7 Simple Ways to Improve Local SEO for Your Business

StrategyDriven Online Marketing and Website Development Article |Local SEO|7 Simple Ways to Improve Local SEO for Your BusinessIf you run a local business then it’s important to be able to reach out to local customers. Potential clients will perform an online search based on location, and you want to be the first name they find. In order to get your website to the top spots of the search engine results pages, you need to optimize it for local SEO. This is essential for local searches. You need solid strategies to ensure you appear as an authority in the field in your community. You’ll then gain a competitive edge in the local market. Here are seven simple ways to improve your local SEO.

Optimize Your Google My Business Listing

A well-written Google My Business Listing is a sure-fire way to improve your local SEO. First of all, you need to claim your business profile and include plenty of information. This includes beautiful photos of your products and engaging copy. You need to create the perfect listing, so as soon as a local person Googles the type of product you sell, they are attracted to your business. For the best results, you could consider outsourcing this to SEO Services as they will have the resources and expertise to optimize your listing.

Post your listing in other online business directories

There are several other online web directories that local customers will use. Post your listing in more of these to increase your chances of being found. This will also help to boost your local SEO and the search engine bots will find your various posts and consider you more of an authority in your field.

Create local content for your website

In order to boost your SEO, you also need to optimize your website. Create engaging video content relating to local events. You could even volunteer as a company and film a corporate charity video. As well as video, include local news and information. This will help your site to rank more highly as a local business. You should also update your social media with local content as well. You can be creative with this or even collaborate with other local businesses.

Use local keywords in your content

Use local keywords in written content across your listings, website, and social media accounts. These keywords need to match what a potential customer might search for on Google. Local keywords, in particular, contain location-specific phrases related to the same geographic location of your business. You can learn how to find keywords for a local search online.

Create separate pages for each location

If you want to boost your local SEO you need to create location pages. This means a separate landing page for each location of your business. If you offer services across multiple locations it could affect your SEO if not. You can’t utilize those location-specific keywords unless they relate to only one place. On your separate location pages, you can include details about each location and places in the town near your business, for example. Google won’t rank the pages as highly if they’re too similar.

Create separate service pages

You should also create individual service pages to improve local SEO, rather than one page listing all services. Search engines won’t consider your brand as an authority in one specific area if you include all your services on one page. You can include a services tab on your main homepage with drop-down links to all your services, for example. This goes the same for the unique products that you offer. These product pages are where potential customers may first arrive. They tend to search for a product or service rather than the name or type of a business.

Incentivize local customers to leave reviews

Customer reviews are very effective, especially for local businesses. They show that members of the community trust your brand and that others should too. There are several ways to encourage customers to leave reviews. You could automate follow-up emails asking them for a quick review or rating. You could even incentivize them by offering a promo or discount in exchange for recommending you to a friend. Post positive reviews on your website and listings. Try to include personal information about the customer, as long as they’ve agreed to it. This will give your business a lot of credibility in the local neighborhood. By boosting your appeal to both local customers and the search engine bots, you can start to make a name for yourself in the field. You’ll create the online presence you need to succeed.

How To Find The Right Suppliers For Your Business

StrategyDriven Managing Your Business Article |Business Suppliers|How To Find The Right Suppliers For Your BusinessChoosing the right suppliers for your company isn’t always an easy task. First of all, you’ll have plenty of options to choose from, and secondly, it can be difficult to assess quality. To help you find the right suppliers to work with, try checking out these simple guidelines.

1 . Determine Your Needs

When you’re looking for suppliers, you must establish your needs. Think about what you require in terms of delivery, lead times, and returns guidelines. You should also consider which kind of quality procedures you need, and the storage options. Arguably, improving lead time is the most important thing to consider. Delivery and production times must enable you to make your client deadlines.

2. Consider Quality

When you’re looking for the right suppliers, you need to ensure that these suppliers can offer you the best quality. If you want to grow your company and impress your customers, you must provide a top quality product or service. Whether you’re looking for 940nm ir led or the best bicycle parts, perform a quality check on your suppliers and their materials. Before you commit to working with a supplier you might like to check out any reviews and testimonials on offer. You’ll feel better entering into a contract when you know you’re working with a great company.

3. Search With A SIM System

With the help of a Supplier Information Management System, you can search for the right suppliers for you. These platforms work by collecting data about suppliers, helping businesses to make an informed choice. SIM Systems gather information such as quality info and ratings, health and safety info, sustainability practices, and more. You can also take a look at analytics info, usually supplier scorecards. With the help of a SIM System, it’s easier to find suppliers that match your criteria. Whichever kind of specialist suppliers you need, a SIM can help you to find them.

4. Keeping things green

When you put sustainability first, you’ll protect the planet and improve the reputation of your company. You’ve probably already got a few green policies as part of your production procedures, but it’s always worth looking to make improvements. Choose suppliers who also follow sustainable business practices, this will help you to remain consistent. As much as possible, you should try to adopt green practices, across all areas of your business.

5. Continued Evaluation

Once you’ve found your suppliers, ensure that you assess their performance over time. Keep track of their performance, and communicate any issues that you are unhappy with. You’ll need to ensure that you set out clear expectations, so that your suppliers understand your standards. When you take the time to evaluate performance, you can raise the bar, and improve your relationship.

When it comes to your products and services, you’ll want to offer your customers the best experience possible. No matter which area of your business you are looking to improve, it can be helpful to set goals, to stay on track.

What are the best cryptocurrency exchanges in the world?

StrategyDriven StrategyDriven Editorial Perspective Article |Cryptocurrency|What are the best cryptocurrency exchanges in the world?With the growing popularity of the topic of cryptocurrencies, more exchanges offering transactions using virtual coins appear on the market. Under the pressure of competition, exchanges around the world are constantly developing, improving their platforms to be faster and more user-friendly. What are the best cryptocurrency exchanges in the world? We present three of the most popular platforms.

Binance – many years of experience

The exchange itself was established in 2017, but its founder – Changpeng Zhao – had previously worked in teams related to finance and cryptocurrencies. In 2005, he founded the company Fusion Systems, which created, among others high frequency trading systems for brokers. In 2013, Zhao joined the Blockchain.info team as a member of a group working on a portfolio dedicated to cryptocurrencies. Binance was originally based in China, but after the Chinese government banned cryptocurrency trading, the company moved to Japan. Subsequently, offices in Taiwan and Malta were opened. As early as 2018, Binance was the world’s largest cryptocurrency exchange with a market capitalization of $1.3 billion.

Binance is not only an exchange, but an entire “ecosystem”. The authors offer users, among others Binance Academy, a place where they can find free, quality materials explaining the principles of blockchain and other cryptocurrency concepts. Binance Labs is responsible for coordinating and financing projects based on blockchain technology, and Binance Research is responsible for providing high-quality analysis. The company also has its own decentralized wallet and even official Telegram channels that keep the entire community in touch. However, perhaps its most important distinguishing feature is its own cryptocurrency, Binance Coin, which enables cheaper, commission-free trading with other cryptocurrencies. The stock exchange can be operated via a web browser, a computer program, available for Windows, MacOS and Linux, and via an application for smartphones running on Android and iOS. Such an extensive structure makes Binance the best cryptocurrency exchange in the world.

More information about the Binance exchange can be found in this article: bitcoin-exchange.uk/binance

StrategyDriven StrategyDriven Editorial Perspective Article |Cryptocurrency|What are the best cryptocurrency exchanges in the world?Coinbase – safety and practicality

Coinbase was born in 2012 and its creators are Brian Armstrong and Fred Ehrsam. Initially, the team also included Ben Reeves, the co-founder of Blockchain.info, but after a few months he left the composition of the newly created project. Already in 2014, the platform was used by a million users. Currently, the number of registered and verified users is over 43 million.

As the authors noted, when creating Coinbase, they wanted everyone, regardless of place, to have easy access to cryptocurrencies. The aim was to create an open financial system that would not be under the control of any state, while allowing for quick payments and universal access to financial services. All of this is intended to help level the playing field and lift millions of people out of poverty. The strengths of Coinbase include paying special attention to safety, as well as creating an easy-to-use platform on which both beginners and professionals can operate. It is currently the largest cryptocurrency exchange in the United States in terms of the volume of trading.

BitFlyer – the whole world at your fingertips

was founded in Japan in 2014 by trader Yuzo Kano. At the same time, another Japanese cryptocurrency exchange, Mt. Gox, which handled over 70% of all bitcoin transactions in the world.

“BitFlyer is the easiest and safest way to buy and sell Bitcoin, Ethereum and more,” the authors say about the stock exchange. The company is licensed to operate throughout Europe, the United States and Japan. You can start using the platform with a small amount of just 1 euro. You can top up your account conveniently by bank transfer or via PayPal, you can also purchase with a credit or debit card. There are seven digital currencies available on the exchange, including Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Litecoin.


In this article, we have presented you only the 3 most popular cryptocurrency exchanges in Europe and for many. Of course, there are many more platforms for trading and exchanging encrypted electronic currencies. You can read more about the best cryptocurrency exchanges in this article.

How to Help Your Business Work Round the Clock

StrategyDriven Managing Your People Article |Business Efficiency|How to Help Your Business Work Round the ClockImproving business efficiency and productivity should be one of your main aims as a business owner. It is entirely possible, providing you do sufficient research in line with your trade. For many of us, it can often feel like there are not enough hours in the day to finish every single detail on our to-do lists. However, it is possible if you work out how to maximise efficiency in the workplace. Keep reading to find out how you can help your business work round the clock.

Offer flexible working time

When doing research surrounding this topic, you probably want to learn how to completely maximise your time and add an extra hour to every day of the week. Whilst it is important to stay productive, every single industry has created the illusion that worth is measured upon productivity. Sadly, this isn’t beneficial for your physical or mental health.

Therefore, experts recommend that you recruit and hire employees within your means to help you run the business and keep everything in check. When it comes to the crunch, many business owners often see their products and services diminishing in quality as a result of doing everything themselves. A few extra pairs of hands will provide you with the opportunity to expand your business.

When it comes to timekeeping and rota creation, experts believe that offering flexible working time is a fantastic, manageable way to ensure your business works round the clock. No matter what contract you create, there will be something suited for everyone – even night-time work. Keep this in mind when hiring.

Look after your employees

As well as offering flexible working time for your employees, we also recommend that you do all you can to take care of them and provide them with adequate management. Research has shown that employees will work more productively and efficiently if they are happy within their role at work. This also benefits their mental and physical health as a result. With this, it is your responsibility to put measures in place to ensure they have exactly what they need. Happy and content employees will boost productivity in no time.

Invest in useful technology

Thirdly, you can help your business work round the clock by investing in useful tech. Thanks to the wonderful expansion and development of technology, we can use this to our advantage with businesses and increase productivity levels. For example, many businesses have jumped at the opportunity to use items like automated packaging machines from BluePrint Automation. There are so many benefits to industrial packaging machines – perhaps the best advantage is that they improve production speed.

Furthermore, when it comes to manual labour, there are legal requirements regarding breaks and downtime for employees. Choosing to use technology such as automated packaging machines eliminates this downtime and keeps your business working round the clock.

Choose an effective marketing strategy

Your business will remain efficient and profitable if you consistently attempt to widen and increase your audience and customer focus. Therefore, we recommend that you should attempt to choose an effective marketing strategy that draws customers to your products and services. There is an endless list of marketing services available and most are very affordable.

Opting for services such as email marketing and social media marketing will help you advertise your company around the clock. You can schedule posts on email providers as well as social media platforms. It is very important that you engage your customers where possible, and it’s useful if you make this recurring at all times of the day.

How do you increase business productivity and efficiency?

The Benefits of Corporate Video Production

Fun Marketing

Corporate videos are a fun marketing tool that can be used to initiate new staff, educate existing staff, or build brand awareness in your online community. These videos don’t have to be dry and stuffy, like the old days. Quite the opposite, it’s your chance to engage with a younger audience.

Don’t pass up on the chance to make a video that has lasting value for your company. If you get the video right on brand it not only creates a powerful product for the here and now, it also gives you a platform for future video production and marketing opportunities.

Tell Your Story

A video production for your small business or brand is an excellent way for you to tell your brand’s story and showcase your brand in a non-salesy way. With a corporate vision you are not actively selling so viewers don’t expect this, yet you still get the chance to promote the benefits of your company.

When people are not expecting a hard sell they tend to be more relaxed and receptive to what you have to show them. This is actually the best time to advertise to people, since it is likely to make more of an impression. Remember to tell your verandas story with detail and drama.

Search Engines Favor Videos

Your corporate video production might be used for several reasons. You might use it to train staff, showcase an aspect of the business, or even outright sell a product. However you are using video you need to take full advantage of it and make sure it is also posted online on the relevant channels.

The search engines love video, and so too do millions of people interested in your product or service. Post the video on YouTube and remember to add appropriate tags to the transcriptions; this is good for social media engagement and for SEO purposes.

Easy on the Eyes

Everyone loves to read, or at least they say they do. In reality, most people prefer to watch video. The reason is video is more passive than reading and you can relax while you absorb information. Reading on the other hand requires some active concentration that isn’t as search engine friendly.

Creating a corporate video production that is engaging and informative allows views to watch passively in their own time and share the content freely. A corporate video also gives viewers a little more autonomy over the content meaning they can learn at their own pace.

Creative Brand Awareness

Video has further advantages over written content. Video is multimedia in many ways. You have visual content, auditory content, and various production techniques. Working together, these different parts allow you to present a product to an audience in a way that feels more real and memorable. Even if that product is a company or brand.

With a corporate video for your brand you will be able to use tried and tested cinematic techniques to leave a lasting impression on your viewer. What could be more valuable than that, whether they are a new employee or a prospective customer?