Alternative Development Best Practice 2 – Organizationally Developed Options

It’s hard to find an executive who doesn’t believe that his or her people are significant assets and a competitive advantage for the company. Why then are so few employees involved in the strategic planning process? Engaging employees gains their ‘rubber meets the road’ customer and process experiences and earns buy-in it for the plan’s implementation. Therefore, employee involvement in strategic planning is a win-win proposition; the only question remaining is when and where in the process to involve them.

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Additional Information

For an illustrative model of an organization’s hierarchical roles and responsibilities, see StrategyDriven’s Strategic Organizational Alignment model.

For additional insights to the involvement of managers and employees in the alternative development process, listen to the StrategyDriven’s special edition podcast, An Interview with Nilofer Merchant, author of The New How.

A Word On Escape Room Businesses In The US

StrategyDriven Starting Your Business Article |New Business Opportunity| A Word On Escape Room Businesses In The USFor anybody who is looking for a new business opportunity to escape the dullness of every day at the office, finding a creative industry sector that is both accessible and profitable can be challenging. Ultimately, you can’t easily switch career unless you can be confident that your skills are transferable – or that you don’t need them to build a successful presence. Additionally, finding the perfect business niche or even idea doesn’t happen overnight. More often than not, enthusiastic entrepreneurs need to research the market and evaluate their options before being in a position to offer services that meet the audience expectations. But, if you happen to target a booming industry sector you’ve explored as a customer already, you’re more likely to be in an excellent position to design a positive and compelling presence. And that is precisely where escape room businesses come in handy.

Indeed, the escape room industry is growing at a fast rate. Only five years ago, there were 22 escape rooms in the U.S. By mid-2018, enthusiastic players counted over 2,300 rooms. With an average price of $30 per person and an average number of 5 players for small rooms, the typical business can expect to make around $125,000 per year. Even though it remains a highly competitive industry, it is fair to say that competition is rarely an issue. Indeed, players are not loyal to one company, especially because enthusiastic players know that a company typically keeps its rooms for a duration of 2 to 3 years. Once you’ve played the room, there is no point coming back until it has been changed. As a result, players are keen to try out as many companies as possible and revisit trusted companies once new rooms open.

For creative entrepreneurs who love the challenges of escape rooms, running a business can feel like an extension of the game. And that is, unfortunately, where many independent companies go wrong. Indeed, running an escape room venue might be fun and entertaining – it’s the main reason for opening new venues – but it’s a real job. Failure to realize your responsibilities as an owner can have dramatic consequences for your business. Indeed, before considering starting the next puzzle escape, you need to be familiar with the most common reasons for venues to go bankrupt.

#1. Reason for failing: Keeping your DIY approach to the business launch

What makes escape rooms so appealing for new entrepreneurs is the fact that they have a physical presence. You can build your escape room yourself, relying on the day-to-day DIY skills of every homeowner. The standard room includes hidden objects, secret drawers, and padlocks, which makes it easy to design using equipment from your local hardware store. It’s precisely this DIY approach that can become an issue if you decide to apply it to every element of the business. Indeed, countless solo entrepreneurs have chosen to manage their business themselves, under the wrong assumption that the most difficult part of the business strategy is to build the puzzles. In reality, building and maintaining your market presence is the most critical operation. Unsurprisingly, it’s a different set of skills than what’s involved in setting a room. Getting noticed by your audience requires professional marketing management, such as social media strategy and marketing campaigns – for inspiration, you can find more from Third Angle marketing services here. The bottom line is that you need an expert to push your company into the market.

#2. Reason for failing: Ignoring the international competition

Escape rooms are not only popular in the U.S. They’re a big phenomenon all over the world. The trend initially was launched in Japan, but countless countries have since caught the escape bug. International players have come together through forums, social media, and specialist blogs to share their views, reviews, and expectations. As a business owner, you can’t afford to ignore the information that is being shared online. Players are quick to compare. As they can openly discuss prices designs, puzzles, and overall impressions, you have to be ready for dramatic expectation changes. Indeed, in a constellation where users share their experiences, you have to be prepared to be judged against overseas rooms, even if none of your local players has set a foot there. The online reviews can provide sufficient feedback.

#3. Reason for failing: Your gifts are not satisfactory

Most players expect to receive branded freebies during their stay at your venue. Ultimately, your branded products have a dual promotional purpose. They are likely to be mentioned on specialist forums, serving as an indirect promotional activity. But they also remind players of your company, making it more likely for them to book another room with you. While it might be tempting to select cheap mass produced items, such as plastic pens or old-fashioned USB sticks, you can’t afford to give something nobody wants. Your gift is part of the impression. Something useful and thematically relevant can go a long way, such as a bottle opener that is shaped like a padlock or even a t-shirt praising the escape room community. In short, you need to select your items wisely. You’re not the only escape room owner in town; your gifts can differentiate you.

#4. Reason for failing: You misunderstand the psychology factors

The reason why escape rooms are so popular is that they provide an incentive to bring people together. More and more HR specialists recommend escape rooms as a team building experience. With this in mind, you have to build a room that enables people to work together and solve puzzles to escape. The experience has to be immersive so that players can lose themselves in the exercise. To put it simply, a room forces people to engage, so your puzzles need to be mentally and physically engaging for players. If you fail to design with engagement as an objective, the room doesn’t fulfill its function as a relationships binder.

#5. Reason for failing: You’re missing out on new audience groups

American escape room businesses, especially, as failing to tap into diverse audience groups. International rooms tend to function only on a private booking basis, while U.S. rooms are typically targeted at groups, where single players can buy a ticket to join in and meet their team as the game begins. Failure to propose more private sessions can affect your audience differentiation. In comparison, international escape businesses are more likely to offer a variety of services, such as proposal escapes – an escape game that has been modified so that the players get to find an engagement ring for the last puzzle –, kids birthday parties – an escape room that is specifically designed for young children and that includes cakes and presents –, and date nights – rooms for groups of two only. Additionally, there are other aspects of the challenge that can be repurposed. Indeed, as escape rooms are designed to keep the mind sharp, they can be an ideal activity for retirement homes.

#6. Reason for failing: You forget it’s all about the challenge

You can’t build an escape room without good puzzles. The problem is that a quick Google search can provide you with a handful of puzzles. Unfortunately, you need to be creative. Players find it dull to come across similar puzzles. For instance, if you want to keep your players on their toes, it’s best to stay away from the most commonly used ideas. For example, hiding numbers in pictures is a classic puzzle. Similarly, using a blacklight to reveal information is a known process too. Players will be more likely to promote your business is you have some unexpected puzzles in the room!

#7. Reason for failing: You make your business non-accessible

It’s impossible to think of escape room without feeling like an adventurer. Unfortunately, not all your players are physically able to be the next Lara Croft. You need to make rooms accessible for most players, including wheelchair-owners, people struggling hearing loss, visually-impaired, and many others. Additionally, it’s a good idea to work closely with specialists to design rooms that are welcoming and meaningful for players with mental health issues and social disorders, such as autism or claustrophobia.

#8. Reason for failing: Nobody likes to lose

Your players are in for the challenge. They don’t want to escape the room in a matter of minutes. But they want to have a chance to escape. You need to design puzzles with in mind the fact that nobody wants to pay to play an impossible room. If the puzzles are too complicated or required additional knowledge – which isn’t provided –, it is likely to affect the experience. Ultimately, it’s the rush of the escape that attracts players. If they feel trapped in a room that remains unsolvable, they can feel disappointed. Consequently, while creating clever puzzles is crucial, you also need to beta-test each one of your rooms to make sure that your players can progress safely.

The escape room industry is especially popular among professionals who are looking to escape from their office career. The excitement of building a game and watching people enjoy it is detrimental to their decision. However, failure to understand the requirements of the business, in terms of marketing, players’ psychology, puzzles, demographic audiences, and expectations can turn your playful venture into a costly mistake.

How to Start a Day Care Business from Your Home

StrategyDriven Starting Your Business Article |Starting a Day Care Business |How to Start a Day Care Business from Your HomeDo you love looking after and caring for children? If you are always offering to babysit and the idea of spending your days finger painting, playing games and reading stories sounds appealing to you, then you may want to consider starting your own day care business.

Running a day care from your home is more of an accessible business idea than ever before, and if you are a parent yourself, it’s a great way to work from the comfort of your own home while being able to spend that precious time with your own little ones, too. In fact, home day care businesses are set to see some of the fastest growth across all industries by 2020, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. So, now is one of the best times to get started. Here are some key ideas to keep in mind.

Your Own Brand or a Franchise?

First of all, consider whether you would like to have your own day care brand or prefer the perks that come with a franchise. Buying a franchise allows you to skip most of the steps involved with starting a day care business, however, bear in mind that there is often a larger start-up cost, with day care prices starting at $59,000.

Learn About Licensing:

The first step to owning a home day care business is to learn what is expected of you when it comes to licensing. Since every state will differ and have different guidelines, the best thing to do is call your state Daycare Licensing Agency and find out what is required. Not all states will require you to have a license, but you will almost always be required to complete a registration. You will need to adhere to your state’s licensing and registration requirements, which usually cover factors such as the amount of physical space in your home, health and safety guidelines, fire safety, and training requirements.

Training and Education:

It’s likely that you will need to gain some formal childcare qualifications before you can be approved to start your own day care from home. You will need to check beforehand as the requirements will vary between states. You may also be required to gain additional qualifications if you wish to offer early years education as part of the service, or will be caring for special needs children, for example. An early childhood special education online degree is an ideal choice of qualification.

Come Up with a Business Plan:

Once you have determined that you meet all licensing requirements, it’s time to come up with a detailed business plan. Make a list of day care service providers in your area and their facilities, so that you can get started on a competitive foot. You will also need to consider factors such as marketing your day care, contracts between yourself and parents, your budget, health and safety plan, educational philosophy, and anything else that you, your state or your customers deem important for your day care.

Are you looking to start your own day care business? Let us know how you are getting on in the comments!

The Dos and Don’ts of Using Branded Products for Promotion

StrategyDriven Marketing and Sales Article | Branding | Branded Products | The Dos and Don'ts of Using Branded Products for PromotionBranded products can be a great way to promote your business, and they have been used since forever. But they can also be a total waste of money when they’re not being used properly. The problem with a lot of businesses is that they just have a ton of useless products made and have no real strategy on how they’ll use them. But just like anything, you can’t just expect to have a few branded pencils laying around and expect them to do the work. In this article, we’re going to give you some of the dos and don’ts of using branded products to promote your brand and business.

Do: Give Them Something They’ll Actually Use

Look at your audience and see what makes them tick. See what kind of hobbies and interests they may have. If you’re a tech brand, then don’t give away calendars or clothing items. Besides, how many times have you seen somebody wearing any kind of branded company clothing unless they worked there?

Instead, why not give them something they might actually use, like a nice multiport USB charger, or a security strap for their iPad? These are all things they can use and might not actually have right now. These will not only be useful to them, but will keep your brand in the back of their mind every time they or someone else looks at them. If you want more examples of cool promo items you could give out, you can read more here.

Don’t: Give Them Cheap or Outdated Items

If you give your audience junk that breaks easily, then it will reflect poorly on your brand. Don’t give them some cheap USB drives that will run out of space the minute you put a few files on them either. Furthermore, once a promo item is broken, it won’t be able to perform its main function, which is to promote your business.

Don’t skimp on quality and give them something that will last. The longer they’ll be able to use it, the longer it will continue creating awareness for your brand. They’ll also have a higher view of you as a business.

Do: Catch Their Attention First

You could have a few items lying around at an event, but they will make much more of an impact if your get your audience’s attention first. If you’re at a trade event or expo, that means creating an experience and having items that stand apart from the rest.

The item, as well as the way it is delivered, will help create a positive connection with it. Make them feel like they’re actually winning a prize. If you want to give them to clients, you could give specific items after a certain purchase amount. Another way that you could help build a connection with your audience is to work with a street team and have them hand out promo items in public. Make sure they’re well informed so they can let the public know all about your brand.

Don’t: Rush Purchases

Take your time when ordering items to represent your brand. That means choosing them wisely, finding the right supplier, and making sure that you test different items and see how they work. One way that you could gauge the impact of your items is to have a custom URL printed on each one. This way, you will see which ones are actually working and bringing attention to your brand.

This also means planning well in advance if you think you’re going to need promo items for an event. Make sure that you get samples first so you can see the quality. Make sure that you speak with your marketing team and get their recommendations. Promo items can sometimes take a long time to make, so planning in advance will make sure that you get everything in time and fix any issue.

Do: Consider the Setting

Before handing out promotional items, you also have to take the setting in which you’re going to give them out into consideration. While your audience may appreciate getting a nice warm hoodie for the winter months, having to carry hundreds of hoodies to an expo might not be very practical. If you’re going to a trade show or expo, then you should pick smaller items that can be easily carried, like a thermos or power bank. Make sure that you’re well aware of the logistics first before you have any product made.

Don’t: Create Barriers

If you’re intending on giving out high value promo items at an expo and want to be able to get prospect information in order for people to get them, you have to make sure that the process is as seamless as possible. You don’t want to create any additional barriers that will make your item too difficult to get. If you do this, you might end up discouraging your audience and they’ll just walk away. If you’re going to get their information, make sure that you set up multiple tablets at your booth and make the form as simple as possible so you can get the information quickly and give them the item.

Do: Package Promo Items Together

If you can, you should also try to package your items together so you can create a general theme. Not only will it make a greater impact, but the items together will be more likely to be used over a long period of time and continue bringing awareness to your brand A nice beach bag or cooler filled with goodies will make a great impression. And don’t forget to have the packaging branded as well for greater impact.

Promotional items can be very efficient when used right, but you have to make sure that you plan properly and have a clear strategy on how to use them. If you follow our advice, you’ll be able to unleash their full potential and get tons of attention for your brand.

How To Win Over More Customers

StrategyDriven Online Marketing and Website Development Article | Entrepreneurship | Marketing and Sales | How To Win Over More CustomersIf you want to run a profitable company and keep your business around for years to come, then you’ll need to work on winning over more customers. Without clients, you risk sales dipping and your business having to shut its doors.

Luckily, there are steps you can take to help you grab the attention of potential prospects and customers. You can’t sit around waiting for people to flock to you and figure out what you’re all about. Instead, you need to be proactive and figure out a game plan for attracting individuals who are likely to purchase your products or services.

Define Your Target Market

Trying to get in touch with everyone out there and not having a strategic plan of action for who you want to connect with will likely backfire. While it’s easier to send out mass messages, it’s not going to help you win over the right type of client. Instead, take time to define your target market and figure out what your ideal customer looks like. For example:

  • What are their interests or hobbies?
  • Where do they spend their time?
  • What are their demographics?

These are just a few key questions you should be asking yourself as you outline the specifics about your target audience. It will help you to narrow down who exactly you should be getting in front of both online and offline and the best times and places to do so.

Perfect Your Presentation Skills

You can also win over more customers by perfecting your presentation and sales skills. It’s a wise idea to attend workshops dedicated to helping you feel more comfortable and confident speaking in front of other people. A lot of times you’ll be called upon to give sales presentations and attend meetings where you’re going to have to try and get the customer to buy what you’re selling. The more you practice and improve your skills in this area, the easier it’s going to be for you to present the information without getting flustered.

Increase Your Marketing Efforts

A tried and true way to win over more customers is to increase and expand your marketing efforts. It could be that you’re simply not investing enough time and money in this area to have it make a difference in your sales numbers. Create a strategic plan that incorporates both online and offline marketing campaigns and helps to share your value proposition and reasons as to why someone would want to do business with you. The more creative you are, the more likely it is that your target audience will notice what you’re doing and will want to take further action.

Get Involved in Your Community

Another way to win over more customers is to get involved in your community. You can do this either by sponsoring local events or signing up to help out with charity causes. There’s likely a lot going on right in your own neighborhood, but you have to be willing to reach out and get involved. It is an excellent way to meet new people and introduce them to who you are and what your business does. People tend to gravitate toward companies and business owners who are willing to give back and show their local communities some love. Donating to specific causes and volunteering your time are also excellent ways to show your area some support and get individuals to notice what you’re doing.

Launch A Blog

An easy and effective way to bring in more customers is to post relevant and timely information through a blog. Many people find reading articles a great use of time and will want to know more about your business if you’re continually sharing interesting blog posts through your website. You may also be able to win over more customers by writing intriguing articles and then having other people share them with their networks online. If you want your blog to be successful be sure you post consistently, review it for errors and respond to comments and questions in a timely manner.

Get Current Customers Talking & Sharing

Win over more customers by getting people talking and sharing about your business. Maybe it’s that you run a special promotion or discount or a lead referral program to help you achieve this goal. On the other hand, perhaps you use humor or an element of surprise to attract customers and get people discussing your business with others. Also, the better customer service you offer, the more likely it is that satisfied clients will share their experience with their friends and family and help you draw in more paying customers.

Use Online Reviews

You can also win over more customers by collecting, posting and promoting online reviews and testimonials. The best way to get customers interested in what you’re doing and your business is to get other people to talk about you. Consumers trust reviews and feedback from other consumers versus hearing about how great a company it is from the company itself. Be sure to respond to any negative reviews so that the public sees that you’re aware of any issues and are working hard to resolve them. Include testimonials on your website from real clients and let your service speak for itself. Having a lot of positive reviews and testimonials will certainly help you attract more customers to your business and make people feel compelled to learn more about what it is you do.


Unfortunately, just because you launch a company doesn’t mean you’re going to attract new business automatically. You have to be willing to implement these ideas outlined above if you wish to win over more customers and increase your sales. It’s going to take an extra effort on your part but know that your hard work and dedication will pay off in the long run and you’ll have a thriving business to manage. Give these ideas a try and see what works best for you and continue to do more of that going forward.