Becoming Self Employed – Is It For You?

Becoming self employed is an attractive prospect for many people. It offers a degree of flexibility and you have no boss to answer to. Being self employed can also be lucrative, any profits made are yours once you have met ongoing costs. If taking the plunge to go self employed appears tempting, it is important to take a rain check and remember that there many downsides too.

StrategyDriven Entrepreneurship Article | Freelance
One of the main cons of being self employed is that being employed on a payroll actually offers a great deal of security. When you decide to become self employed you give up many of the benefits enjoyed by employees. Employment gives a worker lots of rights including, a contract, regular pay, sickness and holiday pay as well as some legal protection. Of course as a self employed person you can still access benefits, but it will be instigated and paid for by yourself. Thankfully there are lawyers who specialise in offering support to businesses in different sectors, for example a truck labor lawyer will represent truck drivers working on a piece rate basis.

So why do so many people choose to go self employed, when there is so much security and benefits to being an employee? Read on to discover why some business owners choose to make the switch.

Earning potential

Most people working on a freelance basis earn more than if they were self employed in the same role, in fact it is estimated at around 45%. You are able to put certain expenses through “the books” which further enhances earning power. As you are working for yourself you will be able to develop your business without constraints, you will be able to pitch for work at higher prices as your reputation grows and any profit will be yours.

You are your own boss

Being self employed means that you don’t have anyone monitoring your every move. You will need to meet the requirements of your clients, but how you get there is up to you! On the flip side however, you will need a high degree of motivation and a strong work ethic. Otherwise your business will not progress as much as you envisaged.


If you require time off to watch the kids nativity or go to the dentist, you won’t need to grovel to your boss. You won’t be constrained to the 9-5 routine, as you can choose your own hours. This is particularly useful if you wish to become a player on a global scale in the future, as you will be accessible 24 hours a day and not just when you are in the office.


Being self employed and running your own business is a constantly evolving role. You need to stay one step ahead of your competitors in order to survive in the marketplace. You will need to adapt manufacturing processes, services and product design to meet your target audience requirements. All of which offers variety to your role.

To conclude lots of research needs to be undertaken prior to becoming self employed, but if you’re sure that being self employed is for you and your personality will allow a high level of commitment, then take the plunge and enjoy the freedom!

Free Business Plans for Small Business Owners and Start-ups

StrategyDriven Entrepreneurship Article | Business PlanIt’s not the most exciting part of starting a business. In fact, if you’re like a lot of entrepreneurs, you’re probably going to find yourself pulling a few all-nighters to get one done before heading into your first pitch for funding. Because that’s the thing – your business plan is important.

Any funder worth his or her salt wants to see it right off the bat. Moreover though, a solid business plan is a living document that will continue to guide your efforts as your business grows.

A lot of those mistakes are the result of poor planning. Bad location, a marginal niche, having no specific user in mind, raising too much or too little money – all these issues can be prevented or at least mitigated with good planning.

Creating your business plan is more than just getting your ideas down on paper for potential funders to see. It’s an exploratory process in which you can evaluate your options, test your assumptions about your idea, and even discover new opportunities. It might even lead you to kill off aspects of your business before investing too much time or money in them.

That doesn’t mean you have to bust out Word and start the plan from scratch. A template is great–you probably aren’t doing anything that hasn’t been done before, so it provides a proven structure for your plan. Pretty much everything on it can be customized. Check out these comprehensive business plan templates you can download for free to get you started:

1. Score’s Business Plan Template for Startups

Score is an American nonprofit dedicated to helping entrepreneurs get their companies off the ground. Its template, available as a PDF or Word download, asks a whopping 150 questions and is generic enough to customize for most types of businesses. The Refining the Plan resource that comes with it is helpful, especially if this is your first crack at writing a business plan.

2. U.S. Small Business Administration Business Plan Engine

The SBA’s template is available to fill out online and then download as a PDF. You can go back in and edit it as needed, so don’t worry about having everything ready the first time you sit down to tackle it. Even broken into sections, it’s a long document and a bit of a slog to get through, but it produces a professional-looking and useful business plan. This is particularly helpful if your idea isn’t fully fleshed out and you know you have homework to do – it prompts you for information.

3. The $100 Startup’s One-Page Business Plan

Who said a business plan has to be a long, complicated document? Some funders are going to want to see a lot of detail, but you can provide that in appendices. The $100 Startup, the website for the best-selling book of the same name, has a ton of stripped-down resources for entrepreneurs, including a super simplified business plan template.

4. LawDepot’s WYSIWYG Business Plan Template

This one says you just have to answer a few simple questions and will be “done before you know it!” Don’t believe it. A business plan should take time and a lot of homework, but if you’ve already done that, LawDepot’s template is a decent choice. It walks you through getting started, marketing, product, competitive analysis, SWOT, and more, with a window below the input fields to show you the plan as you work away at it. You can download it free with a trial subscription, but you’ll have to remember to cancel it within the week if you don’t plan to continue using it.

5. SME Toolkit Business Plan Samples

The SME Toolkit, jointly offered by IFC and IBM, offers a simple two-page outline of what should be included in your business plan to meet the minimum requirements of funders and tax authorities (in the U.S.). It contains 10 broad sections, including market analysis, management and organization, etc., with a one-paragraph explanation of each. A second download on the same page is an Excel file to help with your financial projections.

6. Office Online Templates Galore

Of course, Microsoft offers a ton of business plan templates for Office users (you can get birthday invitations while you’re at it). If you’d rather do a business plan presentation than a Word doc, you can download one of Microsoft Office’s half a dozen or so PowerPoint templates for just that purpose. You’ll want to customize it with your company branding (you have your branding down, right?), but it’s easier than starting from a blank PPT.

7. Invoiceberry Templates for Word, Open Office, Excel, or PPT

U.K. online invoicing software brand Invoiceberry offers free business plan templates in .docx, .odt, .xlsx, and .pptx formats. Each one also contains a marketing plan and executive summary template. There’s a catch, though – the company asks you to take one of the following three actions before you can download the template: like it on Facebook, give it a +1 on Google+, or give it your email address. If you don’t mind doing that, it’s a good deal. Kudos to Invoiceberry for figuring out this effective lead-gen tactic too!

8. Santa Clara University’s My Own Business Institute Plans

Santa Clara U’s MOBI is an initiative of its Center for Entrepreneurship and Innovation at the Leavey School of Business. On the site, you can download each of the 15 business plan sections individually as Word documents, or grab all 15 together in one doc. There’s a ton of other helpful resources as well, including guidelines for evaluating your potential sites, a list of key people to review your plan, and sample financial sheets.

9. RocketLawyer’s Business Plan Templates by State

Like some of the others, you fill out RocketLawyer’s form and download the business plan when you’re done. These plans are tailored to meet your financing requirements which is a huge bonus for those seeking funding through banks. It’s also heavily geared toward financing, making it a good choice if that’s a priority for you.

Once your plan has been created

Creating your business plan is only the first step. Effectively executing against the plan is often what separates the winners from those businesses that stumble along.

  • Keep your business plan as a living document – don’t leave it to gather dust on a shelf.
  • Make sure it’s easily accessible and top-of-mind for you and your team.
  • Reflect your goals in the day-to-day operations of your business.
  • Outline the most practical and cost-effective way to achieve each goal – make a note of any extra resources you’ll need.
  • Make it clear these goals are the top priority for the business.

What’s often not included in templates like these, but is a critical component of business planning, is business insurance. For more information on the types of insurance available for your business visit

Solutions to Effectively Reach Your Target Audience

StrategyDriven Online Marketing and Website Development Article | Target AudienceReaching your target audience can often be a struggle. For a business just starting up, understanding how to best achieve this goal is vital in the early days. Start on the right foot and spend time, money, and resources focusing on appropriate ways to reach and appeal to your target audience. Below are a few handy suggestions for implementing the best strategy going forward.

Defining your target audience

Before you do anything else, you need to take time to work out who your target audience actually is. By identifying your target audience, you can begin to understand the niche that your consumer would fall into. With this knowledge, you can ensure your marketing activities will reach these people. Factors to research include:

  • Demographics – gender, age, profession, income
  • Psychographics – values, attitudes, likes/dislikes, how they think/purchase
  • Behavioral – the way they consume media and data. Is it offline/online? Any key sites or publications?

Once you have a strong understanding of the above you can begin to tailor your marketing, so you can directly connect your audience.

Reaching your target market

Now that you are familiar with the behavior and demographics of your target market, you can look into the best ways to reach them. For some, this will involve offline marketing techniques such as direct mail marketing, word of mouth, newspaper campaigns, and billboards. However, an overwhelming majority of marketing these days takes place online. Your digital marketing campaign needs to be top notch for audiences to discover you among the competition you’ll likely be facing.

Digitally reaching out to your audience

Email Newsletters

This technique may seem old hat to some, but email newsletters are still a simple, cost-effective way that you can directly reach out to your audience. You can deliver targeted messages efficiently and it won’t need a big team to implement. You can keep content simple and create instant impact with broad reach. Be aware of the GDPR regulations; but apart from this, the world is your oyster.

According to Econsultancy, ¾ of companies agree that email offers ‘excellent’ to ‘good’ ROI. Active email accounts are expected to hit 5.6 billion by 2019.


Facebook / Instagram ads

Social media marketing is the current trend that looks like it’s here to stay. With constant updates and content to capitalize on, such as Insta Stories and Facebook Live Video, it has never been easier to tap into audiences. Keep your social media pages current, looking out for opportunities to through hashtags, for example, and spend resources on fresh, visually appealing content that will get your target audience stop scrolling and pay attention to you.

Search engine marketing

Search engine marketing is paving the way for businesses to find their audiences. Having an intrinsic understanding of who your audience is can assist you in more ways than one. You will be able to identify not only what your target audience is searching for, but how they are searching. Through keyword research and analysis and Google Ads campaigns, for example, you can ensure your business is right where it needs to be for customers to find you. Get a team behind you and visit Outsourcing will provide you with the expert knowledge to take your campaign the extra mile.

Banner advertising

Banner advertising works by providing a visual ad that links to your website and is intended to generate traffic. This type of display advertising relies mainly on aesthetics. It promotes your services like a physical banner or poster, but is instead visible on another web page. You can use advertising guides and networks to assist you in creating the ads. Used effectively, this are a great way to share your services through sharp visuals that are designed to attract your target consumer.

Working In The Oil Industry: Finding Jobs

Finding a job in the current day and age is a lot more difficult than it ever has been before. Ever since the recession occurred, employment has been on shaky ground. The jobs on offer are scarce, yet there is a huge supply of individuals seeking work. The issue that has arisen is evident. Nonetheless, if you are looking for a job then don’t be disheartened. This blog post deals specifically with finding oil jobs. Nevertheless, some of the tips given can be used for other industries.

StrategyDriven Practices for Professionals Article | Oil Jobs
The truth is that whilst there may be fewer oil postings in comparison to say ten years ago, there are still jobs available. First and foremost, you need to know how to locate them properly and then you need to know how to make yourself stand out from all of the other candidates who have applied.

Finding and securing oil jobs

There are lots of different job recruitment websites on there for you to use. You are probably thinking “I’ve already been there and done that”. But, the key is to source out the best database websites for your field specifically.

Don’t go for a general recruitment website – containing everything from jobs in the field of cosmetic surgery to social care. Go for a website that specialises in the field of oil and gas. This is imperative. These websites completely focus in your field of expertise and so they are much more likely to be able to give you the help needed. After all, oil jobs extend a lot further than working on the rigs. You may want to work in sales for a company like This is where a specialist recruitment firm really shows its worth. Furthermore, those looking to recruit people in this field will be much more likely to use a specialist website. They will be sick and tired of posting jobs on websites whereby tons of people respond that do not have the training, experience, or qualifications necessary.

In addition to this, you should be mindful when picking what database website to go with. The site you choose should offer a lot more than merely a list of different jobs available. You should be able to gain all the advice necessary to help you secure the job in question. You can find some tips on this at After all, as mentioned in the introduction; it is not just about finding the job it is about securing it as well. In fact, some of the top oil job posting websites have their own blogs whereby they frequently post information regarding how to make yourself stand out from the crowd, the top companies to work for, and so on and so forth. Remember any information you can get your hands on is beneficial. There is no such thing as knowing too much.

If you follow the advice given in this blog, then you are assured to find the best online databases for gas jobs. These websites not only help you to find the job you are looking for, but they help you to secure it as well.

Turning Your Back On Paper In The World Of Business

StrategyDriven Managing Your Business Article | Paperless Business
People have been aware of the issues which come with using paper for a long time. Unable to keep water out, protect from the elements, or fight off any large animals, the materials used in the modern world aren’t always designed to do a job well. Instead, they will be going at this area with one thing in mind; making something work. To help you to get around this, this post will be exploring some of the areas which could do with losing their toys, exposing the reality which comes with paper in today’s society. Going down a route like this is perfect for modern businesses, with loads of customers caring about this area.

Digital Documents

Businesses will always have a lot of documents to deal with, ranging from things which are created internally to those which other companies provide. To ensure that you can always open files like this, companies like Google have made word processors, along with other Office software, which can create and edit documents within your browser window. Tools like this often start out free, making it possible to start getting access to the tools you need without having to spend a small fortune in the process.

With documents playing such a heavy role in business, you will probably always have them coming in on paper for a long time. When you receive something like this, having access to a document management service can make things far easier, turning scans of your paperwork into editable documents which are found online. Going down this route can save a huge amount of time when you’re making transcripts. Of course, though, if you need something like this for professional use, it will usually be best to hire a dedicated company for it.

Making The Transfer

The transitionary period between being a company which uses a lot of paper to one which uses nearly none at all can be a challenging one. If your business has been around for a while, changing something like this could be hard, and the older members of your team are likely to struggle with big adaptations like this. Below, you can find some of the steps which can be taken during this stage. A lot of people simply try to make this transfer without giving it proper thought, but this will be too hard for most to get right.

  • Start Recycling: While it doesn’t get rid of paper entirely, recycling is the best route to take when you don’t have any choice regarding this resource. Not only will this enable you to deal with waste paper in a responsible way, but it will also ensure that your customers stay happy with you, with loads of people considering this part of life to be extremely important.
  • Team Training: Getting to grips with using far less paper can be quite a shock to the system when you first start. People may not realise quite how many tools they have open to them in this area, leaving them to struggle through options which don’t make much sense for them. You can provide something like this yourself or use a third party company to help you out with it.
  • Letting Customers Know: The people buying things from you should always know about your efforts in this sort of area. While it will make it feel a little cheaper, making the most of this with your marketing is always well worth it. Most people will ignore this opportunity, letting the chance to get some good press slip away. It doesn’t have to be this way, though, as long as you’re willing to put the effort into it.

StrategyDriven Managing Your Business Article | Paperless Business
Bills & Invoices

When you’re trying to remove paper from your business, you will be relying on the companies which you work with to also follow this sort of direction. Bills, invoices, and other documents which come from other teams will often be delivered on paper, and this can contribute a huge amount to the resources you’re using. Of course, paperless billing systems are becoming more popular, and you can often request that you get your documents by email, limiting the amount of paper which you have to deal with as a result.

Along with this, you could also think about the paper which these companies are using themselves. When you work with someone who is wasting a resource like this, you will be contributing to something which actively undermines the effort you’re making. For this reason, it will be worth doing some research, checking to make sure that the people you choose to partner up with have the same values as you. With most companies wasting loads of paper, it makes sense to look for someone doing the right thing.

The Hardware

One of the biggest benefits which can be found in an effort like this is the savings which can be made. You’re not saving money on the paper itself, though, as this is a very cheap product, and most companies can easily afford it. Instead, you will be saving money on hardware. Using digital documents takes away the need for printers, scanners, and shredders, leaving you with a computer and some tools found around the web. This is a great way to make savings while also looking after the planet.

A lot of people worry that they will lose functions which they use a lot when going through a process like this. In reality, though, when you need access to something which can be done with a machine, you can often find the very same service being offered over the web. Secure internet faxing, for example, takes away the need for a physical fax machine, but will still enable you to connect with companies which are using them. Using options like this will give you the power to cut paper out without changing the way that you work, often making your little daily jobs just a little bit easier.

Why Avoid Paper?

There are plenty of very good reasons to cut paper out of your business, and it’s more than just money which you need to think about here. It makes sense to make the most of these benefits from the very beginning, using the resources around you to start a better company, all while making your work simpler. Below, you can find some of the main driving forces which will push an effort like this. Of course, when you’re running a company, it makes sense to look for the services and tools which do more for you.

Reputation: Running a business makes it incredibly hard to avoid the watchful eye of the public. Whenever you make big decisions, someone will know about it, and word will quickly spread when you’re doing good. If you’re doing bad, though, like using too much paper, your reputation can quickly become a negative one. Not a lot of people realise quite how much action like this can impact the way that people see their business.

Responsibility: Making sure that you’re responsible for the resources you use is incredibly important in the modern world, and not enough people are working towards goals like this. If everyone continues to use paper at the current rate, though, there soon won’t be enough left for everyone. Like most of the resources people use, paper is very limited, making it make sense to avoid using it when you don’t have to. Of course, though, this doesn’t mean that responsible paper can’t be found.

Productivity: Handling paper can take a long time, especially when it comes to filing it and finding it. Most people won’t have experience using systems like this, forcing you to give training if you want to continue to use paper. Online systems take this out of your hands entirely, giving you the power to search for your files, while also making them easier to put away and store at the end of the day.

Security: It can be hard to see something like paper as a security risk. Most people have been using this resource throughout much of their life, and won’t have had any issues with it. When it comes to business, though, you will have information on documents like this which is far too important for you to risk falling into other people’s hands. By hosting your documents online, you can use encryption to secure them, ensuring that no one outside your business ever has access.

StrategyDriven Managing Your Business Article | Paperless Business
Paper has long been one of the most crucial resources a business has behind them. Since the early days of society, people have been using materials like this to store information, creating records of things which the brain can’t be relied on for. As you enter the digital age, though, it doesn’t make sense to keep using old methods like this. Instead, you should always be looking for ways to push your business into the modern age, using the latest tools you have available to make your work easier and better for everyone else. Of course, the future will be a lot brighter for the world when more companies focus on this.