What makes a good investor pitch?

StrategyDriven Managing Your Finances Article |Investor Pitch|What makes a good investor pitch?Pitching your startup to investors is a nerve-wracking experience for everyone. Even the great business leaders of today like Elon Musk and Bill Gates have had to stand in front of a group of investors, and ask them for money.

You only have a brief window of opportunity to make that first impression and hook in your audience.

Knowing what makes a good investor pitch is a large part of the battle, so what does make a compelling investor pitch?

Research your investors

You don’t want to take a cookie-cutter approach to your pitches if you are making more than one. Do your homework on each potential set of investors. What is their investment profile like? What successes and failures have they had in the past. You want to try and remind them of the former rather than the latter.

Investors will be able to spot a generic pitch a mile away, especially if it misses the mark with its target audience.

Confidence is key

You might be a nervous wreck but confidence is a must. Not only confidence in yourself, but in your business and your ideas. Why would someone give a lot of money to someone who isn’t confident in their own ideas?

There’s a fine line between confidence and arrogance, so don’t overdo it. Invest in having your pitch deck drafted by a professional Business Plan Writer, they can help to guide you through best practices in this area. Work on your presentation skills.

Business V emotion

A successful pitch needs both style and substance. You want to excite your audience by the prospect of investing in you and back it up with the cold hard facts.

Keep it short

It’s difficult to keep the magic happening for very long. Capture their attention, build up momentum and then get out and leave them wanting more.

Take them on a journey

Craft a compelling story for potential investors. It is great for nailing down the sequence of your pitch deck and takes your investors along with you on the story of your great idea.

Focus on investor benefits

As with all successful sales campaigns, focus on the benefits, rather than the features. You need to focus on what benefits and value you’ll be bringing to them, not the costs or features.

Know your business model inside and out

You’re going to get a lot of questions thrown at you. You can’t hide behind your pitch deck, no matter how great it is.

Your business model is the center of your pitch, you need to make it sparkle. Lose the investors here and it will be very hard to get them back.

Use visual aids in your pitch deck and presentation. Use examples of where a similar model is already being used successfully.

Be clear about what you want from them

What are you looking for from your investors? Partnership? Equity share? Remind people at the outset so that no one goes through the rest of the pitch for your startup under any kind of misapprehension.

4 Tools To Enhance Health & Safety At Work

StrategyDriven Human Performance Management Article |Health and Safety at Work|4 Tools To Enhance Health & Safety At WorkWhen you’re running a company, you must follow the correct health and safety procedures, to keep your staff members safe. Depending on what type of company you run, the safety concerns will be different. For a few general tools which may be of use, these cover everything from lifting to ergonomics and wellbeing.

1. NIOSH Lift Calculator

The NIOSH Lift Calculator application can support your staff to safely lift heavy loads. First up, you have to input the lifting conditions, and next, the app will give you a recommended weight. You can use the application for single lifting tasks, or for multiple lifting tasks. To protect workers from physical stress and back issues, the app suggests a lifting index of CLI or under.

2. Incident eye

The Incident Eye application helps companies to locate and protect staff, in a disaster or emergency. These events might be natural disasters or terror threats. Using the Incident Eye app, you can prepare yourself should the worse happen. The software supports you to offer help for staff in need, send relevant info, and get real-time updates. With platforms like this, you’ll have added peace of mind, in the event of disaster.

3. Welltok

Welltok is a health management app created for businesses, it can help staff to monitor their progress, and create wellness goals. There are lots of wellness activities, along with games, quizzes, and tips. One leading feature is the social wellbeing community, where staff can share tips, and experiences. The tool can support staff with lots of areas of wellness, whether it’s social, financial, physical, or mental.

Employee burnout is a growing concern across many different industries, and so it’s important to ensure your staff are taking care of their wellbeing. It can be helpful to offer extra resources including wellbeing workshops, and mental health based training.

4 . Ergonomics

Ergonomics is the perfect application to improve wellness and health in the workplace. The app provides advice about setting up a desk ergonomically, and guidelines on stretching. Employees are encouraged to take stretching breaks, and there are detailed instructions to learn these stretching techniques.

With the help of ergonomics, you can target certain parts of the body, and track your progress. Ergonomics provides lots of advice about improving physical health and mental health. It’s essential that all staff are provided with Ergonomic furniture, whether it’s chairs, desks or keyboards. To keep your office a safe place, this is the perfect application.

Further advice

To keep your employees safe and healthy you must follow employment law carefully. Employment law sets out the legal standards for the workplace, including workplace conditions, contracts, and statutory requirements. Failing to comply with employment law can leave employers with complex lawsuits, such as the Summer Uchin vs. Condo Roccia pregnancy bias case.

Lastly, ensure that you frequently update your health and safety policies, and provide your staff with regular health and safety training.

How to build a carefully considered health and safety strategy for your business

StrategyDriven Risk Management Article |Health and Safety|How to build a carefully considered health and safety strategy for your businessIt is estimated that you will spend more of your time in your place of work than in your own home. Considering this, it is likely that you and your colleagues will experience accidents and mishaps at some point. Health and safety issues can become costly for your business, in terms of both awarding monetary compensation and also potentially being damaging to your reputation; therefore, it is important that you craft a thorough health and safety strategy for your employees to follow. Here is a short guide to how to build a carefully considered health and safety strategy for your business.

1. Identify specific issues and try to rectify them

First and foremost, identify any health and safety issues that could potentially affect your business and employees. These might be easy to spot; if your business manufactures goods, for instance, obvious health and safety issues would be raised around using heavy machinery safely. Once identified, try to come up with solutions that could be put into place immediately. For example, safety eyewear and ear protection should be required when using machinery in a manufacturing environment. Other health and safety issues might not be so obvious, however, especially if your business is office based with no clear hazards. Nevertheless, your employees might be susceptible to such issues as eye strain from using screens for prolonged periods without a break. Furthermore, people working in all industries could potentially develop work related stress if an effective work-life balance is not implemented.

2. Ensure that you have a well-stocked and comprehensive first aid kit

From painful papercuts to trapped fingers, minor accidents are a part of life and are likely to be experienced in your place of work. Therefore, it is important that you have a first aid kit on hand that is easily accessible and well-stocked – no one wants to have the nasty discovery that there are no bandaids to cover a painful cut. As well as standard first aid items like bandaids, Tylenol, and antiseptic wipes, you should also make sure that you are prepared for any medical emergency that your business may experience. This might include first aid items particularly relevant to your business, such as treatment for chemical burns. Visit rapid-rescue.com.au for more information about first aid and medical equipment for your business.

3. Provide training for all employees

It is no use having a well-stocked first aid kit if none of your employees know how to respond to a crisis; it is therefore imperative that you provide health and safety training to all of your employees, and ensure that these skills are regularly updated. CPR and first aid training will provide your employees with the skills and confidence needed to immediately respond to a crisis. Develop an evacuation procedure for your place of work and make sure that you practice this at least every six months to ensure that your employees are evacuated safely in the event of a crisis.

Top Three Digital Marketing Strategies For Your Business Campaign

StrategyDriven Online Marketing and Website Development Article |PPC Agency|Top Three Digital Marketing Strategies For Your Business CampaignOne of the best methods to grow your business is by having a strong online presence. It doesn’t matter what the size of your company and what type of industry it is. The best way to grow your business is via digital marketing. Read on to learn more about the top three digital marketing strategies that are still relevant to consumers in 2021.

PPC Advertising

If you are looking to build your business via digital marketing, getting in contact with a top PPC agency might be a vital step towards it. If you have never heard of PPC (Pay-Per-Click) marketing method before, you need to know that it refers to using a search engine advertisement that generates clicks and links to your website. With that said, instead of organically earning those clicks from your potential clients, the sponsored ads displayed at the top of Google SERP will generate those clicks for you.
You bid on specific keywords that you want the ads to display and show up for. Subsequently, when a user uses those keywords in their search, your ad gets triggered and appears on SERPs’ top. Then, if the user decides to click on the displayed ad, you pay for it. It is essential to know that you only pay for the ad results and not for the ad space. PPC can include advertising on platforms other than search engines, such as social media.

Content Marketing

Content marketing is another effective digital marketing strategy for companies. In this strategy, the companies focus on connecting to, engaging with, and reaching out to potential clients via content. It hasn’t to be written or textual content alone. The content can include infographics, which are essential for backlinks, videos, and blog posts. It can also be picture tutorials. Anything that provided value to the readers about the services or products. The content, however, needs to be informational and not be produced from a selling-oriented perspective.

For instance, if you run a business that sells organic weed, you should be writing about the health benefits of organic weed. You include specific keywords while writing/ producing individual pieces of content. Irrespective of the content format, it is essential that it stays relevant, informative and benefits the audience in one way or the other. This digital marketing strategy’s overall goal is to provide valuable content to the audience and generate conversions through the increase of website traffic.

Email Marketing

The objective of email marketing is to retain your existing clientele while gaining additional customers. This digital marketing strategy is an effective technique for increasing brand awareness and encouraging continual purchases. The primary part of email marketing is to develop and refine your business campaigns while your consumer base grows. You can think of email marketing in terms of content marketing, where you provide informative value to your clients. Otherwise, you will only lose clients, and people will unsubscribe from your business emails. The underlying idea is that clients will remember your products and services when they need to make a relevant purchase.

7 Tips For Your Next Profit-Driving Retail Store Signage

StrategyDriven Marketing and Sales Article |Retail Store Signage|7 Tips For Your Next Profit-Driving Retail Store SignageSignages are marketing tools that have always been very effective, and it’s not that expensive for small businesses. Signages are great for marketing services and products to entice people to buy them, but that’s only the case if everything’s right and all factors fall into place.

The use of signages doesn’t just include getting one, stamping your brand, listing your goods and services, and adding a catchphrase. Making a signage is a process that requires a lot of thinking so that the money spent on it will be well paid for by the conversions it makes.

If you’re designing a signage for your store and you’re not exactly sure about what to do, here are some tips to help you create interesting and compelling signages that will drive customers into your retail store.

Be direct

It’s a sign that tells your customers to like and buy your product; it doesn’t have to be too complicated. There’s value in creative signages that can capture your customers’ attention, but be careful about being too creative and confusing your customers.

There’s a fine line between signages being brilliant and marketable and signages that are just bad and confusing. You want your customers to buy your product, and you need to tell them exactly that.

People, especially retail customers, don’t have that much time or attention span on their hands, which is why you can’t afford to beat around the bush and waste the marketing opportunities that signages provide.

Remember the old saying, sometimes less is more.

Build a connection

Signages are your direct way to promote your products to the market, but it’s tough to send a message when you don’t have an existing connection or relationship with your customers.

To build a connection, you can’t just put a product and its affordable price on signages. You have to talk with them, and you can start doing so by incorporating words such as you, yours, and we. Let them feel that they have you as a friend they can trust.

Tell them why they need your products and how these products can help them. The point is, you have to communicate first, and the sales will come soon after.

Be careful with the font

It doesn’t matter how good your marketing concept is or how good your next sale will be if they can’t read your signages. It’s one of the worst mistakes you can make, as not only will you be wasting money for making the signages, but you’d also waste the concept and end up with fewer conversions.

To ensure that your customers get your message, always mind the font style and size when making signages. It should be clear, clean, and readable because nobody will stop to try to focus and read a sign they can’t understand while they do their shopping.

Also, some of your shoppers may not have the best eyesight. To help them, use the right font so you can communicate with all your customers effectively.

Capture their attention first, sell second

Your signages’ purpose is to sell your products, but you can’t communicate through customers with a short attention span if you don’t have their attention in the first place.

The next time you make signages, keep it fun and interesting. A well-designed and vibrant signage will always stand out from boring, plain signages from stores that want to promote their products but aren’t willing to do the work to communicate with their market.

When you have people’s attention, it’s much easier for them to notice your products and for you to sell your products and make a profit.

Tell them why they need your product

You can’t just tell people what your product is and how affordable it is because no matter how good or bad a product is, people won’t pay any attention to a product that they don’t want or need.

To do this, you need to tell them what they can use the product for with statements like “Get this conditioner for smooth and flowing hair!” and “Get this to turn heads with your shiny car!”

In that way, you can make them realize that they need your product for a purpose.

Use CTAs

A call-to-action (CTA) is a statement that will let your customers know what you want them to do. You don’t only want them to know they need your product; you want them to buy it.

For an effective CTA, make sure that you make it short yet still effective. Also, use simple words so your message will be easier to understand. For example, on product promotion, you can add CTAs telling people to buy the product, go to customer service for more information, or any message that you think will help you make a profit.

Get help from Signarama’s signage experts

If you’re looking to create signages, but you don’t know where to start, don’t worry because you can always get professional help from award-winning Signarama Joondalup.

By getting a Signarama signage, you can have the best quality signages for affordable prices. Our expert sign writers can also help you promote your products in the best way. We also have a variety of signage options depending on where they will be placed, the features you need, and other factors.

So, contact us now, and we’ll help you get more profits and conversions with our quality and affordable signages.