What Laser Choices to Consider for Your CO2 Laser Machine?

StrategyDriven Tactical Execution Article |Laser Machine|What Laser Choices to Consider for Your CO2 Laser Machine?When someone decides to buy a CO2 laser cutter, they will find a lot of choices. All these options can lead to some confusion. For example, some people don’t know the definition of a hobby laser and what they should look for when buying it.

For those who seem to be in this boat, keep reading. Along with looking at reviews, like https://www.nyccnc.com/we-bought-a-boss-laser/, consider some of the factors listed here.


Before buying a laser cutting machine, it is a good idea to consider how and where it will be used. For example, if it will be used in a fixed location, portability may not be anything to worry about. However, for someone who wants to take the machine to craft shows or other events, portability is a must-have.

One of the best things about hobby lasers is that they are usually portable. It is possible to take them on the road and put them on a sturdy table close to a power supply. This is going to allow a person to make custom items, regardless of where they go.

The only issue with portability is that a person is going to be limited to the total workspace the machine offers. Usually, hobby machines are going to have a workspace that spans about 20” by 12”. There are some that will have access panels to work with longer materials, but this is not always the case. If an individual knows they need to cut 36” long pieces of wood, they should look for another option.


When buying anything, the first question to consider is how it will be used. Usually, there are two categories that someone is going to fall into: a professional or a hobbyist.

A hobbyist is a crafter or artist who is looking for something they can use for small-scale production. For example, they may want to start an Etsy shop or even participate in craft shows and events. Or, they could want a laser cutter to make unique gifts for friends and family members. If this is the case, then a hobby machine is the perfect option.

However, for those who plan to run a full-time business in a workshop that gets a lot of use, a hobby machine will probably not offer the power or speed that is needed. If goals are production-based, then professional cutters will be able to handle the workload on a bigger scale.


A hobby laser will usually come with additional, optional accessories that can be used for unique projects. For example, it is possible to use a rotary for engraving on a curved object, such as a champagne glass or bottle. There are other accessories that can be considered too. Those options include different focus lenses, which allow for different variations of detail and speed to more easily individualize projects. It is important to remember that not all hobby lasers will offer these options, which means that, if someone knows they want to engrave on wine bottles, they should make sure the laser provides this option.


Usually, a hobby laser is going to come equipped with a 40-watt CO2 laser tube. With this amount of power in place, it is possible to cut a quarter of an inch of most types of non-metal materials, such as acrylic, wood, fabric, and others. If a project requires someone to cut material that is thicker or if they need to cut metal, a more powerful laser is needed. This means that a bigger machine needs to be purchased.


There are more than a few options and players in the laser cutter market. However, with some time and effort, it is possible to find the right machine. While it may seem daunting at first, it does not have to be.

It is a good idea to consider the reputation and history of each of the companies and manufacturers that are being considered. For example, how long have their machines been available on the market? What do real users of these machines have to say about them? One of the best ways to cut through all the confusion is to see what type of rating the business has from the Better Business Bureau. This will provide insight into if any complaints have been filed against the company relating to the tools and machines that are sold.

However, finding a reputable seller goes beyond their BBB rating. It is also a good idea to look at the variety of tools they offer and what third-party review sites, such as Yelp, say. This provides even more insight about the company and if they should be trusted with an investment of this size.

It is also a good idea to find out if the seller offers any type of guarantee or warranty. This is going to ensure that if issues arise, the seller will be there to fix the problem regardless of what it is.

Test Them Out

When it comes to buying a new tool or machine, it is always a good idea to test out how they work before moving forward with the purchase. If possible, find a friend or someone else who has the device being considered. Ask them if it would be possible to use it. This is the best way to figure out if a person is going to be able to use the device for their project needs.

Finding the Right Laser Cutter

When it comes to finding the right laser cutter, there are more than a few factors to consider. Be sure to keep the information here in mind, which is going to help ensure that the right cutter for the job is found and purchased.
Remember, the right cutter for one person may not be right for someone else. This is why it is so important to use the tips and information here to find the cutter that meets a person’s needs regardless of the project they plan to use the cutter for.

What Are The Benefits Of 3D Printing?

StrategyDriven Managing Your Business Article | What Are The Benefits Of 3D Printing?

These days, more businesses across a huge assortment of industries are embracing the process of 3D printing. This is because of the many different advantages that it possesses. With that being said, in this blog post, we are going to explore all of the benefits in further depth to help you get a better understanding.

3D printing is rapid

There is only one place to begin when it comes to the benefits that are associated with 3D printing, and this is the fact that it is rapid. Rapid prototyping provides you with the ability to design, test, and manufactured a customized part in a small amount of time. Plus, if required, you can modify the design without the speed of the manufacturing process being adversely impacted.

Great flexibility

Not only does 3D printing deliver rapid speed, but it is also incredibly flexible as well. You can create virtually anything with a 3D printer. On the flip side, if you were to use a traditional manufacturing process, every new part of every change within a part design would demand a new jig, die, mould, or tool to be manufactured for the creation of the new part.


In addition to the points so far, with 3D printing, you do not need to outsource as many parts for outsourcing. This means that the environmental impact is lower because fewer things are being sent around the world and there is not any requirement for an energy-consuming factory to be maintained.

Reduce risk

By switching to 3D printing, you are also going to be able to lower the risk involved with the manufacturing process as well. This is because product designers are going to be able to verify product prototypes before they begin making significant investments in manufacturing that can be disastrous.

High levels of quality

Aside from the benefits that have been discussed so far, you can also expect high levels of quality when it comes to 3D printing. Poor designs can arise through traditional approaches to manufacturing. However, the way that 3D printing works mean that the assembly is a step-by-step process, which ensures the design is improved and that you benefit from an exceptional level of quality.

You can reduce expenses with 3D printing

In addition to the suggestions that have been discussed so far, 3D printing is also great for those who are looking to lower their costs when it comes to production. 3D printing is deemed one of the most cost-efficient manufacturing options. Injection moulding and CNC machining, which are more traditional approaches, demand a big number of costly machines, and the labour expenses tend to be a lot higher as well. Therefore, you can expect to save a considerable amount of money by making the switch to 3D printing.

So there you have it: an insight into some of the different benefits that are associated with 3D printing. We hope that this has helped you to get a better understanding of why 3D printing is so beneficial and how you can make the most of it in your business.

Start Your Own Business Online

StrategyDriven Starting Your Business Article | Start Your Own Business Online

To be or not to be is not a question anymore.

Either you “be” on digital platforms or prepare for the closure of your venture.

Running an online business is the need of the hour. Given how a pandemic could shake the entire corporate world’s roots, we can no longer be sure of what comes next. Online business is the safest option to ensure financial security.

The best part?

It gives you the freedom to make money from anywhere in the world. It doesn’t always have to be a tangible product. You can even sell your skills, talent, and educational expertise online. According to Fundera statistics, global ecommerce sales might hit $4.8 trillion by 2021. As for providing services over the Internet, those numbers are on the rise too.

Don’t fret if you are one of the noobs. You can follow a proven set of steps to ensure success when initiating in the online business world.

Here is how it goes:

Find a need and fulfill it

Most people start by looking at a product they are strong at. Instead of analyzing the market, their aim is to come up with a flawless product structure.

Remember, you need to solve a specific problem faced by the people. Plus, ensure there are potential customers for it. Look at how your idea could help people differently.

For example, Google improved the online search process. Netflix provides on-demand streaming media, and Uber is trying to improve the on-demand car service. Although your product or service may not be a must-have, you could still find a way to repurpose it and resolve a dire need.

The Dropbox co-founder Drew Houston speaks highly of such entrepreneurs when he says that the happiest and most successful people he knows don’t just love what they do; they’re obsessed with solving a significant problem, something that matters to them.

Passion, coupled with innovative problem-solving, could beat all obstacles blocking your digital journey!

Write a stellar copy

It doesn’t matter if you have a food business, a construction company, or even a photography studio. Every venture needs and compelling copy to make the desired mark upon its prospects. A good composition will motivate, encourage, and convince your audience to interact with your business.

Essentially, a copy refers to the marketing text found on leaflets, flyers, and billboards. In the case of an online business, it is the content found on your website aiming to understand the emotional impetus behind any purchase. There is also smaller stuff like social media posts and product descriptions, which require incredible copywriting.

Hence, it is imperative to invest in a good copywriter to improve your overall brand image. Your customers won’t consider the magnitude of your operations when going through your website. It is how you string your professional insight into compelling words that can leave a lasting impact on them.

This is one reason why 64% of the B2B marketers outsource their demanding copy needs.

Unlike other paid marketing campaigns, a good copy will continue to promote your online business for a prolonged time.

Use search engines to drive traffic

Online visitors today are using search engines more than ever before. According to the Internet Live Stats, Google processes 40 000 search queries every second on average. This translates to 3.5 million searches per day.

Considering the intense competition online, new business owners must implement a scalable search engine strategy.

Working on SEO and SEM could be your best shot. SEO is a powerful way to drive evergreen traffic atop the funnel. Meanwhile, SEM refers to using paid advertisements that pop up on the search engine results page. Advertisers bid on the keywords entered by the users of Bing or Google when looking for a specific product/service.

Ideally, seeking assistance from local SEO specialists could be your first step when starting your online business covering a certain vicinity. For example, you could get help from a Seattle SEO expert to devise your online marketing campaign if you are a startup in Seattle.

They could help you gain insight into optimizing your website or starting a pay-per-click advertising campaign. The former involves attracting organic traffic to your portal. Meanwhile, the latter (PPC) consists of showing ads instantly on the search engine’s first page. Besides getting you an instant traffic flow, PPC ads will allow you to discover your best and highest converting keywords.

Verdict – Stay in the information loop to maintain relevance

One of the main ingredients to ensure your success in virtual paradigms is – constant upgrading.

If you are planning to kickstart an online business, make sure it fits the current trends. From website design to customer satisfaction – everything has to fall in line with the industrial standards. Each time you feel like you’re drawing apart from the prevalent ideas, work hard to up your game.

We hope you’ll sneak up the search grid and stay there!

About the Author

Evie Harrison is a blogger by choice. She loves to discover the world around her. She likes to share her discoveries, experiences and express herself through her blogs.

Find her on Twitter:@iamevieharrison. Learn more about Evie at about.me/iamevieharrison.

4 Ways COVID-19 Will Continue to Impact Businesses in 2021 and Beyond

StrategyDriven Editorial Perspective Article | 4 Ways COVID-19 Will Continue to Impact Businesses in 2021 and BeyondNobody likely knew what to expect when news of the newest coronavirus began popping up in December 2019. For many people, the reality probably didn’t sink in. After all, Europe and the United States remained mostly unaffected by most recent pandemic concerns. By January 20, 2020, though, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention were singing a different tune. Nearly one year later, the pandemic shows no signs of ending, and business owners and consumers alike are wondering what to expect in 2021 and beyond.

1. Financial Technology Will Be in Higher Demand

As more businesses move to virtual formats, the need for financial technology will continue to increase in 2021. The problem is that despite popular belief, many financial institutions have barely experimented in fintech and aren’t ready to take on digital financial formats on a larger and more permanent basis. However, according to an article by Donald Gayhardt, this is likely to change quickly.

Gayhardt states that Hong Kong is already increasing its use of advanced fraud detection, biometric facial recognition, and other innovative AI technologies due to the pandemic. Financial technology won’t just take hold in banks and credit unions, either. It’s becoming increasingly important for grocery stores, restaurants, and even cosmetics retailers who now offer no-contact pick-up and delivery services. When retailers do not see customers face-to-face, it becomes more important than ever to offer a variety of safe and secure virtual payment methods.

2. Survival Entrepreneurship Will Become More Prominent

Businesses that are already centered on technology have remained mostly stable during 2020, but small family businesses haven’t been so lucky. Although unemployment in the United States decreased one percentage point to 6.9% in October 2020, the rate is still nearly double what it was before COVID-19 entering the U.S. Unemployment is even higher among minorities, as well as among Millennials and Gen Z, meaning an increasing number of people are turning to starting their own businesses.

People who once worked in pet stores and veterinarians’ offices are walking dogs and feeding cats while people are out of town. Preschool teachers and teachers’ assistants have turned to online tutoring. People are turning the jobs they used to do for someone else into businesses they work for themselves. History has proven that people who venture into the business world during tougher economic times often have more willpower to stick to it and decide they’d rather not re-enter the traditional workforce. This means you can expect to see more people creating startups in 2021 and beyond.

3. Logistics Will Continue To Move Slower Than Before

All types of industries are experiencing delays in manufacturing, distribution, and shipping due to the need for social distancing. Fewer people building products, packaging them, transporting them, or selling them means fewer products on the shelf. In the entertainment industry, for example, TV production has slowed, movie release dates are being pushed back, and major video game launches have been delayed as well.

It isn’t just entertainment, either. Clothing retailers, restaurants and grocery stores, and even some pharmaceutical products have all seen delays in 2020 as well. Some people must rely on companies that move products nationally and internationally. However, restaurants and some other small businesses have found they’d rather start relying on local supply chains than on global ones. More people are contracting with nearby farmers, fiber artists, and more, creating a better local economy and strong community along the way, something that will decidedly keep occurring in 2021.

4. Social Distancing Will Continue

Whether your company works with other businesses or caters to the public, expect to continue to follow social distancing regulations as the clocks move forward to 2021. If your company relies on business meetings and brainstorming sessions, expect to continue to host them via Zoom or another online video platform. Those who own restaurants will need to continue to follow social distancing guidelines both inside and outdoors and may need to follow curfews or earlier “last call” laws if they serve alcohol. Retailers will still need to limit how many people are in a store at a time, maintain social distancing in checkout lines, and enforce mask regulations as well. Vaccination trials are happening rapidly. When one becomes available to the public, social distancing will likely start to relax. Until then, though, expect to remain six feet apart.

Just a few months ago, nobody was sure when scientists would find a vaccine. Now, experts believe one will be widely available by mid-2021. The pandemic may be raging on, but it won’t do so forever. Until then, consider what you can do to help your community fight off COVID-19. If you can afford to, cut your business hours, switch to pick-up and delivery only, or close your doors altogether. If you run an essential business or must keep operating as normal for some reason, practice good social distancing skills. Train your employees well, check in with them often, and remember, everybody is fighting this battle. The kinder you are now, the better you will feel, and the better your company will be remembered when the pandemic does end.

Creative Ways to Market Your Business

StrategyDriven Online Marketing and Website Development Article, Creative Ways to Market Your BusinessWhen opening a business, the one thing that any budding entrepreneur wants is for it to be as successful as possible. Marketing your business to a wide variety of audiences and maximizing the number of people you will be reaching is undoubtedly one way of promoting success. However, as a business owner, you probably understand that the market is saturated with the traditional methods of branding and marketing a business. How can you beat your competitors and get to potential customers first, but vibrantly and innovatively? Fear not, for we have devised a great list of creative ways to market your business. Let your artistic flair go wild and read on for more!

Social Media

The top dog of marketing and branding in the present day! When you understand how to use social media to your advantage and its fullest extent, you are sure to be successful in your attempts. Everywhere you look, businesses are using social media as one of the main ways to connect with their audiences and truly allows you to be creative in what you post. Ensuring that the content is relevant to your services and products and linking to your website – if you have one – will make sure that those visiting your social media accounts go on to visit your website. Social media is also a great tool to use when promoting other marketing avenues that you might be using, leading us to our next suggestion.


Podcasts are certainly something that has increased in popularity in the last few years. There is no right or wrong way to record your own podcast. Knowing what you want to talk about on your podcast and how it will fill a gap in the market while linking to your business will encourage success. The only thing you would have to ensure is high-quality is the audio levels; no-one wants to listen to a podcast where they cannot hear what is being said! If you are interested in learning more about podcast production and how you can make it work for you, consider contacting companies like Jelly Marketing. Experts in all things related to podcast production, you are sure to be in the right hands here.

Using a Mural

Not the most convenient method of marketing, but one that has undoubtedly been successful for some businesses out there and is one way of letting your artistic flair free! Commissioning a mural near your business is sure to brighten your local area while promoting your business to potential customers. Something so bright will catch the attention of those who are passing, without you needing to say much. If you are contemplating using a mural for marketing purposes, make sure that it is short and snappy; you don’t want people to read into it too much. Murals also work well in tandem with social media; if someone has seen a vibrant and beautiful mural, they are likely to share it on social media. In turn, more people will see your mural and know about your business.

What’s more, when looking for other routes into marketing your brand, it is all about trying and testing the methods to see which one works best for you. Marketing and branding your business are not a one-size-fits-all; what might work for someone else is not guaranteed to work for you. Furthermore, you will want to relax! This is meant to be an exciting and creative time in your life. There is a suitable way of marketing out there for you; you just have to find what you like and what works first. There is no rush!