Three Reasons Not to Give Up on Running Your Own Business

Business is sometimes full of unexpected twists and turns that are out of our control. However, one thing that we do have control over is how we respond to these things. When a business is facing multiple challenges, it can be tempting to throw in the towel. There are, however, a number of reasons that you should try and hang in there. Undoubtedly, there are times when a business has reached the end of its road, and it’s time to let it go and turn a new page. On the other hand, other times all it requires is effective re-strategizing to get your business back on track. In light of this, in this article, you will find three reasons that you shouldn’t give up on running your own business.

It’s a Chance to Make an Impact

Businesses play a vital role in society. They create job opportunities, profit in most cases, and have a purpose to make people’s lives easier in one way or another. This means that whether it is intentional or not, your business is going to make an impact on society. While some businesses make a negative impact through environmental pollution, poor services, and worker exploitation, there are others that make an extremely positive impact in their communities. The point is, when you run a business, you give yourself the opportunity to positively impact the lives of your customers and environment. This can be done by making your business more socially conscious and as a result, carrying out genuine outreach, minimizing harm, being transparent about your business operations, mistakes, and setbacks, thinking locally, and promoting passion and unity amongst your employees. By not giving up when the going get’s tough, you give yourself a chance to make a lasting impression that can be imprinted in the hearts of people for years to come.

There’s Always a Solution to Every Problem

One of the reasons you may often think of giving up on running your own business is the many challenges associated with it. Every business has its high’s and low’s. However, when the lows seem disastrous, it’s easy to think that perhaps the business isn’t meant to be. On the other hand, you should try and exhaust all possible options and see where you’re going wrong before giving up. This could mean you need to check your strategy and ensure you’re executing it effectively or go back and review your initial business plan. Some other ways to revive your business when it seems it’s about to fail is reviewing your marketing tactics, ensuring you focus on general business principals, and checking that you have the right management team for your business.

It’s an Opportunity to Live on Your Own Terms

When you run a business, there are many things that you stand to gain personally. For one, you have the chance to live life on your own terms and have control over your time and how you make your money. Although running a business doesn’t guarantee that you’ll be a millionaire, you can achieve a level of financial freedom if your business does well. One of the ways that you can achieve this is by making smart and calculated personal and business investments with lower fee investment options like wealthsimple. The reality is, when you own a successful business, you have more financial flexibility and sometimes greater opportunities.

No matter of what path you decide to take in life, you’re always likely to face difficulties. If, however, you can find a way to push past these challenges and grow, it’s likely there is a lot that you can gain. This same principle can be applied in business and is one of many reasons you shouldn’t give up when the going gets tough.

Keep On Truckin’? The Future Of The Haulage Industry

At this moment in time, many entrepreneurs are concerned about the welfare of their businesses that are, seemingly, being left in the past. The trucking industry is one of those. If you are managing a small freight, or your employees have concerns about being usurped by autonomous driverless trucks, what does the future of the trucking industry hold?

Are Drivers Being Put Out Of Jobs?

Because so many of the modern approaches to the any industry is hedging its bets on automation, and with the advent of driverless trucks on the horizon, the average truck driver is, naturally, very concerned about their earning potential. But, the overarching ideal with driverless trucks is that it’s not meant to put people out of jobs, but rather make those that already work in the industry operate far safer. Of course, it’s not all going to be automated, we’re going to need people to refuel the vehicles, react in emergency situations, and so forth.

Are The Rules And Regulations Going To Change?

As it stands, the industry looks like it’s going to operate in the same capacity as it ever did. For any startup business looking to trade in the trucking industry, the standardized documents, such as the freight broker bond and so forth, are still going to be commonplace. The rules and regulations of the modern trucking industry are looking to stay in place for the near future. But of course, as automation rears its head and becomes more commonplace, this does bring up a lot more quibbles as far as monitoring the machinery is concerned. But in the meantime, this is quite difficult to regulate because there is such a big transition period occurring, from the humanized aspect, through to the automated approach. Luckily, there are trucking permit services and similar resources to help navigate the rules and regulations.

Does It Make Your Entrepreneurial Role Easier?

There are changes on the horizon, that you may very well be concerned that it’s going to make your role far more difficult. This isn’t the intention. With automation, the trucking industry is going to be far more self-sufficient. The idea behind automating every aspect of the trucking industry, not just the trucks themselves, but the loading and unloading, is supposed to make the entire process cost-effective, but also safer. Yes, this should mean an easier life for any entrepreneur, but as we all know, machinery breaks down on occasion. So this does make many workers naturally reticent to embracing automation completely. But, the idea behind a lot of these processes is to imbue the human and the non-human aspects together perfectly. So in this respect, it should make life easier for you.

As a business opportunity, the trucking industry is very much up in the air at the moment, because its undergoing so many potentially drastic changes. But for the dynamic and new age entrepreneur, there has never been a better time to take advantage of all this changing technology and major developments, not just in the trucking industry, but the automation of every industry. As a business opportunity, it’s imperative that you get on board this exciting time now. And for those who are already concerned within the industry, it’s time to roll with the changes.

Making a Success of Your Next Big Meeting

When you hold a meeting of any sort, it’s highly likely that you will feel a little nervous beforehand. This is to be expected. Meetings are relatively intimidating situations, and the pressure is on to perform to the best of your capability. However, there are certain steps that you can take in order to ensure that awkward situations are avoided, and you make a success of the entire venture! Here are a few to consider!

Be Prepared

It’s extremely rare that a meeting will pop up last minute. Generally speaking, you will have an extended period of time in advance where you can prepare for the event. But surprisingly, so many people leave planning and work towards their meeting until the last minute. Sure, it’s easy to procrastinate and put things off, but you’re just making things more difficult for yourself in the long run. Rather than driving yourself into a pre-meeting frenzy of research and work, make sure that you are fully prepared well in advance. Not only does this help you to get the bulk of the work out of the way early on, but it also gives you a chance to work out any tweaks or flaws in your proposals and to familiarise yourself with your facts, figures, and other material.

Rent a Professional Space

The space in which you hold a meeting can have a profound impact on its results. So make sure to host your meeting in a professional environment. This will help to form the kind of atmosphere that you want to be associated with in your partner, client, or other professional associate’s mind. Another reason to consider conference room rental is that there will be equipment and tools on hand (such as projectors and flip boards) to help you propose your ideas as easily and smoothly as possible.

Arrive On Time

Good time keeping says a lot about an individual. It shows that they are serious about the meeting and it also shows that they are trustworthy and reliable. It also displays their respect for the individual that they are meeting. Leaving people to wait can be deemed extremely rude. So no matter how close you may be to the place where you’re meeting, make sure to leave early in order to guarantee that you are there on time.

Dress the Part

While casual clothing might be fine for day to day wear while you’re building your company up from the ground, you might want to consider putting something a little more formal on for a meeting. As the old saying goes, first impressions count, and you never get a second chance to make one. So look smart and like the professional you want to be taken for. The person you’re meeting with is much more likely to take your proposals seriously if you look like you take yourself seriously too!

If you follow the above pieces of advice, everything should go exceedingly well. Be prepared, be confident, and be the professional that you know you can be!

4 Must Haves for Your Next International Trip

Whether you’re headed to an exotic destination for your romantic honeymoon, spending a summer backpacking across Europe or planning a fun filled family vacation; you’ll be busy applying for a visa to whatever country you are planning on visiting, obtaining a passport and much more. These are vital to any international trip and should be done ahead of time so that no sudden surprises stand in the way when it comes time to leave the country. It’s a big deal to be traveling outside of the country and you need to make sure you have everything planned and packed accordingly. So, you’ve completed your travel checklist; made hotel arrangements, bought your plane tickets, have your passport and are ready to go! Making sure that you have packed the essentials is a large part of traveling comfortably and will allow you to enjoy a hassle-free trip. Of course, you packed your clothes, shoes, toiletries, money and legal papers; like your visa and passport. Did you make sure to bring the other important must haves along? Let’s look at 4 must haves for your next international trip:

1. A Travel Pillow

You may think that a travel pillow is not necessarily a ‘must have’ for your next trip but bringing along this always needed and often forgotten item can make a world of difference when it comes to international traveling. On average, most international flights are at least 10 to 16 hours long. Having a travel pillow with you will allow you to have additional neck support while sleeping during long flights. A travel pillow can also be used to provide extra lumbar support for extended periods of sitting. Travel pillows have also been known to reduce the symptoms associated with jet-lag. You can also make effective use of a travel pillow during layovers at the airport in between your flights. Don’t forget to take along a travel pillow for your next long trip;

you’ll wonder how you ever traveled without one!

2. A Pair of Ear Plugs

Another frequently forgotten must have for long trips are ear plugs. You may think you don’t need them or maybe haven’t even thought about them, until now. Sleeping is a terrific way to kill time on a long flight and prepare you for arrival so that you are ready to go. However, it can be difficult to do that with all the noise from other passengers, especially if you are a light sleeper. It can be hard to sleep when you hear other passengers talking, the person next to you snoring or a baby wailing from a few seats back. Taking along a pair of ear plugs will help keep the noise to a minimum and provide the peace and quiet you will need, to get some shut eye.

3. A Money Belt

While traveling internationally you will have to keep important documents on you at all times. You also will be carrying cash and other important items with you that you won’t want lost or stolen. Money belts come in many assorted styles and designs to compliment any outfit, without looking conspicuous. Pickpocketing can happen to anyone and unfortunately, most times pickpockets target unsuspecting tourists. Wearing a money belt means, you won’t have to worry about the risk of losing important documents or money, if your wallet or purse is stolen or misplaced. A money belt is a must have for your next international trip. You’ll be at ease during your trip knowing that your money and important documents are safely stored away in your money belt.

4. A Universal Travel Adapter

Not all electrical outlets are created equally. Meaning, most international destinations do not have the same electrical outlets that you may be used to. Do a little research and find out if you will need a travel adapter. If you do need one, it is best to purchase it before your trip to not only save money, but also to get the right one to fit your electronics.  Give yourself time to research exactly what you will need and speak with experts at the store or call the product manufacturer. There are many different travel adapters and you may not know which one you really need. Purchasing a universal travel adapter will ensure the proper outlet design and will come in handy during other international trips. Having this simple device will make traveling easier. When you arrive at your destination you will be able to plug up your phone charger, laptop, blow dryer and more.

You May Be Annoying Your Customers, And Not Even Know It

We all want our customers to like our business. Actually, forget that: it’s better to say that we NEED our customers to like our business. Studies have consistently shown people are more likely to spend money with companies that they, well, like. It sounds simple, and to a degree it is, but it’s also true that some businesses are turning their customers off, and they don’t even realise it. Below, we take a look at a few common issues that customers take exception to, and what you can do to change it.

You’re Not Polite

It’s easy to be all smiles when you just get your business up and running. But after a while, when business is steady, you can begin to take your customers for granted, and when that happens, your customer service standards can begin to drop. There’s no great trick to this: it simply comes down to treating your customers for what they are, humans. You should endeavor to make your customers feel like a friend and to show that you hold their business in high esteem. If you can begin to see them just as a number, then they’ll soon find a new company.

Your Website is a Mess

If you’re mostly operating online, then you might want to check that you’re not guilty of committing one of the cardinal website sins. It’ll depend on who you’re trying to target, but remember that there are large pockets of internet users that object to invasive pop-ups, overly aggressive marketing, and autoplay videos. All of these things might help to drive traffic to your website, but that’s not your end game – you’re trying to bring them on board as customers, not just spend a few minutes on your site. Take a look at your site: if it didn’t belong to you, would you like it?

You Don’t Have Any Values

It’s no longer enough to be in the money-making game. Customers are increasingly conscious of spending their money with companies that hold progressive values, and ones that care about more than just their bottom line. To check that your business practices – and supply chain – would get the approval of public opinion, considering conducting an ethical audit. It’ll make sure that all aspects of your business are in line with your branding. Nothing will undo a company’s hard work quite like a poor ethical standing.

Overpromise, Underdeliver

It’s understandable that you want to create the best possible image of your company. After all, it’s competitive out there, and you need customers to go with you. However, you need to ensure that you can deliver what you promise. It’s much better to over deliver on your promises than the opposite. If you’re talking a big game, make sure you can back it up.

Shady Practices

Finally, remember that people like honesty. If you’re cutting corners, not respecting email opt-out requests, and the like, then you’ll lose all credibility in the eyes of your customers. And what’s that’s gone, it’s impossible to get it back.