7 Ways to Get Inspiration When Planning a Logo For Your Business

StrategyDriven Marketing and Sales Article |Business Logo|7 Ways to Get Inspiration When Planning a Logo For Your BusinessDesigning a logo by yourself can be a complicated process.

After all, you’re only one perspective.

So, what are your options?

Outside inspiration, of course.

Drawn from a source of established brands, popular blogs, and creative designers.

All using market and consumer-related design strategies and trends, proven to communicate your brand’s identity and engage your target audience.

Now all you need is to know where to find them.

Good news, that’s what we’re going to tell you.

Let’s look at 7 ways to get inspiration when planning a logo for your business.

It All Starts with Your Brand

Before you look externally, consider looking internally for ideas for logo creation; after all, your logo’s primary purpose is to represent your brand and what better place to start seeking inspiration than your own story?
Ask yourself the following questions to get your home-grown creative juices flowing:

  • Your Voice: Why does your business exist? Who are you serving? What are your goals and beliefs?
  • Your Market: What designs, colors, and typography are related to your niche?
  • What Qualities do you Prioritize? Are there any images or icons that reflect your brand’s qualities?
  • Brands and Artists: What existing brands or artists match your brand’s voice? Is there anything about their style that connects with your brand? Can you use elements of their work to influence your logo’s design?
  • Create Visuals or Wordplay: Can you use a catchy wordplay or visual to create your slogan or brand name? If so, it’s an excellent strategy for creating a memorable logo

Let Your Competitors Inspire You

Your competitors are in the same market and therefore have the same goals, so it stands to reason that some are using design techniques proven to work for your market place.

Typically, your competitor’s logos will contain proven design tactics that are worth considering. However, should you notice that many are using a similar logo design, it could be beneficial to go in the opposite direction to ensure your brand stands out within your niche.

Big Brands Know All the Tricks!

Big brands have big budgets and employ the best designers who know the latest trends to create their logos, so looking towards theirs is an excellent way of finding up-to-date inspirational ideas.
Also, pay attention to any leading corporations and see if it’s possible to isolate any parts of their logos that are working well and adapt their approach while infusing your own identity to create a truly unique and high performing logo.

Social media Is Always Up To Date

Spend Some Time on Pinterest and other social media platforms to hunt for logo inspiration; Pinterest, in particular, allows you to search by subject matter, so you can narrow your search for art that’s related to your niche.

You’ll find thousands of images, and the inspiration within these platforms is only as infinite as your imagination.

Magazines and Design Blogs Can Also Help You

Magazines and blogs should also be on your inspirational radar, as they regularly publish logo related content in the form of image collections and expertly created logo design galleries.

Image Searches Should Not Be Overlooked

Images are often the essence of a great logo; think about some of your favorite brand logos, do any images to mind?
You can apply the same approach by using any images you can think of that would be a suitable fit for your logo; when you have one, send it to a freelance graphic designer along with your name, you could end up with an instant logo!

Still Stuck! Ask Friends, Family, and Co-Workers.

If you’re still lacking inspiration, bring outside voices into the conversation.

After all, we are a subjective vacuum. Sometimes, it helps to get different perspectives by asking other people for their ideas.

If you have employees, seek their opinion on how they see your business and what connects with their viewpoints. If you’re a solo entrepreneur, there are still plenty of people you can brainstorm with for logo ideas. Ask members of any clubs you’re in or family and friends with business or marketing experience; you never know what skills they have; they might provide you with that inspirational spark you’re seeking.

Strange Ticks Can Be a Sign of Trouble: 3 Things That Can Lead to CNC Machine Failures

StrategyDriven Tactical Execution Article | Strange Ticks Can Be a Sign of Trouble: 3 Things That Can Lead to CNC Machine FailuresSimilar to any other technological device, the majority of CNC machine problems are caused by insufficient or non-existent maintenance or user error. This means that most issues that a person will run into are within their control. The good news is, there are quite a few things that can be done to avoid these problems in the future.

When it comes to Heavy Duty Machining knowing what can go wrong is half the battle. Keep reading to learn about some of the most common issues that may occur.

1. Causes of Burning on the Exterior Edge of the Material

The good news is that while this issue is common, it is also a problem that is relatively easy to fix. Usually, the issue is the result of a feed speed that is too low or a blunt tool. The first thing to check is to see if the feed speed is right for the material that is being cut. Take time to look at the tool being used, too. Sometimes, all a person has to do is to replace a dull tool with one that is sharper or increase the feed speed if this issue is seen. Keep this in mind to deal with this common issue.

2. Making the Same Mistake More Than Once

The process of CNC machining is something that can take a lifetime to fully understand and learn. There is no point when someone can consider themselves to be a “master” who knows all there is to know about the process. There are new situations that will pop up all the time that require adaptation and new thinking -; even by people who have been using these machines for years or even decades.

This means that someone who wants to use a CNC machine should commit to always learning and taking advantage of new technology and new techniques. If a mistake occurs, see what can be done to change it so that it will not happen again.

3. Chatter

If the CNC machine begins to chatter, it means that it is vibrating while it is working. Chatter is going to occur to the entire machine or just to the tools that are being used. If chatter occurs, then it is going to harm the quality of the work, it will dramatically reduce the tool’s life, and can shorten the CNC machine’s life.

If someone wants to prevent chatter issues from occurring, be sure that the cut depth or width keeps the deflection under 1/1000th of an inch. The majority of CNC machinists will also react as someone slows down with the work that is being done. While this is not always a bad thing, there will be a better solution. Speeding up the work that is being done will also work -; so all a person has to do is to test various RPMs, to begin with.

Dealing with CNC Machining Issues

When it comes to CNC machining there are a lot of things to know. By knowing the various issues that can occur, it is possible to avoid them. Being informed and knowing what to expect when using a CNC machine is essential to make sure that accurate results are achieved.

Online Degrees – The New and Improved Normal

StrategyDriven Professional Development Article |Online Degrees|Online Degrees - The New and Improved NormalThe world has witnessed around 72,692,481 corona cases so far while encountering more than 1,619,801 deaths. These stats observed in a couple of months have changed millions of lives throughout the globe, calling it a pandemic situation.

So far, it has affected several families, businesses, professionals, and students to the core. While there are so many negative aspects, there are some positives of this pandemic too. And that’s the culture of online studies.

A news report by the U.S. News says that there are more than 6.3 million students in the U.S. enrolled in a type of online course. This number is accelerating in a blazing speed after the advent and excessive usage of virtual learning platforms and sites. Be it the workforce or the students; the present age is moving towards online mediums not to let any unpleasant circumstances hamper the work or studies respectively. This displays the increasing amount of passion and influence of online studies among students.

How can students still carve their career?

A mass majority of students have been considering COVID-19 global pandemic as the sign of ending up their careers and academic journey. But that’s merely a negative vision. The introduction and encouragement of online studies have given rise to many possibilities for students all around the world. With this, pupils can continue to learn and expand their vision of online learning.

So, here we have got you a string of some popular and highly-paid degrees to look upon and build a career with never-ending possibilities.

  • Petroleum engineering – This field is one of the types of engineering associated with the production of hydrocarbons. Generally, these are used in crude oil or as natural gases for multiple purposes. As the costs of crude oil (also referred to as ‘black gold’) is higher than usual, this increases the scope of getting better and higher salaries. A petroleum engineer makes $94,500 a year.
  • Computer science – This stream deals with the software development aspects of computer opening gateways for students to make their career as a software engineer or developer. Here, a student can enrol himself or herself in such programs via online courses and work in various fields like iOS, Android, Hybrid, mobile app development. An average experienced software engineer can make $88,000 per annum.
  • Psychology – Undergoing this academic stream comes with a lot of challenges but perks too. Suppose you decide to go for an online psychology degree. In that case, you open your gateway to multiple highly ranked designations like an educational psychologist, media role player, counselor, psychotherapist, researcher, and social psychologist. However, the actual pay scale depends on the stream you have followed.The last word –

The culture of online learning and studies have gone to the next level. This has resulted in an expanding number of online courses. Where some found it a dilemma to be a part of the online world, others fell in love with the concept of online learning as it introduces extreme flexibility and convenience.

The Aluminum Formwork System and the 3 Amazing Benefits It Offers

StrategyDriven Tactical Execution Article |Aluminum Formwork|The Aluminum Formwork System and the 3 Amazing Benefits It OffersThere are benefits to using aluminum as a form during construction. In this article, three of those benefits will be highlighted. You will learn what formwork is, the steps involved in construction, and the practicality of this modern construction framework.

What is a Formwork System?

When concrete is poured, something structural needs to be in place to hold it while it cures. An Aluminum Formwork system is a type of building framework that contains the concrete while it is drying. It is used in the modern construction of buildings, small and large, including single-family homes and multi-unit buildings. Formwork is a temporary structure that supports the concrete until the concrete portion is complete and sturdy on its own.

How is Formwork Used?

The term “formwork” refers to the panels used to make the frame, also called forms. A metal formwork consists of, in this case, an aluminum framework that supports the concrete foundation. Panels are secured using falsework (hardware that holds forms together) to prevent concrete from pouring through the cracks. It eliminates the need for plaster and allows for full finishing. Aluminum can be compared to steel formwork but is considerably lighter in weight. It is used to cast both the main structure and the building’s details, including doors, stairways, and windows.

Three Benefits of an Aluminum Form

  • An aluminum form is time-efficient. A construction crew can build one story every four days during typical construction. It is also easy to repair when damaged. It requires less maintenance and less skill to utilize. Aluminum forms can be lifted without using cranes due to the low aluminum density, making them very lightweight.
  • It is sturdy and durable. An aluminum rail section is welded to an aluminum plate. All components are manufactured using a metal alloy plate. The formwork supports itself laterally and vertically. When an aluminum form is installed, it self-supporting with a complete framework. Panels are made from a strong aluminum alloy using a thick skin plate and a thick ribbing to provide a strong panel.
  • Aluminum is safe and efficient. It’s lightweight and robust nature a strong framework for high rise building and flats. A large work area is created, which makes for a safe construction work-site. It is easy to clean and repair.

Five Easy Steps to Using Formwork With Aluminum

Using a beam calculator ensures that the systematic and efficient steps are followed accurately, making it easy for workers to set the area and advance to the next phase quickly. First, prepare and mark out the area to prepare for rebar and electrical components. Next, fix the rebar and put in place the electrical and mechanical parts. Align and erect the formwork frame. At this stage, it will be easy to pour the concrete. Finally, strike the formwork. Now move on to the next phase or repeat for another unit.


Aluminum is a versatile and efficient modern construction platform for formwork. It can be rented or purchased. It’s used in both small and large building constructions, including high-rise structures. Aluminum as formwork is a modern and cost-, time-, and labor-saving framework. Compared to other formwork materials, including steel, plywood, and plastic, aluminum is an effective alternative. It is a plentiful resource and can be transported more easily than heavier elements. It is easy to clean between uses and is easy to mold. It is recyclable and non-corrosive. Aluminum is an efficient choice for building constructors considering which materials to use.

Maintaining Mental Health As An Entrepreneur: Four Essential Rules

StrategyDriven Entrepreneurship Article |Mental Health|Maintaining Mental Health As An Entrepreneur: Four Essential RulesMany individuals still believe that entrepreneurship will provide them with the freedom that they could not achieve as workers. While there are some cases where this is true, in reality, entrepreneurship usually creates higher demands than regular employment. It can be anything from stress and burnout to breakdown and depression, but running your own organisation often affects general wellness and mental health.

Whether you are working freelance, planning on launching your business or you have been running your own company for a number of years, it’s crucial to prioritise your mental wellbeing. Therefore, we have put together a few tips to help you take better care of your mental health.

Separate Work From Home

Thanks to the pandemic, most of us are working remotely these days. However, when you work from home, it is difficult to separate work life from home life, particularly if you’ve never worked from home.

To maintain a work-life balance, make sure you have a place that can be used as a dedicated office and do all your work there. When it’s time to unplug, leave the room and close the door. It will be much easier to leave work if you are in a different physical space. Also, sign out of your work email on your phone, turn off all notifications and try to resist the urge to work from your phone while sitting on the couch or laying in bed.

Additionally, consider creating a schedule for yourself and stick to it. This way, you will have less stress or mental clutter as an organised life is a less stressful life.

Decompress & De-Stress Every Day

Whether it’s reading books, journaling, meditating or even playing video games, successful entrepreneurs incorporate some “me time” into their daily schedule. This means finding moments where you can leave work out of your mind and check-in with yourself to feel rejuvenated and be better in dealing with your daily stress.

Prioritise Healthy Choices & Physical Activity

Nourishing your body through healthy eating and daily exercises is also crucial for both your mental and physical health. Eating healthy and balanced meals and snacks will prevent depression and cognitive impairment, and help you boost your mood, maintain your energy, stay focused and be more productive. At the same time, regular physical activity not only keeps your body in better shape but also helps with essential things like sleep and mood.

Incorporate CBD Into Your Daily Routine

Today, CBD oil is becoming increasingly popular as a natural and effective solution for mental health and general wellbeing. CBD is able to interfere with the receptors of your body’s endocannabinoid system, which is responsible for different processes occurring in your organism such as sleep, appetite, inflammation, stress, immune response, etc.

Intake of CBD oil for anxiety can help to alleviate anxiety and stress, improve focus and energy, boost mood, relieve pain or promote relaxation after a long day to experience restful sleep. CBD is also very versatile so that you can buy CBD oil in various formats such as capsules, tinctures, edibles, vapes and many others.