How to Bring in Remote Workers

StrategyDriven Talent Management ArticleRemote work is being spoken about more and more as the years go by. You may have already heard of this term in passing, if not know someone who is a remote worker. Some choose the lifestyle as a result of the convenience and comforts of working at home, while others may choose it given the fact that they often travel from place-to-place.

The fact is, remote work is advantageous to businesses. The question then becomes, as a business, how do you bring in remote workers? There is a three-step process this article will outline. First, the hiring process, followed by the day-to-day communication tactics and lastly the ‘meet up.’

Hiring process

The very first step to bringing in remote workers requires you to hire them. Throughout the process, you must keep in mind to look for people who would be cut out for remote work. There are certain qualities to look out for – such as self-starters and good writers, both required skills for a successful remote work career. The same way your company would hire a prospective employee; you must start sending out online applications so that people can apply for the remote work. Ask questions during the online application process such as ‘why is remote work a good fit for you?’ Eventually, you will find the right person for the job.

Using technology

By nature of the name, a remote worker will not be in the office to complete their work. That brings you to factor number two – using technology to bring the worker into the office. Who says they have to physically be there? Using technology to communicate with one another on a daily basis is just as effective as if everyone were in the room together. Facetime, Skype, pick up the phone or keep in constant contact via email. It will seem as if the worker is in the office, only via technology. It’s the way of the future!

Technology will also be used to coordinate work between those in the office and those that are working remotely. Turn to an organization such as, as they can provide safe and secure cloud hosting for your company. A Vcloud Director will, for instance, offer various beneficial features for the company to manage their own private cloud system.

A physical meet up

Now that you have hired remote workers and are bringing them into the office every day via technology, there comes the physical meet up portion. It is true that a remote worker does not work in an office, nor do they follow the 9-5 routine necessarily. That being said, there should be at least one time a year that everyone working for that company meets up in a location! This will be beneficial to building employee relationships.

Remote work is slowly becoming a more predominant career choice given that it is talked about more now than it ever was before. This is also partly due to the fact that more companies are thinking about hiring remote workers. The numerous steps you must take to hire a remote worker are not so different from hiring someone to work in the office. You must consider how they will fit in with the company, as well as consider having them connected to the company via technology and even the potential for a meet-up at some point between everyone.

Starting Business in Canada? Basic Tips to Follow

StrategyDriven Entrepreneurship ArticleWhether you are a Canadian or a new immigrant you might want to start your own company and be your own boss.

Statistics Canada showed in 2010 that 5.3% of immigrants started a business after living in Canada for a few years. At the same time, only 4.8% of Canadian citizens owned a private company in 2010. So, everything is in your own hands and all you have to do is to keep in mind the following information.

There are a lot of important things to consider about how to start a business in Canada. In this article, you will find the basic tips from financing and marketing to business planning in Canada.

Build Your Credit Score

If you are new to Canada, you may not have a credit history that banks can rely on to lend you the money for your startup.

There are several fast ways to build up your credit score. One of them is to build up your borrowing potential by signing up for a credit card. Make sure you use it with responsibility and in six months your credit score will slowly start to develop. Later on, you will be able to use it in order to finance your startup.

Pay attention to your credit score even after you’ve been approved for a loan as this is when problems may happen if you fail to repay the loan on time and in full.

Some lenders may approve your application for Canada loans for bad credit customers but it is not guaranteed that you will get the required amount and terms. Such loans are typically issued as personal cash advances rather than business financing options. Although, it may be enough to cover some small current business expenses.

Understand Canadian Culture

If you want your business to be successful in any country, you have to embrace its culture and understand local customers, what they like to purchase and how.

The best way to get immersed in a new culture is to join volunteer organizations and get involved in business associations or any other place where you can easily mix with people who know this country better and have lived here for a longer time.

After you’ve successfully built your local network, you may develop your business and make connections elsewhere.

Make Your Personal and Business Banking Accounts Separate

This piece of advice may seem obvious, yet so many business owners make the same mistake and start their own company not just out of a basement or an old garage, but also out of their personal bank account. Set up a separate business bank account that won’t mix with your personal one.

Also, make sure you have enough money to cover your personal expenses for at least six months while your company is getting started.

It always takes some time before the business becomes profitable so it’s always beneficial to have a good baseline. Even if you don’t have that money at the moment, you can start saving or find a job.

The website of the Government of Canada performs a useful page called Preparing to Work, which provides with additional information on how to land a job in Canada, tips on how to improve your English/French or get your credentials assessed. More than that, familiarize yourself with laws you will be required to follow as an entrepreneur, maybe even consult a business attorney if necessary.

Give your startup a fighting chance by creating a solid foundation with these basic for starting a business in Canada.