5 ways to create a productive and happy working environment

StrategyDriven Managing Your People Article |Working environment|5 ways to create a productive and happy working environmentEvery business owner wants their operations to run smoothly. A place where staff get on well, communicate, and are as productive as they possibly can be. Unfortunately, it doesn’t always work that way as personalities can clash, employees can become complacent, and animosities can form.

The good news is that there are many things you can do that can help send your business in that direction. Here are 5 ways to create a productive and happy working environment.

Don’t be too strict

Having policies and procedures is all well and good, but if you micro manage or don’t cut staff a bit of slack once in a while, they will eventually get sick of it. As long as the necessary work is being done, leave them to it.
If you need to intervene from time to time, that’s fine but if your team is self-driven, hardworking, and efficient, let them do their thing. If you don’t, it could backfire tremendously.

Create a welcoming space

An office that looks nice is far more enjoyable to work in, so if yours requires some TLC, you could reap the rewards by giving it a bit of an overhaul. Freshening up the décor, changing furniture, and adding accessories such as high quality custom planters or wall art will make your space feel far more welcoming. This is beneficial not only in terms of client perception but for your employees too.

Socialize once in a while

If your team doesn’t socialize, it’s worth trying to do so once in a while. Whether it be a game of ten-pin bowling, a meal, or a few drinks at the local bar, spending time together outwith the office environment will help you to get to know each other on a different level.

It usually results in better communication when you return to the office, which should, in turn, increase productivity and improve the working environment for everyone.

Reward hard work

If your staff have been working exceptionally hard or have met all their targets, reward them for it. It could be a monetary reward such as an annual bonus, for example. If you prefer to give something a little different, shopping vouchers or a nice bottle of champagne will always be well received.

Rewards make employees feel like their hard work is paying off, and they will be more inclined to continue working hard to make your business a success.

Ask for ideas and feedback

If an employee thinks you are listening to them, they will be more inclined to go that extra mile, so where possible, ask for ideas and feedback. There can be a lot going on in the background you don’t know about, so letting them know your door is always open will benefit everyone.

You are likely to be party to far more information than you would usually be, and they will feel like they can freely offer suggestions or opinions.

Most successful businesses usually have a team of happy and motivated employees lurking in the background, so if that’s something you can replicate, you will reap the rewards in the long run.

Practical Tips for Starting a Small Business

StrategyDriven Starting Your Business Article |Starting a small business|Practical Tips for Starting a Small BusinessStarting a small business can be exciting, but it’s also a process that comes with many considerations and potential challenges waiting to be turned into opportunities. If you’re considering launching your own business or are already in the middle of that process, you’re not alone. The United States is experiencing a boom in entrepreneurship, likely related to many companies being forced to lay off workers during the pandemic and many people suddenly having time to pursue their personal projects.

Yet, many small businesses don’t survive for very long. Following are some critical tips for successfully starting your own business.

  • Conducting adequate research before opening. This is a bit of a given, and something that we feel confident any budding entrepreneur would already have done. However, it is still vital. By ensuring that you have researched any topics that might relate to your company, you can be as prepared as possible for any obstacles you might encounter. For example, if you plan to employ foreign workers, a law podcast by Farmer Law PC. may prove helpful.
  • Setting a realistic timeframe. While you may want to get your new business venture off the ground as soon as possible, setting a realistic time frame will help you ensure no corners are cut or important considerations overlooked. Making a note of your initial timeframe also helps to keep you and anyone else involved in the process on track. Build in time for navigating processes that are complex or with which you’re unfamiliar, so you don’t find yourself behind on your timeline when you hit these challenges.
  • Monitoring and comparing your business against competitors. What makes your business different and more likely stand out to consumers? A market analysis should be a key component of your start-up process. However, you mustn’t compare yourself too much. As human beings, it can be easy to fall into the pattern of endless comparison, which can leave us feeling deflated or overwhelmed. A more productive approach is to conduct an initial market analysis, then put your head down and get to work starting your small business and setting it up for success.
  • Earn While You Build: It can be tempting to quit your day job to chase the dream that you have in your mind. While it can seem appealing to do this, it is vital that you attain your existing job, while building up your small business on the side. This enables you to establish a customer base, and to iron out any issues that you come across before relying on your small business as your sole source of income.
  • Stepping Out Your Comfort Zone: To be successful, you must take reasonable risks. Successful entrepreneurs and businesses did not reach the pinnacle of their success by sitting back and remaining silent. Pushing yourself to be outgoing and to engage with your broader network can open doors and opportunities for you, which would have otherwise remained closed.

Top Tips for Starting a Law Firm

StrategyDriven Starting Your Business Article |Starting a Law Firm|Top Tips for Starting a Law FirmMany attorneys work hard to make partner in their firm for years, which is an excellent career path to follow, but why not go one step further and establish a law firm yourself? If you are an attorney with plenty of experience and an entrepreneurial spirit, you may have already been considering taking this step, but it will take a lot of hard work and determination. Starting a new business is always a challenge, but it will be worth it if you manage to make it a success. If you are interested in starting a law firm, below are few tips for you to think about before you get started.

What Are Your Practice Areas?

The first thing to think about is what areas of law is your firm going to practice in? If you have years of experience in family law, it would make sense to base your firm around this. However, offering a range of services to clients could also benefit you and attract more people to your firm. Just make sure you have the right team of attorneys who have a variety of expertise between them. Whether you focus on one area of law or want to offer a range of services, just make sure your team can deliver. You can read more here to know more about the practice areas that you can choose to start your law firm.

Develop a Business Plan

Once you have determined just want kind of law firm you’re going to run, the next step is to develop your business plan. This needs to include your business branding, marketing strategies, the breakdown of your overhead costs, a prediction of how much profit you expect to make in the first year, and perhaps a few years beyond. How many staff you will need to operate as a business, office space, etc. Any business loan providers will ask to see your business plan to help them decide on whether or not they will financially back you, so make sure this is done before you meet with any banks or investors.


As mentioned in the previous point, your business plan will need to include your marketing strategies. You must get this right so you can begin to attract clients from the very beginning. Consider going to a marketing agency to help you with your campaigns and brand development, as they will have the industry insights and resources to help you connect with your core demographic ad beyond.

Make a Note of Useful Services

As an attorney, you will already be aware of the kinds of services that are useful to you when it comes to building a case. Transcription services, record retrieval, private investigators, case management software, etc. If you have worked with reliable services in the past, continue to use them if you can for your firm once it’s up and running. Alternatively, find new service providers who are local to you if necessary or to see if you can get better rates elsewhere.

Customer Service

Finally, make sure your team is providing excellent customer service to your clients and encourage them to leave reviews on your website, social media pages, etc. A lot of people will pass on recommendations that can help you build your client lists and boost your firm’s reputation. Consider offering introductory rates or one free consultation as an incentive to get people through the door.

If you think your ready to go out and set up a private law firm, make sure you use these tips to help you turn it into a successful business venture.

4 Advantages Of Buying In Bulk For Your Business

StrategyDriven Managing Your Business Article |Buying in Bulk|4 Advantages Of Buying In Bulk For Your BusinessAs a business owner, you’ll always be looking at ways to become more efficient, save money, and give your customers what they want. There are many ways to do this, but one that is often overlooked but that checks all the boxes is buying in bulk. This can have a major positive effect on your business, its reputation, and the profits you make, so it’s certainly worth considering, and it may well be exactly what you need to implement in your business right now. Read on to discover some of the fantastic benefits of buying in bulk for your business.

You’ll Save Money

When you bulk in bulk, the cost of each individual item will be less than it would if you bought everything separately. In essence, you’re getting a lot more for your money, and you can make a larger profit because of it.

The less money you have to pay for your goods, stocks, or even your business equipment, the more money you’ll have for marketing, for employees’ benefits, and for growing your business. Saving money is something all business owners need to do, and buying in bulk is an easy way to do it.

A Cohesive Look

If you want your business to look professional and attract more customers, it needs to have a cohesive look. Your brand has to be in place and consistent. This will help people feel that you’re more professional, more trustworthy, and that you’ve taken the time to think about how you want your business to appear.

If you buy in bulk, you can offer this cohesive look. When running a restaurant, for example, you can buy wholesale tumblers so that every patron has the same style of drinking glass. If you purchased each tumbler individually, you run the risk of the type you’ve chosen being out of stock or, worse, discontinued. This would mean you either had to buy all new tumblers or you had to have mismatched ones.

Keep Your Customers Happy

There are actually several ways in which buying in bulk for your business can make your customers happy. The first is that you can pass on your savings to them and keep your costs low. If you sell enough quantity (which won’t be a problem when you buy in bulk), you can still make a great profit, and your customers will be so impressed with your prices they’ll let other people know and keep coming back to buy more themselves.

Secondly, when you buy in bulk, you won’t have to worry about selling out. Place your next order with plenty of time to spare, and you’ll always have enough stock to sell to your customers, meaning that they won’t get frustrated because you can’t give them what they want.

It’s Part Of Your Green Credentials

Every business has a responsibility to become as green as possible. The more companies that can do this, as well as the individuals working within them, the more protected the planet will be.

You can do various things to help your business become greener, and buying in bulk is one of them. When you buy in bulk, you’ll be using less packaging, and there will be fewer deliveries to make, meaning that your carbon footprint is reduced.

The Way Out To Overseas Business Startup Challenges

StrategyDriven Starting Your Business Article |Business Startup|The Way Out To Overseas Business Startup ChallengesMany entrepreneurs decide to take their business a level higher by expanding it overseas, primarily due to the rapidly changing market dynamics. However, expanding the organization at international levels comes with myriad challenges. It demands organizations to develop strategies that are not only intelligent but also fool-proof. In contrast to the local business setup, where you can easily access resources, reaching out for assistance could be daunting when you take your business to a new land.

Most business owners make preparations such as hiring assistance or setting up foreign entities that would support their business in a foreign land. Other measures include hiring a local workforce, adopting local technologies and machinery to keep the business operations as efficient as possible. Regardless, it is likely to happen that you would lack in one area or another, which could get nightmarish for your organization quicker than you think.

Expanding your business overseas is a feat that is fraught with challenges. As an entrepreneur, you must be well-acquainted with the pros and potential cons of moving your business to a foreign land to avoid any setbacks efficiently. We have compiled a guide for business owners with an insight into methods of avoiding trouble during overseas business expansion.

1.Befriend a Local

It is a golden tip and can be equally helpful for business owners seeking to expand their market to an area they are not acquainted with. Whether you are a well-established company or a small business organization with no expendable income, it is always good to seek some help from a local.

You may think you have gathered all the required information through the internet and word of mouth, but it might not be enough. Most of the information about a place on the web comes from tourists, tourism experts, and foreigners. Thus, it is better to get in touch with a local resident who has spent a considerable duration in a place and possesses knowledge about its business market. For example, if you are looking to start a venture in Australia, you would need someone who can give you credible insights regarding the Australian market dynamics.

Besides, it would be best to have a meet-up with Australia startup community leaders. He or she can inform you about the corporate culture, political climate, taxation laws, industry, and consumer attitude to familiarize you with the place. It would further help your team in setting expectations that are practical and achievable.

2. Paperwork Is Important

When you decide to set up your company abroad, get ready to sign heaps of documents. There are several legal hoops that you must jump through to establish your company in a foreign land. The documentation ensures that the business owner accepts the new country’s policies, laws, and terms. Besides, you might also have to manage the paperwork in your native country. It alone discourages a majority of business owners from pursuing the dream of overseas business expansion. However, there is a way out. If your priority is to avoid burdensome paperwork, go for a country that has flexible business and local taxation policies.

3. Know the Culture

If you want to expand your services overseas while operating your business from the native land, you will do fine. However, most companies want to market their products and services like a local business in an international setting. It demands a good understanding of the culture you are getting into to understand the clientele’s expectations.

For instance, if your focus is on introducing a new cuisine in a new region, you must study the population, cultural norms, and practices. Otherwise, you might have hard-time marketing your products if you introduce burgers and stews in countries like India or Burma, where the majority is vegan. Always remember that high demands mean high profit. Try your best to develop a good understanding of a population’s demands, to work well despite the competition.

4. Build Your Website

All businesses can benefit from this step, regardless of their size or standing. Building an online presence is one of the top tips to boost your business operations. The growing competition in modern times has necessitated businesses to ensure promptness in their operations. Failure to conform to the digital platforms will make it difficult for you to compete with your local market rivals, let alone the international markets.

Building a web presence will create a buzz for your business in your respective market. For instance, engaging with your target market on social media platforms through catchy posts will lead them to your website, and ultimately your services. This way, you can corner potential clients quickly than with conventional marketing methods.

5. Hire Your Lawyers

Whether you are moving to a new country or expanding your business overseas, the biggest challenge is the legalities. Whether you are running a business in your native country or moving your company to an unacquainted region, a lawyer is necessary. Lawyers are well-versed in state laws and are always at your disposal shall you find yourself in a difficult situation. Find a lawyer who is acquainted with the local laws and possesses expertise in international corporate law. This way, you can focus on your business’s local wing without worrying about complying with your operations with another country’s laws.

If you are expanding your business to a country that does not speak your native language or English, consulting a local lawyer becomes much more important. They will help you ensure compliance with the local laws and eliminate the hassle of hiring a translator.


Before you sign off to sign contracts for your new company abroad, it is important to weigh the challenges and the preventive measures to avoid difficulties. You might certainly need professional guidance to seek business in an international setting. Being a foreigner, it would be best to meet new investors, tourists, and business owners familiar with your industry in a global setting. Find mentors that can help and provide you with the tips to navigate the business opportunities in a new land and ways to overcome challenges associated with overseas business expansion.