3 Necessities Your IT Department Should Have

StrategyDriven Managing Your Business Article |IT Department|3 Necessities Your IT Department Should HaveThe IT department is one of the essential parts of your business. This is because the department is responsible for running the whole system. Bearing this in mind, it is crucial to fully equip your IT experts to facilitate their job efficiency fully.

Since there is always a chance to improve and implement functions, the following are some of the trade tools you should equip your IT department.

Cloud Backup

Frequent loss of data can be damaging to your company or business. Data loss can be linked to power outages, hardware failure, human error, and malicious intervention through hackers and viruses. This may cause various problems during the occurrence of the loss and in the future.

Therefore, it is essential to integrate your existing system with cloud computing. It is recommendable to consult your internal IT team on suitable packages to work with based on your business’s IT hardware and the amount of data produced.
It is also crucial to have a constant backup to refer to, mainly if system failures occur. The cloud is currently convenient, secure, and more flexible to use as data back-up storing space in a higher capacity as your company or business may need.

Business Intelligence Suite

Since your IT officers in your business have to deal with large networks and several branches of reports, analytics, and operations, having the software is necessary to maintain the systems’ smooth running. The application of an intuitive business intelligence suite enhances your IT department’s ability to use a flexible toolbox.

Additionally, a business intelligence suite creates an avenue for other workers to place their reports and feedback in a more accessible manner. These systems are designed to facilitate businesses to assemble reports and manage performance in a more organized way. These systems are also accessible by users who aren’t so familiar with the techs.

It is essential to consult reputable companies that provide automation solutions and computing devices such as industrial monitors and a Modular panel pc. This will enhance the communication and information connection of your business.

Network Security

Apart from data loss issues due to viruses and hackers, your business or company may heavily suffer due to improper network security. Unauthorized access to data and files, slowed down systems, and general vulnerability of your business network even within your internal people may compromise your network security.

You can protect your critical business data from sabotage and spyware by creating safeguards, firewalls, and authorization procedures. Network security may also act as extra protection if grievous errors are made due to insufficient training of your workers.

Additionally, network security enhances your IT department to implement some restrictions and guidelines that ensure the efficiency and proper use of your business’s workstations based on their work-related actions.


Applying these tools ensures that your IT department is equipped with the power they need to ensure your business’s operations are smooth and efficient. Additionally, these tools may also prevent your business from incurring losses that may arise due to loss of data.

3 Things Every Office Needs To Be A Productive And Safe Place

StrategyDriven Managing Your People Article |Office Safety|3 Things Every Office Needs To Be A Productive And Safe PlaceAs the UK’s third lockdown continues, the efforts to vaccinate the population against COVID-19 are ramping up. This means that it is crucial for employers to start looking to the spring where, hopefully, many offices that have been closed for weeks or months will be able to start opening up again.

While the vaccine will do a big part in reducing the threat of COVID-19, there is the need to ensure that social distancing and safety practices continue. In order to be productive employees will need the assurance that their safety is their boss’s top priority.

A Clear Social Distancing Policy

Many people will be heading back to the office following the latest lockdown. It is vital that your employees feel safe in your office to be productive. This means that any office, no matter what type of work is done there will need to ensure they have a clear social distancing policy.

This should include a requirement to wear face coverings when moving about the office, staggered working times to limit the number of people in the office at one time and clear barriers between desks if your office space is open plan.
If your staff do not feel safe and protected at work, it will affect morale and undoubtedly lower productivity and staff retention. It has never been more vital that you prioritise the safety of your staff members.

Professional Cleaning Services

The need for professional cleaning services has never been greater. While every staff member can do their part to reduce the risk of spreading COVID-19 by regular hand washing and cleaning their own workspace, it is vital that you engage the services of a professional cleaning company for deep cleaning.

An expert commercial cleaning company will have the tools and equipment needed to do a deep clean of all areas of your office space. Ideally, you should choose a professional service that is accredited by major UK bodies like SMC Premier. This company is registered with a number of UK institutions such as the British Institute of Cleaning Science (BICsc), and their company priority and ethos puts safety first.

An Open Dialogue

These are uncertain times, and your employees will be feeling the strain of the ongoing pandemic. It is essential that you check in regularly with your employees, so they feel heard and kept in the loop on business developments.

You should discuss with your team the steps you are taking to keep them safe and let them know what is expected of them while they’re in the office. It would be best if you also kept them update on business operations to provide reassurance that their jobs are secure.

Your staff may also be struggling with their mental health during these challenging times, so as their employer, you should try to do all you can to help promote mental wellbeing. Engage with open discussions about mental health to remove the stigma and provide signposting to mental health resources they can use if they feel they are struggling.

5 Ways to Boost Collaboration within Your Remote Team

StrategyDriven Managing Your People Article |Collaboration with Remote Team|5 Ways to Boost Collaboration within Your Remote TeamWhether you’re working out of a shared office space or remotely, effective collaboration among your team is vital to your success. It’s important to facilitate communication between coworkers and ensure you’re approachable as a manager. If your employees are currently working from home, you need to maintain a certain level of collaboration remotely. There are several advanced tools you can use such as task or project management software, or video conferencing. You could also consider renting a coworking office space, to work together in person. Here are five ways to boost collaboration within your team.

Invest in the right tools

If your team is working remotely, they will need access to the best online communication tools. Ensure each employee is comfortably set up at home with an ergonomic workspace and strong internet connection. You also may need to consider supplying them with updated equipment. Train your team and make sure they’re confident using video conferencing and cloud-based software.

Consider a coworking space

You could also consider renting a coworking space on a short-term basis. You can choose whether to hot desk or rent a semi-private or private office. This way you can work together in person but you won’t have to worry about renting or buying an office permanently. You and your team will have access to all the necessary amenities without any extra expense. It’s an ideal solution for startups and small businesses.

Daily catchups

There are many benefits of daily standups and you can recreate these remotely. Have a set time in the morning to check in with the entire team. Ensure everyone is aware of their daily goals and give them the opportunity to ask any relevant questions. Daily catchups are also a nice way to start the day, maintain a friendly environment, and boost morale. If you prefer, you could include a quick quiz or a game as an ice breaker.

Task management software

If you invest in the latest task management software, you’ll be able to track your remote team’s schedule and daily activities. This is a useful way to judge whether each member of your team is spending the right amount of time on tasks, or if they need more time. You can also use this data to learn ways you can be more productive and look for areas of improvement. Your staff will also be able to communicate through this cloud-based application and update their progress as and when in real-time.

Communicate your mission

In order to successfully grow your business, you need to communicate your mission and vision to your employees and get them on board. The best mission statements are inspiring, not only to potential customers but also to the people that work for you. Articulate your company’s values and your plans for the future. Employees prefer to feel part of something important, that also aligns with their own principles. Make them proud to work for your company. This will help to create more engaged and motivate staff and boost collaboration.

Here are Some of the Biggest Reasons why your Start-up Could Fail

StrategyDriven Starting Your Business Article |Start-up|Here are Some of the Biggest Reasons why your Start-up Could FailA lot of entrepreneurs often get swept up with their own ideas and they forget about some of the most common mistakes out there. If you are going to be going out on your own, then you may find that you underestimate the main mistakes that most people make. If you do this then you may find that you experience serious cash flow issues later down the line. This is the last thing that you need, but if you educate yourself now, then you may be able to come out on top.

You Don’t Start with the End in Mind

Entrepreneurs often start out with optimism and excitement. They think that they will do whatever is in their power to succeed, but at the end of the day, they don’t think about the future. You need to take the time to plan out your values, your mission and your vision. You also need to think about how your service is going to differ from the rest as this will help you to maintain your focus and your overall effectiveness. If you adopt a bigger picture approach right from the get-go, then this will help you to ask some tough questions now rather than later and this will give you a roadmap when things get tough.

You Don’t Research your Competition

Although this may seem somewhat counterintuitive, at the end of the day, you do want competition. You don’t want so much that the market becomes saturated, but you do want enough that you are able to keep on pushing forward and improving your services overall. Competitors validate the market for you and if there aren’t any, then you need to ask yourself a few key questions. You need to ask yourself if the problem that you are trying to solve is actually there, or if the problem is widespread enough to actually warrant a business being created.

You Fall in Love with a Difficult Idea

Founders of a company often fall in love with their ideas and they don’t do the hard work that is required to find out who else actually loves what they are selling. Sure, you need to be passionate about your company but if you are far too emotionally involved or invested, then you may find that you end up missing the mark. This is the last thing that you need, so make sure that your customers love what you are doing as much as you do.

You Don’t Evolve

You have to stay objective and you also need to make sure that you read the market as well. Never be afraid to change things up if you find that your original idea is not taking off as well as you had hoped. Instead, respond to what the market is asking from you as opposed to what you want to offer. YouTube started out as a dating website, but the founders soon came to the conclusion that the market didn’t want to see dating videos. They simply wanted the option of being able to upload their own videos whenever they wanted and now the rest is history.

You Don’t Seek Legal Protection

Start-up founders have to make sure that they make a special effort to try and prioritise any legal procedures. When you start a business with a college friend, you may well have written your plan on the back of a napkin and then sealed the deal with a “cheers” or a clink of a glass. This is great, and this is often how the best ideas are formed. The problem is that people are often so excited about getting their business up and running that they forget to do important things, which can include founders’ agreements or even early employee arrangements. If you do not address these steps at the beginning, then you may find that they come and bite you later down the line. Sometimes, it won’t be until years later when you feel the impact but at the end of the day, you have to make sure that you do everything you can to try and avoid this.

Not Raising Enough Capital

Entrepreneurs often think that they need to raise enough money, before they start their business. Ultimately it comes down to the fact that you are better off earning money on a much smaller scale if possible. At the end of the day, there is always a way for you to validate your concept on a small scale whether it’s by having a digital campaign or investing in Kickstarter. Until you have 100 users who are passionate about your company, you are truly not ready to grow. When you have been able to prove that there is some degree of market demand for your product, only then will investors see your company as being valuable and it is at this moment when you can begin to raise some serious money. If you want some help with raising capital, then make sure that you check out this capital raise toolbox so you can find out more.

If you are sure that your start-up is doomed to fail but you feel as though your idea is solid, then it may be worth trying to hire a mentor. When you do this, you can count on them to give you all of the advice you need to feel confident in your idea and you can also trust in them to help you to avoid some of the many mistakes that many people make when beginning their business too. Other options include freelancing and gaining as much experience in the industry as you can before you go ahead with your full idea. The great thing about doing this is that you can then push the boundaries to your career, and you can also network with others too. Any contacts you make can then be taken with you when you go to start your own company as well so make sure that you keep this in mind as it may end up serving you well.

5 Tasks Your Startup Business Should Outsource

StrategyDriven Starting Your Business Article |Outsource|5 Tasks Your Startup Business Should OutsourceFirstly, if you have decided to launch your own business, congratulations. Being an entrepreneur is a rewarding and exciting way to earn a living, but the early days are certainly the hardest.

When starting a business from scratch, it is important to understand the advantages of outsourcing certain tasks and operations, but far too many entrepreneurs try to do it all. Of course, it is natural to want to maintain control of your venture in the early days and keep overheads to a minimum. But while entrepreneurs are busy with the administration, strategy, payroll, and technical aspects of daily operations, they do not focus on growth. This guide outlines not only why startups should outsource but also the five tasks that are most commonly outsourced.

Why startups should outsource

There are several reasons for startup businesses to outsource tasks, but here are some of the most compelling.

  • You can benefit from expert advice and talent from all over the world. Many companies offer their services virtually, which means that you are not restricted to only working with people in your local area.
  • By outsourcing tasks that you are not experienced in or which are time-consuming, you can free up more time to do what you do best and focus on growing your business. This should result in greater efficiency and therefore reduced overheads.
  • Outsourcing simple but laborious tasks will enable you to focus on the tasks which require a more personalized approach giving you greater control over your business.
  • Outsourcing can save you money as you will not have the expense of hiring employees or need to divert internal resources.
  • In conclusion, outsourcing can enable a business to grow at a much faster rate.

If you are almost convinced that outsourcing could help your business to grow but are not sure where to begin, here are five tasks that you might consider outsourcing.

1. IT infrastructure and support

Unless you are starting an IT business, it is unlikely that you will have much expertise when it comes to setting up a secure and intuitive computer network. Once you are set up, you will also need adequate security, which is monitored and updated regularly. It is also wise to have access to a local IT support company so that should you run into an IT issue, you will be able to call on an expert to get back up and running as soon as possible.

2. Social media

Social media is one of the most powerful marketing tools a startup business can use. Setting up accounts and publishing content is free, and advertising on social media platforms is flexible and relatively low cost. However, to make social media marketing a success, you need to invest a lot of time and creativity to create content and build up an audience. Luckily, social media is a task that can be easily outsourced to someone with experience in building a following on social media. The person or company you use can create and schedule posts and spend time interacting with followers.

3. Website design and development

Every business in all sectors should have their own website, whether planning to sell products online or not. With the exception of website design startups, most businesses will need help when setting up their website. Designing and developing a website that is not only functional but also easy to navigate, quick to load, attractive to look at, and optimized for search engines is a complex task best left to the professionals.

4. Customer support

While businesses should always be in touch with their customers, the administration involved in monitoring and responding to every query and reading feedback can be arduous. This is particularly true if most of the queries you receive are on the same topic. To avoid having to hire a full-time customer service representative, you can outsource customer support. The person or company can monitor all your customer feedback and correspondence. Armed with the relevant information to respond to frequently asked questions, they can relieve you of a lot of the administration. They can also collate all relevant feedback into a synopsis so you can get the key information you need in order to grow.

5. Digital marketing and PR

The internet has taken the business world to another level, and businesses that are not investing in digital marketing and PR are missing out on a huge chunk of the market. To increase the likelihood that your website appears in search results for relevant search queries, you need high quality and relevant content on your website such as blogs, e-books, and infographics. Creating and promoting this content takes time and talent, which is why so many businesses turn to freelance content marketers and digital marketing agencies.