4 Signs You’re Ready to Start Your Own Company

StrategyDriven Starting Your Business Article |Start your own company|4 Signs You’re Ready to Start Your Own CompanyA lot of people are now choosing to start their own businesses, either as a small side venture to make some extra money from, or with a view to running their new companies full time and escaping from employment. Technology makes it easier than ever for people to bring their ideas to market, and to find customers and clients for your new business. If you are someone who likes the idea of becoming your own boss and starting a business, then you may be wondering how you will know if the time is right to take the plunge. Here are four signs that you’re in a good position to start making things happen as an entrepreneur:

1 – You Have a Good Idea

An idea for a new business doesn’t have to be revolutionary to be viable. You don’t necessarily need to be bringing an entirely unique idea to the marketplace. However, you do need to be clear on a business that will provide either products or services that you are in a good position to offer. If you have an idea that you can see good market potential for, or you have skills that you currently use working for another company that you could start up on your own with, then you are in a good position to begin planning how to formally set up your new business and begin looking for your first customers.

2 – You’ve Researched the Practical Side

Starting any kind of commercial venture will require you to understand the tax and regulatory aspects relevant to your location and industry. If you are planning to do business online, particularly internationally, you’ll also need to know how laws around the world such as GDPR will affect how you do things. If you are serious about starting up and have begun to find out what you need to know, then this will stand you in good stead.

You should also know what you need to do to set up an LLC, or incorporated company, and which type of formal business registration is most appropriate to your plans. Starting your company doesn’t need to be difficult, and there are plenty of online resources to help you find out what you need to do, but having taken the step of doing that research is a good sign that you’re ready to move forward with your idea.

3 – The People in Your Life are on Board

If you have a family or other people you support, then it is important that they are supportive of you making moves to start your new venture. Starting a business can be intense, especially if you are going to be keeping your current job while you are first starting up, and so having people around you who believe in what you are trying to do will be a big boon.

4 – You Know the Current Market in the Industry You’re Entering

We live in very unusual times, and so business ideas that may have been excellent just 18 months ago may be poor ideas now – businesses focused around live events or tourism are a good example. If you have kept up with the news in the industry you want to join and are able to tell whether now is a good or bad time to enter, then this shows that you’ll be committed to keeping on top of trends and shifts once you’re in business. You can’t predict everything, but having your ear to the ground and basing your decisions on the best and most recent information already is a good sign that you’re ready to begin operating in a given market.

Are these all things you are already doing? If so, then you could well be ready to begin actioning your plans for your new venture. If not, then it may be a good time to think about starting to lay some more of the groundwork and doing more of the research.

Are You Eligible for a Bad Credit Car Loan?

StrategyDriven Managing Your Finances Article |Car Loan|Are You Eligible for a Bad Credit Car Loan?When looking to finance a car, it can be a challenging time, especially if you are struggling financially. However, it is possible to get the bad credit car loan you need to drive your perfect car, at a cost that benefits you. In this article, we will be providing you with information on how to know if you are eligible for a bad credit car loan.

Check Your Credit Score

Ensuring your credit score is as stable as possible can aid you in being approved for the credit you need. Often, the greater your credit score is, the better your chances will be of being approved for a loan or car finance. Check your credit report for abnormalities and contact the credit reference agency if any of the information they have on your report is incorrect. Something as seemingly small as the wrong address can negatively impact your credit score. Taking the time to better your credit score can make it easier to drive the car you want in no time.

Look Around for The Best Loan Provider

In addition to checking your credit score, it is important to look at the best loan provider for you. By going either to the dealership or directly to a finance company, you can get the loan types that you need for the car that you want. By getting a quote from multiple suppliers, you can compare deals and find the one that works best for your needs and budget.

Look Into the Car You Want

The type of car that you want can also have a huge impact on your eligibility, particularly if you have poor credit. By choosing the car that you want beforehand and ensuring you know a general estimate of their worth, you can assess how this will fit into your budget. The type of car you choose will impact the monthly repayment amount depending on the loan term and loan provider that you eventually opt for, therefore taking the time to do your research could save you money in the long term.

Improve Your Finances as Much as Possible

To improve your eligibility, you should try to improve your finances as much as possible. By taking the time to pay off your debt and making sure that all the correct information is on your credit report, you can have a better understanding of your eligibility for your chosen loan type. Although it can take time to slowly improve your credit score, this will benefit you in the long term when looking to finance a car.

Whether you are looking to finance a new car or you are looking to finance a slightly older vehicle, there are several poor credit car loans for you to choose from for your dream car.

What Is Ransomware? A Guide on the Key Things to Know

StrategyDriven Risk Management Article |what is ransomware|What Is Ransomware? A Guide on the Key Things to KnowYou got what seemed to be an official letter from your bank regarding a problem with your account. It does seem a little fishy but you open the email and follow the instructions listed. Everything seems fine until you try to use your computer again.

Many of your files are locked with a pop-up telling you that you have to pay a fee before you can get access to them again. You’ve become a victim of ransomware.

What is Ransomware? It’s probably the most annoying type of computer malware that you’ll ever have to deal with. Check out this guide to learn the ins and outs of how it works.

What is Ransomware?

Ransomware is a type of computer malware that gets into your files and encrypts them. Once the attacker has blocked you off from using your programs, they’ll demand a fee to unlock them.

Don’t worry, the hackers are generous. They’ll give you instructions on how to pay them so you can get access to your computer again. The amount can be as small as a few hundred dollars or as large as a couple thousand.

How Did I Pick it Up?

There are a few places where you may have picked up the ransomware. The most common point of attack is your email. Hackers will send you an email that looks legit but is actually a scam.

The email will usually include a link for you to click on. If you follow it, your computer’s done for. There are some clever ransomware programs that can get into your computer files without tricking you like this but more often than not, it’s going to be an email.

Types of Ransomware

Encryption is common but it’s not the only method hackers will use to take over your computer. There’s also deletion and locking. Here are a few examples of what each one looks like so you know what you’re dealing with.


Encryption is the process of encoding data. If you don’t have the decryption key, you won’t be able to get access to your files. It’s as simple as that.

You can try to brute force your way through it and guess the decryption key. We’ll tell you that getting the correct series of numbers is next to impossible though.


Sometimes when you try to get rid of the ransomware you’ll get a threatening pop-up. It will tell you that continuing will result in the total loss of your data.

We suggest going ahead and deleting the files. As long as you have a backup, you should be okay. Keep in mind that deleting the files hardly results in complete ransomware removal most of the time.


Hackers have created a webpage that will try to trick you into thinking that the cops are after you. Unless you pay the fee they’re asking for, you’ll be sent away.

Anything that asks you for money no matter if it’s a webpage, email, or telemarketer, is a scam. The ransomware might disable your keyboard shortcuts to make getting rid of the webpage difficult but it won’t be impossible.

Are You a Target?

The truth is, everyone is a potential victim of ransomware. The most common victims are colleges. Universities have an IT team to get rid of breeches but it’s not a big one.

It makes it easy to slip in unnoticed. Certain businesses are also vulnerable because they’re likely to pay the fee the attacker is asking for.

Think about it, if you run a medical office, you need to get access to charts to do your job. Not to mention that you don’t want your patient’s information at the mercy of a hacker. You have no choice but to cave.

How to Protect Yourself

Now that you know a little bit about ransomware, let’s teach you how to protect yourself. We’ll start with the most basic rule. Watch what emails you open!

Don’t Open Fishy Emails

We will say that hackers are intelligent. Many of the emails they send look like legit ones. There are always ways to tell if the email is fake but many don’t realize it until it’s too late.

Whatever you do, if the email includes a link, think before you click. If the email includes an attachment, scan it with an antivirus program before you download it.

Backup Your Computer

Keep backups of all your computer files. This way, you can restore your data to the way it was before the virus attacked. Granted, according to https://netdepot.com/can-ransomware-infect-backups/, ransomware might be able to infect those as well.

Be Careful with Your Personal Information

Your personal information should be a carefully guarded secret. If an email asks you to respond to them using your social security number or your mother’s maiden name, you should question it.

We’ll tell you that almost no legit company will ask for something like that. Not in the first email anyway. Question everything.

Should You Give in and Pay?

Most people will tell you no. As much as you need or want to gain access to your files again, don’t pay the ransom. All that does is encourage them to go after some other poor unexpectant victim.

It’s also important to note that you might not even get your files back after you pay the fee. Some hackers will take your money and never give you the decryption key. Try every means possible to get rid of the malware before you pay a cent.

Be Prepared for a Ransomware Attack

What is ransomware? One of the most annoying branches of malware that you’ll ever have to deal with. The hackers encrypt your data and hold it ransom until you pay a fee to get the decryption key. The good news is that it’s not too hard to avoid the problem.

As long as you’re wary about the types of emails you open and the links that you click, you may never run into ransomware. That doesn’t mean you won’t stumble across other forms of malware though. Check out our blog daily for more ways to detect and get rid of viruses.

Top Tasks For Entrepreneurs To Outsource

StrategyDriven Entrepreneurship Article |Outsource|Top Tasks For Entrepreneurs To OutsourceIf you’re an entrepreneur or the owner of a small business, then you already know how very valuable your time is. One simple way to deal with not having enough time is to outsource some of your everyday tasks so you can concentrate on the mort important parts of running your business. Do what do you best, and outsource the rest.

A common question that small business owners ask themselves is what kind of tasks they ought to be outsourcing? It can be tough to trust someone else in the early days of your business, but these tasks are some of the best ones to outsource.

Bookkeeping And Tax Returns

Business owners small a lot of time performing basic bookkeeping tasks and lodging tax returns. You could spend your time looking for articles to help you, like ‘14 Foolproof Bookkeeping Tips’ or you could outsource. One of the best jobs to outsource is bookkeeping, as it’s so time-consuming. You can save hours a week if you use an outsourced bookkeeping service, and feel confident that all your finances are being looked after by a skilled, trained professional.

Social Media

Social media is a useful resource for businesses. It’s a useful way to engage with your customers, offer customer support, and promote your products. Unfortunately, running a good social media campaign is time-consuming.

This is why a lot of businesses outsource social media management. It’s easy to find a skilled social media professional who can run your campaign and make it a success. They understand the best platforms to use and the best ways to engage with users.

Website Content Creation

There are lots of good reasons to outsource your content creation for your website. Your site needs to be full of high-quality content that is useful to your readers and helps to sell your services or products. Your content should also be structured in a way that works well for search engine optimization and tells sales prospects that your company is reliable and professional.

Writing content that manages this is not a simple task. You can pass the task onto a virtual content manager who has the knowledge needed to write content that is effective and exciting and leads to sales.

Another reason to outsource content creations is that it is a task that takes a lot of time for most entrepreneurs. Unless you’re skilled with content, it’s better to assign content creation tasks to a professional. You can also outsource data entry work, to ensure that your website is kept up-to-date, accurate, and full of useful content.

Business Research

If you want to outsource some of your everyday tasks effectively, look for the repetitive business tasks that take up your time, but could be performed remotely. Business research definitely meets that criteria.

You could hire a virtual research assistant who will study the internet to find the information that you need. You can save a lot of time and get back to working on growing your business.

Top 5 Advantages of Hiring Online Marketing Companies

StrategyDriven Marketing and Sales Article |Online Marketing Companies|Top 5 Advantages of Hiring Online Marketing CompaniesEnsuring the growth and success of your company is possible with good marketing. Marketing helps your business get customers who will purchase the products and services you offer. However, online marketing is now the best method to promote and sell your products and services because of modern technology. Many reputable online marketing companies provide high-quality results and outstanding services. Besides, you are guaranteed that you will get permanent solutions to any marketing issues that your company is facing.

1. It provides access to the latest technology

If your company is outdated and still using old marketing tools, it is time for you to hire online marketing companies who will transform your old technology into an advanced one. When your company uses the latest developments and trends in online marketing, it gives you an edge over your competitors. It also allows the customers to notice the potential of your business.

2. It is cost-effective

Many business owners think that hiring online marketing companies is expensive and just a waste of money. It is a misconception because there are marketing agencies that provide good service at a reasonable price. Having a marketing company working for you has a lower cost in terms of per sales lead than doing your own marketing, and allows you to focus on other vital issues in your business as well.

3. It offers effective strategies and approaches

Your business needs to have the right techniques and methods in marketing your products and services. With the help of online marketing companies, your business will find the best strategies and approaches to reach the right audience. Doing online marketing by yourself is problematic because it requires expertise and knowledge to achieve success. Therefore, you should let the marketing agencies do their job, preventing you from future stress and frustrations.

4. It provides a robust online presence for your business

Social media is one of the powerful tools to market your business. If you want to improve your business’s social media presence, hiring online marketing companies is your best option. It will help you find the right customers worldwide and establish a strong foundation for your brand. When your business has a strong foundation, it will help build trust with your customers, and they will start to patronise your products and services.

5. It gives an objective point of view

As a company owner, you make all the decisions in order to keep your business on the run. Therefore, it would be hard for you to look at your business’s marketing with fresh eyes and a new perspective. It only proves that online marketing companies can take a look at your business from an outsider’s perspective, and help them understand what is lacking and what needs to be improved in terms of marketing. Besides, it would be best for your company to have an expert check in marketing from a new and objective perspective.

Knowing these advantages gives you an insight into how agencies work to provide the best marketing strategies to the businesses reaching out to them. It helps your company understand the latest tools, information, and expertise in online marketing. Moreover, you should know the simple ways to increase customers in your business because it will bring you one step closer to success and reach company goals.

About the Author

StrategyDriven Expert Contributor | Delena PierceDelena Pierce, a freelance content writer and a lifelong learner with an ongoing curiosity to learn new things, focused on unique business stories. With experienced writing, provides specialized contents for audiences with subjects valuable to small businesses, startups, leadership, management and customers for marketing. Also fascinated by the modern sales process and enjoys writing about ways to enhance productivity and motivation in business. She engages the audience with the content that really solves their problem.