Local Marketing Tips For Beginners

StrategyDriven Entrepreneurship Article |Marketing for Local Business|Local Marketing Tips For Beginners For a local business, one of the more difficult things you will have to do is market for your business and make the best possible impression with your audience. When it comes to marketing for a local business you are limited to the reach of your venture and this is why it is time for you to think about some creative methods to make an impression this year. Today we are taking a look at some of the things which you need to do this year.

1.Host a Forum

When you are marketing a business for a local town or city it isn’t the same as working for an international brand. There are a lot of differences when it comes to the way we think about marketing for a business like this, and the other businesses in your area will be more likely to be open to help you with your plan. By creating a Facebook group or forum for local business owners, you can brainstorm ways to market yourself and also ways which you can help each other gain exposure and work together. Have a think of doing this and you can create a collaborative team who will help each other with their work.

2. Trade Shows

One sure fire way to make a lasting impression on your audience is to see them face to face and talk to them. A great way which you can do this is to look for local trade shows on google and other events and make sure to attend as a brand and even attend as an individual. This is something which can have a big impact on you as a brand because you will be able to speak to people in person and form those real bonds with them.

3. Refer

Collaborating with other businesses is a huge thing if you want to be successful as a brand, and one of the ways which you can do this is speak to other local businesses at a trade show and see how you can work together. By coming up with an arrangement where you work to refer each other to customers can make a big impact on your success as a brand and it will allow you to gain a whole new audience.

4. Collaborate

If you want to work with another business and take things even further today, one of the things which you can do is create a product or a service in collaboration with another business. This is a great way to mutually benefit you both and you can gain a lot of followers and supporters from doing this, which is a super handy thing to do as a small business.

5. Hand Out Flyers

A super simple and cost effective way for you to make an impression with your followers would be to hand out flyers and make sure that you can grab the attention of people in the area. You can even ask local shops and buildings to let you display a flyer or two on their counters or walls. It might cost you a little money but it will be worth it for the local exposure you will get.

6. Send Handwritten Letters

If you are a small business starting out in your local town you will also want to think about making an impression and showing some unique appreciation to your customers. For example for a local artist, when people order your artwork, you can include a handwritten letter in the package which expresses how grateful you are for the support and maybe a little anecdote about how you created the piece of art in question. People really appreciate it when you add the effort into things and this is something which will propel you above anyone else in the area.

7. Have a Suggestion Box

As a new business in your local area you will want to have a think about ways which you can improve your services and products to fit your audience. One of the ways you can find out which changes to make is to create a suggestion box which will allow your customers to share their opinions with you. You can then take a look at this and use your knowledge to create a business which pleases as many people as you possibly can.

8. Use Business Cards

Business cards are always a great thing to use as a small business, and if you can create stunning cards you will be able to make a great impression with your audience and this will have a profound effect on your ability to succeed. Giving out your business card with your products and after providing a service will allow your business card to make its way into people’s houses and this can help you in the future as they will choose you the next time they need a product or service.

9. Use Postcards

One of the things you can do when marketing for a local business is use Google Maps Marketing and create a radius around your location to reach all of the people within a certain number of miles of you. One of the things which can be great is to create postcards to show off your business or share a promotion and post these to all of the people in your local area. It is cheap to send things with the post and it can be an effective marketing tool.

10. Write Articles

A blog can be a great way to pull the interest of people in your local area and beyond and it will allow your business to gain a larger online presence. Think about creating a blog and starting to write articles about your products and things which you are passionate about. Sparking a conversation online like this will gain you some exposure and help you to gain followers.

11. Hang Posters

On a tree, at a pub, in a bar… find as many places as you can in your local area where you will be allowed to hang a poster to share an event or promotion. This is a pretty cheap thing for you to do and it can make all the difference for you if you are trying to gain a real audience and some new customers this year.

12. Community

Join in at a community fair or a fundraiser and make sure that you become a recognised part of the community. If for example you are a company who makes cakes and other treats, you could have a stall at the local fair and give your profits to charity, and you could provide snacks and treats to athletes after a sporting event in the local area. Showing your face and being able to show that you care is great for your brand.

13. Sponsorship

As a business one of the things which you can do is sponsor a sporting event or a team in your local area. This is something which can be great for you because you will be helping out some local people but you will also be able to get your logo onto team shirts and marketing which increases your brand exposure.

14. Host a Giveaway

If you have a new product coming out which you want to drum up interest for, a simple way to do this is host a giveaway where you will give one lucky winner a free product. This contest can be done in whatever way you want and it will make all the difference to you as a brand as you start to gain exposure in the local area and beyond.

15. Public Speaking

For a new company who is looking to gain some exposure in the local area, one thing which can be helpful for you to do is speak in public and visit local community spaces. You could host an event at a library where you share your ideas for your business and show off products, visit schools to give demonstrations and even open spaces such as parks. There are many ways for you to gain exposure in the local area and this can be a huge benefit to you as a brand.

16. Get Social

Social media is a huge part of our lives and if you want to be as successful as you can this year, nailing your social media presence is a must. Take a look at some of the ways that you can share hints on social media and gain a following of local people who are loyal to you. You can join local Facebook groups to share things about your business and get advice, and you can share your day to day Work on social media stories to help people feel more involved in your life. Anything you can share about yourself and your company on social media will help people feel closer to you and this will help your business to succeed in the end.

5 Ways Retailers Can Increase Sales

StrategyDriven Managing Your Business Article |Retail Sales|5 Ways Retailers Can Increase SalesIf your business has experienced a dip in sales, the first thing you must do is research why this might be. Even if it is seasonal, it’s a good idea to get a sense of what can be done to give yourself a boost to make up for the temporary loss. Researching your company’s weak spots is incredibly useful not only for sluggish sales but also to ensure your company’s longevity in the future.

Ask for feedback

There’s nothing more irritating than experiencing a dip in sales, particularly if you’re not entirely certain as to why. One of the biggest focuses any business should have is their engagement with their customers. Good customer engagement and service will leave visitors feeling as if they were listened to and valued, rather than completely undervalued. Asking your visitors and customers for feedback might illuminate some problems with your branding or sales technique you didn’t realize you had.

Develop a marketing strategy

At the center of any business’s sales strategy should be their marketing strategy: this will affect how your business is perceived and how far it reaches among online and real-life audiences. While it’s always good to rely on customer engagement and service to ensure good word-of-mouth, marketing ensures that your reputation spreads much further. Using specialized auto sales events can not only help with your campaign but also hold unique events to promote your business, generating sales through networking and direct communication.

Add discounts and freebies

If you have a solid customer base and are either looking to retain their loyalty or bring in a new swathe of visitors, offering unique discounts can help drive this. It’s said that offering complimentary services can help drive sales and attracts brand new clients to your business.

Showcase your benefits

What can people truly gain by using your service instead of anyone else’s? It’s been found that customers are more drawn to specific benefits rather than actual product features. As part of your new marketing strategy, it’s a good idea to focus on this, rather than what each product specifically features. Driving this message across your social media platforms and in person should help promote how you, as a company, can personally benefit visitors.

Tactical pricing

How you price your products should involve a little research. If your business has nearby competitors, you may want to offer a price that is a little more affordable to passing customers. Providing the same service that is much cheaper will encourage people to spend their money with you, rather than a pricier competitor. Similarly, however, if you are undervaluing a product, increasing the cost of it may help to boost your revenue without a solid push on sales.

In order to drive sales, you will first need to put yourself in the shoes of the customer. You’ll want to reassess how your company appeals to the everyday person and what can be improved. At the center of this should be a robust marketing and sales strategy.

Tips on Starting a Business Before Gaining US Citizenship

StrategyDriven Entrepreneurship Article|Starting a Business| Tips on Starting a Business Before Gaining US CitizenshipMost people can do business in the United States, whether they are located or based abroad or not. However, there are advantages that come with owning a U.S. based business. It can be easier to gain buyer confidence when you own a domestic U.S. based company as well as when all business takes place within the continental United States. At the same time, anyone who is not a U.S. citizen will have a harder time establishing a business here. Read these tips for starting a business in the United States long before you become a naturalized citizen.

Consult with and Retain an Attorney

Immigration in the United States is neither a fast or cheap process. You can count on it taking a minimum of two to three years to become a citizen, and that is only if you are on the fast track. Most people interested in going into business are unwilling to wait years before they can get started domestically. An immigration lawyer can tell you more about business and employment laws in the U.S. and how you might be impacted because of your current immigration status. There are visas available for people wanting to work in the U.S. legally. Getting permission or authorization to set up a business here simply requires you to have your attorney file the right petitions and give you sound advice.

Start Your Business with a U.S. Citizen

Beyond needing to have certain types of identification in order to even be able to apply for a business loan in the U.S., banks follow a fairly rigid structure. In many ways, getting business credit is even harder than building personal credit. In fact, business credit is largely based on personal business credit scores, and if you are a non-U.S. citizen, your credit file is going to be fairly sparse. You can get your business off the ground easier if you partner up with a United States citizen. Yes, going into business with someone else always comes with risks, but this would be the case regardless of where you decided to establish your company. In the event that you want to get faster financing for your company through traditional means, partner with a trusted friend or relative who is a U.S. citizen.

Pay Attention to Changes in Immigration Law

In the U.S., immigration reform is a topic that is constantly being talked about. Each election cycle, there are promises of rules being changed and processes being revamped. While a lot of this talk is aimed at illegal immigration, there are various examples of valid visa holders being impacted by sweeping reforms. The entire way that the H1B1 visa works is impacting hundreds of thousands of visa holders, their spouses and families. Now that ICE is targeting more businesses, employers have to be even more careful during the hiring process. Just know where you stay immigration wise and talk to a legal professional about how any changes in law will have an effect on your business.

If you want to establish a business in the U.S., first learn if you authorized to do so. You might need to submit some forms and even wait a few weeks from the government for an official response. At the end of the day, if you ensure that you have lawfully formed your business, it can never be taken from you.

How to Stop Thinking Negatively About Your Business

StrategyDriven Entrepreneurship Article|Working on Your Business| How to Stop Thinking Negatively About Your BusinessAs a business owner, it’s only natural that you want your company to be successful. However, overthinking and setting unattainable goals can have a negative impact on your mental health. Here are a few ways to help you stop thinking negatively about your business.

Set Realistic Goals

Whether you’re a fully established business or you are just starting out, it’s important to set goals that are attainable. If you try and take on too much at once, this can cause your mind to go into overdrive, leaving you with negative thoughts. You must remember that in order for your business to stay successful, you should be realistic with what you can achieve. Success doesn’t happen overnight so there’s no shame in starting off slow, which gives you time to work on a business plan that can keep your company on track.

Don’t Compare Yourself to Others

While a little competition can be beneficial to your business, overthinking and comparing your business to others can have a damaging effect. Instead of looking at what your competitors are doing, you should focus on your own company and think of ways that can help your business stand out from the crowd. Whether a rival business has more clients or interest, you should focus on what you can do to help improve your company.

Be Thankful

It’s important to be grateful for what your business has already achieved. It can be easy to forget about all your past accomplishments, and instead, constantly strive for more. You need to get into a zone where you can be patient and happy with your work output. Make sure to enjoy the journey that you are on and have some fun along the way too. Being thankful and proud of the success you have already experienced can make a huge difference. Make sure to check out Raymond Neuberger where you can find more information on positive thinking and how to destroy negative thoughts.

Break Your Goals Down

Similar to achieving realistic goals, you should break down what you have set out to achieve, which can help you enormously. If you are focused on reaching some big number, the chances are you are going to feel exhausted, overworked, and full of negative thoughts. If you aren’t working to the best of your ability, it’s likely that you won’t reach the goals you have in place.

Have Some Time for Yourself

The pressures of running a business can take its toll. Therefore, allowing yourself some time away from the office to do a hobby or some exercise can do wonders for your mental and physical health. Having work on your mind 24/7 will drive you mad, so whether you want to try out a sport or go for a short trip away, you need to remember that your health comes first, so finding ways to reduce stress can be hugely beneficial.

Maintaining a positive attitude towards your work can help your business stay on the right track. Everybody makes mistakes so try to learn from where you go wrong rather than throwing in the towel. Keeping upbeat and having motivation can go a long way and ensure your business remains successful.

Four Crucial Elements for Any Successful Website

StrategyDriven Online Marketing and Website Development Article|Website Design | Four Crucial Elements for Any Successful WebsiteFor nearly thirty years, businesses and individuals alike have utilized the internet to project their thoughts, desires, and projects to the rest of the world. Over this time, the nature of the internet has evolved dramatically: there’s probably no better illustration of this evolution than the functionality and aesthetics of most websites.

Used for everything from gossip and personal blogs to major online marketplaces, the look and feel of a website has morphed considerably over the years. In addition, there are more brands, blogs, and businesses operating online than ever before: as such, any target audience has an unprecedented number of choices for their news, information, products or services.

Building the very best website possible – one that is functional, user-friendly, aesthetically pleasing, and usable across all devices – is crucial. To guide webmasters, bloggers, and others in the right direction, let’s take a look at four elements in particular that are crucial for successful websites.

Quality Hosting Services

An incredible amount of time and energy goes into building high-quality web infrastructures. While a simple website can be deployed in as little as a few minutes, a significant and formidable presence that can dominate within one or more niches takes countless hours to perfect. All too often, efforts are focused on building these vital components – but the ingredients for a successful website begin long before the first page is even created.

The selection of a hosting provider plays a huge role in the long-term viability of any website. Elements such as bandwidth and storage obviously matter – especially as a website grows – but just as important is the overall speed and security of a hosting provider. Since there is a direct correlation between page speed and search engine ranking position, generating organic visibility largely revolves around having a website that is fast. Additionally, most users will not wait around forever on your pages to load; they’ll simply look somewhere else.

There are several different hosting solutions available, depending on specific needs. Shared hosting, the most common and affordable solution, can be right for many websites when specific providers are carefully researched. Dedicated hosting is the most expensive and arguably the most reliable option, with a dedicated server utilized for each specific website. A good mixture of the two, VPS hosting helps provide additional speed and storage without having to share resources with a plethora of other websites. To learn more about these hosting provider options, check out these details.

User-Friendly Interface

If people cannot easily access and navigate a website, then its utility is practically zero. Once a tentative web infrastructure is deployed, focusing on improving the user interface is the next item on the list for success. There are numerous technical and aesthetic elements within this broader dynamic to be considered, and plenty of trial and error will be needed to produce the ideal outcome.

Obviously, design is critical in building a successful website that users can enjoy. Ensuring that the appropriate navigation and link options are placed throughout the site can make a huge difference in reception. A suitable color scheme coupled with tasteful imagery helps tie the virtual fabric of the website together and makes branding much easier. Accentuating vital elements on each page – such as the latest blog posts, social media updates, and email subscription forms – will enhance the cumulative marketing power a website provides.

One other critical element of user-friendliness to consider is a mobile responsive design. With more people now using mobile devices to navigate websites than standard desktop devices, it is in many ways smarter to design websites catering to the former group rather than the latter. However, mobile responsive design can be implemented and used to render the best version and resolution of the website for any and all users, based on the device(s) on which they are browsing.

Ample Content

There are many reasons to launch a website: marketing new products, getting the word out about charitable causes, or simply just broadcasting thoughts and information to those who are interested. These differences can lead to fundamentally different types of websites at first glance, but one core concept is present throughout every successful website on the internet: ample content.

The phrase “content is king” is a well-known statement in the world of digital marketing – and for good reason. Most people are not going to discover your website, brand, products or services without something of interest being presented to them first. The easiest way to do this is to create fun, informative or entertaining content that can be shared via a variety of channels.

Additionally, search engines prioritize content above practically anything else. Websites that tend to rank well in search results have a continuous flow of content being published, and each piece of content tends to be detailed and well written. Even if the focus of a website is to sell products or collect subscribers, generating these conversions is difficult without something non-promotional to attract audiences.

Persistent Marketing Efforts

Even a well-designed website with plenty of content and lightning-fast speeds isn’t likely to draw huge crowds without some effort. To truly unlock the potential of a website, a persistent digital marketing effort must be maintained. This strategy can encompass many different marketing options.

Social media marketing has increasingly become the preferred marketing choice for brands that have the budgets to target specific audiences. As a website grows, email marketing can be used by collecting email addresses from customers and subscribers. Search engine optimization (SEO) revolves around organic exposure by improving rankings in search results. PPC campaigns can also be used to instantly gain exposure in the same sets of search results.

Ultimately, there are dozens of viable and effective marketing strategies that can be used in conjunction with content to promote websites and generate exponentially larger numbers of visitors, purchases, and conversions. Even the biggest brands utilize digital marketing as a way to grow and maintain dominance.

Many, many hours of work must be poured into the construction, maintenance and improvement of successful websites. Through quality content, consistent marketing, reliable hosting services and a user-friendly interface, any brand or individual can piece together the building blocks for a viable and successful digital presence.