Guarantor Loans: Can You Be Guaranteed A Safe Loan?

StrategyDriven Managing Your Finances Article |Guarantor Loans|Guarantor Loans: Can You Be Guaranteed A Safe Loan?When struggling with your finances, it can seem like an impossible task to get hold of the finances that you need when faced with a financial emergency. However, this is not the case. To help you get started on finding a safe loan, we will be providing you with some insight into the several different loan options that are available to you even with poor credit.

Understanding Your Credit Score

Before applying for a loan of any kind, you must understand your credit score and the impact that it can have on your loan application. By following the Fico scale used by the three main reporting bodies, you can determine whether the line of credit that you currently have is a positive one or not. From there, you can begin to assess the loan types that are available to you.

Understanding Secured And Unsecured Loans

When looking at the different loans available, you should first consider the differences in both secured and unsecured loans. A secured loan requires valuables such as a car or a home to be put up as security to act as security should you be unable to meet these repayments. The most common forms of secured loans are home mortgages.

An unsecured loan is a loan amount you can borrow directly from a lender without any need for security. The most common form of an unsecured loan is a payday or short-term loan. These are short loans that can be paid off either by next payday or in general to make it stand out. In the long run.

What Are Guarantor Loans?

A guarantor loan is a loan that is used by those suffering from poor credit and provides an extra level of protection as a result. These guarantor loans are different from payday loans as there is an extra level of protection. With guarantor loans, you have someone else sign for the loan along with you to make sure that all repayments are met should the original borrower be unable to pay back the loan amount. This is commonly used by those that have an extremely poor line of credit as it provides additional protection to the lender should they default on payments.

How Can They Provide You With Secure Finance Options?

When struggling with poor credit, you want to make sure that your lender is as secure as possible. For this to be achieved, it is important to look at the FCA registry and ensure that they are a part of this. If they have been registered with the FCA, you are then protected under regulation and can make sure you are getting the funds you need from a reliable source at this time.

With this in mind, there are several ways that you can guarantee a safe loan with an affordable APR that will have a minimal effect on your credit score when paid back in full. Where will you be starting when finding your chosen lender.

The Best Business Solutions for Small Companies

StrategyDriven Managing Your Business Article |Business Solutions|The Best Business Solutions for Small CompaniesWhen operating a small business, there are a lot of different things that owners need to consider and manage to ensure that it runs smoothly. In fact, there are so many different facets of leading a small business that it can become overwhelming and frankly quite difficult without the proper tools in place.

The best way businesses can deal with these challenges is to equip themselves with the right solutions and software, which can aid in streamlining the business’ processes and can make performing certain tasks a breeze. Here’s a look at the best solutions and software that most small businesses should consider in order to give their operations a boost.


Trello is a brilliant and easy-to-use management software that can be used to manage not only personal but also team projects. It’s a visually focused software, which helps in its usability and it organizes things such as schedules and tasks effectively, so that an entire team is on the same page.

The main gist of how this software works is that a team can create a ‘board’ for each task or project that needs to be completed and then stick to that ‘board’ little cards, which detail the individual tasks that each member needs to do to contribute to that task. It’s super simple but it’s that simplicity that makes it really useful and easy to keep a business more organized.


For small businesses that require staff to travel to different locations to attend meetings or hold events, managing the business travel can be a tricky and time-consuming endeavor. Things such as booking transport, accommodation as well as expenses like food can be a hassle, not to mention that a lot of money can be lost through these expenses.

Getting TurboRes Business Travel Solutions is a great way to improve how your business handles travel, as the service will help you better manage your accommodation and also help you keep costs down when sending staff away. It’s really important to manage your travel effectively as a business, as not doing so can be a huge strain on a business’ resources, so that’s why getting a solution like TurboRes is a great idea.


Canva is a cloud-based graphics design suite that can allow users to create stunning visuals, whether that be images for social media, brochures, and flyers or whatever else you may need good graphics for.

Canva is a great tool for digital marketers as it’s super easy to use and allows creators to build stunning visuals really quickly and doesn’t require the steep learning curve that’s associated with Photoshop. What’s even better about Canva is that there is a robust version of it that is entirely free to use, meaning that businesses can save a lot of money using this service to enhance their digital and print visuals. It has a variety of different styles, illustrations, fonts, and more, meaning that you can create a unique and interesting piece of artwork that will differ from your competitors’ collaterals, making Canva a great business solution.

3 Tactics to Leverage Analytics in Your Marketing

StrategyDriven Marketing and Sales Article | 3 Tactics to Leverage Analytics in Your MarketingTracking and reacting to trends is essential to success as you market your business. Below, I’ll take you through three tactics to leverage analytics in your marketing strategy.

Measure Your Customers Across Multiple Devices

Nowadays, access to the internet is constantly expanding. Technology continues to cause a proliferation of devices capable of supporting web browsing. This advancement holds significant influence not only over our daily lives but over marketing strategies as well.

As you continue to hone your marketing campaigns, you want to ensure that you are reaching customers on all the devices they use. Most people use smartphones for their primary communication and internet browsing. But these same people typically use other devices like desktops, laptops, and tablets as well.

Because of this, customers have many different ways to interact with your website or app. With such variety, tools like Google Analytics often fail to give a complete picture of how this takes place.

It appears that professionals are far better off using a more comprehensive approach to analytics. A tool like Woopra’s customer analytics often proves to be a more effective alternative.

Woopra keeps track of your online customer interaction across a broader range of devices. This gives you a more accurate representation of how your customers are truly behaving online. Using this information is vital in improving your customer’s journey.

Use Marketing Automation

The ultimate goal of an online marketing strategy is conversion. That means that simply getting people to view your website is not enough. You need to find a way to convert those prospective buyers into loyal customers.

The truth is that not everyone who sees your site will have the same level of interest in your service or product. So naturally, a one-size-fits-all approach to contacting these prospects will not suffice. I find it far more effective to approach prospects in a more focused way.

Marketing automation can be extremely beneficial in this effort. This technology lets you target specific website visitors.

For example, someone who has read a few of your blog posts might be quite interested in the opportunity to sign up for a newsletter. For someone who visits a pricing page, you should send them a more detailed offer or promotion.

With marketing automation, you set triggers for certain customer activity on your site. Then your customer will automatically receive a message that is tailored to their interests and needs. Compared to more standard email autoresponders, this marketing automation strategy is far more likely to cause conversions.

Improve Your SEO with Analytics

Most marketing professionals know the importance of SEO in promoting organic traffic. But how can you know if your SEO strategy is really working?

Analytics can give you some important insights into the success of your SEO. This includes knowing exactly which pages get the most traffic and conversions. Using this information, you can see which strategies are working and multiply your efforts in that area.

However, improving your SEO can prove to be quite challenging. Attempting to do so on your own may become frustrating and take time away from other vital functions of your business. With that being the case, consulting an SEO agency is often the best way to get started.


Analytics are only becoming more important to the success of your marketing. Knowing how to leverage these analytics can make the difference between a failure and massive online marketing success.

About the Author

StrategyDriven Expert Contributor | Garit BootheGarit Boothe is a digital marketing and SEO consultant in the finance and technology industries. He has done work for Fortune 500 companies and small businesses alike. Now he helps high-growth startups to scale profitably through search marketing.

When Professionals Run Into Problems With Buying IP Addresses In Business, This Is What They Do

StrategyDriven Online Marketing and Website Development Article |IP Address|When Professionals Run Into Problems With Buying IP Addresses In Business, This Is What They DoIn business, reaching new solutions are crucial to saving time and money.

So, taking the lid off IP (Internet Protocol) addresses, may also confuse people with regard to IP (Intellectual property), but both are different and yet, play a strategic part in expanding your business’s trajectory in an upward direction.

But, how can you move forward with this in the current economic climate?

To learn more about how to Buy IP address, click the link.

An IP address stands for ‘Internet Protocol’.

What does this mean?

It refers to the unique number connected with the IP address that links to all of your business’s activities, similar to that of a parcel’s return label.

You cannot take your IP address with you when you move from place to place or venture to another country as it is all part of the ‘Internet Protocols’

Economics of Intellectual Property

Intellectual Property (IP) is a critical component governing a high percentage of economic policies. Many Government bodies face headaches, when deciding the design and structure of IP to serve specified objectives that fit new technologies, and the current changing business models.

Strategic Intellectual Property Management

The scope of business plans is not reliant on its commercial aspects, and incorporates all of its assets and resources to make the business viable.

A strong IP protection and management policy will ensure that business planning and IP are strongly connected.

An IP policy for your business is an essential element in your business plan, adding value to your venture, especially if your description within your plan capture this information. However, it may also deflect any interest from potential stakeholders.

Therefore, any IP information must be included in your business plans as clearly as possible.

IP ownership and protection policies inside your business need to be completely durable. There should be no doubt about the products or services either co-owned or owned by the company, in particular any assets that are under license with third parties.

You should also make revisions if this is not the case, as investors heavily focus on IP when considering business investments.

Business Strategies Post Brexit

Many businesses are now frantically wondering what will happen to their companies post-Brexit. The ongoing damaging effects of the Coronavirus Pandemic are a cause for concern, leaving many companies at breaking point.

Here are a few steps to a post-Brexit strategy to keep your businesses buoyant and moving forward:

  1. Develop a course of actions that can float and are unsinkable.
  2. Rethink your global footprint.
  3. Embrace diversity and different perspectives within your company.
  4. Choose your words wisely and lead at a level of transparency so that nothing is missed.
  5. Develop a foreign company policy.
  6. Turn any signs of antipathy in your business into a source of building forward momentum to propel your business forward.

Business strategies need to progress in line with new technologies, and the current constraints of the Coronavirus Pandemic. Essentially leading to businesses rebuilding and recovering from any losses.

4 Business Tips Every Entrepreneur Needs to Know to Survive During and Post COVID-19

StrategyDriven Managing Your People Article |Survive During Covid|4 Business Tips Every Entrepreneur Needs to Know to Survive During and Post COVID-19Regardless of what kind of business you operate, there are very few industries that haven’t been affected by COVID-19. Since the start of 2020, the coronavirus pandemic has spread across the UK and beyond, resulting in over one million deaths across the world (and counting). For entrepreneurs, running and operating a healthy business can be challenging during these unprecedented times. So, to keep your operation afloat, here are some useful tips on how to survive the pandemic and keep revenue up.

Encourage Remote Working

If you’re able to do so, you should encourage your team to work remotely. If you operate in an office, many employees will have concerns and fears about being in close proximity to others. The last thing you want is for your team to fall ill with the virus and have to isolate. So, you should encourage working remotely, meaning your staff can operate from their homes which will reduce the risk of them contracting COVID-19.

Keep in Touch with Employees and Customers

No matter what kind of business you run, regularly communicating with your employees and customers is key to success. If you have had to shut your physical premises for the time being and your team are working remotely, you need to head online and use video conferencing software like Skype or Zoom to hold meetings and training. Your customers may feel out of the loop during these strange times, so make sure you have social media business pages that can be used to keep your audience in the know.

Coronavirus-Proof Your Premises

If your business has been allowed to reopen, you need to take precautionary action to keep staff and customers safe. You can use screens to reduce the spread of covid which can be useful in all kinds of environments, including offices, restaurants, and retail stores. As well as covid screens you can use queue barriers and face masks which are key measures that you can use to reduce the spread of the coronavirus.

Encourage Hand Washing

If you employ others in your business and they’re back at work, you must encourage hand washing. While we should all wash our hands regularly with soap and water, you will be surprised at how many people forget to do so. In the unprecedented times we are currently living in, it’s more important than ever to wash your hands. There are hand sanitiser stations that can be installed in your business which will serve as a constant reminder for employees to clean their hands.

Whether you hire office space, run your own restaurant, or operate a retail store, your employees and customers are at the heart of your company. To keep your business thriving and on track, all the tips above will ensure you have all bases covered, helping to boost morale, productivity and ensure staff and customers are kept safe and protected during and post COVID-19.