6 Main Stakeholders That Guarantee Business Success

StrategyDriven Entrepreneurship Article |Stakeholders|6 Main Stakeholders That Guarantee Business SuccessThe success of every business lies in the hands of its stakeholders. Therefore, you have to be careful with the way you treat each of them if you want to take your brand to the next level. For instance, have a CRM software will make sure that your business is focusing more on social connections and collaboration and not individual performance. All players must embrace one another to make sure that the business succeeds. Here are the key stakeholders that will make sure that your business succeeds.


The sign-off from the higher-ups will make sure that the company has the right technology in place. The business leaders will also change the brand’s approach to customer relationship management, productivity definitions, employee goals, and corporate culture among others. These changes should also encompass instilling the ‘open door’ policy so that employees at all levels can engage with the executive managers. The executives should be leaders on social by using technology to embrace new ideas and share information. You cannot transform your business unless the executives have the right attitude.

The Tech Team

The IT team play a critical role in the process of deployment. These experts integrate the social media tools and the other business technologies that your organization has. The IT team will also help you to evaluate costs, management, and training needs for any new services and software.

The Legal Department

A business is a legal entity and hence may require legal representation from time to time. You need well trained and highly experienced lawyers to help in crafting contracts for employees. Some disputes end up in court, and you will require lawyers to give you legal representation. Most businesses leaders will tell you that it is tricky to hire a full legal department because of the associated costs. You can outsource some of these services to professionals whenever a need arises. You need to choose a lawyer depending on the type of lawsuit that you are pursuing. Law Offices of Tad Nelson & Associates can help you, especially when dealing with criminal offenders in the workplace.

Human Resources

HR comes in handy when you want to change the way you compensate and motivate your employees. The team also helps you to set appropriate policies like the way you use social media in the workplace. You also need to involve HR in training of new technology like the cultural and social mores.


Your workers are the ones that will be using the social media tools that you deploy in your organization. These workforces will also be dealing with your customers directly to help you achieve the overall goals of your organization. Therefore, you have to empower your employees in the best way possible so that they can offer exemplary services to your customers. Give them the tools of trade that they need to carry out their daily tasks with the highest level of precision. You also need to pay your employees well so that they will not be seeking for greener pastures.

The other business stakeholders include suppliers, investors, business partners among others. Make sure that you are handling everyone well for great business success.

Top Tips for Entrepreneurial Success

StrategyDriven Entrepreneurship Article |Business Success|Top Tips for Entrepreneurial SuccessAre you a business owner? If yes, there are some tips that you need to make sure that your business succeeds. In this article, we will give you some of the top tips that you need for business success. You need to apply them according to the nature of your industry and business.

Keep Your Big Vision in the Sight

Having a big vision will take your brand far. Things will always go wrong on your success path but keeping a big vision will play a critical role in steering your way back to the unbeaten path. The course may not be what you imagined, but your vision will become the north star that will help you to navigate through the dark moments. The vision acts as the celestial beacon, compass, and foundation that will light your way forward.

Perseverance Will Fuel Your Vision

Perseverance goes hand in hand with a big vision if you want to move forward. There are times when your business will be low, but you need to endure to the end. Things may be tough on your entrepreneurial path, but you should commit to moving forward. You have to overcome the fear and discomfort of taking the next step. Such perseverance will surely make sure that you succeed.

Maintain a Safe and Clean Working Environment

High levels of hygiene will give your customers, employees, and other stakeholders the peace of mind. It is one of the best business success tips that you cannot overlook. Hire a reputable cleaning company to help you in maintaining high hygiene standards in your office. Besides, you will need Barrier Pest Control in Boise, ID to make sure that you have no destructive creatures in your working environment.

Prepare a Plan, but be Flexible

You need a clear plan for your business. The plan should also have the relevant marketing outline to succeed. It will help you break the whole journey in simple steps so that you can track your progress. You will also be able to track the main landmarks that you get on the road ahead. The plan acts as a basic instruction manual and will hold the entrepreneur accountable to some specific numbers. Flexibility will give you the freedom to alter the course of action where necessary.

Embrace Your Expertise

If you are good at doing something, you have to embrace it. You cannot be a master of everything in your business. Sign contracts with agencies or hire out those things that you cannot do. Focus on your strengths and allow experts to work on the other aspects of your business. Don’t be a jack of all trades and a master of none at the same time.

Do Not Reinvent the Wheel

Look at what is already working in the business models of other players within your industry. You can emulate some of these practices instead of creating new ones for yourself. For instance, don’t waste time and money trying to create new systems when you can buy one for your business and install. You can also make mistakes when trying to build your business systems.

How To Be Taken Seriously As A New Startup Owner

Times are tough for new startup owners. Not only do they have to compete with the bigger businesses on the block, but they also have to contend with the myriad other startup owners beginning in business, each one hoping to be the next big thing in whatever industry they are venturing into. Challenges await.

Should you be a new startup owner, you have a long way to go before you find true success. It doesn’t happen overnight, and to get there, you need to find ways to be taken seriously by others. From clients to potential business partners, you need to know that there is no room for unprofessionalism if you want others to appreciate you and get on board with what you have to offer.

You need to be passionate about your business. If you’re half-hearted about it, other people will notice and possibly ignore you. So, in the way you talk about your business to others, in the way you market your product or service, and in the way you act on a daily basis, make it clear that you have faith in what you are doing. Because if you can show this faith, other people will get on board with what you have to offer and develop faith in your business.

You need to make a good first impression. They say that people judge us within five seconds of meeting us, so be mindful of first impressions in the way you tackle your business. When you’re meeting a new client, make the effort to dress smartly, and turn up on time. Take advantage of the business resources available to you to enhance your credibility, using professional looking invoice templates, for example, instead of quickly drafting up something yourself. And do your homework about the industry you are getting involved in, so when you’re networking with potential clients or investors for the first time, you will be taken seriously because you are able to speak with authority.

You need to be honest about your weaknesses. You don’t need to be able to do everything within your business. Many startup owners attempt to tackle everything themselves because they don’t want to appear weak and thus lose credibility. But this is where they fall, because in the areas where they are weakest, others will notice because of the lack of quality given. To be taken seriously, you need to confront your weaknesses and do something about them. Train yourself up if you need to or outsource aspects of your business to others. You will then be able to give your clients and customers quality work, and that will enhance your credibility.

You need to find a mentor. As a new startup owner, you won’t know everything about the industry you are involved in. There is the potential for mistakes and wrong turns as you navigate your way through your first few months in business. But if you can find somebody with more experience than you to give you advice and support, you are less likely to make any blunders and consequently, hinder your reputation. You will also have somebody with credibility in business, so if they publicly show faith in you, then others might look upon you more favorably in the process.

Final word

To succeed in business, you need to find ways to be taken seriously when you’re just out of the starting gate. With competition around you, there isn’t a lot of room for mistakes and bad first impressions. Follow our suggestions then to give you a fighting chance, and continue to do your research online for other ways to enhance your credibility as you strive to be taken seriously in business.

Key Steps To A Successful Business Strategy

StrategyDriven Strategic Planning Article |Business Plan| Key Steps To A Successful Business StrategyBefore opening the doors to your new business, you need to make sure you have a plan of action and a set of goals in place. If you don’t have an end game in mind, you’re going to have a disorganized, chaotic mess of a business.

Write a Mission Statement

This sounds like a piece of cake, but this is instrumental to defining what your business is all about. It needs to be crafted in a way that is clear and conscise to the readers. This is your way of showing your customers what you are trying to achieve in this business. Your guiding values will be outlined to show how business decisions are being made. Without having this vision, your company will run the risk of becoming distracted and having the train steer off of the tracks.

Creating a Strategy Plan

As StrategyDriven discusses on their website, “Not only does a compelling, well executed strategy align individuals to a common purpose, it ensures that purpose best serves the company’s mission.” The key message in there is having a group of individuals all on the same page with a common purpose. Everyone knows the company’s goal. This company provides an array of online tools to help businesses develop a strategy plan and how to properly implement them.

Your company’s strategy plan can be written with long term expectations or short term expectations. This plan should identify the steps needed to achieve the company’s mission. It is probably in the best interest of the business to write short term expectations with such a fast, evolving world. Things change constantly, so it is important to plan for the short term to lead to longer term success.

Strategic Implementation

You have your strategy plan in place, so now what? It is time to carefully implement your strategic plan. This is where you define “how” the strategic plan will be implemented and “who” will be responsible for implementing it. It is key that people have clearly defined roles at this stage of the process.

In Essential Steps to a Successful Strategy Implementation Process, they identify the key basic activities needed to implement your strategy.

  • Establishment of annual objectives
  • Fomulation of polices for execution of strategies
  • Allocation of resources
  • Actual performance of tasks and activities
  • Leading and controlling the performance of activities or tactics in various levels of the organization

The entire team of staff members are needed for these activites to be successfully implemented. From senior management to the general management team, everyone needs to be on the same page to begin this implementation.

Allocation of Resources

Of course, it goes without saying that money is needed to begin any successful business. In your strategic plan, it is essential to determine the amount of resources that will be needed to follow through on your objectives. Money may need to be allocated for resources such as document scanning, computers, staff, and understanding if you financially will have enough time to see the implementation all the way through. The worst thing that can happen if that you run out of money before your business can really pick up any momentum. This is something that needs to be clearly defined and studied in your action plan.

Structuring Your Business

Establishing a clear cut chain of command is essential for your business. People need to know their responsibilities and who they are to report to. You don’t want to have your employees confused as to who is responsible for what. It also needs to be stated the importance of clear and open lines of communication. Everyone from the top to the bottom should feel comfortable speaking to someone about a problem or any questions they may have. This will help to facilitate the flow of your strategy plan.

Creating a Great Working Environment

One thing that seems to get overlooked when starting a new business is understanding the importance of establishing a strong work culture. You want your employees to enjoy coming to work every day and helping to positively spread the message of your company. A cohesive unit all working towards a common goal will lead to ultimate success. But, as a business owner, you should be establishing your business culture from day one. There should be incentives for employees as well as sanctions for any mistakes that happen. People should know what they are accountable for and feel comfortable to speak with anyone if they have any concerns. The cultural expectations should be followed by every member of the business.

Businesses should have programs in place to support employees. The proper training needs to be implemented from day one. There should be a training program for all new employees before ever starting the job. This is where you can clearly establish your policies and show off the culture that you’ve created in your business.

Employees and customers should also be able to comfortably provide feedback to help improve the organization. Knowing ahead of time that mistakes can happen and having plans in place to help fix the mistakes should also be established.

In Conclusion

Starting up a business is a huge endeavor. But, knowing the importance of having a full action plan in place before ever starting your business is the first step to success moving forward. Don’t be afraid to let your guard down and ask for help from experienced companies that provide the business support that you need. It just makes perfect sense to communicate with companies that have found success and create a similar model to theirs. Utilize the many online business consulting firms available and create a business that others will consider to be a model business in the future.

The Important Reasons Why You Need an API Integration Platform

StrategyDriven Managing Your Business Article |API Integration| The Important Reasons Why You Need an API Integration PlatformAPIs are a necessary part of every IT infrastructure for modern enterprises. It isn’t just a matter of whether APIs are required, but how many are needed, and how can they be published and created. More than 16,500 APIs exist today, and that number is just the tip of the iceberg. Most organizations have a lot of different options available to them, especially when it comes to creating and implementing APIs. However, among the choices, only one stands head and shoulders above everyone else– the API integration platform.

There are several reasons why modern-day businesses require an API integration platform. We are going to highlight some of the most important ones. These include the following:

Help Enhance Team Productivity

API Integration platforms are extremely effective in boosting productivity for members of the IT department, especially developers and coders. It helps in better time management, as hours can be spent fixing, overseeing, managing, and creating APIs, instead of anything else.

API integration platforms help make a difference for other departments as well. It helps develop stacks but also allows non-technical teams to manage and create APIs as well.

Easier Connection to Cloud Apps

There are thousands of cloud apps in existence today and this technology has become a vital part of every enterprise. Forbes conducted a survey in 2016, which found that even the most basic organization was using at least 6 cloud apps. APIs are the best way to connect with cloud apps. A lot of legacy integration technology, such as enterprise service buses (ESBs), has been designed in the on-premise era, and they tend to struggle when they need to support API-connectivity behind the firewall.

Most apps have shifted towards the cloud. It doesn’t make sense anymore to house the platform, which could connect clouds behind the firewall. An API integration platform can be easily used to connect with modern cloud APIs.

Meet the Demands of Modern-Day Apps and Tools

Finance departments in modern-day enterprises have a lot of different tasks that must be handled by various teams. It includes everything from insurance payouts, taxes, billing, and accounts payable. Even though there are various tools available that can easily handle all the tasks in the finance department, choosing that solution is both expensive and not good at all.

A lot of departments, which include 96% of finance and account teams, create their own solutions and assemble their own platforms by using apps and tools that handle data sets and specific tasks. An API integration platform allows departments to easily connect with the best tools and apps available. This helps them replace inadequate and all-encompassing options with a highly effective and sleek stack.

Create New APIs Easily and Quickly

You only had two main options if you required an API, which meant that you could either build one from scratch or use one that was available in the market. There were problems in both scenarios because acquiring an API from an outside source meant it could have limited use or functionality. It isn’t ideal to build one from scratch as well since it is a difficult and time-consuming process.
However, API integration platforms provide a third option, where you can build an API from integration with only a click of a button. This will not only help you save money and time but also allow you to take full advantage of all your investments in technology.

Greater Ease in Composing New Apps

Did you know that Instagram had only 13 employees when Facebook bought it in 2012? WhatsApp also had only 55 employees when Facebook purchased it in 2014. So how did these corporations manage to build such widely successful apps with small teams? They managed to do so because of APIs.

An API integration platform can make a world of difference in such a case, as it allows businesses to create their own APIs for internal uses. Businesses can also extract data from older databases and servers easily by reusing workflows and business logic that works.

Most popular apps are constructed from existing technology that is combined to create unique APIs. Social media technology and photo filters used to exist before Instagram, but they used APIs to package them together in a completely different manner. Composing new apps can be done in the same manner, as teams can use an API integration platform to quickly connect with disparate technology and expose existing integrations as microservices or APIs for bringing new apps into the market.

Making Teams More Strategic

Organizations that create APIs manually must have IT staff and a team of developers to ensure everything is running smoothly. Most enterprises that don’t have integrated or concrete stacks tend to hire staff members for handling one or two apps. An API integration platform allows teams of developers to focus all their efforts on strategic projects, and there are fewer people required for keeping all departments productive.

Helps Manage API Individually

The maintenance and oversight of API will fall on IT staff members and developers in the business, even if the API was built by a third-party. As it becomes more common to use APIs, tracking all of them can be time-consuming and exhausting. This is where an API integration platform makes a world of difference since it helps reduce the administrative burden. It also simplifies the overview, management, and security processes.

High-Level of Support

It doesn’t matter whether the APIs were created by third parties or the business itself. When it comes to acquiring help, businesses don’t have many options. APIs created by third parties may have documentation and guides, but it can be difficult to get in touch with Amazon or Google if you have any specific queries.

On the other hand, API integration platform providers have in-house experts who will offer a high level of support that allows businesses to maximize their IT investments and APIs. This is what ends up making the difference for most businesses and is the reason why you should also be considering getting an API integration platform.