What Does It Take To Create An Electrifying Brand?

StrategyDriven Marketing and Sales Article |Brand Identity| What Does It Take To Create An Electrifying Brand?The key to succeeding in the competitive world of business is to create a brand that separates you from the competition. You’re probably selling similar products or services to your rivals, so your brand identity might be the only thing that can differentiate you from the sea of competitors. But what does it actually take to create an electrifying brand? The ideas in this article might give you some inspiration.

The right message.

The best businesses stand for something. Those businesses are fronted by powerful brands because people know the statement that the company is trying to make. For instance, most search engines can’t compete with Google, but Ecosia is starting to make a name for itself because it plants a tree for every search. It has an environmental message, and that resonates with people. If you want to create an electrifying brand then you need the right message, at the end of the day. That can really help you to distinguish yourself from your rivals. Perhaps you could take the eco-friendly route and create a sustainable business, but there’s no reason to stop there. You could give some of your profits to different charities. You could offer business classes to young people in the community. Give something back to people and those people will value your company. They’ll see that your message isn’t all talk with no substance.

A loyal customer base.

Another integral part of creating an electrifying brand is building a reputation for yourself. This all starts with a loyal customer base. Simply getting lots of sales isn’t enough if those sales are coming from one-time customers. If you’re going to start gaining recognition in the industry then you need clients that keep returning to your company on a repeat basis. That way, you’ll be able to grow steadily as you continue to acquire new customers. To encourage loyalty, you should reward customers with points every time they buy with you. If those points can be used to reduce the cost of your goods then clients will have a reason to continuously buy goods from you.

StrategyDriven Marketing and Sales Article |Brand Identity| What Does It Take To Create An Electrifying Brand?A widespread online presence.

Everybody uses the internet in the modern age, so it’s the most powerful resource at your disposal when it comes to reaching potential customers with your brand. Increasing numbers of consumers do their shopping online as opposed to shopping in physical stores, so you need a widespread online presence to maximize your chances of reaching target customers in your specific marketplace. In order to create a widespread online presence, you need to start by creating a strong website. You might have a professional company that delivers professional services, but potential customers might think that your brand is quite amateurish if your site appears that way. Get the help of an expert who specializes in professional web design if you need to improve your business’ website. Great web content will impress visitors, and you’ll see a better conversion of traffic to sales. That’s how you’ll create an electrifying online brand.

You need a strong social media strategy if you want to create a widespread online presence that permeates your potential target market. You need to use social networks as a platform to connect with both existing and potential customers. If you want to create an electrifying brand then the key is to forge meaningful relationships with people who want to buy your goods or people who are already buying your goods. We already talked about the importance of developing a loyal customer base, and social media could be the tool that instigates that. You might even want to get help from a social media influencer to increase your online presence. This could help you to directly reach a large number of potential customers through a voice that people already value.


You also need to do your research if you want to create an electrifying brand. You can’t present an image that makes an impact on the market until you know what the market actually wants. You should be collecting information on consumers all the time in order to build up a picture of your target demographic. Invite feedback on a constant basis (e.g. on your website and social media pages) in order to hear what your current and potential clients want from a company such as yours. You might be able to spot a problem that your competitors have yet to solve. If you can fill that gap in the market with a unique solution then you’ll definitely create an electrifying brand and stand out from the competition.

A great team.

As mentioned in the first point of this article, an electrifying brand needs the right message. This is what gives your business a real personality. You need substance because your target market won’t engage with a 2D brand. Of course, in order to ensure that you deliver your message in an engaging and authentic way, you need engaging and authentic employees. Your customers won’t believe that your business really cares about people if its workers seem unenthusiastic and lethargic. Worse still, it could actually damage your reputation if your members of staff are rude or unhelpful.

A great team is the key to creating an electrifying brand. We’ve really saved the best for last here. If your business’ image is going to seem real and believable to the market then it needs some personality. That personality will come directly from your engaged and dedicated members of staff. If you feel that the workplace is lacking the air of excitement necessary to drive everybody forwards then be the enigmatic leader that your employees need. You could promise a bonus to the hardest worker every month. That’ll give people an incentive to work hard. You could also make the office more pleasant. You could improve the design, and you could even get something fun such as a ping-pong table for the lunch room. That’ll give your workers a way to revitalize themselves and return to their desks with a renewed sense of purpose.

3 Signs That It’s Time For A Website Refresh

StrategyDriven Online Marketing and Website Development Article |Website Design | 3 Signs That It's Time For A Website RefreshYears ago, simply having a website was an important factor for your business. Now, you need to make sure that your website is the right kind of website to help your business stay relevant compared to the rest of its online competition.

Keeping your website fresh and up to date is important for driving your business forward, but when was the last time you revamped yours? There are many reasons why your website might need a refresh, and understanding what’s current and important about having the right website will help you make the changes you need.

Is it time you refreshed your website? Take a look at the following signs that it’s time to make a change.

1. You’re not getting enough traffic

The best way to find out how your website is doing is to measure its impact. With the right analytics tools, you can see which pages are landing well, where people are dropping off, as well as what’s generating the traffic.

Making some much-needed changes to your website can help you start over and build up your audience. There are a lot of ways to increase traffic to your website, including social media, better SEO and advertising. However, to make the most of this traffic, you need to give the visitor a destination that’s worth their time.

2. Your website is slow and clunky to use

While people are spending more and more time online, they’re using that time on the things that matter to them. A website that loads slowly and is difficult to navigate will have them reaching elsewhere in a matter of seconds, which means you need to make it count from the off.

To ensure your website performs effectively, you need to take make sure you have the maximum bandwidth, as well as security and a design that is suitable for all types of browsing platforms. Ensuring you have the best PHP framework can help you to develop a stellar website that does everything the visitor expects and more. Conduct testing to measure how well your website works, and establish how you can improve it.

3. Your design needs an upgrade

New web design trends emerge all the time, making it important for your business to keep up with the latest trends. While you don’t need to have a major refresh every year, understanding what’s happening in the world of web design will help you add new features and functions that will continuously improve your website.

Creating a new design that is appealing to the eye and is laid out well will have a great impact on your website’s traffic. Consult a web design expert and transform your website to help give it the boost it needs and help it stay relevant for longer.

Whatever the purpose of your website, it should always project the best image of your business. By having a great web design, content and functionality for your website, you can help ensure your website stays modern and impactful to help deliver the best results for your business. Whether you need to make minor changes or a complete overhaul, make sure you give some thought to refreshing and improving your business’ website.

6 Reasons Women Should Work in Computer Network Administration

StrategyDriven Career Development Article |Computer network administration | 6 Reasons Women Should Work in Computer Network AdministrationComputer network administration is a growing field that requires more professionals to balance the increasing workload, particularly as cloud technology and the internet of things becomes more prevalent in both professional and home settings.

A computer network administrator ensures that the various parts of a network are working together effectively to do what they are supposed to. Whether it’s ensuring that a log management system for companies is working across the network or identifying why someone’s computer can’t communicate with the shared printer, a CNA plays an important role in modern business. Here are six reasons why women should work in computer network administration.


The growing need for those with experience in computer network administration is creating a world of opportunities for those interested in pursuing this career. From a practical standpoint, this means that education in this area won’t go to waste. It also creates a more level playing field for women interested in moving into STEM careers.

For many CNA positions, a degree is not required. This makes the role accessible to those who are looking for a career change or who have devoted their earlier years to raising a family. Various colleges and trades schools offer high-quality part-time courses and co-operatives in computer network administration.

Continuous Education

No two networks are exactly alike, and the rapid growth and development of innovations in technology mean that the needs of a business are ever-evolving. Not only does this contribute to the overall accessibility of computer network administration roles, but it also means that there’s room for growth within that role.

By learning new things every day, women in computer network administration will create a strong knowledge base with which to advance their career and accept new opportunities as they arise. This versatility creates a powerful CV that has the potential to develop into a long and fruitful career in STEM.

Job Security and Potential

When you work in STEM, you rarely have to worry about being replaced by robots. In fact, as long as technology is integrated into various aspects of a business, someone will need to be on hand to fix it.

The USA board of Labor Statistics estimated that over the next 7-10 years, computer-related job opportunities will grow upward of 13% overall. Within that category, computer network administration is expected to grow by 6%, adding 24,000 additional jobs in this field.

Reasonable Pay

In addition to having job security, CNA jobs offer reasonable compensation to those in the industry. Network computer and systems administrators earn an average of $81,000 per year as of 2017. Considering the average household income in the US was $61,000 in 2017, this level of compensation is a great opportunity.

Challenge Your Mind

Women are natural problem-solvers, with the ability to think outside the box when approaching a problem. As such, working as a CNA creates an opportunity to challenge the mind and put one’s problem-solving skills to the test. Being able to overcome a challenge and find a solution isn’t just great for one’s career, it’s also great for their confidence.

Be a Role Model

It’s no secret that men make up the majority of the workforce in STEM-related industries. In fact, only a quarter of those employed in computer and mathematical science jobs are women.

Pursuing a career as a CNA positions you as a role model for other women and girls who are interested in advancing their career in this oft-male dominated industry. It makes you a part of a revolution of empowerment and contributes to a better tomorrow.

Final Thoughts

Working as a CNA is a gateway to a wider STEM career path, opening the door to opportunities for advancement and leveling the playing field for women in tech.

5 Simple Solutions That Will Make Your Business Bloom

StrategyDriven Entrepreneurship Article | Managing Your Business | 5 Simple Solutions That Will Make Your Business BloomWe all know that starting a business is a big deal. It’s something that will change your life, your career, and even your bank balance. But, to get there, and to make that happen, you need to create a killer plan to get you there. And while we’re not going to delve into the basics on creating a business plan in this post, we are doing to consider five things that you can do, or use, or turn to, to support and encourage your growth. Whether you know that you need more website visitors, more time to work on your business, or you just need to make your first sale, you may find that one or more of these five points will help you to do exactly that.

1. Get To Know Your Audience Better

The very first thing that you’ll want to do here, is to make sure that you know your audience incredibly well. Because the more you know your audience and you understand their needs, it will be easier for you to create a product or service that they need to have in their lives.

2. Solidify Your Strategy

The next thing that you’ll want to do here is to make sure that you have a solid social media marketing plan in place. Because if you want more visitors, or to grow an email list, or to make more sales, you need to harness all of the tools you have. And social media can be vital for this. So creating a set plan or having a clearer vision on what you’re trying to achieve, will help you to get those results.

StrategyDriven Entrepreneurship Article | Managing Your Business | 5 Simple Solutions That Will Make Your Business Bloom3. Outsource

Then next thing that might help your business to blossom, is to consider outsourcing some of the areas of the business that you’re not all that experienced with. Maybe you’re not great at finance or IT? Then why spend your time on it? Instead, you might want to read more about this here so that you can see if doing so will benefit you. Because if you can free up time, and get more work done, it’s definitely worthwhile.

4. Line Everything Up

But then also, if you know that you need to boost your business, you have to be really objective and look at your daily tasks. At what you’re focusing on and prioritizing. Because if your actions do not match your business goals – there’s your missing link. But when you align your actions to your goals, you’ll start to see better results.

5. Bring In Experts

And finally, if you’re thinking about hiring, or when you do, you’re going to find that it really works in your favor for you to hire people that have a certain level of expertise in their area. Sometimes, it’s easy to believe that you ought to hire novices, or trainees, or just cheap labor – but really, what will they bring to your business? Experts can really add value. And it’s smart to hire people that challenge you or that are more knowledgeable than you.

How To Be More Productive When Working Online

StrategyDriven Practices for Professionals Article |Productivity |How To Be More Productive When Working OnlineBeing more productive as a business online largely depends on having the right tools and the right knowledge to use them effectively. IT now lies at the core of any successful business. Employees need to know how to use a computer effectively if you are going to reap the gains of productivity and efficiency. Nonetheless, this typically revolves around a lot more than knowing how to type on Microsoft Word. With the array of software solutions available today every business has differing requirements from their employees.

Nevertheless, the issue comes because not all businesses have the capability to provide training days for their staff. They may not have all of the equipment necessary for example. Thankfully, this issue is one that can easily be solved. An IT mobile classroom provides a great option for small to medium size businesses. Companies will come to your site and they will set up a training room in your conference or meeting room. They will provide you with the perfect platform for carrying out any courses or workshops you wish to hold.

The most obvious benefit of going down this route is convenience and time efficiency. After all, if you were not to use the services of an IT mobile classroom then you would have to move all of the desktops from your business into one room. This is extremely inconvenient and may not even be feasible in a lot of cases because of servers and different connections. A mobile IT classroom takes all of this hassle out of your hands. The company in question will bring all of their own equipment and they will set it up themselves in a mere matter of minutes.

Nonetheless, convenience is not the only key factor associated with this service. You should also consider the cost efficiency of this solution too. There are several ways small businesses can make savings by going down this route. For those who don’t have the resources, the only alternative to a mobile IT classroom is to send your staff away on a public course. This will need to be paid for per person and so is assured to be more expensive. Not only will the course itself be, but you will need to subsidise for travel expenses and possibly overnight accommodation too. And then there is the fact that you do not require permanent facilities and therefore there is no need to spend on equipment.

Another issue associated with taking a public course is the fact that you have no control over what your staff are being taught. After all, your need for the popular Office 365 solutions may be different from another company’s, which is why in-house consulting and training is a must. If you have in-house training you can ensure that your employees are only focusing on tasks that are going to be used whilst in the workplace. This ensures no time is wasted. Optimum efficiency will be gained and you don’t run the risk of the workshop being ineffective. Not only this, but you can be assured that all of your staff will be in attendance. When inconvenience is caused by having to go to a new location etc, quite frankly you will note that a few people fail to attend. You don’t have to worry about this if the training is carried out in-house.

If you don’t currently have the facilities to carry out training courses and workshops on premises then assess all of your options before sending your staff on a training course. Opting for an IT mobile classroom is something that is likely to provide you with much more benefits and therefore is definitely a more viable and advantageous solution.