How to Ensure Your Business is Legally Sound in 2021

StrategyDriven Managing Your Business Article |Legally Sound Business|How to Ensure Your Business is Legally Sound in 2021There are plenty of things to concern yourself with as a modern business owner, and one of the key ones is making sure you have legal protection. This is something that you have to make the most of right now, and there are a lot of things that play a part in achieving this moving forward. Having a company that is legally sound is essential for continued and long-term success, so this is something you have to make the best of right now.

Try to focus on what you can do to make the right decisions here, and understand what it takes to improve the company and make sure you focus on this as much as possible. Do what you can to make the right choices, and there are a lot of elements that can help you improve your company moving forward right now. Here are some of the best ways to ensure legal protection as a company right now.

Hire the Right Lawyers

Hiring the right lawyers can make all the difference when you’re trying to protect your company, and this is certainly something you’ve got to think about in the future. There are business attorneys out there who can help with the day to day running of the company, but there are also a lot of niche lawyers as well, and they can play a massive role in helping protect your business as much as possible. For instance, a truck accident lawyer can become essential if you have a fleet of trucks that is jeopardised by an accident.

Avoid Issues on Social Media

Social media is wonderful in so many ways, and there are a lot of things that you need to make sure you focus on when you are trying to navigate social media. There are so many factors that are important to get right in this respect, and there are a lot of things that you need to try to focus on as much as possible. Come up with ideas that will help you when it comes to making the best business decisions here, and try to use social media in the best and most effective way you can. There are so many legal pitfalls you need to try to avoid on social media and this is essential for building success in the future.

Get the Basics Right

Getting the basics right is so important, but it’s also something that a lot of people seem to overlook too much these days. You have to try to come up with ideas that are going to allow you to make the right choices that will help you in this respect. But getting the basics right as a company is something that can protect you so much in a legal sense, and it’s something that is so often overlooked.

Making the right decisions to help your business be legally sound is really important in 2021, and this is something that you need to try to make the most of as much as possible. There are a lot of ideas that are going to help you when it comes to ensuring longevity and success as a business owner, and this is something that you need to make sure you get right.

Tech hiring platforms: need of the hour

StrategyDriven Talent Management Article |Tech Hiring Platforms|Tech hiring platforms: need of the hourWith the continuous advancement in the field of technology, everything is going online. This has further become more important in the current situation of a pandemic where most of the things and work has shifted from the traditional ways to online platforms. In such times, the technical teams of the organizations have got tough positions. One such innovation has been made in the field of hiring.

Many tech hiring platform have come up as a major solution to companies for their recruitment and hiring processes. Their main focus is to find the best of the talent and develop them in the best possible manner. They use cloud-based efficient platforms that focus on various key aspects that are involved in the hiring process. These service providing companies help in providing online test assessments, recruitment and L&D solutions, certifications, proctoring, conducting online exams and various other things. Their portfolio has a large variety of product offerings for their customers. These platforms are secure and provide best service experience to their clients. Here we will discuss the key benefits of tech hiring platforms that have also become the need of the hour.

  1. Increases the chance to recruit the best talent: The process of hiring is developed after proper research and development. These are cloud-based and very efficient in conducting all the test and interviews. They also help to get a detailed assessment of the candidates. Thus, this increases the chances of selecting the best talent. The companies can always develop their plans regarding the assessment in terms of skill, role complexity, time and other measures.
  2. Screening of the candidates: Such hiring platforms help to screen out the best candidates. They have the latest and very advanced assessment platforms. They also provide proctoring solutions in cases of conducting online tests and exams which further ensures the authenticity of the exams. One can also select from the vast array of the questions.
  3. Online interview of the candidates: this further helps to conduct the online interviews of the selected candidates most appropriately. This could be conducted in real-time. One can easily assess the candidate’s skills and knowledge using such platforms.
  4. Up skill and engaging the candidates: These service providers also have the training and development solutions for the companies. This can be used by the companies to enhance the skills of the candidates. They also provide a platform for new and existing employees for their better engagement.
  5. Hiring strategy as per your needs and requirements: The companies can always plan and strategies their hiring needs and requirements in the terms of cost, time, complexity and skill. They have hiring processes that are a mix of MCO’s and simulators. This helps in the filtration of the best candidates at the very first step. This further saves a lot of time, energy and cost involved in the hiring process. They also offer in-depth assessment analysis of the candidates for their advanced assessment. Further, after finalizing the candidates, interviews could be conducted online in a very simple and easy manner.
  6. Tech screening of the candidates using assessments and simulators: These tech hiring companies are very advanced in their field and provide the tech screening of the candidates remotely using assessments and simulators. You can choose from the vast portfolio available the type of questions you want to go for.
  7. In-depth analysis of the candidates: The hiring companies also give an in-depth analysis of the reports of the candidates. This also helps to differentiate the best candidates from the average ones. The companies can easily analyze the strengths and weaknesses of the candidates. There are different reports for both of the knowledge bases assessments and application-based assessments. Companies could use this as the preliminary step for conducting the online assessment of the candidates.
  8. Robust proctoring software and technology: These companies provide a ready platform for conducting secure tests and assessments. They have well developed [proctoring software and technology and the candidate can be assessed even from the remote area. These proctoring software further help to develop the customized assessment of each candidate conduct the multiple assessments of different candidates at the same time. The companies can choose from amongst the AI-based proctoring or manual proctoring. They could easily get end to end screening results as well.
  9. Efficient hiring through innovative technology: The innovations and advancement in the field of technology have made everything much simpler. With the use of such technology, efficient hiring has become very easy. It also helps in the better engagement of the new and existing employees. Some service providers provide very advanced hackathon platform. This helps in nurturing the problem-solving skills, fosters better team collaboration among the workforce and fosters the internal innovation.
  10. Customization options: the companies have the option of getting everything customized as per their needs. They can get the tests, assessments, analysis and reports and everything else customized as per their needs and convenience. The tech hiring companies also provide continuous support services to their clients to ensure they get the best experience.

With coming up the online coding assessments, combined with efficient and innovative technology, the future of recruitment has become very structured and well planned. The companies can get the best of the talent by using such platforms and develop them in the best possible manner. The companies should look for the best online coding platform to make their recruitment process more efficient and organized. These are developed taking into considerations several factors and after proper research and development processes. They also provide efficient, cost-effective, clear and transparent hiring platform to the growing companies. Everything from planning, screening, assessment and interviews could be done online. The proctoring software further ensures that everything is conducted in a secure and best possible way. So don’t just look, choose the best platform and go for a more efficient method of hiring. This will not only help in finding the best talent amongst the pool of candidates but also develop them in the best possible manner and ensure their better engagement.

What Is A Data Protection Policy? Can It Be Beneficial?

StrategyDriven Risk Management Article |Data Protection Policy|What Is A Data Protection Policy? Can It Be Beneficial?Navigating in the digital world is a journey full of learning. Thanks to the numerous digital tools and solutions available today, businesses can achieve their goals faster and more efficiently. However, as a business owner, you must be cautious when using information systems. Along with the advantages of these online solutions are their disadvantages—some of which are data loss and theft. When using these online services and software, your data might be at risk.

Because of potential online and offline security threats to your business, it’s essential to set up your information technology (IT) team dedicated to data privacy and security. By arranging a data protection network inside your company, you can lower your company’s vulnerability to security crises today and in the future.

What makes data privacy and security significant? What could happen if a company isn’t able to protect its data? In this article, you’ll explore how you can level up your business security by establishing a data protection policy. You’ll discover how this policy can benefit your business or organization.

Importance of Data Privacy and Security

A simple click on the internet can leave significant digital footprints about your organization. Since it’s in the business’s nature to negotiate with consumers and investors, companies can obtain personal information from people they transact with. Still, they should keep these pieces of information confidential.

After meeting a stranger for the first time, bet you wouldn’t entrust them with your accurate personal information. You’ll only disclose more information about yourself as you develop more profound connections with people. The same goes for organizations. It’s the company’s responsibility to ensure data privacy by managing how data is collected, used, and stored. Likewise, it needs to establish data security to protect business data from internal and external attackers or any loss that could lead to the company’s downfall.

What Is A Data Protection Policy?

Essentially, a data protection policy defines how your company will protect the confidential, personal data of every individual involved in the organization. Personal data may include any information related to an identifiable person such as:

  • Name, address, and contact information
  • Online identifiers
  • Health information, records, and documents
  • Bank and credit card details
  • Employment information

Data protection policy shouldn’t be interchanged with ‘Privacy Policy’ and ‘Privacy Notice.’ While a privacy policy or notice explains how users’ data will be used, the data protection policy involves guidelines, rules, and principles that notify individuals on their protection coverage according to data protection laws.

Benefits of Implementing A Data Protection Policy

While smaller companies tend to overlook their data protection, it’s them that will be most vulnerable if they don’t recognize its importance immediately. Protecting your organization’s data with the data protection policy should be your top priority, especially during the first few years of your business, as it’ll help you reap these primary benefits:

1. Safeguard Your Company From Online Hackers

Digital threats can come from both inside or outside of your company. As most cyberattacks are unexpected, your organization can stay vigilant 24/7 from potential attackers with the help of a data protection policy. Aside from protecting your company’s data, implementing cybersecurity policies protects your businesses from costly data breaches and cyberattacks.

Employees are most vulnerable to online attacks as they travel from websites to attachments, share passwords, bypass encryption, and other small actions that may put them and the company’s safety at risk. Spreading security awareness among your employees is a crucial aspect of the data protection policy.

2. Offer Peace of Mind To Employees and Customers

As a loyal customer, what would you feel if you’ve recently discovered that one of your trusted brands hasn’t established a strong data protection policy yet? Of course, you’ll feel worried that anyone can easily access your confidential information, and worse, take advantage of it to cause you or other people harm.

Establishing a data protection policy on your company gives your customers and employees peace of mind that their information is always kept secure and private. While there’s an uncertainty that their data can’t be compromised in the future, having a data protection policy prevents or lessens the damage inflicted by any potential data breach.

3. Increase Customer Engagement and Trust

Companies that have had security issues now look less appealing to customers and investors. Sixty-five percent of 4,500 consumers indicated that they wouldn’t transact with businesses with a data breach history. These consumers also feel that only 50% of companies they negotiate with take data privacy and security seriously.

Therefore, if you’re a company with well-established data protection policies and haven’t had any data security issues before, customers are more likely to be involved in your brand offers. This gives you an edge against brand competitors.


In this technological age, businesses and organizations should always prioritize managing their data. While these data are mere combinations of letters, numbers, and figures, they hold an unparalleled value to your company. Entrepreneurs should understand that data integrity isn’t a burden to their plate and acknowledge it as an important element to drive business growth and success.

Why Earn a DNP?

StrategyDriven Professional Development Article |DNP|Why Earn a DNP?If you’re already a nurse or you’re considering pursuing a career in nursing, you may want to think about earning a Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) degree. Does it require more time spent on your education? Yes. Will it take a bit longer than becoming an RN? Yes. But, the benefits definitely outweigh what you might initially be giving up.

Just what are those benefits?

First, DNPs are most often placed in leadership roles. That means you can be in charge of other nursing distinctions in a variety of settings. You can serve in a hospital as a Chief Nursing Officer, you can advocate for improved healthcare policies within a facility or even a community, and you can even direct patient services for whatever organization you work for.

Because of the effort put in and the potential titles you can hold, a DNP also tends to have a higher salary than an RN or even an MSN. The median salary for a DNP is $101,982, while the median for an RN is just over $73,000.

If you truly value patient care, becoming a DNP will put you at the forefront of helping people. You will have so many different opportunities to make a difference, including creating and improving existing nursing practices to make sure patients are getting the attention they need and deserve.

Interested in earning your Doctor of Nursing Practice Degree? Find out more about the programs at Marymount University to jumpstart the next chapter of your career as soon as possible.

Infographic designed by Marymount University

Worried About Safety? Make Armed Security Your Priority

StrategyDriven Risk Management Article |Armed Security|Worried About Safety? Make Armed Security Your PriorityIt is natural for humans to worry about people and things they love. It can be your business, employees, customers, and of course, your own life. But sadly, it’s not possible to protect all of these on your own. You need to take the help of someone.

But, who can you trust to protect your most prized possessions? Well, the accurate answer would be ‘professional security, particularly armed security.’

Armed security guards are best for protecting you and your business from all kinds of threats and dangers. They are an incredible deterrent to criminals. Besides, they also offer you a sense of security and peace of mind, which is essential in the hectic work environment. Impressive right?

However, you’ll be shocked to know that many people hesitate to hire security guards. The reason being that they are not sure if their business needs ‘armed security.’ Are you also worried about the same? If yes, then keep reading to find out.

Type of business that needs armed security

  • Health care: On an everyday basis, numerous people visit hospitals, clinics, and medical stores. Therefore they must pay attention to the security of every person. And, armed security guards are the best for this job.
  • Retail: Needless to say that the security guards will help the retailers in keeping an eye on the fraudsters and employees for any suspicious activity.
  • Schools: The protection of students and teachers is of utmost importance, and only armed security can do it well.
  • Politician: Politicians work on making the future of the country. That is why you need armed security for politicians to protect the nation ultimately.
  • Banks and financial institutions: Anything related to money undoubtedly needs protection. They can monitor security electronics and workplace violence protection.

In addition to these, other businesses can also use armed security services for the overall protection from threats.

Benefits of armed security

Now that you know which businesses generally need armed security let’s understand why one must focus on hiring armed security guards.

More trained: As armed guards have weapons with them for your protection, they are more trained than unarmed guards. Besides, they have to pass all the state tests and standards before they are allowed to use them.

Employed after the background check: Think about it: you can’t give weapons to the people who have the potential to harm you. Simply put, security guards need permits for using weapons. They have to go through a proper background check and fulfill other legal requirements to complete the licensing process.

In a few scenarios, they have to do biometric verification or investigation from the FBI.

High-end protection: The presence of security guards will become a barrier to lawbreakers. There will be a significant decline in criminal activity inside or nearby the business premises. Armed security will provide high-end protection to the employees, customers as well as clients.

To Sum Up,

With the rising crime and fraudulent activities globally, it is now crucial to safeguard your business more than ever. By hiring armed security guards, you can leave the protection of your business in their responsible and trustable hands.

Overall we can say that- Armed security has got you all covered.