is important that this key area is not overlooked. You need to get a big enough location for your growing business for the next few years; anything too small will just be a waste of time and energy.

How Healthy is Your Budget?

How much can you afford monthly and annually? Your budget will ultimately determine what type of premises you can get and in what location. So, what is your budget, and what allowances or expenses does it include? Larger premises will cost more to heat, light, and use daily, so it is important that you factor these costs into your budget. Underestimating costs at any stage can leave you tight at the end of the month or chasing your tail which will ultimately end up distracting you aware from running your business.

How Important is the Location?

Do you need new premises simply for storage, or do you need somewhere that paying clients and customers can visit? Out-of-town locations are often larger in size and cheaper, but if most of your physical customers are in town, then it will be a waste of time. Similarly, if you simply need storage or warehousing for your business, then having a location that is fit for customers to visit is a waste of time and other resources. With any premises, you will want to consider the parking on offer. Some units and locations come with marked-out parking spaces, and some places come with parking lots. If you are having deliveries regularly, will off-road parking benefit your business? If you are located down a narrow street, and you are constantly having large and irregular deliveries or loads; then you will soon find the local community or area you are in will begin to make complaints which is not conducive to business growth and expansion. Therefore, before you commit or sign any leases think carefully about the location you want to go for and why.