Business Politics Impacts – Cost of Litigation, Fines, and Payouts

StrategyDriven Business Politics Impacts Article | Business Politics Impacts - Cost of Litigation, Fines, and PayoutsHarassment litigation represents a catastrophic leadership failure. In these instances, exhibited aberrant behavior may be non-compliant with applicable laws. Such occurrences represent large one-time costs associated with court mandated payouts as well as reduced productivity, heightened distraction, and elevated attrition.

Litigation events are acute occurrences unlike the more typically chronic workplace conditions resulting in diminished productivity, increased distraction, and elevated attrition. Consequently, all organizations can be subject to this type of litigation – it only takes one ill-fated event.

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Business Politics Impacts – Cost of Employee Distraction

StrategyDriven Business Impacts Article | Employee DistractionAll workplace environments have distractions diverting employees’ attention and diminishing productivity. Some of these distractions are simply a part of the human condition, our physical, intellectual, and social needs for diversionary activity. Others, however, are induced by workplace structures, policies, and employees (executives, managers, supervisors, and individual contributors) including through the abusive exercise of business politics.

Business politics vary in their impact on employee productivity. The exercise of power in a coercive or intentionally disrespectful and demeaning way creates a hostile work environment driving employees to spend significant non-productive time worrying about and avoiding these situations and people.

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