A Detailed Look at E-Commerce Fulfillment

StrategyDriven Managing Your Business Article |E-Commerce Fulfillment|A Detailed Look at E-Commerce FulfillmentWhen we shop online, we are hoping for the best case scenario that the items will reach our doorstep in the condition it is dispatched. Whether domestic or international shipping, ecommerce clients’ customers care less about the ecommerce fulfillment companies businesses choose to use but expect prompt and quality delivery or else they will gladly ruin the reputation of the online store.

An online business in need of making deliveries therefore needs a reliable ecommerce fulfillment that will handle client’s goods with care and deliver in good time. That’s where we come in.

Why hire third party e-commerce fulfillment companies

Hiring third party for logistics is always more efficient and economical for both businesses and their customers. A trusted fulfillment company, such as www.aerofulfillment.com, will have all the right connections to ship domestically and abroad. In house logistics are not only ineffective to do on large scale and over long distance but also cost a small fortune. Your startup business may not be ready for the ballooning costs of establishing a full scale ecommerce with deliveries.

Choosing a reliable fulfillment agency

For any online business, choosing the best order fulfillment is a make or break moment. Customers do not care much about the third party company and will put all the blame on you if things go south. With speedy deliveries, you can meet exceed your customer’s expectation and get positive reviews. Among the key things that influence customer sentiments is the time they have had to wait for the product.

Benefits we afford our ecommerce partner businesses

Our clients enjoy the freedom of not having to worry about setting up in house logistics at all and the bandwidth to expand their sales volumes. We also use the latest technology to manage our platform which makes it reliable and easy to integrate into any ecommerce business.

With shorter turnaround, you are likely to get moderate ratings even when customers were not pleased with their purchase and have had to send it back. Not to mention it could cost you a fortune to replace damaged goods.

With a premium fulfillment company like ours, you can make efficient and timely deliveries with items in sound condition. Being able to meet customer demands is positively rewarding for ecommerce and the failure to do so can irreversibly damage a brand’s reputation online and offline.

One big advantage that small businesses under our wing are currently enjoying is the ability to grow income by expanding their reach to customers with prompt deliveries. The beauty of hassle-free delivery is that we make it look super easy for both the client and their customers even though it’s not.

We help you to transform what would otherwise be a fixed cost (warehousing) into a variable cost of doing business.

You can then use the savings to invest in better facilities for your businesses. You can depend on our expertise because we do just this.

Let our superb deliveries become an integral part of your customer shopping experience. We will let you take the credit for our speedy and quality delivery. We not only make deliveries efficiently but also process returns from customers back to your warehouse in a timely fashion. We do just this and it is best if you too can specialize in what you are best at selling. We are here to partner for mutual growth. In us, you will find a trusted listening and caring partner.

Join a fulfillment logistics partner you can trust.

The bottom line is that many small and medium-sized businesses remain without the resources required to make deliveries across the country and globally. In this age when ecommerce is thriving, you can save your time to expand your business rather than focus on setting up a fulfillment platform as we have already done that for you.

To be able to trust us with such a vital part of your business, we will gladly refer you to our longest active clients for consultation. Our success with their ventures might be the indication you need to trust our ability to grow side by side with our partners.

If you think we are the fulfillment specialists and partner you need to be successful in your ecommerce venture then don’t hesitate to reach us. We have stored, sorted and moved all items types, sizes and worked with various industries. Contact us today.

Could 3D Printing Be About To Revolutionize The Way We Create Prototypes?

StrategyDriven Innovation Article |3D Printing|Could 3D Printing Be About To Revolutionize The Way We Create Prototypes?Bringing a product to market can be a very time consuming and expensive process making it inaccessible to many budding entrepreneurs and inventors, but could 3d printing be about to change that? Could 3D printing revolutionise the way we create prototypes?

What is 3D printing?

Most people will be familiar with their at-home 2D ink printer, which creates an image by injecting ink onto a flat paper surface. Well, a 3D printer works in much the same way except rather than using ink, it uses a malleable material such as plastic, and instead of creating a 2D picture it creates a 3D model. A helpful way to visualise a 3D printer is as a robotic hot glue gun that instead of quirting glue squirts plastic.

How does 3D printing work?

In the same way that a conventional ink printer requires a digital version of whatever it is going to print, so does a 3D printer. 3D printing always begins with a CAD generated 3D digital model, this 3D model is then sliced by a programme into thin 2D layers, these are the layers that the 3D printer will print, one at a time onto the print surface, collectively forming a 3D model. Some 3D models require support whilst they harden and so the slicing programme will also add in supports and lattices which adds strength to any hollow parts of particularly fragile parts og the model.

The exact way that each 3D printer creates a model can vary from model to model, but they tend to rely on the same principles. Whereas a desktop FDM printer will melt a plastic filament and lay it down onto the print platform through a nozzle, a larger industrial machine may use lasers to melt thin layers of plastic or plastic powders.

For the most part, 3D printers tend to create models using plastic, as plastic is a versatile material that comes in many colours, densities and textures and is relatively cheap to source. There are, however, some 3D printers that can work with more complex materials such as metal and protein, and in the healthcare sector, there are even 3D printers learning to print using human cells. 3D printing technology is advancing extremely rapidly and so although the technology may be limited to a handful of materials now, it is estimated that you will be able to print in any number of different materials in the near future.

StrategyDriven Innovation Article |3D Printing|Could 3D Printing Be About To Revolutionize The Way We Create Prototypes?What are the advantages and disadvantages of 3D printing?

3D printing is an alternative manufacturing method to traditional subtractive or formative manufacturing. It comes with its own set of advantages and disadvantages, which are outlined below:

The advantages of 3D printing

  • Faster prototype creation
    Depending on the size of the model and the type of printer used the printing process usually takes between 4 to 18 hours. This is drastically quicker than other prototyping methods.
  • Lower start-up costs
    Compared to the cost of creating a unique mould for a formative manufacturing process which can cost many thousands, 3D printing is extremely cheap, needing only the cost of the material printed and the time of the printer. This makes it a great alternative for people looking for lower-cost prototypes and unique one-off parts.
  • Greater customisation
    Because of the cost associated with creating moulds, it is often not possible to create multiple iterations of a prototype. 3D printing, however, makes it possible to create custom pieces at little extra cost, with only the 3D design image needing to be replaced, you can create as many prototypes as you like.
  • Cheap creation of complex geometrical shapes
    Creating a mould for a complicated geometric shape can be very costly which can limit the kinds of prototypes people can afford to build. Thankfully, the additive nature of 3D printing means that it is equipped to handle even the most complex geometric shapes at no extra cost, opening the doors for more complicated product ideas.

The disadvantages of 3D printing

  • Lower tensile strength
    Many 3D printed models have up to 50% less strength than those created with other manufacturing methods, this is largely due to the way in which 3D printers create products using a series of layers. This isn’t a huge problem for many prototypes but is still something to take into consideration.
  • 3D printing is less cost-effective when printing higher volumes
    Whereas 3D printing is a much cheaper alternative when dealing with one or two of a product it does begin to get more costly as the unit quantity increases and if you are planning on printing 100 or more of the same product then it may be cheaper to look at another method.
  • 3D models require post-processing
    Some 3D printed prototypes will require supports or lattice structures in order for the 3D printer to build them, these will need to be removed post-processing in order to generate a finished prototype. This can add on extra time and may also leave marks or blemishes on the final product.


Will 3D printing revolutionise prototyping. Quite simply, yes. For the first time, many entrepreneurs and product developers will have access to a technology that is cost-effective and versatile enabling them to create a prototype without raising investment in order to fund the process. Desktop 3D printers are now available for as little as a couple of hundred dollars, meaning that they can even be installed in-house, saving a huge amount of money on outsourcing to an external prototyping company. The speed of 3D printers also dramatically accelerates the prototyping process speeding up the route to market and enabling entrepreneurs to start profiting from their creations more quickly. As the 3D printing market continues to grow, and the materials available becoming more varied, more and more complex models will be able to be printed opening up a whole new world of possibilities for creative minds, making 3D printing a technology that many businesses can’t afford to ignore. If you have an idea and want to see it become a reality then there has been no better time to get started.

Business Blind Spots – How To Know What You’re Doing Wrong

StrategyDriven Entrepreneurship Article |Business Blind Spots|Business Blind Spots - How To Know What You're Doing WrongWe all have blind spots. For example, perhaps one we all understand is those who are angry or showboating often hide a vulnerability or weakness underneath. Someone becoming incredibly toxic and aggressive following a romantic breakup, for instance, is often hurting underneath, and that’s what will motivate their hard reaction. While businesses are nowhere near as complex as people, the idea of the eternal blind spot is something that carries with it a sense of validity. After all, if you do not look in those darker areas, you’ll be unaware of how to improve or solve them.

But how can you know what you’re doing wrong as a firm? This might be clear if you’re struggling to sell your products, or if your staff turnover is increasing due to a bad manager. That being said, what if your business is improving and successful? We might take this as proof that we are perfect in our efforts, yet of course, this is never correct. Thankfully, with the following advice, your operation will remain more self-aware than ever:

Thorough Inspections

Inspect your processes thoroughly. Leave no stone unturned. It could be that you’re spending way too much on inventory, you’re failing to turn your stock over efficiently, or you’re experiencing an unusually high number of product damages at a certain area of your manufacturing line. Thorough inspections matter, and they can truly make a difference – allowing you to potentially slash tens of thousands of yearly dollars that may otherwise have been written off. The same can go for business expenses from your travelling remote representatives, or even computing equipment being replaced by overzealous IT managers. You’ll fail to find anything unless you look.

Worthwhile Consultants

Using expert procurement consultants can help you figure out if your procurement process is running in a streamlined manner or not, and if you’re truly maximizing the deals you are able to gain through this process. Additionally, they will be able to suss out flaws in your communication, in your staff training, and also the crippling overspending you may be laying down in certain departments. Procurement is complex and that means it is rarely perfected. With a team such as this on your side, you’ll take every step to get there correctly.

Coherent Feedback

If you’re not investing in the internal communication and surveying structures that can allow for staff to report issues, and for those reports to be read and understood, and for practical fixes to be considered and put in place, then you have an issue listening to coherent feedback. Even if you do not act on every issue that you’re presented with, the willingness to listen to them and maximize your attention to possible solutions at least helps you lay those cards out on the table, even if you decide that now is not the best time to move forward.

With these tips, you’re sure to understand where you’re going wrong as a business, and you’ll more than likely take steps to avoid that in the future.

Why Acquiring Background Checks – and Waiting for the Result – is Imperative for Helping Keep your Workplace Safe

StrategyDriven Risk Management Article |Background Check|Why Acquiring Background Checks – and Waiting for the Result – is Imperative for Helping Keep your Workplace SafeWhether you are a small business or a corporate giant, the need for placing security as a priority for your employees goes without saying. The very first step employers should take in providing a safe work environment is to screen all possible new hires through a quality background check. By “quality” I mean “thorough.”

Yet, as a security expert (and a former Public Officer / Detective specializing in violence prevention), I often see employers who are more interested in the speed and cost of a background check rather than the quality.
However, I would go so far as to say that employers can’t afford NOT to run a thorough background check. The threat of workplace violence is a continuing problem that will not be blunted by cheap and incomplete (or inaccurate) background checks.

Due to the frantic world we live in, too many employers and HR professionals believe that a comprehensive criminal record check can be completed instantly. But unfortunately, it cannot.

To buy into the INSTANT or “FAST FOOD” variety of background checks will not create a safe environment that every employer and employee needs and desires.

When You Use a Quality Background Check You MUST Wait for the Results before Hiring

It is an HR manager’s dream: the perfect candidate walks into an interview with a superb resume, terrific qualifications, and great interview responses. It’s a “no-brainer” that this is the right person for the job. Yet the dream can easily turn into a nightmare when the candidate is offered the job position BEFORE HR gets the results back from the background check.

The new hire starts work, and things are progressing well until a week later when HR receives the individual’s background check. Reality hits. Besides many red flags, there are also prior convictions that leave the employer no other choice but to promptly fire the employee.

In this case, the new hire is terminated and must be escorted off the company property. It is a scenario that no business wants on its hands. Besides being an awkward situation, it puts the work environment of other employees in a compromised position rather than one of safety.

The Takeaway

Background checks are important in detailing an individual’s history and play a big role in narrowing candidates. Depending on the type of background check, it can take some time for the results to return to the HR team.
Although waiting for a check to clear may seem like an inconvenience, it can’t compare to the problems created by an ill-informed job offer. The screening process should not be overlooked or rushed.

It is far better to invest the time needed to secure a comprehensive background check and wait for the results before offering a job candidate the employment position. By doing so, you show your fellow employees that providing a secure work environment is your greatest priority.

About the Author

StrategyDriven Expert Contributor | Mike McCartyMike McCarty is Founder & CEO of Safe Hiring Solutions with thousands of clients such as Liberty Mutual Insurance, Kiwanis International, Big Brothers Big Sisters, Boys and Girls Clubs, and more. Mike has more than 25 years of violence prevention experience that includes being a violent crime detective with the Metro Nashville Police Department, and a violence prevention consultant to organizations such as the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, U.S. Department of Defense, U.S. Department of Justice, National Sheriff’s Association and the Federal Law Enforcement Training Center.

6 leadership lessons I learned from running an organic meal delivery company

StrategyDriven Management and Leadership Article |Leadership|6 leadership lessons I learned from running an organic meal delivery companyCooking the perfect meal takes time, planning and foresight — and so does great leadership.

My journey as CEO of Fresh n’ Lean, the country’s largest organic pre-prepped meal delivery company, began in 2010 when I was 18 years old.

The early years were the hardest. I consistently worked 20-hour days, tackling any task that was required, including cooking meals, washing dishes and customer service.

There were other challenges, too. I’d be sitting in meetings with older men, and they’d ask me my age (I’d feel compelled to lie and say I was 27). Or they would direct questions to my male colleagues instead of me.

People would question my decisions or my tone or my voice or my demeanor or the way I dressed. Constructive feedback can be so valuable! But much of the feedback I received wasn’t constructive and came from a place of insecurity — people’s own issues working for a young, female leader. It took me years to block out the negativity. And I was so much happier when I did.

Here are some of the other lessons I’ve learned while running Fresh n’ Lean, takeaways for other women navigating the corporate culture to become strong leaders themselves.

Find your deeper calling.

I was inspired to start Fresh n’ Lean after my father faced a life-threatening health battle. He was eating for convenience, so his diet was full of heavily processed foods. He recovered after shifting his eating habits to nutrient-rich, organic meals. His journey motivated me to find a balance between nourishment and convenience — and to help busy people lead healthier lives.


It’s stressful being a boss — you’re inevitably going to encounter difficult situations.

But instead of showing how overwhelmed you are, make sure to keep your emotions in check. Employees will look to you for guidance and stability, and if you’re visibly stressed, everyone else is going to be stressed, too. Be the steady presence guiding the team forward.

Be patient.

As a boss, it’s natural to want to make changes. But how will those changes impact your company’s day-to-day operations?

You may need to wait months — or even years — before your staffing, workflow or facilities changes are implemented. That was the scenario we faced when building our own kitchen and manufacturing area, a goal that had been in the works for a long time. Since Fresh n’ Lean didn’t rely on outside capital, we had to be pragmatic about growth opportunities and only moved forward when the timing was right.

It was so meaningful to fulfill that dream, and I’m glad we didn’t rush the process.

Trust your employees and empower them.

Believing in your employees and giving them opportunities to succeed will give them — and the team — a better chance of reaching full potential.

Too many people second-guess themselves, afraid to fail or worried about taking risks.

Employees should trust their judgment and follow their instincts. That culture of trust begins with the boss.

Lift up other women.

Women too often try to tear each other down in workplace settings instead of building each other up.
Look for growth opportunities for women, and empower younger women to be entrepreneurs and leaders. Go out of your way to showcase their talent. And help them recognize the leader within.

Don’t let the naysayers get to you.

As a strong female leader, it’s frustrating to face labels. Difficult. Loud. Moody. A man can act the same way and it’s celebrated. He’s passionate.

But don’t feel like you need to compromise your leadership style in order to get your point across.

If I’m in a meeting, I’ll often sit quietly and observe and wait for the right moment to speak up. Being the loudest person in the room doesn’t make you the most powerful. You’ll find the right moment, and the right way, to ensure that your voice is heard.

About the Author
StrategyDriven Expert Contributor | Laureen AsseoLaureen Asseo is only 27-years-old, yet she has become a pioneer in leading the nation’s organic food craze. She’s the CEO and founder of LA-based Fresh n’ Lean, the largest nationwide organic meal delivery service in the country. It’s her mission to make eating organic easy, affordable and accessible – reclaiming the phrase “fast food”. She was inspired by her father’s ailing health due to his eating habits, and started the company from her one bedroom apartment.