5 Simple Steps for Building a Good Reputation Online

StrategyDriven Online Marketing and Website Development Article, 5 Simple Steps for Building a Good Reputation Online

Having a good reputation online is key to making your business grow and flourish. But knowing where to start can feel overwhelming.

Keep reading to learn the five steps to building and managing your company’s reputation online.

1. Create Your Online Business Card

Think of your webpage as a business card. You want to have a catchy domain name that is unambiguous and short. Focus on the main page, paying attention to the design, and make sure it doesn’t get overcrowded with too much information as this could lose your readers.

You’ll want to make sure your layout is visually interesting and the text is clear with graphics and pictures that match. Any detailed information should go into separate sections.

You’ll want to make sure your contact and about buttons are easy to locate. Highlight your companies greatest achievements in the about section. Have the address of your headquarters, e-mail, telephone number, directions, and map in your contact section.

You should also include a section where clients can put reviews and opinions, which has been shown to boost sales. There are even online reputation management companies that can help you out.

2. A Blog Is Key for a Good Reputation Online

Your website should also have a blog filled with inspiration yet professional content. Blogs are great places to share your company’s values and products while building the image that your business is an expert in your field.

You’ll want to put a lot of effort into your blog, making sure you don’t have any grammatical errors or confusing language. Take your posts up a notch with relevant charts, infographics, and pictures.

3. Be Active on Social Media

Social media helps prospective clients find your business. Having a strong social media presence will help your company’s reputation.

You can inform your clients about new products or articles on your webpage. Make sure your social media posts are all brief, attention-grabbing, and to the point.

4. Reply to Every Request or Opinion

You need to show your potential and current clients that you have an accessible business that treats people respectfully, which means you’ll want to respond to every review or message you receive. If you see a negative comment, respond politely with understanding and avoiding conflict.

Take advantage of any positive comments by proudly sharing them on your social media platforms. This is proof of the quality of your products and or services.

5. Share Your Achievements and Awards

People will trust companies that are award-winning and experienced. Clients are more likely to work with a company that has been recognized over a company that has not. So make sure all your glowing reviews, accomplishments, and awards are easy to see on your website.

Fix Your Online Reputation Today

Now that you know the five steps to build and maintain a good reputation online, start making these changes today. A website that is to the point and easy to find and navigate will help grow your company for years to come.
For more resources of growing your business, check out the rest of our blog.

7 Reasons Why You Should Hire a Small Business Marketing Consultant

StrategyDriven Marketing and Sales Article | 7 Reasons Why You Should Hire a Small Business Marketing ConsultantIt’s suggested that businesses spend 8% of their revenue on marketing costs. But what happens when that 8% feel wasted?

If you’re not seeing the fruits of your labor, it’s time to rethink your marketing strategy. And who better to help you do that than a small business marketing consultant?

Keep reading to learn why partnering with a small business consultant might be the smartest move your business makes all year.

1. Consultants Understand Your Audience

Who does your business serve?

If you can’t rattle off an in-depth answer complete with demographics, you don’t have a clear enough picture of your target audience.

Your audience defines everything from your company’s voice to the channels you use to advertise. Simply put, you need to understand your audience and that’s something a firm can help with.

2. A Consultant Keeps You Focused

A consulting firm isn’t only here to give ideas, they’re here to shape the ones you already have.

By providing structure, your consulting firm partners can help you establish a clear and attainable plan for your business. That goes for your short term and long term goals.

3. Less Spending Waste

Anyone can spend money on a Facebook Ads campaign. But spending money doesn’t guarantee results.

Consultants know what channels to use and how to maximize their efficiency. As a result, you’ll save money.

4. Firms Can Help You Branch Out

Rebranding is the process of changing your company’s image. That can be literal, such as changing your company’s logo, or more figurative, like adopting a new persona or changing your voice.

But a new brand image comes alongside shifting goals and audiences. Like defining your audience, this requires plenty of in-depth research.

5. Consultants Can Help You Scale

Every business wants to grow. But are you ready to grow alongside your company?

Your goals for scaling and your current situation may not always match. And if you’re not careful, you could end up spending too much on unnecessary hires, resources, and outdated messaging.

6. You’ll Have More Time to Run Your Business

Your time is best spent working on the things you do best. And hiring a consultant takes a ton of pressure off of your shoulders, allowing for just that.

You’ll have more time to focus on the tasks that demand your immediate attention while your partners focus on growing your business.

7. Better Resources Means Better Results

Even if you have the know-how to run a great marketing campaign, purchasing the materials needed can drain your wallet. Software alone can cost thousands of dollars.

Your consultant partners will have state of the art resources that your business can use to maximize its potential. As a result, you won’t have to go out and invest in these resources yourself.

Why Your Company Needs a Small Business Marketing Consultant

Whether you’re looking to take your product global or you’re keeping things on a local level, a small business marketing consultant can help your business reach the heights you’re after.

Between their expertise, resources, and growth-centric approach, a consultant is more than worth the money. Think about reaching out today.

And if you’re looking for more content to help you grow your business, make sure to check back with our blog.

Five Strategies For Retaining Your Top Performers

StrategyDriven Talent Management Article |Staff Retention|Five Strategies For Retaining Your Top PerformersIt is hard to get ahead in the business world when you are constantly having to hire new staff. It is important that you are able to retain your top performers so that you can consistently perform, create harmony in the workplace and avoid the recruitment process which can be lengthy, stressful and expensive.

So, how do you retain your top workers? This can be a challenge particularly when you are a smaller business that may not be able to offer the same wages that they could command at one of the bigger brands in your industry. That is not to say that it is not possible, however, as there are a few highly effective strategies to try.

Flexible Working

The days of working Monday to Friday 9-5 are disappearing and it is important to recognize this as a business owner. You should offer your staff flexible working whether this is remote working opportunities or early starts/late finishes. This can boost morale, show that you trust and respect staff, and help with productivity levels.

Create The Right Office Environment

A job is much more than just a paycheck; it’s a place where people spend most of their week. Creating the right office environment ensures that people can feel happy, relaxed and focused each day which will help with workplace satisfaction. Here are a few tips to create the right environment:

  • Open plan and open door policy
  • High-quality equipment, furniture and tech
  • Allowing open communication
  • High-quality staff break room
  • Maximizing natural light
  • Plenty of plant life
  • Attractive office decor

Social Events

Leading on from this, it is also important to host regular staff social events. This can improve employee retention because it can help to develop chemistry between employees, as well as show that you appreciate your staff. You can throw more formal events, but you may find that it is the informal events which are most effective. These might include:

  • Afterwork drinks
  • Team lunches
  • Staff BBQ
  • Sport/exercise classes

Listen To Feedback

It is hard to retain your top performers if you are not listening to your employees nor taking notice of what they say. One of the best ways to do this is to employ satisfaction solutions like happy-or-not.com, which can help you to determine how happy your employees are and identify ways in which you can make improvements to boost morale.


The best workers are the ones who want to progress in their careers, and so it is important that you allow them room to grow within your organization. This means that you should provide training opportunities and promotion from within, but you should also listen to their career goals and find ways to help them to achieve this within your business.

It is frustrating to lose your top workers to the bigger brands but this is unavoidable if you do not take action to retain employees. Even if you cannot match wages they could earn elsewhere, there are always ways in which you can keep hold of your top performers.

Safeguarding Your Employees: It’s A Business Necessity

StrategyDriven Talent Management Article |Safeguard your employees|Safeguarding Your Employees: It's A Business NecessityWhat are you doing to safeguard your employees?

Despite your busy schedule, you need to give them your priority. If you don’t, and if you fail in your duties in any way, then you are putting both your employees and your business at risk of harm.

The following are some of the reasons why employee safeguarding needs to be a necessity within your business.

#1: You will protect your reputation

By putting health and safety measures in place in your workplace, you are less likely to fall prey to employee compensation claims should an accident occur. And this doesn’t only apply in the workplace, as you should also adhere to drivers’ hours rules to protect those employees who spend much of their time on the road. In this instance, you would also protect yourself from compensation claims made by injured members of the public too.

Of course, it’s not only compensation claims that you need to worry about. Should your employees complain about you on social media, perhaps because you have neglected aspects of employee care within your business, then word is quickly going to spread. You are also in danger of ex-employees who might whistleblow to the media about any neglectful practices within your business.

And when your reputation takes a hit? Your business will take a financial hit in tandem.

#2: You will have more productive employees

As a business owner, you need to focus on boosting your employees’ health. As we discussed in the linked article, you can do this by keeping the office clean, giving your employees more time off, and by making regular health and safety checks.

And the healthier your employees are? The happier and more productive they will be, and that can only be good news for your business. So, take the appropriate steps to safeguard your employees’ health. Add in more break times, find ways to reduce the need for overtime, hire a cleaner if you need to, and raise morale to promote positive mental health at work. Your employees will then have the capacity to work harder and with more focus on quality, and they are less likely to fall ill and take time away from the workplace.

#3: You will retain your best employees

Why should your employees remain loyal to your business? If you are doing little to protect their physical and mental health, and if you don’t take their concerns seriously, then they have little reason to show loyalty to you. As these employee retention statistics suggest, the job marketplace is in the hands of the employee and not the employer, as staying in an unhealthy job does not have to be a long-term option. So, if you aren’t safeguarding your employees, you can’t expect them to stick around. Consequently, you might lose your best employees, and what’s worse, they might head to your nearest rivals.

So, protect your employees. Keep them safe in the workplace. Take action when they report concerns to you. And do what you can to keep them happy. You will be receiving their resignation notices if you don’t, and your business might suffer without them.

Take heed then and do what you can to safeguard your employees. While this is your moral and ethical duty, it’s also a business necessity, as you will experience hardship if you are neglectful.

26 Things You Can Do To Become The Ideal Job Candidate

StrategyDriven Professional Development Article |Job Interview|26 Things You Can Do To Become The Ideal Job CandidateIf there’s a job you really want, then you need to take your time preparing and becoming the ideal job candidate. This means that when your interview rolls around, you’ll feel ready to handle whatever the process throws at you, and feel confident that you did your very best once you’ve left. Below, you’ll find 26 job interview tips you can do to become the ideal job candidate:

Be Candid

Candid individuals often make great communicators, and these people are essential for the office. You need a direct, clear way of speaking, and this will help to eliminate crossed wires and anything else that could cause problems. You’ll also engage more people in conversation and encourage faster action this way.

Be Friendly

You should be friendly. You might be a straight-talking fierce and competitive person who wants to land the job, but you should still be friendly to everyone you meet.

Be Ambitious

Ambitious employees tend to always want to come up with an improved way of doing things. They tend to overcome hurdles, and are never satisfied, always working for better solutions. This is what most organizations will want to see.

Be Adaptable

You must be able to change with the business environment, and this goes for any job you get. Having a comfort zone can be nice sometimes, but those who love familiarity and hate change won’t get very far in the workplace.

Show Your Creativity

Many companies want creative employees who can increase innovation. You should be able to both work autonomously and come up with new ways of completing old tasks.

Be Decisive

Making tough decisions is, well, tough. But companies love to be able to see that candidates feel confident doing that. People who can quickly and efficiently analyze the options and potential outcomes of a situation will always be more likely to get hired. Nobody wants a wishy washy employee who struggles to make even basic decisions. Remember, decisiveness is a skill you can practice.

Be Team Oriented

When recruiting, many people will look for those who buy into the system and can work in a team. You should be able to work by cooperating with others, fitting into the company’s culture.

Be Goal Oriented

Escalating your goals is a great trait to have – and you should enjoy the journey along the way, too. If you can show this to an employer, they will be more likely to hire you. They want to see people who can set their own goals and have a passion for the job and industry that they are in.

Be Intelligent

Intelligence is an important part of success. Of course there are variables, but you should be willing to show both your intelligence as well as your willingness to learn new things when going for a job. You may show that you’re intelligent by talking about your PMP Exam Prep or a recent course/study you took part in. Self directed learning and study is a great trait to have.

Make Sure You’re A Cultural Fit

If you’re not a cultural fit, then you should probably give up on the job now. Pretending to be a cultural fit may work, but the truth will come out in the end and you will hate working in this environment. Will you truly enjoy working here on a daily basis?

Be Upbeat

Showing that you can be energetic and upbeat each day is important. This can help others to build momentum, too, and employers love optimistic employees.

Be Confident

Having confidence is not egotistical or wrong. The best companies want to hire people who have confidence in themselves. This spawns a culture of improvement.

Show That You Are Internationally Aware

A global mindset is essential for growing businesses. You should be aware and sensitive to other cultures, customs, events, and perspectives if you’re going to succeed.

Groom Yourself

You may have all of the skills, but if you don’t take care of your hygiene and appearance then employers will think twice about hiring you. Make sure you dress appropriately and that you’re always clean and smelling fresh. Just because you can’t smell your coffee breath doesn’t mean it’s not there!

Prepare For The Questions

Make sure you carefully prepare for questions before you attend the interview. Have answers for questions such as ‘why do you want this job?’ and ‘tell us about yourself’. Make sure you relate everything back to the job and the company!

Research the Company

Having a decent knowledge of the company before you attend your interview is essential, so do your research. If you don’t bother to do this, hiring managers may well eliminate you from the hiring pool. Do your homework on the company’s website, blog, social channels, Glassdoor, and Wikipedia. Make sure you know who their competitors are and why they are different, too.

Find Out Who You’re Interviewing With and Research Them

As well as finding out what you can about the company, make sure you do your research on the person you’ll be having your interview with.

Ask Your Own Questions

Always make your interest clear by asking your own genuine questions. Let them ask you questions first, and have yours prepared at the end of the interview. Write the answers down!

Dress For The Job

How you dress will depend on the job you’re going for. Dress for the job you want, as if you have it already. Show them how you will be arriving into work. Don’t try to be too trendy or fashionable here.

Bring Two Extra Copies of Your Résumé

If you show up to your interview with no copies of your resume, you’re making a huge mistake. Don’t assume that the person you’ll be speaking with has one already. They may know nothing about you. If you have spare copies on you, you’ll never be caught off guard.

Turn Your Phone Off and Arrive Five to 10 Minutes Early

You shouldn’t be tempted to check your phone, and you definitely don’t want it buzzing away while you’re trying to answer a pressing question. Get there 10 minutes early (not too early), and turn your phone off. If you arrive too early then you might mess up the interviewer’s schedule if they feel they must accommodate you. Turning up too early can be just as rude as turning up late. 5-10 minutes before your interview time is a good time to aim for. Find somewhere else to wait if you arrive at the location even earlier.

Stay Engaged During Conversation

Make sure you don’t get eliminated from the process by not showing you are actively listening. Smile, nod, and make eye contact. You will make an impression by showing you are a good listener.

Get the Email Address of Everyone You Speak With

This will be helpful when the interview is over and you’ll be able to easily follow up.

Ask When to Expect a Decision and With Whom to Follow-Up

You shouldn’t leave the interview feeling confused about when you’re going to hear back. Don’t be too pushy, but make sure you have an idea of when you should know by and who you should speak to about it. Pay close attention to how they respond at the end of the interview and you should get a good idea of how it went, too.

Tell Them You Want The Job

If you’re feeling excited at the prospect of having this job by the end of the interview, make sure you tell them so. Let it be known how excited this opportunity makes you and allow your passion for the role to shine through.

Send a Follow-Up Thank You Email

Sending a quick, personalized email saying thank you to everybody you met with earlier on in the day will stand you in good stead. Mention a small detail or topic you discussed to personalize it, and make an even better impression on them even once the interview process is over. A handwritten thank you card could go down really well, too.

If you don’t hear back within 5 business days, it’s ok to follow up again. Make sure you know the point of contact and send a message that is short – you don’t want to come across as pushy or as if you’re nudging them into making a decision. You should seek to provide some value, however.

Becoming the ideal job candidate may take a little time and practice, depending on the role. The more you practice for this, the better the interview process will likely go. Ask somebody you trust to run through questions with you as if you were in a real interview. Don’t leave anything to chance and make sure you feel well prepared. You may never feel 100% ready, but that doesn’t mean you aren’t or that you’re not right for the role. Be positive – you might be just the kind of person that they are looking for!