Email Marketing Tips for Real Estate Agents

StrategyDriven Marketing and Sales ArticlePotential real estate clients are of high value. Independent real estate agents and large, well-established realty firms and businesses are equally invested in reeling in potential clients at the first chance they have. After all, the average home seller pocketed a whopping $54,000 throughout calendar year 2017, says Attom Data Solutions. This marked a 10-year high on average returns on investment of between one-fourth and three-tenths of their original investments!

As you can already tell – as if you don’t already know – the worth of a potential real estate client is nearly priceless. For this reason, combined with the long-ongoing market trend that buyers are shopping online more and more, digital marketing is of utmost importance for professionals in the real estate industry. Email is especially crucial, as 94 percent of REALTOR realty agents make offers and tend to clients’ questions via email. An astounding 96 percent of REALTORS use email on a daily basis, making the communication channel more popular than even smartphones.

Here are a handful of solid tips for all real estate agents when it comes to email marketing.

First Impressions Matter – Both In Person And In Email Subject Lines

According to iContact, a holding of tech giant Apple, roughly half of all email recipients decide to or not to open emails based on nothing but subject lines. Real estate professionals should avoid using all capital letters, excessive exclamation points, and other symbols, though they should always otherwise try to make email headers as engaging as humanly possible.

Emails Need To Be Short

Some things in life aren’t, in fact, best when kept short ‘n’ sweet. Realty-related marketing emails should generally contain all pertinent information above the fold, meaning recipients shouldn’t have to scroll down to understand the email in its entirety.

Be Consistent In Sending Emails

Nobody likes to be spammed with marketing emails, though it’s generally a good idea to send out at least five personalized, targeted emails to each active buyer on your contact list.

Email marketing for real estate agents isn’t a walk in the proverbial park to master. However, since it’s so important in today’s realty trade, all real estate professionals should strive to master the art of email marketing.

Marathon Consulting Group, Inc. Listed as a StrategyDriven Trusted Services Partner

StrategyDriven Trusted Service PartnerStrategyDriven is proud to introduce Marathon Consulting Group as our newest Trusted Services Partner!

Having completed our rigorous certification process, we found Marathon Consulting Group to be a market leading service provider with proven client results.

Troubled organizations going through a regulatory recovery typically have longstanding performance issues driven by a number of factors. Recoveries led by Marathon have resulted in improved regulatory margin, equipment reliability, organizational alignment and safety culture, as well as 18% reduction in production costs and 60% fewer consequential events achieved within 1-2 years and sustained performance at that level.

Marathon Consulting Group provides services in the following areas:

  • Monitoring: Business Performance Assessment Program, Corrective Action Program, Management Observation Program
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About Marathon Consulting Group

Led by richly experienced leaders and executives from the power industry, Marathon Consulting Group approaches regulatory recovery and other engineering, technology, and management challenges from a strategic and 100% solutions-focused perspective.

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StrategyDriven provides executives and managers with the planning and execution advice, tools, and practices needed to create greater organizational alignment and accountability for the achievement of superior bottom line results. At StrategyDriven, our seasoned business leader experts deliver real-world strategic business planning and tactical execution best practice advice – a blending of workplace experience with sound research and academic principles – to tens of thousands of business leaders worldwide.

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Protecting Your Most Valuable Assets

StrategyDriven Risk Management Article
As a property owner, you would like to be able to predict every scenario that could happen to your home, business, vehicles, and other assets. However, accidents and disasters happen when you least expect them. You have to be prepared at all times to respond to the worst.

Along with repairing and maintaining your home, car, and other property, you also may want to cover them with policies that will pay out if or when an accident or disaster occurs. By investing in home, business, and auto insurance palm coast fl, property owners like you can always be protected against devastating financial losses.

Getting a Free Quote

Before you invest in a new policy for any asset, you want to know how much it will cost you. You do not want to spend a lot of money each term on premiums that are outside of your budget. You would ideally like the premiums to be realistic for what you can afford and what you know you can budget for ahead of time.

When visiting an insurance broker’s website, you should be able to ask for and receive a free quote for any kind of insurance policy the company sells. The premium quote will be based on different factors like your age, state of residence, gender, and driving history. It will also take into account whether or not you are a first-time insurance buyer or someone who has had insurance in the past.

Once you get a free quote for the policy, you can decide if you want to buy the policy or continue shopping around for better rates. Note that the rates presented on the broker’s website are likely designed to be for the least expensive policy. You may find the bargain you want or need to continue your search.

Insuring your car and other property is important as the owner. You want to know you will recoup your losses after a disaster or accident. You do not have to guess what your premiums might be before you purchase the insurance. You can get a free quote and more information by using insurance brokers’ websites today.

5 Powerful Ways to Generate More Business Leads

StrategyDriven Online Marketing and Website Development Article, 5 Powerful Ways to Generate More Business Leads

Never undervalue the power of promotion when it comes to selling a product. You could have the best item on the market, but it doesn’t mean a thing if your target audience doesn’t know about it.

To generate a substantial revenue year after year, you need people to take notice of your brand and product. Carve a place for your brand in an industry by checking out the five powerful ways to generate more business leads.

1. Publish & Optimize Your Content

Experienced digital marketers will be the first people to tell you about the importance of high-quality content on your website, as it can serve as a superb source of web traffic, which can consequently result in more leads.

To drive visitors to your site, you must regularly publish informative, entertaining copy that is unique to your competitors. You also must optimize your content with stunning images, insightful videos, and professional infographics, which will increase your readership, share count, and backlinks to your website.

2. Apply for Tenders

Amplify your profitability by applying for tenders to secure a bid to supply a company with your products or services. Whatever industry you are in, the experts at Executive Compass can help you to produce winning tenders to receive large or small contracts, which, in turn, can help your business grow at a rapid rate.

3. Use Email Marketing

Engage your subscribers with an effective email marketing campaign. It can help you to connect with past customers and those interested in your brand, so it is a viable way to generate leads.

Ensure a subscriber opens your newsletter by writing a compelling subject line that makes them want to find out more about what’s inside. Also, don’t forget to feature a call-to-action button to convert a subscriber into a customer, as it can help to guide them to the checkout.

4. Focus on Direct Engagement

Rather than talking to the masses, which can make your customers feel like just another number on your database, you should focus on direct engagement. While FAQs can be an effective way to answer a potential customer’s questions, it lacks the personal touch.

Give your demographic a reason to want to buy from your brand by focusing on direct engagement tactics, such as a live chat facility, forum, and help center. Make sure you regularly have friendly and welcoming customer service representatives available to answer their questions, which could lead to more leads and a positive reputation in your industry.

5. Market Your Brand Via LinkedIn

LinkedIn is more than a social platform to connect with your past and current colleagues. It provides a space to strike up relationships with new clients, as you can personally reach out to business owners, directors, and managers in a friendly, laidback manner.

Not only should you communicate directly with busy professionals, but you also should regularly publish exceptional content on the platform to engage LinkedIn members and establish your business as a thought leader, which can lead to potential customers and clients reaching out to your company.

Tips For Successfully Growing Your Business

The decision to grow your business is an exciting one, but can also bring many new challenges your way. Plan ahead, so you have a good idea of what you want to see your company tackle going forward and know exactly how you’re going to handle the growth process.

You want to make sure the numbers are there, and your business is stable enough to withstand the expansion you’re about to undertake. Review the following tips to help you make certain you not only grow your business but that you do so successfully and without having any regrets at the end of the day.

Have A Plan in Place

Your first order of business is to get organized and create a roadmap, so you know where you’re heading in the future. Successfully grow your company by coming up with a strategic plan for how you’re going to get from one point to the next without experiencing any major road bumps. Some easy steps to follow regarding your plan include:

  • Setting new goals
  • Figuring out how you’re going to go about meeting your objectives
  • Having a backup plan handy if all doesn’t go your way

Prepare Behind the Scenes

Successfully grow your business by getting prepared behind the scenes and having the right technology and resources in place. For instance, you might want to consider a VPS server solution which will provide you with more control and flexibility. This can confirm your data is protected and ensures you have the means to gradually grow and expand your venture too. You want to ensure you’re fully equipped to handle the expansion in the office, so there are no disruptions to your service or delivery.

Continue to Provide Excellent Customer Service

What you don’t want to happen is to get so involved with the process of growing your business that you forget about your customers along the way. It’s extremely important to continue to serve them well and go above and beyond to meet their needs. You can successfully grow your business by getting more and more customers onboard who adore you and are willing to go spread a positive message about your business to their friends and family members.

Be Willing to Adapt

It’s your job as the boss and leader to make sure you know what you’re doing and are able to successfully bring your company to another level. Being able to adapt to the ever-changing business and industry landscape can see your business benefit and stand out from competitors. You’ll want to proactively take the proper measures to so you can continue to outsmart your competition and go to market with the latest and greatest before they do.


Growing your business isn’t easy, but it is doable if you have the right approach and guidelines in place. Use these tips to help you set yourself up for success so you can continue to outshine your competition in the future. Be willing to work hard and put forth an extra effort, especially in the early stages of this transition