Corporate Event Planning Mistakes to Avoid

StrategyDriven Marketing and Sales Article | Corporate Event Planning Mistakes to Avoid83% of corporate marketers believe that business events are more useful in driving sales than awareness. With this in mind, you can’t afford to make mistakes when planning an event for your company. Although mistakes are bound to happen, they can be costly to your business.

Here are some common mistakes that can happen and how you can avoid them.

Lack of a Definite Goal for the Event

You should never start planning an event without a clear goal and objective. You need to deeply understand how the event will boost your business. Is the end goal to make employees more knowledgeable or skillful?

Once you have a goal in mind, set clear and measurable objectives, like the number of registrations you’re targeting. Whatever your objective, it should be measurable and concrete. Share them with your team for brainstorming and informed decision making.

An Underwhelming Agenda

While you might have a plan for the event, it may not be what the attendees want to experience. Make sure you’re delivering a life-changing experience by looking at the list through the attendees’ eyes.

Questions to ask yourself include:

  • Are the topics in the agenda fresh and relevant
  • How engaging are the presenters or speakers
  • Is there a communication strategy in place to let the attendees know what to expect?

You’ll need a mind shift to be able to pick what matters to them most.

Planning Late

One of the greatest enemies of progress is procrastination. If you want to pull off a successful corporate event, start planning as early as possible. Waiting until the last minute can bring a host of problems later and you could end up not selling half as many corporate event venue tickets as you would want to.

As soon as you set a date for the event, come up with the occasion’s general scope. You also need to draw up a budget as soon as the date has been set. Book a venue in advance while you still have many options to work with. Remember, hotels and other venues tend to have many bookings all around the year.

If you plan to invite guest speakers, book their services early enough. Do your research to see what you can expect from your performers, including the entertainment band. Create a checklist, and as you make your plans, map out all the steps, and determine when they should be completed.

Not Checking the Competition

It can be counterproductive to plan an event and discover a more competitive one happening on the same date. It goes without saying that only one event will draw people in their numbers. You don’t want to take chances as you don’t know if that event will be yours.

Due diligence is essential to check for events scheduled on the same date as yours. Look at industry gatherings for sporting events and local events in your proximity. Once you’re sure the calendar is clear, you can send out “save the date” notifications to your guests. This gives those interested in your event enough time to mark their calendars.

Final Thoughts

Organizing a corporate event is not easy without the right skill set. Sometimes, you need to engage professional event planners like MTI Events to help you pull off a successful occasion. When planning from an expert perspective, you’ll cut down on these mistakes and more.

Let’s Take Your Job Prospects To New Heights

Are you interested in taking your career to new heights? In doing so, you will be able to obtain a higher income and improve your quality of life. You could also put yourself in the perfect position to manage or even own a business in the near future. If you have the right level of ambition and a strong determination to succeed, there are no clear boundaries on what you might achieve. So, let’s explore some of the best ways that you can boost up your carer.

Fix Your CV

First, you should definitely consider fixing your CV. If you think about it, this could be the first thing that might be blocking you from finding success on the market. Business owners and recruiters could be taking one look at your CV and deciding that you are not the right person for the job. The good news is that there are easy ways to correct your CV and ensure that it is guaranteed to impress any business owner. To do this, you need to start by ensuring that your CV is clear and to the point. It should fit a specific position that you are applying for perfectly which means that you do need to tweak it for each application.

You might also want to think about adding in a USP. This is something that will make your CV stand out from all the other CVs that could be viewed on the same day. Your USP could be anything from a second or third language to a fun example of work experience.

Set Yourself Up For The Right Promotion

Of course, one of the easiest ways to reach new heights in your career is to make sure that you are thinking about how to gain a promotion in a business that you are already a part of. To gain a promotion, you first need to make it known that you are ready for the new challenges and responsibilities that a role like this will include. Once you have done this, you can then think about making sure that you look like the perfect person for the job. It’s absolutely vital that you take the time to go the extra mile for the business and your clients.

Build Your Profile

You should also ensure that you are building up your profile and in particular focusing on your presence online. Be aware that these days it’s quite common for employees to search for a potential recruit rather than waiting for them to apple for a position. They can only do this if you do have a clear identity through social media. While people are often wary of putting themselves out there on social media, doing so could lead to fantastic results and ensure that you can get that call from a company that you haven’t even heard of with a job offer.

Gain new Qualifications

Of course, if you want to make sure that you are more hireable and an option for different positions on the market, then you do need to think about exploring new qualifications. This is easily one of the best ways to grow your career and these days it’s easier than ever to gain the qualifications that you need. You don’t have to spend a fortune or a lot of time getting qualifications. Instead, you can work from home in your spare time while you’re still completing your main job.

Explore Freelancing

Finally, you might want to escape the rat race altogether and instead branch out on your own. It is possible to do this if you become a freelancer. As a freelancer, you will be able to make sure that you can work as much as you like and build a network of clients that love your service. Once you have done this, you could even put the building blocks in place for your own business.

We hope this helps you understand some of the different paths you can take when you are looking to improve your prospects on the job market and in the world of business today. Regardless of whether you are comfortable working for other people or you would like to branch out on your own, there are lots of possibilities available to you here. It’s also a fallacy to say there’s a point where you can no longer pursue a possibility like this. As long as you have the right mindset, nothing, not even your age, should stop you from reaching for new goals in your working life.

Why Adaptability is the Key to Business Success

StrategyDriven Innovation Article | Why Adaptability is the Key to Business Success

If 2020 has taught us anything, it’s how quickly things can change. Almost overnight, the world was plunged into a new era of lockdown restrictions and social distancing as the COVID-19 spread from one country to another. As well as causing a global health crisis, the on-going pandemic has caused economic instability and turmoil for businesses. However, organizations that have been able and willing to adapt to the necessary changes have been the ones to thrive.

While the COVID-19 pandemic may be an extreme example, it highlights just how important it is for businesses to be adaptable. When you can modify your operations or accommodate changes to your industry, you’re far more likely to survive. To learn more, take a look at these three reasons why adaptability is the key to business success:


Industries change over time, which means your business needs to evolve too. With continuous improvement tools, you can ensure that your business continues to evolve in a way that facilitates on-going success. The introduction of technology revolutionized the workplace, for example, but businesses who failed to embrace the changes soon fell by the wayside. Conversely, the organizations that used tech to enhance their processes triumphed.

No business remains static, so changing in positive ways is always going to be better than the alternative. As your business evolves, you have the opportunity to expand your operations and increase your profitability. Without being adaptable, you’ll never grow your business successfully, which means evolution is critical to long-term commercial success.

Fast Responses

Being able to respond to things quickly means you can minimize losses, protect your enterprise, and capitalize on new areas of profit. Similarly, a sudden surge in demand for products or services won’t throw you off your stride. Instead, you can adapt your operations to respond to the demand and enjoy the unexpected increase in your profits.

There are numerous factors that can affect business performance, such as environmental disasters and economic downturns. Often, you’ll need to make strategic decisions swiftly, if you want to avoid unnecessary financial losses. When you can scale your business swiftly in response to external factors, you can ensure that you’re operating efficiently, productivity, and with minimal waste.

Effective Teams

An adaptable business recognizes the need for varied skills and talents. As such, you’ll be eager to hire personnel who can drive your business forward and facilitate growth. Similarly, you won’t be afraid to make changes to the workforce when the need arises. Currently, we’re seeing a shift away from static work environments to remote, distributed teams. Unsurprisingly, it’s the businesses that can adapt to this way of working that will benefit the most from the global talent pool and the reduced cost of maintaining a distributed staff.

Being More Adaptable

With so much of your success depending on your adaptability, it’s vital to incorporate this attribute into as many areas of your business as possible. By making adaptability a core tenant of every business decision, you can create an enterprise that’s inherently adaptable and primed for commercial success.

Keeping Your Business Data Up to Date

StrategyDriven Managing Your Business Article | Keeping Your Business Data Up to Date

Collecting valuable data for your business is essential, but keeping it up to date is just as important. If you have data that is no longer relevant, it won’t be much use to your business. How long your information is useful for will depend on exactly what it is, so staying up to data can take some work. There are a few things that you can make sure you’re doing if you want to have accurate and useful data at all times. Take a look at some of the steps that you can take to keep your business data up to date.

Bring in Fresh Data Regularly

Collecting business data isn’t something that you just do once and then never again. You should be bringing in new data regularly so that you always have the freshest information. How often you collect new data will depend on what sort of data you’re collecting, where it comes from, and what you can afford. You might constantly be collecting data on who is visiting your website and how they behave. On the other hand, you might only collect information about your competitors every few months or years. When you collect new data, you can ensure it’s accurate and up to date.

Have Your Data Reviewed

Going over your existing data can be time-consuming. If you want to save time, outsourcing the review and auditing of your data will help. You can use a service to comb over your debt collections contact details or your customer demographics data. By finding the right service to help you, you can ensure that your data is reviewed and stays up to date while saving time so you can work on other things. Some services can both review your current data and help you to find more up to date and accurate information for your records.

Remove Data You No Longer Need

You should get rid of data that are no longer useful for your business. For one thing, it will help to free up digital space so that you can store new data instead. It will also mean that outdated and irrelevant data is no longer used, even accidentally, and you can replace any old data with new and more relevant information. Data that are no longer relevant could be useless and best and even dangerous at worst, depending on what it is.

Pay Attention to Regulations and Compliance

It’s important to be aware of the regulations and laws concerning data. You should know what you’re allowed to collect and record, and what you’re not allowed to keep. You also need to know what rights individuals have to know about the information that you hold about them and to ask you to remove it. The regulations can change at any time, so it’s essential to stay up to date with the latest laws and how they affect your business.

Keep your business data up to date if you want it to be useful for your company. If it’s out of date, it could cause problems.

Four Tips to Manage Your Marketing Team Effectively

StrategyDriven Marketing and Sales Article | Four Tips to Manage Your Marketing Team EffectivelyMarketing is one of the most important departments in any small business. While your sales derive from the impressions you make with consumers across the world, you’ll find that it’s your marketing team that delivers these impressions, on a regular basis, to the consumers that matter most to you.

But marketing is also as much an art as it is a science, and this means that sound management and good decision-making can have a profound impact on the effectiveness of your marketing team. In this piece, we’ll look at the best forms of marketing management to help your brand grow and increase its sales this winter.

Measure Success

While it’s true that marketing is both an art and a science, it’s also true that marketing can be measured for success. Digital marketing is especially useful in this regard, as you’re able to monitor your strategies in real time by seeing how many clicks and sales your adverts generate in the online space. This is the data that’s most important for a manager who’s making the decisions about the next campaign and the ongoing marketing strategies. Keep an eye on what’s working well, and who’s working well, in order to keep prioritizing the hardest-hitting campaigns.

Set Goals

Marketing goals are also company goals. For instance, if you secured 100,000 sales last month, your target would be to increase your sales in the following month. You’ll be able to use the monitoring that you undertook in the previous month to direct the effort that your team puts into your marketing drive in this subsequent month. This pushes them to focus on the more effective marketing methods that are returning the most sales for the spend that you’re dedicating to your strategy.

Software Engagement

Marketing has been given a welcome shot in the arm over the course of the past decade by the rise of digital marketing and the software that’s come along with it. It’s this software with which managers can delegate less work to their staff, enabling them to get creative with their time, and to devote additional time to sales calls, customer service queries, or managing your social media channels.

Use enterprise SMS messaging software, for instance, to automate your SMS text marketing drive. Use analysis software to determine how your website is faring online. And use chatbots to talk to customers who land on your website’s URL.

New Ideas

Digital marketing is not a fixed discipline of professional skills and techniques. It’s constantly changing in line with the latest innovations in the marketing sphere, and the latest technologies that are driving those innovations. Moreover, the algorithms that dictate your SEO strategy are constantly changing, which means that you’ll always have to tweak and amend your strategies to fit in with the requirements of Google, Amazon, and Facebook. This means that your digital marketing team should never be static; it is always mobile, dynamic, and ready to change tack at a moment’s notice.

As a marketing manager, these tips are the most important for you to manage and drive success in your marketing team and across your enterprise.