The “Four P’s” of Marketing a Law Firm Online

StrategyDriven Online Marketing and Website Development Article|Online Marketing|The “Four P’s” of Marketing a Law Firm OnlineIn the course of my years partnering with web developer and SEO specialist Sagapixel, I’ve learned a lot about how to market my firm. I am a busy Philadelphia appeals attorney and had to learn the hard way that running and marketing a law practice has nothing to do with the practice of law. They don’t teach you this in law school!

Hopefully this synopsis of what I’ve learned will help anyone starting their own law practice, or anyone who has trouble marketing their law firm and needs more clients. The Four P’s work!

What Are the “Four P’s” of Marketing?

First, I learned about the 4 P’s of Marketing—Product, Price, Place, and Promotion. This is a fundamental marketing model that worked 80 years ago and will work 80 years from now, regardless of what new technology arises that changes the way we shop for and purchase goods or services.

If you keep the four P’s in mind, you will have a clear, defined marketing strategy that supports your client acquisition goals.

The First P of Marketing a Law Firm – “the Product”

A lot goes into choosing an area of practice to focus on. Often, an attorney will get a job out of law school, become highly skilled in one area of law, then go out on her own to open a solo practice without looking first to see if the local market is saturated.

Not ideal.

Before you commit to paying for advertising services in a market that you may or may not be able to compete in, consider the following:

1. Is there a big player that already dominates the market?

If there is, be prepared to languish as a very small player for a very long time.

For example, in the Philadelphia area market there is a law firm that does TV ads, places billboards all over the region, and spends a few million dollars on Adwords a year. Yes – a few MILLION dollars.

This firm has made a name for itself as “THE workers’ compensation firm” and it is now incredibly difficult (and expensive) to get workers’ comp clients through advertising. Keywords related to workers’ comp are about 50%-100% more expensive to bid on than keywords from other areas of practice.

The upshot is, it will be difficult and expensive to penetrate a market with a dominant player.

2. Can You Create a Niche?

Frank at Sagapixel told me about a conversation he had with Eric Diaz, a prominent real estate attorney in Philadelphia. He was telling Frank about some of what he does for his clients. During the conversation, he mentioned something his firm must do for all clients that involves tedious paperwork that many attorneys do not like doing.

Frank told me how he interpreted this as an opportunity and suggested to Eric, why not offer this service to other firms? He could train a young associate to do that tedious paperwork, then own it.

I thought this was great. I was lucky in that early in my career I gained experience in a fairly narrow area of practice in government service, then was able to parlay that experience into my own appellate law firm.

By creating or taking over a niche, an attorney will have both a strong value proposition and differentiator that will allow him or her to stand out in a market. Think of it in your own case—would you prefer to hire an SEO agency that specializes in law firms or a firm that works with just anyone that walks in the door? Prospective clients feel the same.

The Second P of Marketing a Law Firm – “the Price”

I’m not going to get too much into pricing here though I will recommend that you take a hard look at your pricing model. The hourly model that many attorneys use could be inferior to a value-based model such as those promoted by consultant Alan Weiss. I have seen that using flat fees that are standard in the region works for many types of law practices.

The Third P of Marketing a Law Firm – “the Place”

This is another area into which I will not go into much detail because this is most often specific to an attorney’s area of practice.

If you have your own law firm, you’ve probably already decided about the “place” of your firm without realizing that that decision is a crucial part of your marketing plan.

Different areas of law have different “place” requirements. A medical malpractice attorney might choose a pricey office right across the street from a hospital. But an attorney whose practice is primarily electronic, like bankruptcy, might relocate to an area with lower costs of living and work remotely.

If you can work from home, do it – for any new firm keeping costs down is vital. Of course, consult your jurisdiction’s rules as some states do require a physical office.

The Fourth P – “Promotion”

Your Law Firm’s Website

The days of people searching the phone book yellow pages are over. People go online to search for goods and services, legal services included. Even if you have a big billboard that someone happens to notice, you know that someone finds you online and checks out your website.

I’ve seen that creating an effective website is as much art as it is science – please choose your web developer wisely. Your website developer will help you:

  • Develop your personal brand – what differentiates you from other attorneys practicing your area of law?
  • Generate relevant content that establishes your knowledge and experience in your practice area
  • Generate content that starts clients on their Buyer’s Journey to retaining you
  • Optimize that content to help convert leads into clients by creating a “call to action”
  • Get your website seen by people who need your service, through SEO
  • Create a positive user experience by organizing the site logically with fast loading pages and a prominent
  • Contact form
  • Optimize the site for mobile users

Google Ads – Adwords for Law Firms

But what are Google Adwords? I certainly had no idea until I started working with Frank at Sagapixel.

Google Adwords (now called Google Ads) are an “online advertising platform developed by Google, where advertisers pay to display brief advertisements, service offerings, product listings, video content, and generate mobile application installs within the Google ad network to web users”, according to Wikipedia.

How Do Google Ads Work? Advertisers bid on certain keywords in order for their clickable ads to appear in Google’s search results. Since advertisers have to pay for these clicks, this is how Google makes money from search. This is also called Pay Per Click, or PPC.

If this sounds like it takes too much time away from your law practice – you’re right. This is why you should consider hiring Google AdWords advertising agencies that handle law firm SEO and PPC to do it for you.

Google Reviews

It is important to touch base with clients after you’ve represented them to ask about their experience. If they respond that they had a positive experience, you should ask them for a review.

There is software that automates this process so that it is hands-off for you. Use it.

Tracking the Performance of Your Online Marketing Efforts

Google Analytics tracks viewer’s behavior and shows you which of your online marketing activities are working and which need some tweaking. Again, this is something your SEO firm handles for you.

As you can see, there are many moving parts to marketing a law firm online. When you establish your own firm, you are taking a big leap of faith that you are going to make it. Educating yourself, then choosing the right web design and SEO firm, will help you create the online marketing strategy that brings you the business you need not only to survive, but to thrive.

About the Author

StrategyDriven Expert Contributor | Todd MosserTodd Mosser, Esq. is a Pennsylvania appeals attorney admitted to the bar in Pennsylvania, New Jersey, the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, the U.S. Courts of Appeal for the Third, Sixth, and Ninth Circuits, and the United States Supreme Court. Mr. Mosser attended Shippensburg University and the University of Pittsburgh School of Law, graduating with honors.

Mr. Mosser worked for eight years as an Assistant District Attorney in the Philadelphia District Attorney’s Office Appeals Unit prior to opening Moser Legal in July 2013. Since then his firm has litigated over 900 civil and criminal appeals. Mr. Mosser is a leading legal authority in his field, having been quoted in The Legal Intelligencer and having served as a television legal commentator.

How to choose a loan that is best for your business

StrategyDriven Managing Your Finances Article|Business Loan|How to choose a loan that is best for your businessWhen your business is in dire need of a financial injection, you might be tempted to apply for the loan in haste. People do that all the time not realizing the golden rule that “haste makes the waste”. By the time reality shakes them, it is often too late. They can’t do anything but bear with the scary consequences.

Smart businessmen take their time before stepping into this extreme decision. Because they know it can make or break their years of hard work. You should also take a leaf out of their book and choose the loan by carefully evaluating the following angles:

Be Crystal Clear About Why You Need a Loan

That’s the first and the most critical step at the same time. It is very important to have clarity about why exactly you need the loan because the choice of your loan will be based on that. Understand, there are different types of business loans for everything.

For example, account receivable loans might not be an ideal choice to tackle issues other than cash flow. Similarly, if you want to buy office equipment, you will have to stick to the loans which are modeled according to this very need. For acquisitions, refinancing or obtaining working capital, a credit union small business loan is a good option.

The takeaway message being, you should nail down the precise reason and purpose of the loan otherwise you will lose your way in the cobweb of multiple choices of lenders.

Consider the Duration of Getting a Loan

Well, some loans take more time in approval than the others. At times, businesses foresee the need for a loan and apply beforehand to avoid any delays. However, sometimes we are met by emergencies or it is simply not convenient for us to wait for weeks and need the loan in a matter of a few days. In such cases, fast loans swing into actions.
It is pertinent to mention here that if you have a good record of previous loans, you can save a few bucks on fast loans. However, generally speaking, these loans come up with easy and flexible process but they are comparatively more expensive.

For example, factoring is one of the main types of fast cash. But there are multiple factors will affect your invoice factoring rate such as your industry, size of invoices, creditworthiness and so on.

Estimate the Amount Needed

It is equally essential to know how much money you actually need. Many people apply for the loan just to get as much money as possible. This approach is sure to backfire in the long run.

Even if your documents are in good shape and you can easily be qualified for the bigger finance, still you should not transgress the amount you need. Because businesses have their ups and downs so why take a risk that does not make any sense?

That being said, you should also not apply for an amount so small that you become cash-strapped in the middle of a project. Therefore, be watchful while calculating the costs of your assignment. To be on the safe side, consult an expert who can estimate the right amount for you.

Shop Around

Once you are done with the above steps, it is time to seek a lender. The majority of the borrowers tend to settle for the nearby lender. Just because it saves them time and energy. That’s a non-starter. The best way is to shop around and compare rates.

Better still if you ask for suggestions from your friends. Being affiliated with a trustworthy lender comes up with a cushion.

The Last Verdict

It is important to qualify for a loan but it is even more important to get a suitable loan – the loan of your liking. There is no use of getting a loan that does not seem fit for your end goal. A bad choice of financing is more likely to haunt you in the big scheme of things.

5 Instantly Positive Highlights You Can Easily Publish On Your Landing Page

StrategyDriven Online Marketing and Website Development Article |Landing Pages|5 Instantly Positive Highlights You Can Easily Publish On Your Landing PageYour business’ landing pages are the first point of contact for any new customers visiting your website, so it’s important that you’re making a solid first impression. If you’re struggling to find inspiration for your landing page and wondering what sort of information and tone to take on your website, then this article will provide you will all those answers – and crucially how each one can benefit your business or brand. Take a read below to find out more.

Client Testimonials

Client testimonials are a superb way of highlighting to new customers just exactly what you’re about and some other projects you’ve worked on in the past. Obviously, if you have any negative testimonials it’s a good idea to keep them away from the landing page, but positive reviews from reputable clients are a solid way to show off your skills and draw in new customers interested in using your services.

Contact Information

Obviously one of the most important pieces of information to place on your landing pages is your contact information. You may be wondering why we’ve even included this point because it seems like we’re stating the obvious, but you’d be surprised. Always ensure that the contact information you want your customers to approach you by is clear and easily located to ensure you’re getting the most business as possible. This is particularly important if you’re looking to highlight the fact that you’re using an 0800 number. In that respect, can provide 0800 numbers for an extremely cost-effective price.

New products or services

Another obvious piece of information to include on your landing page is any information surrounding new products or services that you’re releasing. Highlighting your latest products and services is a great way of testing the waters and working out what sort of things your customers like. After all, there’s no point releasing something that you’re not going to promote. As well as new products you should always ensure you’re clear about the products and services you offer. Clarity really is the key to attracting new customers and ensuring they purchase from you rather than your competitors.

Latest News

Publishing regular updates surrounding the latest news in your industry is a great way to add fresh and relevant content to your landing page while simultaneously improving your SEO rankings. We’re not talking reams and reams of text; just little snippets of digestible material you can use to highlight things you find interesting that promote your content. Landing pages and blog content are perfect for promoting your business on social media, too.

Information about your brand

I think by now we’ve covered all the main points surrounding what to include on your company landing page. But once you’ve got the important things out the way, take the time to integrate them into your brand tone of voice in a way that appeals to your customer. Information is important, but the way you deliver that information is what’s going to transcribe your words into revenue.

What Should You Do If Your Business Has Failed?

StrategyDriven Entrepreneurship Article |Failed Business|What Should You Do If Your Business Has Failed?All businesses have their ups and downs but if you manage things well, you can get through the difficult periods. It’s when those difficult periods become the norm and the business is constantly in financial trouble that you need to start worrying. Some businesses simply don’t work because the product isn’t right or there isn’t a demand for it right now. It’s hard when you find yourself in that situation because you have put a lot of time and effort into building this business. But it’s a mistake to continue when there is no chance of turning things around because you will just end up wasting more money. It’s better to be realistic and cut your losses. If you think that your business is failing, these are the steps that you need to take.

Exhaust All Of The Options

It might be the case that your business is doomed and there is no way that you can turn it around. But a lot of people act too quickly in these situations and decide that the business is finished, even though they still have some options left. Before you decide to close your business down, you need to make sure that you’ve tried everything that you possibly can to boost your profits and turn things around. If you have exhausted all of the options and the business is still performing badly and losing money, that’s when you should make the decision to close it down.

Consider Selling It

While you might not be able to afford to put any more money into the business, that doesn’t mean that nobody can turn it around. You should consider selling the business and its assets to another company if possible. Get in touch with somebody like Alliant Brokers and discuss the possibility of selling the company. Even if you don’t get that much for it, the extra money will help you to pay off any outstanding debts and secure your own personal finances.

Don’t Take It Personally

Sometimes, businesses fail because they are mismanaged, but a lot of the time, they fail because the market isn’t right for that kind of business to thrive right now. It still comes down to the choices that you made but you shouldn’t take it personally. It’s easy to think that you’re a terrible business owner because your business failed, so you should just give up on it completely. But there are plenty of successful business people with failed businesses behind them. Don’t take it personally, just take the necessary steps to close the business and start looking to the future.

Look For New Ventures

It’s not wise to start another business up right away because you need to build your finances up again. But you should be thinking about what your next steps are going to be and looking at some potential ideas for another business in the future. It may be that you go back to work for a while and start saving some money before you can launch another business, but you should start thinking about new business ideas.

A failed business is a hard pill to swallow, but you shouldn’t think of it as the end of your business career. You can take the things that you’ve learned and apply them to your next venture.

Phenomenal Tactics For A Hassle Free Business Expansion

You only have to say the word expansion, and people working within a business start to sweat. It’s not that they inherently dislike the idea. It’s just that traditionally, alongside growth, you can expect additional work, risks, as well as an increase in stress and hassle. Of course, when expanding your business, there will always be additional tasks, and hazards to navigate, the same is true for any business. However, much of the hassle can be avoided if you manage the expansion right. Something that you can read all about doing in the post below.

Do your research

The first tactic for a hassle-free business expansion is to do plenty of research before you go ahead. In fact, data is one of the most valuable assets when it comes to successfully growing your business. The reason being that if you make your decisions based on cold, hard facts, rather than instinct, you have a much better chance of mitigating any risks.

What that means is you need to invest in market research before you plan to expand. This being an activity that can provide you with all sorts of information. Such as what type of demographics your products will appeal to and what kind of prices customers will be willing to pay. It can even help to inform the sort of launch that would work best for your expansion.

Additionally, market research is not the only information-gathering exercise that you should do before deciding to grow your business. You also need to make sure that you have all of the figures and projections from your current endeavor. Something that will allow you to establish whether you have the finances to fund a successful expansion or not.

Source new staff before you get big

Next, if you wish to minimize hassle when expanding your business, you need to be on top of your recruitment process. What that means is you need to start thinking about the possible roles you will need to fill. You will also need to consider the different type of employees you will need for your expansion to be a success. Well, before you start to enact your plans.

Happily, there are strategies you can use to help you with this, including creating a database of potential candidates that you can call upon should the need arise. Additionally, for some firms partnering with an agency can help them to quickly fill mission-critical positions during expansion, without having to dedicate too much person-power to this task.

Rebrand accordingly

The next things you need to get a handle on, if you want your expansion to go off without a hitch, is your rebrand. In fact, this is crucial and nearly always necessary. The reason being that there are few products that can be transitioned to other markets and demographics with precisely the same marketing materials that were used before.
Of course, savvy businesses will use the information they gathered at the research stage to inform their rebrand. Something that will make sure that it is as effective as possible for the market in which it is intended.

Particular caution needs to be taken here if you are hoping to expand into overseas markets, as international branding faux pas are common. Of course, these can be hilarious to observers but disastrous to any expansions success, and so be a costly mistake that is best avoided whenever possible.

StrategyDriven Entrepreneurship Article |Business Expansion|Phenomenal Tactics For A Hassle Free Business ExpansionUse scalable IT services

Scalability is another important concept that you will need to grasp if your business expansion is to be conducted with the minimum amount of stress possible.

In particular, scalable IT solutions are a must for any type of expansion that you want to be a success. The reason being that you will be able to expand the infrastructure of your company as your need for output increases. A situation that more practical, and cost-effective than having to rebuild everything from the ground up every time you move into a new market.

With that in mind, using a data management service for your IT before you begin your expansion is the best course of action. Then, your IT provision can expand quickly with the needs of your business, without it interfering or delaying your movement into other profitable markets.

Secure your supply lines

Finally, if you want your business expansion to go off without a hitch, you need to be sure you can supply the next influence of customers with product. This means you will also need to make sure that you have a consistent supply of materials and the resources you need to create the products. All within enough time to go through the manufacturing process.

Additionally, do not forget to factor in delivery time when you start to supply a new market either. Especially if you plan to make the product in the country in which you are based, and then ship it overseas and distribute it to individual customers.

Happily, making use of the logistics infrastructure that is already in place within a new location can help you to do this. In fact, many smaller businesses choose to partner up with companies that are well established in their new location like Amazon. An action that can make a successful geographical expansion significantly less complicated and stressful to achieve.


If you are looking for a hassle-free expansion, there are some things you need to bear in mind. The first is that there will always be some risk, and additional work associated with growing your business. However, you can ensure that things go as smoothly as possible by doing the following things.

First of all, you must do your research both in terms of what your potential new customers want. Secondly, be sure that you can staff your expansion successfully. Thirdly, at least some rebranding will be necessary if you’re going to grow your business. While fourth on the list is that you will need to grow your IT alongside the other parts of your business for things to work.

Finally, don’t forget that if your expansion is to go off without a problem you need to source the additional supplies, as well as deliver the product to your new market. Something that partnering with another company can help you do most effectively.