The Secret Recipe For Successful Client Meetings

StrategyDriven Marketing and Sales Article |Client Meetings|The Secret Recipe For Successful Client MeetingsClient meetings are a vital part of the business process and if you don’t know how to conduct them properly, you’re going to struggle to close deals and bring in revenue. But holding the perfect client meeting is a difficult thing to do and a lot of business leaders get it wrong. If you’re not closing deals, you’re wasting your time and not seeing any return on that investment. When that starts happening a lot, your business is going to end up in a lot of trouble. To stop that from happening, you just need to follow this recipe for the perfect client meeting.


First off, you need to conduct good research into the client before you meet them. They’re coming to meet with you to determine whether your business can meet their needs and it’s important that you can demonstrate that to them effectively if you’re going to close the sale. You’re never going to be able to do that if you don’t understand those needs in the first place. That’s why you need to research the company and get to know their specific needs inside out. That way, you can tailor a pitch to the client and they’ll be more likely to do business with you. It’s also a good idea to do a bit of research into the particular people that you’re meeting with so you can get a sense of how they like to do business. This will help you to direct the other aspects of the meeting like location and business etiquette.


The next step is the location and this often depends on the client. Some clients like to see exactly what you’ve got to offer, which is why you should meet with them in your office. However, a lot of business leaders shoot themselves in the foot because their office sends the wrong message and puts clients off because it’s outdated and not well maintained. If you find that clients have a negative reaction to the office, it’s worth paying for renovation services to give it a bit of a facelift. They’re making a judgment about your business as soon as they set foot in the door so you need to make sure you give a good first impression.

Listen To Clients

This is a meeting, not a presentation, but a lot of people forget that. If you go in, do your pitch, and then expect them to make a deal without really listening to the client properly, you’re not going to get very far. Make sure that you’re listening to their wants and needs and you take them on board when offering them a deal, otherwise, they won’t go for it.

Next Steps

This is by far the most important thing to remember because if you don’t end the meeting by outlining next steps, you’re never going to close a deal. Before you leave, decide how you’re going to move forward whether that’s by sending them a quote, setting up a further meeting or closing the deal.

If you follow this secret recipe, your client meetings will go smoothly every time and you’ll close a lot more deals.

The Strategy Driven Guide to Improving Your Digital Marketing

StrategyDriven Online Marketing and Website Development Article |Digital Marketing|The Strategy Driven Guide to Improving Your Digital MarketingDigital marketing can be a difficult beast to master. Not only do you have changes made to the technology, trends have never come and gone so fast. More has changed in the last 2 years of marketing than the previous 50, and it’s all thanks to technology, technology integration, and globalization. You have the opportunity to build a true global community for your brand, but only if you work out a solid digital marketing strategy.

The key to a successful digital marketing strategy is to use multiple avenues. The digital world is incredibly connected, and so too should the channels you use and your strategies. Your home page needs to be optimized to make best use of your PPC marketing campaign. Your influencer marketing must coincide with your social media marketing and sales, and so on.

Improving your digital marketing strategy can only be done if you focus on all these key areas:

Optimize Your Website

The first step to improving your entire digital marketing strategy is to improve your website as a whole. This means revamping it so that it is a breeze to use, is beautiful, secure, and the home page is compelling. You want people to go through your website and to either hire your services or buy your products as a result.

To optimize your site you will first want to audit it. Go through and make sure that all the content is up to date, fresh, optimized for search engines, is fun, and reflects your brand. You will also want to check links to make sure they all work and that no page is “lost” – or, in other words, cannot be accessed to via a page link.

Search Engine Optimization

SEO applies to all aspects of your digital marketing strategy. You will want to optimize your on-site content for search engines, you will want to improve your back link profile, and so on. SEO can be a mystery to many business owners, which is why it is best to hire a digital marketing agency that specializes in SEO from the start.

Pay Per Click Marketing

SEO can help you raise the ranks within Google. PPC marketing can put you right at the top. That being said you want to be very careful when it comes to which keywords you use and invest in. The more specific the keyword, the better, but you don’t want to overdo it. You want to instead conduct keyword research so that you make the most out of your budget.

When creating a PPC strategy it is important to remember your home page. Create a call to action that reflects the keyword or keywords you have chosen for your PPC campaign. If you are paying to be at the top of results for “gardening supplies” and you are an outdoor landscaping company, you will want to put gardening supplies offers right at the top of your site. Otherwise users will click away.

Social Media Marketing

Social media is powerful for building up a community. Any company type can benefit from this, even manufacturing businesses. On social media you want to:

  • Post high quality photos
  • Be genuine
  • Be informative
  • Be engaging

This means not only do you need to worry about your own content, you need to respond to messages, reply, and interact with the community you are building as a whole.

PR Marketing

Public Relations marketing refers to contacting media and influencers with the hope that they will give you free publicity as part of their story. PR marketing and SEO go hand-in-hand. To be successful in this you will want to only contact relevant parties. If you are a gardening business, contact gardening magazines. If you are a local boutique or café, contact local travel magazines or local newspapers.

Influencer Marketing

Influencer marketing has greatly changed in recent years. Instagram models with hundreds if not millions of followers have failed companies, and for one simple reason: they are unauthentic. Most of them have fake followers, and even if they are genuine followers, chances are they will never be able to be as engaged as a micro influencer.

Micro influencers often have 10,000 or less followers. They are notable because they are active in their community. They build up real relationships and engage in authentic and genuine ways. This engagement builds trust between them and their followers, so when they use and review your product, you can bet that their followers will trust their word and even consider buying your product for themselves.

Collaborative Marketing

Collaborative marketing is similar to influencer marketing. Smaller brands that really work in building an engaged community are the perfect partners. The difference is that you both work together to offer a combined service or a special product line to your followers.

What to Remember

The key to any successful strategy is to keep updating it. Try new things, see what works, and remember that past success does not guarantee future success. Trends, values, and news will all change over time, and your digital marketing strategy must reflect this.

Take single use plastic as an example. Just a few years ago no one was talking about it. Today, it has become such a contentious issue with citizens and consumers around the world that government after government are banning it.

You need to stay up to date with what the public wants from their companies, and change accordingly. Take fast food chains, for example. Previously it would have been unheard of for them to serve vegan options, and yet, the number of vegans is only growing in popularity. Today even brands like Burger King offer a vegan burger. Due to the spices and unique taste, they are a huge hit with vegans and non-vegans alike.

Keeping your ear to the ground in this way can help you get on top of trends and be a real leader in your industry. Combine this forward-thinking with a solid marketing strategy, and you will have crafted a recipe for success.

This Is The Reason Why Your Off-Page SEO Strategy is Not Working.

StrategyDriven Online Marketing and Website Development Article, This Is The Reason Why Your Off-Page SEO Strategy is Not WorkingAll powerful SEO strategies involve in-depth analysis, bespoke planning, and thorough implementation.

Although this may sound simplistic, there are two main categories to every search engine optimization strategy: off-page and on-page SEO.

Staying true to its name, on-page strategies involve specific elements that occur on your actual website. While it can be time-consuming to optimize these factors, website owners have full control over their implementation.

In contrast to on-page strategies, off-page SEO isn’t quite as simplistic.

In this article, we’ll discuss what these strategies involve, why it’s important to your website, and how you can optimize off-page elements in order to increase traffic flow and grow a larger audience.

What does off-page SEO refer to?

Off-page SEO involves the different elements that impact a site’s visibility on search engine results. Instead of existing within your site, these strategies take place other places online.

Many people consider this to be the hardest category of SEO because these factors are outside of a website owner’s direct control. It is very difficult to influence the posts that other bloggers write and the links that they use.

Search engines develop their algorithms to take many different factors into account. These algorithms take information from other sites to help analyze your website’s authenticity and credibility.

This is a clever method of ranking content that relies on the perspectives of many different websites to rank others within a search engine. It makes sense that websites with many external links would be seen as credible. No reputable or authoritative site would be willing to link to a page that isn’t offering quality value.

Google, along with all other search engines, must rely on these links to determine the credibility of a site. It is irresponsible and nearly impossible to judge the quality of a site only from its internal contents.

Although earning these external links is a greater challenge than tweaking factors on your site, it’s a critical component of off-page SEO.

Link Building

Because of Google’s reliance on external links to judge a page’s quality and authority, websites that achieve many of these links have a proclivity to rank higher in the search results.

For website builders, this should highlight the importance of earning external links as part of any SEO strategy.

Before jumping into this strategy headfirst, there are some important nuances to understand.

Many website owners place too much of their focus on the quantity of links instead of their quality. While an impressive number of external links can look good to the Google algorithm, these numbers are meaningless if all of the linking sites are of poor quality.

Google prefers to see links from websites that have already established a reputation for being credible, authentic, and authoritative. Receiving links from these sites will have a greater impact on the ranking of your site.

Domain Authority

Domain authority is measured on a ranking from 1 to 100. This scale rates the credibility of your site based on the quality of its backlinks.

Your site will rank higher on the scale in direct proportion to the number of quality links that it earns.

Website Authority Checker offers free evaluations of a website’s domain authority ranking.

Sites with higher numbers will have an easier time ranking in the search results.

The best way to improve your site’s domain authority is by receiving more quality links from credible and reputable websites.

Social Promotion

It is much less clear how links from social media platforms influence a website’s ranking on Google and other search engines.

Matt Cutts, an employee for Google, revealed in 2010 that the iconic search engine was using links from several different social sites to determine a website’s ranking.

This claim was contradicted in 2016 when Google’s Webmaster Trends Analyst Gary Illyes said that social links weren’t taken into account when ranking for SEO.

While it’s not definitive that social links have a direct result on a site’s SEO rankings, there is a proven relationship between rankings and social signals.

Even if there is no direct impact from social shares, a strong presence on these platforms is still indicative of a healthy ranking in search engine results.

How do off-page and on-page SEO factors work together?

There is no reason to choose between off-page or on-page SEO strategies. Both of these factors are most effective when used in tandem.

On-page strategies help determine which queries and keywords for which your pages will rank. On the other hand, off-page strategies help determine where your site will rank.

In order to achieve the best SEO results, you should use a balanced combination of on-page and off-page factors.

What are some useful tools for improving a site’s off-page SEO?

Off-page factors that influence your site’s ranking can be difficult to control. Fortunately, there are some great tools that can aid in the process. The following tools will help you improve your off-page SEO factors:

  • Ahrefs – is one of the most useful tools for identifying link opportunities. After entering a domain, you’ll be provided with a detailed report that highlights all of the external websites that link back to that domain. This report will also show individual pages to which the domain links. This is an excellent tool for evaluating the sources from which your site’s links are coming.
  • SEMrush – is a popular tool amongst the SEO community. While SEMrush is a powerful tool for researching keywords, this site can also be used for finding opportunities to build more links. Both of these tools will also allow you to see where your competitors are getting links so that you can reach out to those sites as well. Additionally, understanding the keyword research tool can help increase your site authority. Indeed, learning how to conduct effective keyword research to drive online leads creates valuable traffic, which increases your business reputation and authority. Therefore, applying SEMrush keyword results to content generation can also assist linking strategies for off-page SEO.

Start Off-Page SEO Strategies Today

There are many elements that make off-page SEO significantly more challenging than on-page strategies.

However, these off-page factors are necessary for people who want to improve their SEO ranking.

These off-page indicators help search engines determine a page’s reputability and credibility. When a page has more backlinks, Google feels more comfortable recommending it to users.

If you need help improving your site’s ranking, consider using Local SEO Search, a digital marketing agency

About the Author

StrategyDriven Expert Contributor | Katrina FernandezKatrina Fernandez is a hardworking individual who always gives her best. As a degree holder, she aspires to establish within the media industry. Expert in building online partnership, she’s been working in digital marketing services, Local SEO Search Inc. for several years.

How to Manage Your Individual Finances Efficiently

Each adult in this world has a personal financial world to manage and nurture as they move through life. Ideally, this world grows and develops at a steady and stable pace – but sometimes it’s difficult to manage, what with life’s many difficult obstacles. This article is all about managing those finances efficiently. It’s about making your cash go further, understanding your spending habits, and preventing your life from slipping into the world of debt that can quickly lead to a spiraling decline to your financial health. The tips below are relevant to every individual looking to sustain a healthier economic life into the future.

Budget and Account

Perhaps the most pivotal piece of advice for long-term financial efficiency on a personal level is to account for your spending, and budget out what portions of your salary you are happy to be spent on things like rent, food, and entertainment. Whether you choose to hire an accountant, you draw up your accounts yourself, or you engage with a smart bank that collates your spending data into handy reports automatically, you should always have an eye firmly on your ins and outs in order to understand where you can cut your spending to save more cash.

Avoid Debt

For many people across the US, a paycheck is whittled down to nearly nothing each month, which means that at times it’s difficult to emerge from your overdraft. Of course, there are varying degrees of debt, all with their own level of seriousness for you and your financial health. For instance, debt to your landlord can result in your eviction, with incredibly serious knock-on effects for your ability to earn and live in the future. That’s why it’s advisable to get quick cash loans in serious debt situations such as not being able to afford your rent, but you should ensure that you are paying these back as soon as you get your next paycheck.

See a Financial Advisor

Some individuals feel that they’re not extremely well trained in the world of finance and money management. As it’s not something taught at schools, this is no surprise. Whether you’re wondering how mortgages work, whether you should take out multiple credit cards, or how to optimize your tax, there are individuals out there who can answer these questions for you. Demystifying the financial world is one of the best remedies to confused citizens unsure of how to manage their cash – so find an advisor today.

Find Tips Online

The internet is an incredible resource for anyone looking to find expert advice, for free, on how to operate more efficiently in the world of finance. You can find tips on how to choose the right bank account or the best insurance provider. Or if you’re looking for more long-term strategic planning that takes into account your lifestyle, your family and your projected earnings, you’ll be able to see things from a clearer perspective by finding some of the internet’s most trusted and accurate financial advice pages to help you plan your economically bright future.

Finances are sometimes impenetrable and difficult to manage. This article aims to help individuals achieve better financial health, operating more economically efficiently going forwards into the future.

How to Start a Used Car Business

StrategyDriven Business Startup Article|Business Skills|How to Start a Used Car BusinessFor some people, starting an independent used car business is the perfect combination of a love of cars and great business skills. Or, at the very least, a desire to develop great business skills. However, building a used car business from the ground up is not as simple as finding cars and selling them on. It’s not even enough just to know everything about cars and their features; you also need to have a sound understanding of business finances, licensing and legal requirements in terms of permits and taxes. To run a successful business, you also need to get to grips with marketing strategy, techniques and advertising standards you need to comply with.

A big decision you’ll be faced with early on is the choice between starting a car dealership franchise or your own independent used car business. Franchises often require a larger investment upfront to purchase the franchise rights and will be a bigger operation in general. Independent businesses are often the less costly option and can source their vehicle inventory from several places, but this option is by no means an easy one.

Create a Business Plan

A business plan is crucial and should be created before you make any financial or legal commitments. You need to research and analyze the used vehicle industry, including your competitors. The plan should include your projected budget and foreseeable costs. The process of writing your business plan will highlight any potential pitfalls or problems in the business model.

Finance Your Business

Most new business owners need help when financing a start-up. You can do this by finding an investor or taking out a business loan. Your personal credit score and history will be considered when you apply, so make sure everything is in a positive state before you do. This is where your business plan comes in again, as lenders and investors will want to know when your business should start returning a profit.

To establish your business, you will need to form a corporation, partnership or LLC. This is a process which incurs legal fees and applies for a business license. In addition, you need a vehicle dealer’s license from your state’s Motor Vehicle Administration by demonstrating you meet all the necessary criteria. This includes the size of your premises, the location, your opening hours and any signage you will be using. Your license will enable you to sell certain types of vehicle such as used or new, car, truck, RV or motorcycle. You will also need to get a surety bond which means your customers are financially protected when buying from you, should you fail to meet your obligations. Both your license and surety bond will cost money, but this varies from state to state. You’ll also need to pay for Business Liability Insurance on an ongoing basis.

Every new business has start-up costs to consider from renting your premises and finding your inventory to outfitting your office with equipment and paying the wages of any employees. The rent you pay will usually be calculated by square feet and prices will vary depending on where you choose to locate the business. Don’t forget to budget for your marketing and advertising activities as these will be key in getting your business off the ground. Each vehicle you sell will also need dealer plates; the cost of this will vary from state to state.

Get Your Sales Tax Permit

You need to contact the Controller of Public Accounts in your state to get your sales tax permit. Each state will have its own process and schedule for collecting the tax on each vehicle you sell.

Get the Best Location

It’s likely that you’ll be leasing your premises rather than buying in the early stages. The premises you choose should be easily accessible and have adequate space to accommodate both the vehicles you’re selling and the vehicles of your customers. Visibility is key to increase the awareness of your business in the local area.

Recruit Staff

Depending on the size of your business, you’ll need staff to help you sell vehicles and to help with the general running of the business. Your salespeople should be friendly and outgoing with experience in selling either vehicles or other high-priced items. You should also consider hiring someone who can carry out vital maintenance on the vehicles, so they are ready for sale.

Build Your Inventory

A big step in setting up your business if finding vehicles to sell. This can be done by advertising in trade publications, online trade websites or local papers, placing signage outside your dealership that you’re looking to purchase vehicles, or you can proactively approach people who may wish to sell. Your family and friends may well have contacts or colleagues looking to sell a vehicle. You could also respond to private adverts or attend vehicle auctions where you can buy vehicles in good condition.

Of course, you don’t have to stick to local vehicles when building your inventory. You could bring in vehicles from all over the country, but you may need to consider vehicle transport services to ensure they arrive at your premises safely and without adding mileage. You can learn about car shipping in more detail on the Freedom Auto Transport website.

Devise a Marketing Strategy

Once your business is open, you’ll need to find some customers. You should have a website, be active on social media platforms and consider online advertising as well as print advertising in magazines and newspapers. If you don’t have experience in marketing, you may want to contact a specialist marketing firm which can help you build your brand. Eventually, you may be able to employ a dedicated marketing professional in your team. Here is a guide to start-up marketing to get you started.

Organize a Launch Celebration

A great way to kickstart your business in the local community is to organize an event to celebrate your opening. The attractive you can make the event the better so consider serving food or refreshments and some entertainment. It’s a great opportunity to not only invite local people and other businesses to do some networking and hand out literature, but also to invite the local press. A new business launching in the local area is always newsworthy, especially if you can make the event as eye-catching as possible.