4 Professionals All New Businesses Should Work with

StrategyDriven Starting Your Business Article |New Business|4 Professionals All New Businesses Should Work withAll successful businesses start with a good team. However, you will have some skill gaps here and there, and there are cases when you will have no choice but to bring in outside help. The question for many is who they should be spending money on and what they can handle themselves. Let’s take a look at some of the professionals all budding businesses should consider working with if they want to increase their chances of success.


One of the first people you’ll have to work with is a good accounting firm. This will make sure that you’re compliant and that you avoid major mistakes. Not only that, but a good accountant will allow you to get the most benefits and be as tax-efficient with your assets as possible.

If you’re looking for a great team, you should try looking at the accountancy and business services from Azets, they will not only make sure that your financial returns are on point, but also get expert advice from their team on how to steer your business in the right direction. That way, you won’t have to worry about missing important dates and reduce the chances that you’ll be hit with an audit. And if you are, dealing with it will be much easier.

Commercial Lawyer

This is someone everyone who’s running a serious business needs in their corner. You never know when you’ll be hit by a lawsuit. It could be because a product was faulty, or it might be an issue with how it was advertised. A lawyer will not only be able to help you in case you get sued, but they can help you prevent lawsuits as well.

They can also help you with copyright law, intellectual property, and drafting or reviewing contracts for you, may it be with your employees, vendors, suppliers, or customers. You might also need help when dealing with commercial leases, which can get very complex. These are all things a lawyer will be able to assist you with.

A Recruiter

This is one of the most overlooked professionals that businesses need to work with. Recruiting is a big issue for most new businesses. It is also something a lot of business owners think they can handle on their own for some reason. But they could be saving themselves so much time, money, and headaches if they simply went with a recruiter.

A recruiter will reduce the time it will take for you to find a specialised employee. They will take the time to look at your business’s objectives and profile and find someone that fits it. This will increase the chances that the person you get will be enthusiastic about the job. It will also help reduce turnover, which is very important if you’re just getting started. What you need the most now is stability, especially at senior positions, which is why you should consider working with a recruiter to fill them.

Online Marketing Agency

This is also something all businesses should consider – don’t make the mistake of assuming that someone who understands code or how to build websites will know how to improve your SEO or set up a PPC campaign. If possible, leave it to professionals and do what you can on your side.

There are tons of people out there whose job it is to help you reach your goals and objectives. So, if you feel you may be in over your head in certain areas, don’t be afraid to reach out.

How To Reduce Your Workload As A Business Owner

StrategyDriven Entrepreneurship Article |Reduce your Workload|How To Reduce Your Workload As A Business OwnerBusiness owners are, necessarily, very busy people. This is even more true if they are the only ones working in their business (and therefore are doing everything), or if their team is a small one. Although you might think this is simply par for the course, the truth is that working non-stop, starting early and finishing late, is both unproductive and bad for your health since it can quickly lead to burnout.

It might seem impossible to reduce your workload if you want to continue to grow your business and get everything done even if you know it’s the right thing to do. However, there are ways it can be done; read on to find out more.

Make A Plan

If you know what needs to be done (and if you don’t know, it’s wise to look into exactly what tasks you do each day and find out) then you can plan it all out and become much more productive and, ideally, free up some of your time as well.

The best way to start with this plan is to look at prioritizing your tasks and determining which are the ones that have to be done first, and which can wait until later. In other words, anything that is urgent and important goes to the top of the list, anything that is not important and not urgent goes to the bottom, and those that are urgent but not important and important but not urgent can go in the middle.

As well as this, it’s a good idea to start each day with a goal in mind. When you are working towards something, whether it’s completing your to-do list or finishing work at a certain time, for example, you’ll be much more focused. It’s easy to waste time when you don’t have something to work towards.


The idea of delegating any of your work might be a concerning one; after all, if someone else is taking on the task, how will you be able to maintain control? How will you know it’s done in the way you want it to be done?

The answer is simple; before you delegate, you train. If you carry out training with your staff members, they will understand exactly what it is you want from them. They will like the fact that you’re trusting them with more responsibility, so they’re going to be more productive. Although this training might take a little time, once it’s done you can cross another task off your life forever. Just check on the end result once in a while to ensure the quality is there and that’s it.

If you don’t have any staff members to delegate to, you can look into how to hire personal assistants. This can be done virtually, and these highly trained helpers will be able to do many different admin tasks from making phone calls to answering emails that would otherwise have taken up a lot of your time.

Take A Lot Of Breaks

It probably sounds completely counter-intuitive, but stepping away from your work and doing something else, whether that something is having a nap, going for a walk, watching TV, exercising, making some art, or anything else that is non-work related, will actually make you more productive when you return.

This break will give your brain a chance to relax and refocus. If you continue to work without taking a break, you’ll just become more and more tired and the work you do will be of a lower quality, plus it will take you longer to do overall. Take plenty of breaks and the work will be done to a higher standard in a shorter space of time.

CV Writing Tips to Land A Job In Diversity And Inclusion

StrategyDriven Professional Development Development Article |Diversity and Inclusion |CV Writing Tips to Land A Job In Diversity And InclusionDiversity and inclusion is a relatively new field of work that has gained a lot of traction over the last few years. The widespread social unrest that defined the end of 2020 has sparked a much-needed conversation on diversity and inclusion. As a direct result of the improved visibility of social issues relating to ethnicity, gender, physical ability, etc., we now see companies implementing more policies that aim to improve the working environment of their employees.

To do so, businesses have had to actively look for talent that can implement diversity and inclusion practices, which has resulted in a boom of hiring in Q2 2020. The number of hires in diversity roles more than doubled in that period, which is remarkable in the current state of crisis – and the trend doesn’t seem to abate.

With this being the case, many people are seriously considering trying their chances at jobs that have a diversity and inclusion focus. However, while the demand for such talent is high, the competition for positions is also quite fierce, and you’ll need your CV writing skills to be as sharp as possible if you want to land a job. Here’s what you need to consider.

Know What A Diversity & Inclusion Position Is

First things first – no two diversity and inclusion positions are alike, even within the same company. Due to the fact that diversity and inclusion practices, initiatives, and positions are something of a novelty, no industry has a unified vision of what a diversity and inclusion job should be. The fact that companies are vastly different and have varying circumstances, needs, and requirements further complicates matters.

Some companies have taken an active interest in promoting fair treatment of their employees and making sure that the working conditions in their offices are as welcoming and inclusive as possible. These companies will be looking to add diversity and inclusion officers to their boards, whose jobs will be to make company policy that steers the business in that particular direction.

Companies going the extra mile to promote belonging will also need experienced managers who are well versed in diversity and inclusion to implement said policies.

Some companies that wish to push for more representation in their workforce will need to employ diversity recruiters. Those will need to be experienced HR specialists while also being trained in promoting diversity, equality, and belonging.

The pattern here should be obvious by now – having diversity and inclusion qualifications is usually an additional requirement, rather than the main function of the position in question. Sure, it’s an important part of the job – but a company looking for a diversity manager or diversity recruiter will probably seek experienced candidates, first and foremost. Take this into serious consideration and tailor your CV accordingly.

Emphasize Your Skills And Experience

Before you apply for a diversity and inclusion position at a company, you need to do your due diligence. Research the company and its products, achievements, and goals. Read through their press releases, and familiarize yourself with their way of doing things as much as possible.

Try to put yourself in the shoes of the recruiter – they will need to hire people to drive diversity and inclusion initiatives forward, that much is true. However, their most important job is to get people who are right for the position and right for the company. Make sure you take every opportunity to demonstrate that you are the best person for all of their needs.

Ideally, you should arrange your achievements, skills, and qualifications in a manner that would be most readable and useful to HR. Once you make sure all of your credentials are in check, make sure you modify each and every one of them to link them to fit the diversity and inclusion focus of that position.

Advertise Your Personal Qualities

Lately, companies have come to put a high value on soft skills, such as optimism, communication, openness, etc. The ability to deal with failure, the ability to work in stressful circumstances are especially relevant in the current crisis climate.

However, a job in diversity and inclusion requires a very particular set of qualities, such as empathy, emotional intelligence, and cultural sensitivity.

Moreover, being able to demonstrate that you have a deep personal commitment to the idea of inclusion and diversity will most likely be crucial for landing a job in this field of work. You will need to be outspoken about your ideas of implementing diversity and inclusion policies at every level of the company and convincing in your argument of why you’re the best candidate for the job.

5 Incredible Benefits of Digital Marketing for Law Firms

StrategyDriven Online Marketing and Website Development Article |digital marketing |5 Incredible Benefits of Digital Marketing for Law FirmsAre you looking for a passive and continual stream of new clients for your law firm? If so, then you need to utilize the power of digital marketing to improve your current lead generation strategy.

Don’t worry if you don’t understand digital marketing and how it can help you, we’ve got you covered. Keep reading to learn the top benefits of online marketing.

1. Improve Awareness Around Your Brand and Business

When your clients think of law firms, you want them to think of you. To do that you must be top of their mind. And digital marketing is the best way to stay in front of your audience so you can build awareness around your business and law firm.

2. Grow Your Audience With Social Media Ads

The fastest way to increase traffic to your website is through paid advertising. Historically, you might have taken an ad out in the paper or a local magazine. Today, online marketing gives you immediate access to your future clients.

You can’t afford to not be on every social media platform that your customers are frequently visiting. If paid advertising isn’t something you feel confident in, then partner with an expert to create a winning law firm PPC ad campaign.

3. Build Authority and Trust in Your Industry

Whether you focus on content marketing or social media marketing, you can use your digital marketing strategy to build authority in your industry. Write articles that answer the questions your clients are searching online. A quality digital marketing agency can tell you what topics you should be covering on your website.

Consider running a weekly question and answer feature either through a blog post or videos that you can showcase on your social media profiles. This will showcase your expertise and grow your brand at the same time.

4. Promote Your Name Within Your Local Community

Your online marketing strategy doesn’t end at your website and social media profile. You also need to win in the local SEO arena. To do that you need an optimized Google My Business profile.

So, if you haven’t uploaded anything more than your name, address, and phone number then you need to make your local digital marketing a priority for your firm.

5. Gain New Clients

At the heart of every marketing campaign, whether it is digital or traditional, your goal is always to gain more clients. Watch your business grow as your lead generation skyrockets with a winning online strategy.

As more future clients come into contact with your brand online, your firm will gain their trust and they will think of you the next time they need help from a lawyer.

Grow Your Business With Digital Marketing Today

Stop wondering, what is digital marketing? Now you can clearly see the many benefits that a powerful online marketing strategy can do for your law firm. Start building your online presence today and watch your lead generation grow every day.
For more great information on this and other topics check out the rest of our blog.

Overcoming Challenges within your Business

StrategyDriven Managing Your Business Article |Business Challenges|Overcoming Challenges within your BusinessRunning your own business can be tough and challenging at the best of times. There are always obstacles and hurdles in your way. How you deal with problems and how you overcome challenges says a lot about your personality and about your leadership style. Tackling problems as soon as they happen and working out solutions is just what good business owners and leaders do. Here’s what to do to make sure you’re overcoming challenges effectively.

Facing problems head-on

Whether you run a bricks and mortar based business or an online-based business, you will have daily challenges and problems to overcome. These could be smaller problems like running out of office stationery, or they could be bigger problems such as sourcing last minute suppliers’ or making sure pallet rack protection is in place for your next delivery to ensure no goods get damaged when in transit. Whatever the problem, how you deal with it and overcome it will determine how successful you are within other areas of your business.

Seeing issues or problems through to completion is what needs to be done. Don’t be afraid to compromise to get the best solution for your business, but at the same time, don’t become a pushover – you will struggle to regain authority and respect.

Delegate and seek assistance

This may be easier said than done, especially if you have run the business from day zero, but remember that as an entrepreneur or small business owner, nobody is expecting you to do everything. To succeed in business, you need to know when to delegate jobs and responsibilities to others. Trying to do too much all the time will lead to burnout, which is no good for you or your business. Never shy away from seeking assistance or help from friends, family, and possibly even freelancers.

Evaluate and learn from your actions

To move forward within your business and to push it to the dizzying heights of success that you deserve, you need to regularly evaluate your business and yourself. Take some time out to focus on what you have achieved since you started out, and ultimately, where you want to finish up. It is important not to be too harsh on yourself but to simply see where and how you could have done things differently in certain situations or scenarios. It is beneficial to utilise business consultants when evaluating where you are wanting to take your business next and deciding which direction to go in.

Consultants have a wealth of experience and can provide you with an in-depth growth and development plan which you can implement within your business and start working on as soon as possible.

There will always be challenges to overcome within a business, this is part of the fun which you thrive on and live for. Make use of networking both online and offline to meet like-minded business owners and entrepreneurs. When you are facing difficulties or facing other small business challenges, the people you met through networking will be your business support network, which you can rely on to help you continue picking things up and moving forwards.