Discover The Best Ways To Boost Business Conversion Numbers

StrategyDriven Online Marketing and Website Development Article |Boost Business Conversion|Discover The Best Ways To Boost Business Conversion NumbersAre you interested in earning more with your business? If so, then you need to think about how to boost the level of conversions. It’s not enough to boost the traffic to your website. You need to make sure that people are buying from your business too. Here are some of the ways to do that.

Think About Structure

You should make sure that your site is following the three click rule. Ultimately, a client should never be more than three clicks from the page, product or service that they are looking for on your site. This can require a full reshake of your web design so it can be worth hiring a professional. Alternatively, you can cut a few corners by adding links to your site. You just need to make sure that this doesn’t end up negatively impacting SEO and that can happen if you’re not careful.

Content Is Still King

If you want to make sure that people buy from your site, then you need to keep them on it for as long as possible. The best way to do this is to focus on adding high quality content to your site. This needs to be targeted and reflect what your customers want from your business. Be aware that creating appealing and engaging content can be quite tricky. The best way to do this is to tell stories and present customers with something that they can follow to the very end. You also need to make sure that you are adding content to your site regularly to guarantee that it stays fresh.

Upgrade Your Web Design

It’s important to understand that first impressions do matter. That’s why you need to think about upgrading your website design where possible. By boosting the design, you can guarantee that you are sending the right impression with your website and your brand in general. You can ensure that it looks more professional and appeals to your target audience. For instance, websites for hair salons should be stylish and modern to reflect the type of service that clients can expect.

Speed It Up

Finally, you should think about how fast your site is able to load. Ideally, you should ensure that every page on your site loads in a couple of seconds. If you are struggling to do this, then there are a few options that you can consider. For instance, you can think about converting your photos and video files so that they are smaller. This means that you won’t have to worry about problems with files that are taking forever to load, particularly on phones. Don’t forget, this is where most of the traffic for your site will be sourced these days.

We hope this helps you understand some of the key ways to boost your conversion numbers online. In doing so, you can avoid the dreaded issue of the abandoned basket and ensure that your company is on the right track for a big revenue stream that will ensure the longevity of your company.

Remote Access Software: What is It and Why You Need One

StrategyDriven Managing Your Business Article |Remote Access Software|Remote Access Software: What is It and Why You Need OneThe last decade saw an increasing interest in alternative work setups. Many organizations were considering remote working. The pandemic pushed companies to shift their operations remotely.

Beyond COVID-19, businesses are ready to establish at least a hybrid workforce where employees work both in the office and at home throughout the week. This will be impossible without the advancements in technology, specifically remote access.

Remote access software has become one of the most important tools in managing employees across different locations. Neil Patel highlighted some of the most popular remote access solutions in the market today.

But, before you choose a platform for your business, you should know the ins and outs of remote access and why you need one.

What is Remote Access Software?

Remote access refers to authorized personnel’s ability to access a system or a computer from a geographical distance using a network connection.

The user can access files and other system resources on any servers or devices connected to the network.

A remote access application is used to accomplish these tasks. Applications come with numerous features so your team members can work together seamlessly.

While each platform differs in functionalities, most have these essentials features:

  • Two-Way Desktop Sharing. A remote access application allows you to see the remote computer’s desktop. Similarly, you can share your own desktop view with the other machine. This is essential when providing technical support or demonstrating product features.
  • File and Clipboard Transfer. Remote access platforms make it easy to access files on another computer and download them to yours. You can also copy texts, commands, and scripts from the remote computer to your machine without using third-party communication software.
  • Unattended Access. The ability of authorized users to connect to another system even when no one is present in the remote end. With this functionality, you will not have to disrupt the other user whenever you need to access a file or an app on their computer.
  • Session Recording. While this can be accomplished using a third-party screen recorder, the ability to record your remote session within the same application is much more efficient. Having a video or snapshots of your session ensures transparency on both ends.

You can also explore advanced features depending on your specific needs. Functionalities such as multi-session handling, built-in messaging, reboot and reconnect, and more are available in most modern remote access applications.

Why Do You Need Remote Access Software?

Building a remote-working team brings unique challenges and opportunities to your organization. At the end of the day, you still need to make sure that your team stays productive. You still have meetings, presentations, planning, and other tasks, albeit in a different form. Remote access software can help you transition from a traditional office-based workforce to a completely remote team as seamlessly as possible.

Some of the advantages of using remote access software are:

Streamline Tasks and Workflows

Using remote access platforms, your staff can work on any device as long as they can access a network. They can quickly access files stored in your company servers or computers. That means they can remain productive regardless of their location.

Furthermore, some companies use proprietary software that can only be installed on corporate machines. Migrating these apps to new devices is expensive. Also, some enterprise-level applications require powerful computers that your staff may not have. Remote access platforms ensure that your team can still access your business tools without having to buy new hardware. They can connect directly to your machines in the office and continue their tasks.

Easy Collaboration

Remote access tools allow your team members to communicate and collaborate with one another without having to meet face-to-face. Screen sharing ensures that they are always on the same page. That means working together on a task is a breeze. Similarly, presentations and meetings can be conducted seamlessly by showing the presenter’s screen to the rest of the team.

Your clients also benefit from remote access apps. For example, your web designer can conduct a demonstration of the WordPress theme that they are creating for the customer. The client can clearly see the progress of the design. And, they can even provide interactive feedback using remote access tools.

Enhanced Monitoring

One of the challenges in shifting to a remote-working team is productivity. After all, without supervision, team members can wander off on the Internet and lose focus.

There are remote access platforms that can connect with multiple machines. These apps are often used for monitoring multiple computers. You can see your team members’ screen and check the progress of their tasks. The complete transparency ensures that your team is always on track and productive.

On top of that, you can keep a log of your team’s activities. Some remote access systems keep a record of who is accessing your company’s network and what they’re doing. These logs are necessary for auditing, especially if your organization follows regulatory guidelines.

Choosing the Right Remote Access Software

Remote access comes in all forms and functionalities. Depending on your company’s needs, you can use one or a combination of the following:

  • Virtual Private Network (VPN) – It creates a secure “tunnel” between your office network and a remote computer. Once your computer is added to the network, it can access the same files, applications, and systems as if you are in the office. It provides the best security and privacy as authorization is required to join a VPN.
  • SaaS Remote Access Tools – These are the most well-known remote access software. The desktop tools create a connection between a remote computer and another computer at the office. LogMeIn and TeamViewer are some of the most popular examples.
  • Helpdesk or ServiceDesk Software – They are often used in customer support and technical services. It includes tools to assist end-users, especially in troubleshooting problems. Technicians use this type of application to remotely access and control a client’s computer.

Organizations will continue to face challenges as they shift to remote work. However, using the right tools can make the transition as smooth as possible. Remote access software ensures that your team can work and collaborate as they used to, even outside the office.

What’s the buzz about CLEVER DEFI? The internet’s latest buzzword.

StrategyDriven Editorial Perspectives Article |CLEVER DEFI|What's the buzz about CLEVER DEFI? The internet's latest buzzword.It has recently proved false to believe that saving money in the bank is the only way of achieving financial independence. Banks pay low-interest rates that mostly depreciate money saved in the bank over time. Also, conventional and better investment prospects stocks and ETFs deliver less than 10 percent of investment interest annually. To solve this issue CLEVER DEFI has become a buzzword these days. CLEVER DEFI is a decentralized network that guarantees users interest of up to 11% each fortnight in preserving their native CLVA token. CLEVER plans to create a crypto-ecosystem to guarantee the reimbursement of all users with a scheme that provides equity and interest over a DEFIned timeframe.

What is Clever DEFI and its Principles?

CLEVER DEFI is a (Decentralized Finance) Protocol that distributes AUTOMATIC PAYMENTS over 888 fortnightly cycles, which takes exactly 34.15 years for all CLVA to be minted on a pre-programmed routine cycle schedule. Up to 11% PAID FORTNIGHTLY in compound interest for all CLVA Token holders. Think of CLEVER as a smart digital way of STORE YOUR WEALTH, which pays a considerably higher rate than an obsolete bank account with little to no interest.

It indicates that CLVA Token holders can build an extended environment for CLEVER DEFI over a long period. Furthermore, after its initial launch, the cycle span of 888 cycles is automatically inserted into the blockchain via smart contract and cannot be amended or changed. Set upon the ethereal network, the CLEVER PROTOCOL provides an exclusive smart contract that implements a decentralized distribution mechanism (DDM). The DDM also sets the minting number of the CLVA tokens and is responsible for distributing CLVA holders with interest payments. One of CLEVER DEFI’s key features is that users are not forced to lock their tokens for the payment of interest as other DEFI protocols demonstrate. Token holders can decide to sell or swap their tokens at any time without losing interest. For the tokens move, CLEVER does not enforce lock-ins and fines.

The DEFI industry is full of investors searching for the best yield-farming prospects. CLEVER provides holders some of the best ways to gain incredible returns on their portfolios. At the end of the first 12 months, investors who mint and keep CLVA tokens will have an interest rate of up to 307%. This is up to 445 percent in the second month and 600 percent about the other income-farming protocols by the end of the fifth year of holding. In terms of average annual returns over 10 years, CLEVER is over 60 percent above common Bitcoin cryptocurrency.

Compare this with other yield farming protocols in the DEFI industry and put CLEVER DEFI at the forefront of the list. The average annual interest rate for token holders is calculated at 80 percent per annum across a ten-year timeframe. This goes way beyond other financial assets, including top assets such as ETFs and Bitcoin, which accounted for less than 15% in a decade. This allows investors to gain higher returns from CLVA Tokens than other traditional financial assets.

CLEVER runs a zero supply scheme in which the CLEVER Team does not have tokens pre-mined or pre-owned. During the minting, stage are all tokens generated on the CLEVER smart contract. CLEVER is thus immune to price manipulation and guarantees true transparency in its environment. This process CLEVER uses a different way of rewarding the development team, unlike other DEFI systems, where founding teams dump their token after launch. Every cycle is sent to the CLEVER team for production and overall blockchain maintenance of 0.1 percent of CLVA tokens.

CLEVER DEFI has well-defined token omics that guarantee no unreasonable returns to retain its native CLVA token. That is important because the DEFI industry is filled with shoddy token omics that hinder the creation of these projects in the long term. A total of 1 trillion CLVA tokens will be generated in the 888 cycles by CLEVER Decentralized Dynamic Mechanism (DDM). The CLEVER Smart Contract incentives often reduce the per period and are intended to reduce inflation.

CLEVER DEFI provides robust and decentralized services through which users manage their funds fully. No compulsory contract requirements exist and before earning interests, users are not forced to enter a staking phase. With its DEFI services, CLEVER DEFI is hitting the nail on the head. No unrealistic claims or faulty token omics exist. A framework that offers interests based on routine cycles is well supported by the DEFI platform.

5 simple measures you can take to improve your company’s security

StrategyDriven Risk Management Article |Company Security| 5 simple measures you can take to improve your company's securityIn our online-entrenched age, and especially as the world continues to wait out the COVID-19 pandemic, it bodes well for your business that it can access a wide range of markets – both familiar and untapped – from practically anywhere.

However, your company’s use of digital tools can open up a range of security holes; indeed, theft of digital information is now the most commonly reported fraud, says the Federal Communications Commission. So, how can you counter that risk?

Educate your employees in security matters

Your company isn’t just a static business entity – it is essentially its employees, and you could have a rather fast-whirring conveyor belt of those. That’s why the onboarding process for new recruits should include training them in an array of measures aimed at helping to secure your business.

As a Forbes article suggests, you should give your business its own cybersecurity policy that details best practices for protecting employee, vendor and customer information – practices like the following…

Keep all of your corporate security software up to date

Even if you have taken over an existing business and, with it, inherited a strong security framework, you shouldn’t be complacent – especially given that all of the firm’s security software must be kept updated.

That software includes not only anti-malware software and firewalls but also the web browsers and operating systems your workers routinely use. You should keep an eye out for when key software updates arrive so that you can always install them as soon as possible.

Employ best practices on payment cards

If you think that using the same computers to both visit websites and process payments seems like a disaster waiting to happen, well, you could be right. That’s why it wouldn’t be well-advised practice – and why you ought to isolate your payment systems from other software that falls short of the same security standards.

You might find that the bank or other financial institution through which your firm processes payments requires you to, as part of agreements you have signed with it, meet certain security obligations anyway.

Be careful which workers you authorize to use which software

While your business might have many different software tools at its disposal, this doesn’t mean that all of your employees should be permitted blanket access to all of them. As a security precaution, you should make sure each employee is handed access only to those specific apps and data systems they truly need.

You could ensure this by implementing a system like Wandera’s private access solution, which would not require you to add any new hardware or install any new certificates.

Regularly back up vital business data

This data – such as word-processing documents, financial files, electronic spreadsheets and human resources files – should be kept as backups in various places. For example, you could keep secure, password-protected backups on your desktop, offsite and in the cloud.

If possible, back data up automatically – or at least weekly if undertaking backups on a manual basis would be the only real option for your business.

Turn Your WordPress into a Shop

StrategyDriven Online Marketing and Website Development Article |Wordpress Shop|Turn Your WordPress into a ShopWordPress is a fantastic platform that can be used to write and share information on almost anything. The beauty of this little platform is what can start off as something such as a humble blog about soaps could then turn into a full-blown business overtime – bringing in impressive amounts of views and comments and creating a fanbase larger than you ever would have dreamed of. So, what happens if you want to start selling products or services?

The likelihood is you will not want to move domain, and linking different domains together to get different benefits can become confusing.

So, with that in mind, this piece will show you how you can turn your WordPress into a shop!

“Easy, accessible and free to start”

Why Use WordPress?

WordPress is one of the easiest and most accessible content management systems available and is often used to create websites or blogs. Not only is it extremely user friendly, but it is easily customizable to create a website you love and can come with plenty of add-ons to give your users the experience you want. WordPress also offers a good level of security and is easy to manage and maintain. Many businesses start off with using WordPress as it is free to use and offers a decent setup that interacts with search engine optimization (SEO).

“Customize your WordPress so it feels like you and your brand”

Getting Advanced

For those who have moved past the basic setup, themes, and plugins, there are options for you to upgrade, which offers you more features, more advanced plugins, styles and designs, and more options for you to customize your website.

Upgrading can give you significant control over what your website looks like, how your consumers can interact with it and will give you the tools for precise customization.

Don’t forget, you will need to ensure your WordPress site is secure and you have the best WordPress security features activated. Hackers and cybercriminals are always looking for weaknesses in websites, including eCommerce sites and poor WordPress security can lead to your data and that of your customers being accessed and used by criminals in a variety of different ways. So before you make the decision to move past the free WordPress setup, make sure you know how best to secure your site.

“Sell from anywhere; you are not tied to a warehouse!”

Want to Sell?

Many people use WordPress as an ‘access to information’ website. More common interfaces for sales include systems such as Shopify, which are designed for you to sell your goods from the get-go. That being said, many people might not know what direction their website will begin to go in, and then further down the line might want the option to begin to sell without any hassle. That being said, if you are new to selling, do not have enough space, or simply want to test the waters, why not consider WordPress dropshipping?

Why Use Drop-Shipping?

Whether you are a first-time seller or your online store is very much established, drop-shipping is one of the most useful tools when it comes to running an online store. For those who have no space for inventory, or even the costs upfront to produce products, drop-shipping allows a wonderful amount of freedom in not only how much you can sell, but where you can sell from too. A simple plugin can turn your WordPress website into a fully functioning, automated shop for a low-cost, low-hassle option!