Business Politics Players – Why Individuals Don’t Use Their Personal Power

StrategyDriven Business Politics Players Article | Business Politics Players - Why Individuals Don’t Use Their Personal PowerEveryone possesses personal power to some degree but many chose not to use it. Commonly shrouded as a righteous choice to not play politics or a self protecting underestimation of one’s power, the primary reason for not exercising personal power is fear.

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The Best Ways to Make Impressive Images for Social Media

With the modern craze of social media, several brands are competing to attract more and more customers to their products. In order to improve business, brands want to project themselves as appealing and impressive to society. As a vast range of social media platforms emerges online, businesses are presented with an amazing means to connect to their customers in a casual and relaxed environment. There are several brands that strive to present themselves online, but they may be hardly noticed by their target audience. To improve your brand visibility, here are a few tips that will help you.

Make It Relatable and Fun

Some of the best known brands on the web earn their title by building strong, loyal relationships and earning trust. They are very aware of the fact that by keeping their brand personal, fun, and relatable, they can easily connect with consumers and make a powerful impact on them. Maintaining the human aspect of advertisement also keeps the workplace stress-free. There is no better place to start than with social media.
One of the ways in which you can portray your business as fun to your customers is to be interesting. This can be done by indulging in exciting competitions and quizzes. Do some quirky stuff to express your brand. Stay away from being serious as it will not interest them in your product.

Ensure that Your Spelling and Grammar is Impeccable

78 percent of the US population admit to investigating businesses for an effective language and communication skills before buying a product or service. If you own a brand, you must not make any grammatical or spelling mistakes as these will harm your brand reputation. Use words that will make you look professional to your audience. You will find an abundance of language tools online that can help improve your content quality.

Make Use of Dialog Feed

Dialog feed is one of the amazing applications that enable people to view content that is collected from blogs and social media. All of this content will feed your website with compelling user-generated data. New level of HR management recommends this strategy to be highly effective because of its potential to entice a lot of online users to your business. The best part of this strategy is that you need not worry if the content is inappropriate as it will quickly get filtered out and blacklisted at the time of data collection. Once you receive appropriate content, you can then use it to add, modify, or delete it as per your requirements.

Put Emphasis on Visual Posts

People are often most compelled, attracted, and driven by visual posts. Illustrations and images are much more powerful and effective than lengthy posts of text. Experts also believe that it is wise to use imagery to allure more people and create an effective engagement with them.


Social media provides a lucrative opportunity for businesses to make a powerful impression among online users. But this remarkable opportunity comes with a good amount of challenge to make your brands ads outperform others in the online market. With the use of these expert tips, however, you can easily stand out online among the most notable brands.

The Legislation Involved In Working With The Government

StrategyDriven Entrepreneurship Articles | Government Contracts | The Legislation Involved In Working With The GovernmentSecuring a government contract is the Holy Grail of business. As an entity with a trillion dollar budget, they usually reward contractors with competitive deals. Plus, they are an establishment which needs work completing on a regular basis. As a result, the agreements are lucrative and are long-term too.

Of course, working with the government isn’t a walk in the park. While it’s rewarding, it’s also potentially dangerous on various levels. Lots of companies have folded after a deal gone wrong with the government. Before signing on the dotted line, it’s imperative that you understand the risks.

Here are the main ones to consider.

Licenses And Permits

Before you can apply, the US government requires a few things from you first. Chief among them are the correct licenses and permits to ensure you’re an eligible contractor. A prime example is a D-U-N-S number which is a nine-digit code. It provides them with a physical location for each business premises of your company. Or, there’s a NAICS code which collects data relating to the economy. Any organizations that apply without either of these two things will get rejected. So, it’s essential to have your paperwork in order.


Speaking of paperwork, it’s pretty important to ensure everything is in order before applying. Remember that this is the government you’re talking about and they will perform a rigorous security check. If anything in your background is a little dodgy, it will show up as a red flag. Not only will this result in your application getting thrown out, but it will also be forwarded to the relevant office. So, say you owe tax, the IRS will get in touch to ask about an irregular tax return. If you’re not squeaky clean, it’s best to avoid the hassle in the first place.

StrategyDriven Entrepreneurship Articles | Government Contracts | The Legislation Involved In Working With The GovernmentInsurance

It’s tempting to see them as the most reputable client in the world. After all, it isn’t as if they’re strapped for cash. However, governments have to cut costs too and they will do so any way they can. If that includes stiffing you with a dodgy excuse, they won’t hesitate. It’s not as if they can’t use the legal system to their advantage. A policy entitles you to legal representation for Defense Base Act cases which go wrong. It won’t be included, yet the fact you have one is a strong basis for a lawsuit. Always have a backup plan in case there are unforeseen circumstances.

The Value

Competing with huge contractors is tough when they have the resources. So, it’s crucial to understand how the system works with regards to small businesses. Did you know that the law requires that government purchases worth $3,000 to $100,000 be directed to SMEs? It’s true, which means there is a lane for startups and non-specialists. All you need to do is to check out the opportunities on the Fed Biz Opps website and place a bid.

Even if you think there is no chance you’ll win, it’s worth a shot. And, if you’re right, keep plugging away until you hit the jackpot.

WorkFlow Optimization Begins with You: 3 Types of Software No Business Owner Should Forget to Implement

Optimize the Workflow of any Business with Software Implementation

StrategyDriven Entrepreneurship Articles | WorkFlow Optimization | WorkFlow Optimization Begins with You: 3 Types of Software No Business Owner Should Forget to ImplementMost businesses are started because a person or a group of people have a particular passion, and they want to use that passion to drive their work. Bill Gates and Paul Allen shared a passion for computers and technology, and Microsoft is the result of their work. Steve Jobs had an interest in electronics and gadgetry and his vision was to put a computer in the hands of everyday people. While passion may be needed to get a business idea off the ground, there are several other aspects of a business that needs to be managed well for it to succeed. Workflow is something that needs to be organized and efficient, but it might not be the area of passion for most business owners. There are several types of software that can help optimize workflow and put businesses on a path to increase efficiency and overall success.

Project Management Software

The initial stage in a workflow process for most businesses is some sort of consultation, request, or order from a customer. Paper forms are still common in the business world, and these forms can cause a disruption in the workflow process. Paper forms can be misplaced, they can sit on a desk for long periods of time, and they represent a very inefficient way for employees to communicate with each other. Regardless of the size of a business, the communication between employees is critical to how efficient the business will run. Implementing an order management software system as part of an overall workflow solution can be a positive step toward making things run more smoothly. Project management software can create a proposal for a customer which can lead to a purchase order. The purchase leads to an invoice, and many systems have credit card processing built in to complete the transaction.

Accounting Software

Businesses need to manage money coming in as well as money going out. An accounting software like designdocs can help with paying bills, collecting money from customers and payroll for employees. One of the biggest advantages in an accounting software system is the ability to run specific reports that make the overall financial management more effective. Detailed proposals for customers can be generated quickly along with invoicing for those customers. Overall company financial reports and tax reporting documents can also be generated much more quickly and accurately with the help of a software program. The American Payroll Association concluded that companies not using software systems to help with workflow will spend twenty-five percent more time working on accounting tasks.

Communication Software

In the midst of all the work being done, there needs to be an easy to understand the system in place for all employees to know what needs to be completed, and when the work needs to be finished. This is critical when information needs to move between people in different departments that are all working on the same project. When there is a gap in communication between people, that can slow down or disrupt the flow of work. Having a system where everyone can access the same documents, reports and customer notes will encourage teamwork and promote a more cohesive environment.

Optimizing workflow with software has the immediate benefit of organizing the workload for employees in a way that makes it very neat and user-friendly. This puts employees on a path that is going to decrease the frustration and inefficiencies that can come with a paper system. In the long term, workflow optimization can increase inefficiencies and help businesses see more success.

Three Ways to Establish a Baseline for Your Brand-New Business

StrategyDriven Managing Your Business Article | Three Ways to Establish a Baseline for Your Brand-New BusinessIn business terms, a baseline is where you start. It gives you an idea of your bottom-most revenues and ranks, then allows you to improve upon them until you have a new baseline to replace the start-up version. This is super-important for a brand-new business, as you need to know where you’re starting from to grasp where you want to go. Especially important in project management for business, baselines should be included in your initial business concept. Or at least projected and considered. That said, this article gives you more to think about when establishing a baseline for your brand-new business.

1. Establish a Projected Baseline of Your Hopeful Revenues, Ranks, and Business Presence for the First 3 Months

Baselines are your bottom dollar and where you begin in business. It’s the rock-bottom of your company, and it’s rather low to start with because you don’t know exactly what your business will make. However, you can do a projected baseline as a goal for the next three months. Project a hopeful new baseline, and if you accomplish that one, then that will be your new standard until you consistently make more.

2. Compare Your Actual Baseline to Your Projected Baseline AFTER the First 3 Months and Make Note of Things to Do Differently/Similarly

The first three months are crucial to the success of your business, so keep well-documented records of projected baselines and actual revenues and ranks. When the first three months pass and your business is still standing tall, make tangible notes of what you did, what you will keep the same, and what to do differently. This will be your routine for every three months that your business excels. You could even make a tangible office chart on your wall. Make custom stickers to represent your baseline, projected revenues, and current ranking numbers.

3. Build on Your Business Concept Using the Baseline as an Example of What You Can Accomplish—but Update it Every 3 Months

Baselines change, and businesses go through the trial and errors that either lead to big successes or big failures. Look at where your business began and how much you have accomplished every three months. Let these numbers drive you to do better and maintain a standard of success within your business.