How To Give A Successful Sales Pitch

StrategyDriven Marketing and Sales Article |Sales Pitch| How To Give A Successful Sales PitchNeed help delivering a sales pitch? Sales is very much an art and relies on having a good understanding of how to influence and persuade people. Here are just a few tips that could help you to improve your sales skills and deliver a more engaging pitch that gets buyers interested.

Identify the need for your product

If people have no need for a product, they won’t buy it. This doesn’t have to always be a practical need – people drink soft drinks because they taste good and people play video games because they want to have fun. The best way to identify a need is to identify a problem in the current market and then explain how your product solves this problem. By emphasising the negative impact of the problem and the positive impact of your product’s solution, it can make your buyers believe that this is a product that they need in their life.

Be enthusiastic

In order for your product to come across as exciting, you need to show this excitement. Don’t let nerves make you come across as agitated – almost everyone gets nervous during an important sales pitch, however most professionals learn to turn this nervous energy into enthusiasm. Smiling, using your voice creatively and using arm gestures can help to show enthusiasm. Obviously, you don’t want to go over the top as this could annoy people – practicing in front of a mirror and in front of close friends/colleagues can help you fine-tune this.

Use facts and figures

Facts and figures build trust. Try to use data gathered from your own studies and from other people’s studies to support the need for your product. Some people have a hard time memorising statistics – if you’re one of these people, take some notes with you that you can refer to. Always reference sources when using these facts and figures so that people know you haven’t just made them up.

Tell a story

Appealing to people’s emotions is just as important as using hard stats (if not more important). The most effective way to do this is to recount real life stories. This could be a story of someone that has lost out due to not having your product or a story of someone that has been successful because of your product. Personal stories can also make your more relatable and could be worth throwing in, especially if you aren’t just a sales rep but also inventor of the product. Try to keep these stories genuine and learn to use humour and tragedy tastefully.

Make use of visuals

A lot of us also respond well to visuals. If you’re giving a presentation using slides, make sure that it’s not all text – use this as a chance to use memorable images and infographics. You could even add in some flashy modern technology such as 3D visuals if you’re trying to sell property or gain investment in a development project. When using images, try to be creative and don’t just use generic stock images that offer no added meaning. Instead, use visuals to emphasise metaphors and idioms (this can help to make descriptions of complex and abstract concepts more entertaining).

Learn to read your audience

There’s sometimes no way of predicting the types of people you’re going to be selling to. By learning to read your audience you can alter your pitch slightly to cater to them. If you can tell people are getting bored by the technical stuff, try to hurry through this and spend more time connecting on a personal level. If you think your audience are more interested in the figures, make this the focus of your pitch. You may be able to do some research into your audience beforehand on some occasions which could help you to determine their familiarity with your product and the likeliness of them buying it, allowing you to then alter your pitch so that you’re not coming across too descriptive or too forceful.

Do your homework

Knowledge is truly power in sales. After your pitch, your audience is likely going to want to ask questions and you need to know the answers. It may be impossible to prepare for every question, but you should try to do as much research as possible. The most important information can go into your pitch whilst the less important information should be memorised for potential use after (don’t try to pack all information into your pitch as you don’t want to overwhelm people and if anything your audience will want to ask more questions in order to reiterate information).

3 Reasons Why Simplicity Is King in Business

StrategyDriven Entrepreneurship Article |Streamlining | 3 Reasons Why Simplicity Is King in BusinessWe live in an age of unprecedented technological innovation, where simply spending a little bit of time online researching the different tools available for “streamlining” your professional life is enough to make your head spin.

Many an ambitious entrepreneur begins the journey down the self-employment path filled with optimism and inspiration, only to be completely quagmired by the unlimited amount of competing narratives, tips, and strategies out there.

What’s more, many professionals – entrepreneurs and otherwise – come to believe that in such a sophisticated working environment, the key to success is to rely on systems and strategies of the utmost complexity, in order to gain an advantage over the competition.

Yet, many established professionals in many fields still argue the time honoured case that “simplicity is king.”

Here are some reasons why that may just be true.

Simple systems withstand chaos and upheaval

The more complex a system is, the more “working parts” there are that can break or become dysfunctional when placed under abnormal amounts of chaos, upheaval, and stress.

This is true in the case of literal machines, and also in the case of business strategies. And when complex systems do go wrong, they often require a huge amount of work in order to be set back on the right track.

If, for example, you have a large bureaucratic structure within your company which is responsible for signing off on certain agreements, the structure will naturally be vulnerable to disaster when confronted by the loss of a key member of the team, or a circumstance that requires an immediate reaction.

Simple systems are more robust than complex systems, and that’s a point in their favour.

Simplicity reduces confusion and minimises irritation

The former U.S. Navy SEALs Jocko Willink and Leif Babin, who now coach businesses on leadership principles via their company Echelon Front, mention an anecdote in one of their books about a business that employed an incentive scheme so multifaceted that none of the company’s employees understood it in the slightest, or felt motivated by it.

And yet the originators of the scheme were very eager to defend its merits, as it took so many variables into account.

The moral of the story here is that complexity can lead to confusion, and confusion can fundamentally undermine the supposed “good” inherent in that system in the first place.

The same is true with regards to potential clients and customers. If you’re so keen on upselling via the “checkout” screens of your website that you force the visitor to click through five different sales pages to get to the point of payment, they are very likely to lose interest and give up in frustration.

By contrast, the simple add to cart button, prominently displayed, is timeless and gets the job done well.

Simplicity forces you to identify and distill the most important area of focus at any given time

We are all vulnerable to the illusion that we can do an unlimited number of things at once.

In reality, however, time is our most essential resource in life and business alike, and there’s only so much to go around. Not only that, but trying to do too many things is also a great way of squandering more tangible resources, not least of them being money.

Simplicity forces you to identify and distill the most important area of focus at any given time. Instead of trying to finesse 25 different intricate systems to drag the client in, you focus on the one or two that are most likely to yield benefit, and then work hard to excel beyond the competition in those areas.

You Know What A Customer Might Want, But Not Exactly

Your business should never assume to know what your customers always want. Funnelling them into a list of options that can either get the product and or service right or as close to right, is the best way to go about things. You offer customers something that is in the ballpark of what they’re looking for but you allow themselves to narrow it down further. For example, if you are an automobile company, you have set organized products. A customer might be looking for a saloon, which you have. However they want to choose what kind of engine it will have, the paint scheme, the interior, the technology and the additional accessories like a roof rack option. However, you don’t possibly know what exactly the customer wants. You can only give them options. When there are a lot of variables floating around, pricing everything they have chosen accurately takes a specific kind of process. This can be solved by a software solution but first you need to provide those options.

In the professional promotions

Think about what is a very specific order from another business? It’s always going to be their promotional gear. They want a certain color scheme, a certain style of clothing, perhaps specific designs, materials, logo placement, sizes and more. That’s why a CQB apparel configurator is something that you need to provide for businesses that want to quickly see how much their unique demands will cost. You firstly configure your products to present them the best foundations, and then after their changes and unique optional choices, you can price what the total might amount to. If they are wanting a large order and then also want their order shipped to a specific location, you can provide them with a quote for the entire purchase from start to finish. When you can provide this, businesses are more likely to be more assured that they can either afford your products or would like to change them.

The retail options

The clothing industry is looking to improve their sizing and generalized approach to their online shopping experiences. For one thing, now almost every retail clothing company has a size guide. They now provide customers with a much more accurate option to choose what kind of length and width product they want. If you are a retail clothing company then you might want to go one step further than this and provide the options of specific features. For example, the torso of a product might be 36 inches across the chest but the arms don’t have a measurement. You can provide this measurement so that the customer can make a more informed choice of what kind of size they would prefer. This is especially desired by women who want to have short tops but longer sleeves for particular street fashion outfits such as crop tops.

The more options you can provide your customers, the more likely they are to positively engage with your business. They might be teetering on the edge but thanks to your CQP software, they can accurately see what their customized product will look like and how much they will pay for it.

The Advantages of Having A Photobook with You

StrategyDriven Online Practices for Professionals Article |Photobook| The Advantages of Having A Photobook with You In this world full of technology, there are still people who love classic and trendy photo books. Photobooks have something in them which the digital pictures can never display. It acts as a good memory collection of numerous events in a person’s life.
Some of the benefits and advantages of having a photo book are:

For children

Photobooks are a good source if you want your children to know how you spent your youth. You can compile all your pictures from your youth in an album and display them to your children so that even they come to know how you spent your childhood. You can even use them as your children grow. You can keep track of the different stages of your child growth and compile them all so that they can look at them and be thankful to you as they grow up.

A hard copy

All of us have hundreds of photos digitally on our devices, but they might get deleted from your device. Your phone’s memory might get washed or the entire data might get lost. Hence, it is recommended to keep a hard copy in the form of a photo book with you. You can take it anywhere, use it anytime and admire the photos.


Getting a photo book online is a very cheap and an affordable way to keep a collection of all your memories. It is a cost-effective method of keeping a collection of all your photos and cherishing all your memories. You can keep a collection of all your memories in the cheapest way.

Use online services

There are many companies on the internet which can help you in creating a beautiful photo book. There are a lot of designs and versions available in them. You can easily choose the one that suits you. You do not have to do any work, you just have to send them the photos and they will make the photo album for you. It is recommended that you get a photobook from Mix book, they offer the best photo albums with great effects.

Personal design

This is one of the biggest advantages of having a photo book. You can easily design it the way you like and add a personal touch to your photo album. You can keep it as a personal memory book and design it the way you want it to be. Even if you choose an online service for your photo book, you can get it designed the way you like and add a personal touch to it by guiding them about your preferences.


Hence, having a photo book which you can take anywhere and use anytime and just revive your old memories is a great way to live those lost moments again. It is recommended that you have a photobook for every little occasion in your life so that you can live them again and cherish those precious moments. So, get your own online photo book today.

Why Having a Website is Important for Your Business

StrategyDriven Online Marketing and Website Development Article |Website Design| Why Having a Website is Important for Your BusinessIf you haven’t yet got a website, you’re probably wondering what all the fuss is about. The truth is that you’re missing out on an amazing opportunity to market your business. To achieve any kind of success in the modern world of business, it’s imperative your company has an online presence in order to be visible to potential customers. If you think you’ve been doing alright so far without one, here is a list of the top benefits.

Your Business Will be More Accessible

Do you run a business with operating times from nine to five? How many times have you had to turn someone away because it’s time to close your doors? With an online website, your business is going to be accessible 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. You may well find people choose to visit your site rather than your business premises.

Build Better Relationships with Your Customers

It’s easy to build relationships with your customers if you’ve got a website. Your customers will also be able to review your products or services and leave feedback for potential customers to read. You’re going to be able to keep them informed of any special offers and share information they find useful.

Simple to Set Up

It is possible to set up a website quickly and easily thanks to the various online website builders you can use. If you offer a specialist service, however, you should take advantage of a professional website builder. JustLegal Marketing, for example, can design professional, expert websites for lawyers.

Improves Customer Service

A web presence allows you to enhance the customer service experience. Your customers can contact you any time of the night or day, raise questions, ask for advice or let you know what a fantastic service you’ve been able to provide. You’ll be able to react promptly to any issues, as well as keep them informed of your latest business news.

Able to Target a Larger Audience

If you have a storefront, your audience is limited to the people who might be passing by. Even if you use traditional advertising, such as magazine and newspaper adverts, or word-of-mouth, your reach is very limited. With a website, you’re able to reach people across the other side of the world if you want to.

Improves Business Credibility

It is now expected for a reputable company to have an online presence. Once upon a time, consumers would have been very suspicious of a business that didn’t have a telephone number or physical address. Nowadays, the same is true if a company doesn’t have a website. If your website is easy to use and of the best quality, consumers are going to feel more comfortable using your services.

Cuts Costs

One last benefit that’s going to be important for many of you is that a website allows you to cut costs. Because you can use your site to sell goods and services directly to consumers, there is no need for a bricks and mortar store. If you don’t need premises, you can slash your operating costs.