How to Revitalise Your Business When You’ve Hit a Slump

Even the most dynamic and driven entrepreneurs and professionals can find themselves falling into something of a professional slump at some point in their career. It’s not that things are going badly, it’s just that they’re not improving, the ideas have dried up, and it’s difficult to see the business adapting sufficiently to meet the inevitable challenges the future will bring.

When this situation strikes, and you find yourself in the doldrums, there are a few things you can do to work on revitalising your process and getting back on the upwards climb.

Work on encouraging more creative discussions in the company

Many businesses end up bringing in consultants in order to inject new ideas into their company. Sometimes this works, but often it’s just a smokescreen that covers up poor personnel management in the workplace.

If you have even a handful of team members working under you, it should be more than possible to summon up creative ideas in-house in order to streamline and improve your business processes and come up with viable solutions to the problems you may be experiencing.

The key issue is in the way that may managers deal with meetings and brainstorming sessions. Rather than throwing a big question out there such as “who has a viable solution in mind for this problem?” you should be opening up a more dynamic and less threatening space in which creative discussions can thrive.

The direction you take should be more along the lines of “I want you all to come up with an idea in the next few minutes, don’t worry about it being “good”, this is just to get the ball rolling”. When people feel comfortable sharing whatever’s on their mind, you can begin gathering novel thoughts and refining them with some work into viable and applicable strategies.

Broaden your knowledge of the business world in general

You may be a master of your own particular industry, but understanding how other, tangentially related parts of the broader business world work, will give you a useful degree of insight into how your role is affected by wider market forces.

This, in turn, can make you more dynamic in your ability to manoeuvre professionally.

You can begin expanding your knowledge in any area. What is forex? What beside-the-scenes constraints affect the performance of your key suppliers?

The main thing is that you begin expanding your understanding of market forces per se.

Consider branching out and expanding your services

Many companies begin with a laser-sharp focus, but expand and branch out their operations over time to encompass a greater range of services. Sometimes this can cause resources to be wasted, but at other times, it opens new markets and areas of innovation that had previously been untapped.

Is there something your clients need, that you’re not currently offering them but perhaps could? A “package deal” where more of their needs are served by a single trusted brand is often an attractive proposition, and it allows you to trade off the trust you’ve already built in your field.

3 Ways Your Company Is Using Technology Wrong

As a business owner, you’re probably fed up of hearing about how important technology is for your business. You know that by now and you’ve probably made some updates to the tech in your office and started to see some of the benefits. But a lot of business owners end up adopting technology because they’ve been told that they should, without really understanding how to use it properly. If you’re making mistakes when implementing and using new tech, you’re paying out loads of money for stuff you aren’t getting the full benefit of. These are the biggest tech mistakes that companies make and how to solve them.

Using The Cloud For File Transfer

I’m not suggesting that using the cloud for file transfer is a bad idea, it isn’t. One of the great things about the cloud is that you can use it to quickly access files from any computer, but so many companies think that this is the only thing the cloud can do and they’re paying for an expensive service and only using it for this one small thing. When you set up the cloud, spend a bit of money on cloud implementation services and get everything set up properly, then you’ll be able to get the full potential from it. You can use it to improve collaboration between employees by allowing them to work on documents together in real time. It’s also great for cutting costs and saving space in the office by reducing the number of physical servers you’re using. If you aren’t using all of the great features of cloud services, you’re wasting money.

Experimental Technologies

When a company comes to you and says they’ve just developed an innovative piece of software that is going to revolutionize your company, it’s tempting to bite their hand off and hand over your cash. But you don’t know where IT trends are going to go and a lot of tech in the early stages is going to be riddled with problems. You might get lucky and buy something that saves you money and improves productivity, but you’re just as likely to buy a buggy piece of software that never takes off. Don’t take risks on new technologies, it’s better to invest your technology fund in the tried and tested stuff.

Viewing IT As Separate From The Business


The IT department often gets shunted out of the way and forgotten about until they’re needed. They’re seen as separate from the rest of the business but that’s the wrong attitude to have. Now that technology is so tied up with every aspect of your company, the IT department has a central role to play in maintaining that technology and helping you to use it properly. If you’re not allowing the IT department to do what they do best, you’re just going to slow things down unnecessarily.

Spending money on technology is one thing but if you actually want it to have a meaningful impact on your business, you need to understand how to use it properly and avoid these mistakes.

Three Important Points to Include in Your Business Plan

Business plans are a prelude to success, and failing to create one is a mistake that too many small businesses make. Not only can a great business plan help you achieve success by driving your efforts in a more calculated manner, but it can also help you gain the funding that you need from either banks or investors. Of course, there are as many business plans as there are individuals, and as such many business plans fail to capture all of the key elements they need to help their business succeed. To help you achieve a good business plan that will help you succeed, ensure you include these three points:

Market Analysis

If you do not conduct any market analysis, you are failing yourself as a start-up. You need to know not only who your competitors are, but who your local competitors are, and more importantly what the local consumers are like. If you open up your business in an area that has very few members of your demographic you are doomed to fail from the start. There are two kinds of market analysis you need to conduct as a result. The first is into the industry itself; who are the main players, what technologies do they use, where can you fit into that market, and so on. The second market you must analyze is your customers. Know who they are and what they want so that you can market to them more effectively.

Ensure Your Practice Adheres to Applicable Laws

Every business is subject to laws and regulations, from how they work to how they manage their data. It is important that you include how your company is not only going to excel, but also how it is going to excel within the parameters of the law. With law firms, for instance, Redbrick Solutions offers consultancy to ensure your firm complies with the EU’s General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) if you work with or within the EU. This, in turn, will allow you to offer more security and assurance to your clients as a result.

To ensure your company does comply with the laws that regulate it, you must first ensure you know what those laws are. Contacting a consultancy law firm or hiring a specialist in your industry can help you know the laws that apply to you and teach you how to adhere to them.


When it comes to creating a business plan, budget should always make an appearance. Without accurately understanding where the money will be coming from and where it is going, you cannot make any guarantees for the success of your business. You need to do cost analysis and prove to either investors or to yourself that you can survive until you get your first few clients in through the door. Either through savings or through money-saving activities like managing the entire business by yourself until you have enough income or notoriety to hire someone else, you need to know how you will pay for your business.

Never underestimate the power of a good business plan. It can help you circumvent easily avoidable challenges and see your business succeed.

Signs Your Marketing Campaign Has ast Its Sell by Date

Online marketing is something that never remains stagnant. The industry constantly moves forward and new trends and approaches are being developed all of the time. If you want to stay at the forefront of your industry, you are going to need to adapt and progress. If your marketing campaign is outdated, it is going to be hurting your business more than you realise, and it will eventually result in your being penalised by Google. With that in mind, read on to discover some of the most evident signs that your marketing campaign is totally outdated.

You are using social media like a machine – Social media is an extremely powerful platform for businesses today. However, it is surprising how many businesses are still failing to use social media effectively. One of the most outdated and damaging approaches is to treat social media like it is a machine. This means that you simply post an endless stream of promotional content. Social media is all about engagement, so if you are not engaging, you may as well not have a social media presence at all. You should use social media to talk to your customers and potential customers about anything relating to your industry. It is also a good customer service platform, enabling you to answer questions.

You are developing your campaign in-house yet you have no expertise – Marketing is not an area whereby corners can be cut. If you do not have the expertise in-house to put together an effective campaign and to maintain it to ensure that it continues to achieve results, then you need to look for the right firm for you.

You spin articles you have found online and put them on your own blog – Spinning should never be used – ever! It produces quality of a terrible content. It is obvious that the content has been duplicated, and it is obvious it has been spun, or it looks like someone with no grasp of the English language has written it. Not only is this bad for your brand image, but it will really hurt your search engine ranking, as spinning is heavily frowned on by Google. If you do not have the capacity to produce original, engaging, and impressive content in-house, you need to hire a B2C or B2B content marketing firm to do it for you. All posts need to be scheduled on a consistent basis. They need to be unique, they need to inform the reader, and they need to show you as an expert in the field. Spun content does not achieve this.

You are promoting, not providing – This is a big one! A lot of businesses are guilty of offering a flashy and amazing marketing campaign, yet they have nothing to back it up with. Let’s get this straight your product or service is your best marketing tool. Once you have aced this and you deliver an exceptional customer experience, you can then enhance upon it with innovative approaches to marketing. However, you cannot get the marketing right but the value all wrong.

You are still serving spam – Yes, 15 years ago if you sent someone an email that said the words “you have got mail” or something along those lines, most people would have opened it. However, times have changed. More mail ends up in the trash than it does being read. This is why you need to update your approach to email marketing if you are to have any success from it. Plus, not only is spam unsuccessful it is incredibly annoying, and it won’t do you any favours in the eyes of your consumer base. They will probably unsubscribe from your newsletters altogether, and they may look for a business that is less intrusive to purchase from.

So there you have it: some of the signs that your marketing campaign is in desperate need of an upgrade. If you have noticed one or several of the warning signs that have been mentioned there is no need to panic, but you do need to make some changes otherwise your business is at risk of being left behind the competition. Follow the advice that has been provided and you will be able to notice a difference to the success of your marketing efforts.

Strategies To Help You Launch Your Business Idea

There is no hiding from the fact that more people are launching their own businesses these days. It might be in terms of wanting more flexibility, a better lifestyle or money making opportunities to take advantage of. It is no longer a scary prospect for some, and can actually be one of the best moves you ame. But whether you are wanting to launch a restaurant, set up a  new boutique store or run an online business, there are basic strategies you can implement into any business model to help you succeed. I wanted to share with you what some of them are.

Having everything you need to move the business forward

It may sound basic, but sometimes you need to have the basics done right before you can move forward, dn in terms of business, that can often mean the right equipment, location and ambition to move forward. Your seafood restaurant, for example, will need relevant equipment like a Pin-boning machine, descaler or filleter. Your shop or boutique store will need the right level of racking and shelving to showcase the products effectively. Your online business may require good camera equipment for photographs, a decent computer or portable device to keep you on the move like a tablet. Basic things, but important to ensure that your business runs smoothly.

The right level of marketing and branding to succeed

Having a business and everything in place is one thing, but without good branding or marketing who is going to see it or know of its existence? It is now easier than ever to get the message heard about your business. From social media advertising to having a decent and responsive website. Most of which, can be set up with a little guidance yourself. However, taking the time to consider your branding, and also your marketing outputs can be key ingredients to success. If you don’t feel comfortable doing it there are plenty of digital agencies online that will help you in terms of strategy.

Prioritising your time and skills and putting it to best use

One big strategy I think many of us could do with improving is our use of time and skills and putting them to best use. We can all be guilty of not prioritising what we need to do in the right order, spending more time than we should on needless tasks and really not making the most of what we are good at and what can be outsourced for better performance and also a saving on your time. Time blocking and working out where you can make the most difference in your business is essential.

Thinking outside of the box and for the future

Finally, while it may not necessarily be a strategy for improvement right now, everything that you do will have a poignant effect on the future. Always keep it in the back of your mind about what the next step will be?

I hope that these strategies help you move your business idea along.