The Influence of Start-ups on Healthcare

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There are startups in every industry that are changing the way we do things in all aspects of our lives. Healthcare is no exception. In recent years, the number of startups in the healthcare industry has skyrocketed, and their innovations have potentially changed the future of healthcare.

Our health and insurance requirements start to change after we turn 26, which makes innovations in this area incredibly important. Here are some of the many ways startups have influenced the healthcare industry.

Fertility, Pregnancy, and Newborn Health

Startups have caused huge strides forward in both fertility and newborn health. For fertility, various testing methods have been invented to allow couples facing fertility problems to complete assessments in the comfort of their own home. Rather than being relegated to interactions with various doctors and meeting medical professionals in public settings, they can test their fertility privately and make decisions based on the findings. This saves time and allows for privacy and discretion.

There are innumerable applications available that allow couples to track their pregnancy and guide them through this physically and emotionally taxing time. They are often rolled into fertility applications, to help couples conceive. It is expected that in the future, smartphone apps will be able to listen for a baby’s heartbeat and even perform an ultrasound.

In newborn health, innovations by Neolight have resulted in a product that helps treat and prevent jaundice in newborns. As the majority of newborns experience some level of jaundice, their energy-efficient, safe, and portable product will help treat newborns safely and effectively while reducing readmissions to hospital.

Patient Engagement Apps

App development companies have been continuously working toward health tracking protocols that can be delivered to medical professionals, saving wait times and presenting clear, analytical data. For example, sleep trackers, activity trackers, and symptom trackers are all readily available on smartphones and smartwatches.

These apps when consolidated, present a clearer picture to medical professionals when a problem arises, especially now since they’ve been regulated with the HIPAA compliance act. They may be able to pick up on inconsistencies that speak to a deeper issue, that users may not have picked up. On the other hand, using these apps helps people become more mindful of what’s going on in their body and flag any issues that seem unusual. This could lead to getting a medical consultation earlier than they would otherwise, improving their prognosis.

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Cancer Fighting Innovations

Scientists and startups are continuously working toward finding a cure for cancer. While there is no definitive cure yet, incredible advancements have been made in prevention and early detection. For example, skin cancer prevention products have been created to tell people when to reapply sunscreen. Other imaging techniques highlight tumors, making them easier to detect during scans and surgical removals.

On the other side of the battle against cancer, a startup known as Vivor has created a platform where cancer patients with financial troubles will be matched with different charities and financial assistance programs that can help them during treatment. Similarly, MyPeople Health is taking a patient-centric approach by focusing on creating apps that guide a patient through their journey, explaining everything simply yet thoroughly.

Startups offer a unique and fresh perspective to the healthcare industry, which is how advancements are made. Looking back at the changes over the last twenty years shows just how far we can go in a short amount of time.

Brands Represent Risk Mitigation for Consumers

StrategyDriven Marketing and Sales Article | Brands Represent Risk Mitigation for ConsumersThings exist because we need them. We have brands not because companies made them, but because society needs them. If society and consumers didn’t need brands, no amount of effort from companies could bring them into existence.

How do brands work on a societal level? Let’s start by listening to economists instead of brand experts.

Some economists explain brands from a game-theory perspective. They say that brands are a mechanism for companies to engage customers in repeated games. And by giving customers an opportunity to punish companies, brands create a worry-free choice for consumers.

No trust can be created in a one-time game. Why do tourist traps offer such poor quality for high prices? Because it’s a one-time game. Shops and restaurants at tourist destinations know that you’re unlikely to come back, and they don’t expect you to. On the other hand, the restaurant right around the corner – which also caters to year-round residents – provides great service and quality, because they’re counting on repeat business from satisfied customers. If you don’t like the restaurant, you can punish it by never visiting again. A neighborhood restaurant relies on customers from nearby. It can’t survive if it’s alienated them.

In the US, McDonald’s doesn’t allow franchise locations near highway rest stops. All McDonald’s locations in rest stops are directly owned and operated by the corporation. That’s because stopping at a McDonald’s right off a highway is a one-time game for that specific location. It’s only a repeated game from the perspective of the company’s national headquarters. And so, McDonald’s maintains ownership of these one-time game locations to ensure the quality and service that its brand is known for.

That’s why we say brands are a social mechanism to mitigate risk for customers when they purchase goods and services.

This guest post is adapted from SUPER SIGNS: Taking Your Brand To The Ultimate Level by Sam Hua and Nan Hua, founding partners of Shanghai H&H Marketing Consulting Company.

About The Authors

StrategyDriven Expert Contributor | Sam HuaSam Hua is a board chairman and founding partner of Shanghai H&H Marketing Consulting Co., Ltd, a well-known expert in creative strategic marketing, and chief brand adviser of National Real Estate Manager Alliance. He has been dedicated to marketing strategies and creative marketing services for nearly 20 years. He established the first systematic marketing methodology – “H&H Methodology” – in the domestic marketing circle.

StrategyDriven Expert Contributor | Nan HuaNan Hua is a founding partner of Shanghai H&H Marketing Consulting Co., Ltd and Board Chairman of Dook Media Group Ltd. He is a co-producer of several movies such as So Young and Old Boys: the Way of the Dragon.

Do You Need Help With Your Marketing?

StrategyDriven Online Marketing and Website Development Article, Do You Need Help With Your Marketing?

Marketing is one of the central processes in the running of any business. If the marketing is done in the right way, then the business itself is going to be a success. However, if it is not right, you never know what fate might befall the company. But perfecting interactive marketing is a real challenge. There could be many times when you find you need help with it. It’s helpful to know for sure when you need that help, so that you can seek it out in time and make the most of it. In this post, we’ll look at a few of the clearest signs that you might need some help with your marketing.

Your Sales Are Low

One of the surest signs that you might need to consult a marketing agency is that you just aren’t shifting any products. Most businesses experience the occasional dip in sales, and that can be the result of a number of different things. But sometimes marketing is the problem, and it’s good to be aware of when that is so. Even if that is not the reason, you will find that improving your marketing is going to make a huge difference to how many products you sell, and for that reason it is absolutely worth looking into anyway. If you feel that you could be selling more, take a look at your marketing and see whether you might need any help with it. That alone could well be enough.

A Weak Brand

As a business, you need to have a strong brand which people can immediately recognize and relate to. This is central to keeping your business in line with what you want to achieve, and it is one of the things that you are going to want to keep an eye on throughout your business. However, if you have come to realize that your brand is actually relatively unclear, then you might find that it is necessary to step back and allow some marketing experts to take a look at it. If they can improve your brand in any way, you are bound to find that this will improve your marketing generally, and the performance of your business.

You Don’t Have The Time

Marketing well takes time, and if you just know that you don’t have the time, then that is one of the things that you are going to need to think about. That means that you will benefit greatly from giving your marketing over to the professionals. It is a good idea to make sure that you bear that in mind when the issue of time management crops up and becomes hard to bear. By giving the work to someone else, you can keep your eyes on the prize in other places, and hopefully it will all come together in a business that is functioning much more accurately and expertly.

With an awareness of when you need to get help, you will be able to keep the business operating much more efficiently. Consider this early on if you want to make a big difference in your company.

9 Airbnb Property Management Tips Every Host Should Know

StrategyDriven Managing Your Business Article |Airbnb|9 Airbnb Property Management Tips Every Host Should KnowMaybe you have a spare room available? Perhaps you own an additional apartment in the city? Whatever the case may be, you’re looking to put it on Airbnb.

The only problem is: you have no idea what you’re doing. So, now you’re scouring the web, looking for Airbnb property management advice. Fortunately, you’ve found it.

Without further remark, here are 10 tips every host should know.

1. Take High-Quality Photographs of Your Property

One of the keys to consistently renting out an Airbnb property is to take high-quality pictures. The better you can make your property look online, the more inviting you’ll make it to prospective lodgers.

Now, while you might be able to take decent pictures with your phone, the wiser option might be to hire a professional. Yes, it will cost you some money. However, if it results in consistent lodging, it will pay for itself many times over.

2. Engage With Prospective Lodgers

Another way to draw in potential lodgers is to engage with them in a respectful, prompt, and pleasant manner. The more comfortable a prospective lodger becomes with you, the more comfortable he or she will feel in renting out your property.

Reply to reviews on the Airbnb app, answer your phone whenever it rings, and, if you can, spend some time with your lodgers when they arrive. A unique personal touch can take your property over the top, allowing you to charge more money and attract a higher quality of lodger.

3. Get the Price Right

One of the most important aspects of renting out an Airbnb property is to get its price right. If you charge too much, you will fail to bring in lodgers on a consistent basis. This will, of course, result in you losing money.

Remember: most Airbnb users opt for it as a cheaper alternative to a hotel. So, unless your property possesses hotel-caliber quality, you’re going to want to price it substantially lower than a typical hotel in your area.

If you really want to get the price right, you could consider utilizing an online Airbnb pricing tool. These tools intake a variety of information about the property and then devise a rental price based on that information. You can find them online by searching for something to the effect of “Airbnb pricing tool”.

4. Hire a Cleaner

One of the pains of owning an Airbnb property is cleaning your Airbnb. After all, depending on the temperament of your lodgers, it could end up anywhere from mildly dirty to downright unsightly. In any case, maintenance will be needed.

As such, it’s often a good idea for Airbnb owners to hire professional cleaners. Hiring a professional will cost you some money, but will also allow you time to live your life and handle other important aspects of your property.

5. Put a Lockbox on the Property

At some point, you’re going to have to let your lodgers into your Airbnb property. Of course, to do this, you’ll have to provide them with keys.

This is where a lockbox can come in handy. By attaching a lockbox to your property, you provide access to your lodgers without ever having to meet them in person. This makes the process convenient both for you and for your lodgers, as they won’t have to worry about waiting around for you.

A lockbox costs $10 to $25. This is a small price to pay for convenience and freedom.

6. Brush Up on the Law

When it first hit the scene, Airbnb had very little regulation surrounding it. As you might expect, this has changed. Now, depending on the municipality in which the property is located, it could be heavily regulated.

As such, it’s important that you brush up on the Airbnb-related regulations in your area. Most of the necessary information can be found online. However, if need be, you shouldn’t hesitate to contact your local government.

7. Offer Amenities

While you don’t necessarily need to stock your Airbnb property with TVs, coffee, WiFi, and other such amenities, you would be well-served by doing so. Most lodgers are expecting these amenities, and are bound to leave a bad review if they’re not provided.

And you don’t have to stop at the basics. If you really want to impress your lodgers, you could leave them complementary foods or beverages as well. A free bottle of champagne, for example, could put lodgers in a grateful mood, upping your reputation on the platform.

8. Utilize Accounting Software

Managing an Airbnb property is owning a business. As such, property managers must act like business owners.
One of the major responsibilities of business owners is financial accounting. If they don’t keep accurate books, business owners can be audited and sued by the IRS.

This is why, as a business owner, you need to utilize accounting software. Accounting software will help you to keep your finances organized, ensuring that everything is on the up and up.

9. Find a Mentor

Running an Airbnb for the first time isn’t easy. This isn’t just a matter of having someone stay at one of your properties. Running an Airbnb is a serious business, and is therefore complex.

Because of this, it’s a good idea for new Airbnb property managers to find mentors: individuals who have managed Airbnb properties before and know what they’re doing. A mentor can show you the ropes, helping to forge your rental property into a success.

Mentors can be found everywhere. You might have a friend with Airbnb experience, for instance. If not, you might have to utilize the services of a professional.

Need Help With Airbnb Property Management?

Do you still need help with Airbnb property management? Looking for a professional mentor? If so, we here at StrategyDriven are the people to see.

Our team helps small business owners hone their business management skills, providing guidance and insight throughout the startup process. Together, we’ll turn your property into a success.

Contact us now to utilize our services!

Three No-Brainer Outsourcing Opportunites for Growing Businesses

StrategyDriven Managing Your Business Article |Business Expansion|Three No-Brainer Outsourcing Opportunites for Growing BusinessesIs your growing business falling behind your competitors because you’re stretched too thin? Entrepreneurs know better than anybody that there are only so many hours in a day. If you’re spending too many of them attempting to manage your whole operation and too few of them doing the creative thinking and growth-oriented work required to take your business further, you need to think about outsourcing.

If you’d like to outsource the most draining aspects of your operation in the hope of a hassle free business expansion, this list of the most widely utilized outsourcing options will help you make up your mind.

Let Nerds Handle Your IT

The word ‘nerd’ is hardly an insult these days, as coders and IT professionals have all but taken over the world! Managed IT is making its mark on the small-to-medium sized business environment, and for good reason. Research has shown that over half of small to medium-sized businesses are outsourcing at least some of their IT requirements, while a further third would like to in the near future. The benefits are huge. Aside from the peace of mind that you get from handing over responsibility for your systems and sensitive data to experts, you also stand to save as much as 40% compared to hiring your own full-time IT team. IT services are also a great option for growing companies who need to be able to scale their operations at short notice in response to increased demand.

Hit the Snooze Button on Payroll

Let’s be honest: doing payroll is not fun. There is a lot of technical detail and compliance to get your head around, and if you make a mistake, it’s your team who suffers, and that’s the last thing you want. Many small businesses find HR and tax compliance a complete headache until the happy day that they opt to outsource their payroll needs. Handing over this highly complex work to skilled professionals—or at least investing in specialized software—is well known to drastically improve your compliance stats and reduce your operating costs. It’s worth pointing out that the savings are not small change, either: businesses that outsource their payroll needs typically save 20% more than companies that handle payroll in-house. No brainer, right? Add to the savings the increased trust you stand to build within your team, as payroll mistakes and accounting errors are ruled out for good, and you’d be crazy not to take advantage of this outsourcing option as soon as you have the means.

Content Marketing

Otherwise known as blogging, content marketing is taking the SME word by storm. If your business does not have a blog yet, you are missing out. Why? Because not only will your blog supercharge your Search Engine Optimization (SEO) efforts, but it can help you to build a solid relationship with your customer. It can also position your business as a credible source of key info on the issues your audience cares about, thus fostering brand trust and enhancing the reputation of your company in the wider arena. A blog is also extremely handy for HR and recruitment purposes, as it provides an excellent way for potential new employees to get a flavour of what working for you will be like.

When business is getting busier by the day, handling everything yourself is not likely to be the answer. Depending on your needs, outsourcing could be the ideal solution. These ideas will help you find the right service for your business.