How Are You Getting The Most Out Of Your Employees?

StrategyDriven Talent Management Article |Productivity|How Are You Getting The Most Out Of Your Employees?There are a whole lot of things that go into making a business truly success but if there’s one thing that’s perhaps more important than anything else: it’s your employees. The truth is that your employees are the very heart and soul of your business and if you’re not putting the effort into making sure that you’re taking care of them then you’re never going to be able to get the most out of them. Working with employees should always be a matter of give and take but that’s something that far too many business owners tend to forget about. They tend to assume that their employees exist to serve their needs and the needs of the business but forget that it’s also incredibly important that it’s also your job as an employer to serve your employees. That might sound something of a challenge and a lot of work but the truth is that it’s actually a whole lot more simple than you might expect. With that in mind, here are some things that you can do in order to make sure that you’re always getting the very best out of your employees.


For the longest time, we’ve all been working under the impression that a rigid working structure is the only way to ensure that a business is as productive and efficient as possible. And yes, it’s absolutely true that there are plenty of ways in which structure, discipline, and scheduling can make your business run a whole lot more smoothly. However, if you focus on those things exclusively then you’re going to create a stifling environment that leads to serious problems. You need to remember that work isn’t the only thing in your employee’s lives and forcing them to make compromises in every other aspect of their life for the sake of work is just going to leave them feeling frustrated and resentful of you and your business. Be willing to be flexible with things like working hours if employees have to fit their career around their families. The same goes for things like remote working. If an employee can work from home and that works best for them, that can often be the most efficient solution rather than dragging them into the office.


One of the most important things that you need to remember is that your employees are not machines, they’re human beings and human beings have limits. Trying to push your employees to achieve their best work can be a good thing but if you push them too hard it’s going to leave them burnt out and exhausted. You need to make sure that you’re actually putting in the time and effort to look after and support your employees so that you’re not putting them at risk at any time. Sure, a dispassionate view might make you think that this is time and money you could be spending on something else but it’s important to remember that taking the time to look after your employees is far better than having to take time to look or new employees when they all burn out from being overworked.

StrategyDriven Talent Management Article |Productivity|How Are You Getting The Most Out Of Your Employees?Training

One of the biggest mistakes that a lot of business owners make is that they find someone that they think would be a great fit for their business and then completely waste their potential by just leaving them to it and not providing them with the avenues for improvement and development. There really is no better way to foster a total sense of apathy among your workforce than not to provide them with the chase to actually improve and develop new skills. Offering training to your employees is essential if you want to make sure that they are the most qualified and well-equipped workforce in any situation. It doesn’t even need to be training that applies directly to your industry. Even things like free CPR classes can be incredibly valuable. Not just because they teach lifesaving skills but also because it shows your employees that you are willing to make an investment in their continued personal development.

Creating the best possible environment

Of course, it’s not just a matter of putting time and effort into your employees, you also need to think about the environment that they’re going to be working in as well. If your employees are in an office that’s miserable to work in then that’s going to have a pretty marked impact on their satisfaction levels as well as their ability to work. You need to make sure that your office has everything from adequate amounts of space to enough like that everyone can work comfortably. Whether you go for something like an open-plan office or something more traditional will depend on personal preference but make sure that you’re creating an environment where your employees can feel comfortable and can collaborate with each other as easily as possible. You should also make sure that your office is set out in such a way that your employees feel connected to you as their employers. Setting yourself entirely apart from them is just going to cause divisions within your business.

You may find yourself looking at this list and thinking that it’s a lot of work just to get the most out of your employees and wondering if it’s really worth it? However, that’s the wrong attitude to take. Yes, being able to get the most out of your employees can be a challenge and will almost certainly take a pretty significant amount of time and effort. However, if you don’t put that effort in then things could be far worse in the long run. If you just try to treat your employees like a resource to be used rather than real human beings that you collaborate with, they’re going to start to resent you and your business and before you know it they’re going to start walking away. Your employees aren’t machines, if you’re only thinking about what they can do for you, you’re never going to be able to get the most out of them.

Installing A Business Phone System

StrategyDriven Managing Your Business Article |Telephone systems|Installing A Business Phone SystemYou can bet your bottom dollar that there are barely any businesses in the UK that do not use digital methods and platforms throughout their practises and procedures. It is simply remarkable to look at how business has developed. This relates to companies as a whole and their general practises. Everyday life in the office is a lot different compared to what it used to be. And, one of the main reasons for this is because of the surge in technology. From marketing to standard data entry – the methods of doing so have changed drastically. One area that has experienced a significant shift is the telephone systems businesses utilise. In this blog post, we will discover everything you need to know about telephone systems today and getting the right one installed.

Telephone systems are indispensable for all businesses. After all, they are needed in order to take orders, to answer customer queries, to refer people to different departments, to contact different departments for information, to order new stock, and so on and so forth. Telephone systems are integral tools in the successful communication and day to day running of any company. However, telephone systems are not what they once were. This means that if you take advantage of telephone engineers in your area then you can take your business to the next level with state of the art technology.

Many years ago a company’s telephone system simply revolved around one phone per every desk. In some advanced companies they may be connected to the receptionist. But this was it. Nowadays things could not be more different. The number of lines, extensions, and other tools available are colossal. Telephone systems no longer stand alone; they are more an integrated tool in the IT department of your business. This is because the most recent systems are actually as much based on computers as they are telephones.

This does not simply relate to the different features the telephones boast, but it also relates to the fact that telephone systems can now be hosted on the internet as well. This means that companies can run all of their phone calls and alike through a desktop computer for example. Why would people do this? Well, in some circumstances this can be a lot cheaper. Another reason is because computers offer a lot more space for saving phone calls and other data.

The features that are available are truly remarkable as well. Read this on how to leave a voicemail without calling and you will find out about one of the many incredible features we are referring to. This enables you to send a voicemail directly to a potential customer’s phone box, rathering than calling them. Customers hate cold calls and they will usually ignore them, and any voicemail that comes with it, and so this is a great way to get around it.

This integration between computers and telephone systems represents the heightened need for companies to have contact with top telephone engineers in your area. You need to have professionals readily available should anything falter with your system. Moreover, you need to seek top quality telephone engineers in the first place in order to reduce the chances of anything unfortunate happening. You simply need to look out for engineers who can offer you on the spot assistance and aid, and those who also have a credible and glistening reputation as well.

How to find the right company for installation

There is no denying the monumental role communication plays in the world of business. Your company’s telephone system is integral to this. Nonetheless, you should not make the mistake that many have before you by thinking that buying a good business telephone system will merely rely on the hardware. Of course it is imperative that you buy a high quality telephone system made by a reputable brand. Nevertheless, finding the right telephone system suppliers in your area is just as important. After all, you need to ensure the system is installed properly. Moreover, it needs to be programmed and tailor made in order to suit your business specifically. And not only that, once everything is up and running you will require an aftercare and maintenance option. At the end of the day, you need the company to be on hand should any problems occur.

First and foremost you need to begin your search by embarking in a bit of research. Ask around and find out what your friends and owners of other businesses are using. They will be able to advise you as to whether the company is a reputable one and whether they live up to their claims or not. Couple this with a quick search of reviews online as well. This will give you a well-rounded view as to whether companies are genuine and of a high quality. Once you have a list of credible businesses you can then begin to narrow down your search for telephone system suppliers in your area further.

When determining the worth of a company you will begin by establishing what they can offer you in terms of different telephone systems and the installation process. Assess all of the different service packages that are available in order to ensure there is one you are happy with. After you have done this you can then work on how this is going to be integrated into your business; how many lines you need, how many extensions you need, what features are going to be of use to you, and so on and so forth. It is recommended that you ask the installers to give you a quick demonstration of the telephone system before they leave so that you are not left to your own devices.

However, whilst the initial installation may be important, it is actually the aftercare that is even more imperative. You need to be certain that the company can fix any problems immediately. If they can do so remotely and if they have an emergency back-up plan in place then this is extremely beneficial. After all, every minute the phone lines are down more and more customers are being lost. Make sure you have a thorough understanding of the troubleshooting and repair service they boast. At the end of the day, telephones are like any other gadget, and thus they have the possibility to break from time to time. You need to be prepared for this.

The telephone system suppliers you select are just as important as the hardware, if not more so. Make sure you pay a lot of attention to finding the best telephone system suppliers in your area so that you do not experience any issues in the future.

To conclude, telephone systems are crucial to all businesses today. However, they are not the same as they once were. The possibilities they possess have enhanced dramatically and phone systems are now very much related with computers and internet technology. Therefore you need a great telephone engineer company at hand to ensure everything runs optimally at all times. We hope that the advice that has been provided in this article will assist you when it comes to getting your telephone system right at your business.

Take Advantage of These 7 Marketing Tips and Grow Your Business in 2019

StrategyDriven Online Marketing and Website Development Article |Marketing|Take Advantage of These 7 Marketing Tips and Grow Your Business in 2019When money is tight, marketing is often the first area where cuts are made, but that doesn’t mean you have to give up on promoting your business completely. There are many ways you can market your business on a limited budget. Traditional advertising techniques can be very expensive, and nowadays they’re not all that effective. Thankfully, technology has come to the rescue, much like many other areas of our lives. Digital tools are available to help you market your small business on a shoestring budget.

Utilize Social Media

Do you realize how many people use social media? According to the latest research it’s estimated that there will be almost 3 billion social media users around the globe in 2019. That’s a huge audience you’re not able to talk to if you’re not yet using social media. The most popular social media platforms include Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, Reddit, LinkedIn, and Snapchat. Each of these platforms has its own advantages and disadvantages, and each offers its own unique way of engagement. It would be impossible to master them all at once so choose a few you like and try to master those first. Your choice of platform also depends on the ones your target audience is using.

Content is King

All your potential customers are going to love good quality content, and so is Google and other popular search engines. Publishing content on your website and social media pages is a very effective way to share information. Try your hand at blogging, creating videos, hosting podcasts, designing infographics or submitting articles to online authority sites. It’s a great way of getting free traffic and improving your authority as an expert. If there are complementary websites, you could offer to be a guest blogger or be interviewed on one of their podcasts.

Offer Free or Discounted Products or Services

A great way to draw in new customers is to offer something for free or at a discount. Grocery stores have been doing it for many years, and they call them lost leaders. Offering something such as bread at a really low price might lose money on that particular line, but it’s bringing in customers who are likely to spend money in other areas. Free trials or free software apps are more ways to attract prospective customers. Giving them the opportunity to try something for free is very useful.

Ask Customers for Reviews

If you’re a little unsure about the relevance of customer feedback, it might interest you to learn that as many as 54% of people visit a website after reading positive reviews and 84% of people trust reviews as much as a personal recommendation. Reviews can carry a lot of weight because they build trust and credibility for your business. Make sure you find space for them on your website because they also improve your search engine ranking.

Look After Your Loyal Customers

One of the keys to business success is your customers, so it’s vital you look after them and encourage them to stay loyal. Nurturing your loyal customers is also more cost effective than trying to attract new ones. You can keep them loyal in a number of different ways. For example, communicate with them regularly on social media, via your blogs or e-news. Providing follow-up after a sale is made is also important. Remember, if you make a promise to follow through, don’t be afraid to go the extra mile and exceed your customer’s expectations. You might not always want to hear what your customers have to say about your business, but even the most negative comments have value. They should be seen as an opportunity to improve services and customer experience.

Set Marketing Goals and Budget

You can promote your business without considering what you want from your efforts, but it’s much more effective to set marketing goals. Having SMART goals is going to help you develop the best strategies for growing your business. To be classed as SMART goals they have to be:

  • Specific
  • Measurable
  • Attainable
  • Relevant
  • Time-Based

As well as setting your business marketing goals you also need to set aside some money for your marketing efforts. Your budget needs to include website development and maintenance, SEO strategy, branding, promotional material, advertising, sponsorships and perhaps marketing staff.

Make Personal Branding Work for Your Business

One of the most valuable assets your business will ever own is your brand. Think Coca Cola, Amazon, Nike and you’ll appreciate what we mean. A survey undertaken by Nielson found out that 59% of customers prefer to buy from familiar brands. You’re probably wondering how you go about building your brand. It’s more than having a cool logo or advertising in the right location. Building your brand is more of a process you have to go through, but the result is a long-term relationship with your customers.

First, you have to define your target audience. Are they single moms, tech-savvy millennials, college students, a busy housewife, or professional executives, for example? Once you’ve identified your audience you can work on creating a brand, they understand and can relate to. Other branding aspects you need to consider include, establishing a brand mission statement, researching what others in your industry are doing, outlining the qualities and benefits your brand offers, forming your brand voice, building a brand message and elevator pitch. One final feature you need to look at is your domain name and extension. The name of your website should be informative, clear and concise if you want to know more about the benefits of choosing the right domain name look here for more details.

Hopefully, now you realize that marketing your business is something you can do even when your budget is limited. All that’s required is some effort on your part and some creative thinking. The marketing tips that have been shared above are just the tip of the iceberg but think of them as ideas to get the ball rolling.

Business Politics Practices – Manipulating the Intent

StrategyDriven Business Politics Practices Article | Business Politics Practices – Manipulating the IntentIntent, like beauty, is held in the eye of the beholder. Organizations employ policies practices, and procedures as a way to promote consistency in behaviors among executives, managers, and employees. However, no documented directive can cover all circumstances and some accepted practices simply reside in the minds of the workforce. Consequently, leeway is typically given for the application of judgment to tailor directions to the particulars of a situation so long as the intent of the documented directive or accepted practice is met. It is within this gray area of intent that one possessing legitimate positional authority can exert power for the furtherance of his or her objectives.

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Additional Information

Familiarity with logic errors and fallacies will help you select the right one to employ for manipulating the chosen policy or practice intent. Additionally, this knowledge will help you recognize when such a tactic is being used against you as well as providing you with the insight necessary to protect yourself from such attacks; typically by exposing them.

For more information related to logic errors and fallacies as well as how to recognize them, see the following StrategyDriven articles:

Six Security Strategy Tips for Your SME

StrategyDriven Risk Management Article |Online Security|Six Security Strategy Tips for Your SMETo ensure that your SME is protected from security threats, there are various strategies that you can implement. Your business could suffer from financial loss if security is breached, whether it is online and computer security, through employee errors, or the security of the building in which your business is based. Staying ahead of the latest security development in your field is essential, and could help to ensure your company has a future. Here are six security strategy tips for your SME.

1. Network Security

There are an increasing amount of security threats to your business that come from the internet, and one strategy you can use to protect it is to make sure you have good network security. This means using different layers of protection, such as anti-virus software that can stop computer systems being affected by malware.

2. Password Protection

Make sure you have different passwords for the area you need to log on to online. If a hacker were able to get access to your password, then it would only be one account affected rather than the rest of them that have the same password. Change your passwords regularly, and use a combination of letters, characters, and numbers, so they are not easy to guess.

3. Updated Software

If you do not regularly update your software, it leaves them vulnerable to attack, and they are not equipped to deal with the newest forms of cyber threat. When you update, it repairs any weaknesses that hackers could use to infiltrate your systems. Sometimes it is not convenient to update, especially when you are in the middle of a task. However, it is not something that should be overlooked.

4. Don’t Click Spam Email Links

Any inbox gets its fair share of  and they are not always easy to spot. However if they come from an address that seems to have lots of letters and numbers in it or the title doesn’t look like something usually sent to your business, avoid opening. If you do have to open an uncertain email, never click on any links it contains as it could be malware.

5. Use Encryption

Encryption makes it difficult for hackers to make sense of any information they steal, as an encrypted file will look like a string of nonsensical code. This adds another level of security for your business.

6. Train Employees

If your employees use laptops or have work stored on other devices, make sure they are aware of the dos and don’ts about security. Confidential and sensitive information can be stolen if they accidentally lose their laptop, or use WiFi in public places. Keep employees up-to-date with any relevant training, and this should minimize the risk of having data stolen from your business.

Cyber-crime is increasing, so getting the right security strategies in place is essential. If sensitive data is stolen, your business could find it hard to recover. Take the right steps to avoid security threats now, and have peace of mind for the future of your company.