DOA: Don’t Let This Happen To Your E-Commerce Business

It’s a well-known fact that the majority of new businesses online fail, typically within their first year. Why does this happen? What’s the cause? These are questions that you should be interested in if you are planning on setting up your own e-commerce company. E-commerce companies may look easy to set up and run, but it’s notoriously difficult to actually make a profit with this type of business models unless you know what you’re doing which most people don’t. So, how can you make sure that your e-commerce business isn’t DOA?

Get The Right Domain

First, it is important to make sure that you are getting a fantastic domain name for your e-commerce company. People often miss the importance of a great domain because they are distracted by the fact that no one searches for this. While that’s true, it’s worth pointing out that the domain name will impact your search ranking and this determines how much interest you’re going to see online before you even start to think about investing in SEO.

On top of this, you should also consider revisits. People are far more likely to revisit your site if they can remember the domain. That’s why certain domains sell for thousands online at auction. It does have an impact, and straight off the bat, it’s worth making sure that you are paying a little more here for the perfect domain.

Hosting is important too as this will give you complete control over how your site operates.

Keep Things User-Friendly

Next, it’s important to make sure that your site is completely user-friendly. You need to keep things as easy as possible for buyers. The easier you make it, the more likely they are to buy. It’s as simple as that. There are lots of ways to make your site easy to use but if you want to perfect the interface, it’s worth working with an IT support team. Using IT services, you can make sure that there are no issues with interface that could ultimately drive customers away.

You should have a blog as part of your e-commerce site as well. A blog will allow you to hit a number of birds with one stone. First, it will give you an easy way to add lots of SEO optimised content to your site and indirectly impact the rankings. Second, it allows you a great way to connect and target your audience encouraging them to commit to a purchase. Third, it will keep the rest of your site clean and free of cluttered content.

Target And Remarket

Lastly, you need to think of ways to hook the customer so that they can’t escape. One of the best ways to do this is to get their details even before the sale. Newsletters, email offers and deals are all fantastic ways to do this. That will ensure you can continue to market to them and get those always important repeat purchases.

We hope you take this advice and make sure that your E-commerce company isn’t DOA.

3 Ways To Spend Less On Your Company Cars

Most business owners will invest in at least one company car as their operations begin to succeed. The issue is that you could end up spending far more than is necessary if you take the incorrect approach. Considering that, three expert strategies on this page should ensure you keep the costs down to a minimum. You can then use your budget to fund additional advertising or the growth of your company. We’ll try to keep things as simple as possible so every reader can benefit from this advice.

Consider a leasing deal

Firstly, you need to consider the fact that you don’t need to purchase the vehicle outright in most instances. That could be a significant business mistake if you don’t have thousands of dollars in your accounts. Nothing is stopping you from taking a look at some of the deals on offer from specialist leasing firms. In many situations, you can gain access to vehicles you wouldn’t otherwise be able to afford to drive. Also, you don’t have to worry about repairs because the hire company will handle those. For a small payment each month, you can get a suitable car that will get you from A to B and impress your clients. You can swap and change the model at the end of each contract too!

Maintain the vehicle yourself

If you’re going to buy your business car outright, there are lots of ways in which you can reduce the running costs. For example, you might decide to sign up for a servicing arrangement that will ensure mechanics take a look at the automobile every twelve months. However, those who want to save the most amount of cash will need to get used to the idea of performing maintenance jobs without professional assistance. Click here or visit an auto specialist in your hometown to take a look at how much you will need to spend on essentials to keep the vehicle in working order. Be sure to also regularly check the state of your car parts, and search for new ones to upgrade your car. For instance, searching for something like Grand Cherokee parts and accessories will be enough for you to source out just the right parts for your car.

Compare commercial insurance packages

It’s sometimes possible to reduce the cost of your business car insurance by getting a policy for your entire company from the same provider. You can learn more about that here or search Google. There are many commercial insurance specialists out there, and some of them offer packages that provide all the protection your operation requires. That might include things like public liability, employer’s insurance, and even car cover. Getting all that from the same brand is the best way to reduce the price you have to pay. Also, you can obtain quotes from multiple firms and use them to drive the cost down with others. Just use some common sense.

Those three strategies should assist all readers when it comes to keeping more cash in their business accounts this year. When all’s said and done, even those with successful brands will need to reduce spending as much as possible. That is the best way to ensure you always have enough funds available to pay for marketing and utilize any new concepts as they appear throughout the year. So, put some of this advice into practice, and you should never end up overspending on the vehicle you use to represent your venture.

Struggling with Stress: How to Have More Fun at Work

According to an Everest College Survey, 83% of US workers are suffering from stress at work, which is often related to a low salary, too many tasks, a lack of job security, a poor work-life balance, or a lack of professional developments.

Unfortunately, stress at work can eat into a worker’s personal life, as they may feel defined by their chosen career. Fortunately, there are numerous ways you can combat stress in your job. Find out how to have more fun at work.

Go for a Walk

Whenever your job becomes a little stressful, take a walk to clear your mind and distance yourself from the tasks. The small break will not only help to clear your mind, but it can reportedly increase creativity. You’ll return to work with more passion and determination for a project, so you’ll feel happier in the job role.

Play a Game

Games have been proven to alleviate anxiety and stress both inside and outside the workplace. It can, therefore, be a fun and helpful activity during a lunch or coffee break. So, play a video game in the office breakout room, or enjoy a Unibet game to relax your mind and have a little fun. It could potentially lift your mood, which will make the working day seem less of a chore.

Personalize Your Workspace

Do you have your own office, cubicle, or desk? Put your own stamp on it with a little personalization. Create a fun space you are proud to call your own. For example, you can add stress balls, family photographs, decorative accessories, or you can decorate it with postcards or cards. It will be your own mini home away from home, and it’s bound to capture the attention of other colleagues – so it could be a good way to make new friends at work.

Don’t Be Afraid to Have Fun

While it is important to maintain professionalism at work, nothing is stopping you from having a little fun with your colleagues, too. So, stop being afraid to have fun and simply crack a joke, laugh with others, share funny articles, or smile at your colleagues. You will help to create a happier workplace – and you’ll feel happier as a result, too.

Compliment a Colleague

A compliment could potentially make a person’s day, so don’t be afraid to give a colleague some positive feedback each day. For example, genuinely compliment them on their presentation, or ask where they bought their clothing. It will make others feel good, and it will, in turn, make you feel good. They’ll also be more likely to compliment you in the future, too, so you can help to create a more positive working environment for everyone. You’ll be surprised by how something so small can make such a big difference to both yours and another person’s day.

Do you have any helpful tips on how to have more fun at work? Please write a comment below.

Hello, We’re Here To Help You Get On Top Of Live-Chat On Your Website

Given that you’re selling goods online, it’s likely you browse competitor’s sites often. How better to get an idea of what you’re up against? During such research, you’ve probably come across a few websites which offer live chats. You know the ones. You’ve been on the site for a while and a chat pings from the corner, saying ‘Hello, I’m Sam, and I’m here to help.’.

In truth, this is something you’ll now find from most internet based businesses. And, it’s nothing new. This is a 21st-century version of a staff member asking if there’s anything they can help with. It’s a tried and tested method which shows customers you care. As such, it’s worth incorporating this into your online store. But, before you do, ask yourself these questions to make sure you get it right.

Is your internet up to the task?

First, consider whether your internet is up to the job. The only thing worse than not offering online chat is providing one which loses connection. If your internet drops when a customer reaches out, that’s a lost sale. If this happens a few times, you can kiss goodbye to seeing any benefit here. As such, you should consider working with an IT Consultant like eSudo who can help you get a better connection for your money. Plus, such services offer ongoing support if you do run into glitches. As such, your chat should never be out of service for long. Then, you can sit back and start reaping the rewards of this extra mile.

How long should you wait until advertising live chat?

No customer likes to be bombarded the moment they click on your page. They don’t know whether they need help at this stage. As such, an immediate popup will only put people off. Instead, it’s worth delaying your live-chat. But, how long should you wait? Leave it too long and you may lose the sale. Get it too early, and you’ll annoy people. How you work this may be a case of trial and error. Consider, on average, how long people stay on your site, and how long it takes them to find what they want. Often, 30 seconds or so should be long enough. It’s time for visitors to get acquainted with what you do, and whether they might want your services.

How many people should you dedicate to this task?

It’s also worth asking yourself how many staff members you should set to this task. The thing to remember here is that no one person needs to focus solely on this. Live-chat won’t be going off at every moment of the day. As such, this can become a background task. But, you may want to put this in the background of more than one staff members’ workday. That way, there won’t ever be a time when a chat query goes unanswered. As a rule, then, you want to dedicate as many staff members to this as you can without compromising on workload.

Making Life Easier For Your Employees With These Simple Suggestions

Every employer wants happy employees. Not only should you want to care about your employees’ wellbeing, but retaining a loyal, happy workforce will save your business money and increase productivity. While a good salary and benefits are big motivators for your employees, sometimes it’s the smallest things that can make the most difference.

Take a look at some great workplace ideas that will make your employees’ lives easier.

Give them benefits they will actually use

Employee benefits can be a tricky area to navigate, with many possibilities for the types of benefits you could be offering your staff. When it comes to deciding what sort of perks should be available to your employees, why not consult them on what they’d prefer? While you might be trying to offer some cool and contemporary benefit options, you’ll find that better health and dental plans still rank at the top of the list of most desirable employee benefits.

Give them easy access to their pay information

Workers want easy access to their payroll information, so implementing an online system should be a priority for your business. Many simple queries can easily be resolved through an online portal instead of spending time on the phone to an HR or finance worker whose time could be spent doing more important things. Tools like a check stub maker can also benefit your employees – helping them to keep electronic records of their earnings. This can be a useful tool for contractors and freelance employees so that they can manage their tax returns easier.

Update hardware and software regularly

Technology that is ineffective or regularly crashes can be a major source of frustration to an employee. Not only does it waste time, but it could also be costing your business money. Making sure your equipment is updated regularly will help keep your employees happy, avoiding interruptions to their work. One way to cost-effectively benefit from the latest technology is to lease it, something that many businesses do to make sure they always benefit from the latest tech.

Offer flexible working solutions

Flexible working is a something that is becoming more popular within businesses and organizations, particularly those that want to take their example of best working practices from Europe. Flexible working allows workers to plan their working day to suit them, something which can help employees be more productive and ensures they’re more focused when they are in the office. Ideal for parents or those with a lot of other commitments, flexible working can make a great addition to your working conditions policy, while also helping your employees to find a better work/life balance.

Even the smallest changes can make a big difference to your employees, which is why it’s important for you to think about their wishes and the things that will help to motivate them more. Systems and processes that make your employees’ lives easier will motivate them to work hard for your company, leading to positive rewards for all parts of the business.