Four Tips for Creating Your Team’s Rescue Plan

StrategyDriven Risk Management Article |Rescue Plan|Four Tips for Creating Your Team’s Rescue PlanIf you have been given the ultimate task of creating new or developing existing rescue plans, this article is for you. Whether you’ll be the one supervising the site and rescue plan if it’s required, you’ll need to find some innovative ideas to keep your team safe and happy. Having a coherent and appropriate rescue plan will allow your team to have the utmost confidence in you whilst doing their job.

Rescue plans can truly be the crux between life and death, so it is, therefore your responsibility to ensure your plan is kept up to date with plentiful information. It is also your obligation to formulate the plan alongside the guidelines within your state and remember that you cannot simply rely on emergency services when you’re in a time crunch. Here are four ways you could maximise the efficiency and coherency of your rescue plan with thorough preparation.

Safe Equipment

While creating the rescue plan, you must consider the potential hazards of your site and make sure that all safety equipment is safe and ready for use. Safety equipment should be suitable for the job, and there should be enough for everyone on site. It is crucial to ensure that all employees working on site have full access to Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), so everyone has the same opportunity at staying safe on the job. Even if the site may not contain potentially hazardous conditions, if you have to create a rescue plan, PPE is definitely required. All workers should be fully visible in all conditions and therefore require some form of high visibility clothing. They should all have correctly fitting hard hats alongside suitable eye, hand and foot protection. All of these points might seem like gospel, but they are essential at all times on site. So, a reminder doesn’t hurt.

Work Tents

As important as PPE, other forms of site protection should include work tents. It’s important to consider the weather conditions on-site when working, but you should also always plan for the unexpected. Work tents are a great form of emergency protection, acting as a quick fix when required. They can shield from a storm and also act as a method of shade for heat relief. If your rescue team have to maintain focus for long periods, bad or even dangerous weather conditions can fuel the initial problem and make it more difficult to conduct the rescue mission in turn. There are plenty of work tents to choose from, including variability in size, shape and colour. Find a provider that offers a wide range of products, so that you can explore a selection, such as Pelsue. The firm has a range of work tents, and you can explore Pelsue’s products here. Work tents have a multi-purpose function which allows you to join tents both together and to cars by having interlocking flaps. Most tents also have a pop-up feature which is useful when in a rush. As you can tell, innovative tents are essential for a rescue plan.

Prepare a Rescue Team

The core feature of your rescue plan should be a rescue team. Make sure each person in the team know exactly what their role is and when their service might be required in a rescue mission. It’s also important to make them aware of where they can access the potential items required to conduct the rescue appropriately and efficiently. Experts suggest that your rescue team should consist of people who can keep calm under pressure and who are confident enough to continue with the rescue mission if required. You should also ensure that there is a competent and approachable person with effective first aid and rescue material experience. This way, that if a rescue mission is required, everything goes as smoothly as possible.

Keep Everyone in the Loop

It is essential that you let the rest of the team observe these rescue drills. A word of warning about the potential hazards before each working day will prevent high stress among the team. Make them aware of potential hazards on site for peace of mind. While giving them this awareness, allow all team members to ask questions so a full brief is conducted. This will help increase their awareness on-site and become familiar with any potential rescue plans. If the team are in the loop and aware of any potential mistakes and mishaps that can occur, each individual is more likely to know what to do if a rescue mission takes place.

Final Word

It is now up to you to create your rescue plan as efficiently as possible. Make sure you have a rescue team and staff who have a constant awareness of potential hazards. Ensure that you brief team leaders and supervisors about your concerns. It may seem like general knowledge, but make sure that your team have good PPE as well as work tents ready for use on-site.

Tips To Keep Your Files Organized

StrategyDriven Practices for Professionals Article |file organization|Tips To Keep Your Files OrganizedSearching for files takes time. And that time is, for many, money.

Keeping yourself organized means you need to get your digital files in order too. You have a lot of options too. You can use computers to store things; others use an HDD, cloud, or are considering implementing electronic document management.

Before you can have your best-organized self, you need to note down your requirements. If you have a team, then you probably need to consider the ability to work in a collaborative manner.

Why organization matters

Your documents for work will contain sensitive data; it will contain details of the work you have done, the work you need to do, and more. Keeping them well organized will mean that you can find everything quickly.

It isn’t uncommon to misplace files or need more than a moment to find something. That time is valuable and being wasted.


This is so simple, but so many people simply don’t do it. At the start of each project, create a folder, and name it something that is related to the project. It can be the name of the client you are working for or anything else that makes sense.


Make sure that your files are as well named as your folders. This will mean if you need to use the search function, you will find everything quickly.


If you have a long term client, then it is a good idea to nest your folders. Have a single folder with multiple folders within it. You can break that down further by adding years or months to each of the folders within. This will avoid having ophan files or not being able to find something.

Monthly File Sorting

Once a month, take a look at your files and decide if you still need them. You can email clients and let them know that their files will be deleted within the next two weeks. Or you can compress the files and put them on a hard disk drive.

This allows you to use your computer memory for files you need currently.

Business files should most often simply be transferred as the work can be pulled out for new projects and research.


There are several cloud services that you should consider. Some have bigger bonuses than the others.

Sync – Sync is quick and lets you share your files on any device quickly. You have the ability to control passwords, expiry dates, upload capacities, and email notifications. Your clients don’t need Sync to be able to access a link that you share either.

The free storage is limited to 5GB.

CloudUp – This is a very easy store and share option. You can upload or any form and then share the files with a simple link.

The free storage has 200GB.

Slack – Slack can double up as a communications tool too. You can work with your team, share files.

The free storage is 5GB.

All of them have upgrade possibilities, with varying costs and abilities.

Your file organization can save you time and money – when it really counts.

Employee Turnover- When Good Employees Won’t Stay

StrategyDriven Managing Your People Article |Employee Turnover|Employee Turnover- When Good Employees Won't StayIf it’s become a trend where you get good employees, train and give them responsibilities, but after a short while they jump ship, you need to evaluate. The trend can be demotivating, disturbing, and affect productivity. The remaining employees have to contend with increased workloads and reduced morale. Before you lose all your good employees, check what’s wrong. Why are your employees not happy to work at your company? What causes high employee turnover?

Lack of Motivation

When an employee’s efforts are not appreciated or acknowledged, this kills morale. A company should have a reward system that recognizes every employee’s input and rewards exemplary behavior or action. Good feedback is also essential. It helps employees improve and make progress in difficult situations. It’s also crucial to have a workable employee benefits management such as from Cowell, James, Forge Insurance Group.

Lack of Engagement

When employees are not engaged, they do the bare minimum and jump into any other opportunity that presents itself. To gauge how engaged your workforce is, check how enthusiastic they are when performing tasks. Do they seem happy, spend time connecting with colleagues, and participate in team-building activities? When employees show to work late, skip work or company activities, it indicates a disconnection. It’s critical to address the issue before it spreads to the entire workforce.

Poor Management

A manager with poor leadership or people skills can lead to high employee turnover. Employees need to be handled with respect and understanding. If the manager doesn’t take time to know his team well, he may mishandle or disrespect some. For instance, when you have a culturally diversified workforce, you shouldn’t assume or support one religion or culture. It’s important to respect each person’s culture, beliefs, and religion and show support.

The executive should ensure all employees are handled with respect, their views and concerns addressed and supported.

No Room for Growth

Stagnation is a killer of morale. Many employees want to work in organizations where they can grow and improve their skills. Keeping an employee in one position for too long demotivates and kills their dreams. If a promising opportunity presents itself, they will not hesitate to move. Also, it’s essential to create challenges that break the monotony and build excitement. For instance, the launch of a new product is not only an exciting experience but puts everyone on their toes to ensure everything goes right.

There is No Work-Life Balance

Sometimes employees are torn between a demanding job that they love and their families. When employees have to choose between the two, in most cases, the company loses. Employees need enough time with their families without the pressure to outperform or spend more time at work. An employer should show they value families by creating a family-friendly environment such as supporting nursing mothers or parents with small children. It’s also crucial to respect off days or leave requests.

A good salary is not the only consideration when an employee decides to work or stay in a company. Peace of mind, satisfaction, and projected growth are also important considerations.