What Do You Need To Be Successful?

Some people in this world always seem to be successful no matter what they do. The interesting thing to note is that these successful people were not born this way, and have not simply been lucky in life. There are certain things that all successful people do that mean their success keeps on coming. If you also want to be successful, then these next tips will help you get there.

They Are Focused

Successful people are always focused on their goal. They direct their energy towards getting there, and they don’t let themselves get distracted. What’s more important is that they focus their work on high-value tasks, tasks that will boost them higher than many low-value tasks would. It can be tempting to take on low-value work because at least it is something, some kind of income, but if you focus solely on the work that will bring in either greater revenue or give you a bigger presence in your sector, then you will be much more successful. Take a look at your to-do list; which of those tasks are the high-value ones? The ones that will bring you the most reward? Those are the ones you need to focus your energy on.

They Prioritize

Successful people tend to also be busy people. However, they don’t become flustered or feel overwhelmed by the amount of work they have to do. They don’t start panicking and lose themselves, the result being that they get nothing done at all. Instead, they prioritize. They know what the most important tasks are, and which ones they should do first. This is what they work on. Everything else will be much lower down the list.

They Learn

Successful people aren’t afraid to admit when they don’t know something, even if they only admit that to themselves. They don’t continue on a task when they don’t know what they’re doing as they know that disaster won’t be far away. Instead, they learn. They take it upon themselves to find out all the things they don’t know so that they can then complete the job. So if they need to understand how magnetic clutches are installed, or which tiles look best on a bathroom floor, or whether it’s best to use a credit card or a debit card, or any number of other things that could be part of their remit, they will make it their job to find the answers.

They Have The Right Attitude

You’ll have heard it said that having a positive mental attitude is the key to a successful, happy life. Negative thoughts can have serious consequences on your physical health (because you will become more anxious and stressed and this can lead to all kinds of issues such as high blood pressure and heart disease) and your mental health. If you can turn your negative thoughts into positive ones and keep pushing forward, you’ll find that you’ll notice many more opportunities. If you’re feeling negative, you won’t see the chances that you could grab. Having a positive mental attitude could be the difference between total success and failure.

Five Ways Of Improving Your Customer Retention on Your Website

As a business owner, you want to maximize your profits of all website visitors, and turn them into returning customers. If you are not yet tracking your visitor statistics, you might want to start immediately. Without knowing what your potential customers are looking for, you can’t adjust your offers to their needs. Make sure that you are focusing on retention, so you get a better return on your online marketing investment.

1. Google Analytics

StrategyDriven Customer Relationship Management Article | Five Ways Of Improving Your Customer Retention on Your Website

The first stop for every business owner should be Google’s free Analytics tool. You can simply add a code on your website, and find out where you customers are coming from, where they live, what language they speak, which devices they use to access your site, and much more. You can easily identify your target market, and average customer when looking at your visitors’ demographics. At the same time, you can find out which pages they land on and which ones they exit.

2. Newsletters and Special Customer Discounts

To show your appreciation for your customers, you might want to create special customer discounts from time to time. This will give them a strong enough reason to sign up for your newsletter and get your marketing materials. Make sure you communicate the fact that this exclusive discount is only offered through the newsletter to existing customers.

3. Loyalty Points

A great way of improving your website’s customer retention rate is offering a loyalty scheme. Customers will get a certain number of points for each dollar they spend on your site, and they can build up their balance to exchange the points to discounts or free gifts. People will be more likely to check out your special offers or place a larger order if they know that they get a reward.

4. Sales Funnel Automation

If you would like to effortlessly look after your existing customers, you might want to automate your online sales funnels. Create a website infrastructure that guides your visitors through the process of becoming a loyal customer from the moment they first land on your site. From social media integration to regular updates, newsletters, and implementing a Cost Effective B2B Sales Tool, there are several great ways of maximizing customer value.

5. After Sales Communication

StrategyDriven Customer Relationship Management Article | Five Ways Of Improving Your Customer Retention on Your Website

Keeping in touch with your customers after they placed their first order, and requesting feedback is another great way of making them feel valued and appreciated. Send out customer surveys, invite them to your review pages, and ask them for a rating on Facebook. Send out updates and keep in touch until the item is delivered. If you offer online products, make sure your customers are able to download or access their purchase, and set up a support chat to allow them to contact you whenever they have questions.

Customer service and creating a system that makes your site visitors feel valued can improve your retention rates. You will benefit from higher search engine rankings, due to the lower bounce rate, and maximize the value of each newly acquired client. Make use of modern analytics tools to get to know your customers.

Tips For Making Your Business Strategy A Reality

Creating a business plan takes a lot of time and hard work. Don’t let your efforts go to waste by failing to come up with an approach for executing on your strategy. It’s an entire process that takes careful monitoring and a willingess to recognize when what you’re doing isn’t working.

As the leader of the company, you have to stay patient and understand the best way to go about making your plan a reality. While it’s a lot of pressure on you, how you handle the implementation process of your strategy will depend on if it’s successful or not. Get excited about it because once you figure out how to elevate your company, you’ll have a lot to celebrate.

Get Input as you Create it

It’s too little too late to ask your other colleagues and leadership team what they think of your business strategy after it’s already done. Get their advice and buy in early, before you try to execute on the plan. You not only want to make sure you’ve covered all of the necessary points, but you want high-level people in your company to have your back and offer their support. They’re going to be instrumental in helping you make your business strategy a reality.

Set Realistic Goals & Include Details

Set achievable goals you know are within reach with extra work on your team’s part. For example, if you want to improve business communications with your customers, then find a unique means of communicating with them. While emails are okay for some businesses, moving into business texting can prove more effective and efficient. Not only do customers nowadays prefer texts over phone calls, but it’s also a quick means of booking appointments, canceling meetings or sending a complaint or positive review. For more information on business texting, contact Text Better.

Select Priorities

Your business strategy is going to be long and in depth. Don’t let that stop you from taking control and understanding what this means for you and your team. There’s going to be a lot of work to get done and not enough resources or time to do it. Be smart and prioritize your goals and projects, so you’re focusing on completing what’s most important first. It’s not a good idea to throw your entire plan at your leadership team and expect it all to get done when it’s not humanly possible. Approach it from an organized standpoint, and explain exactly where you want everyone to be focused initially. Put some of the other objectives on the backburner or save them for next year.

Assign Leaders to Specific Objectives

Your business plan isn’t going to go very far if it’s all on your shoulders. You need people to help you out and take ownership of the goals you’ve documented. Play to people’s strengths and assign the responsibilities based on who’s good at particular tasks. Make sure each goal has a leader matched with it and that they’re aware of what’s expected of them. Delegating the work will free up some of your time and allow your business strategy to take off in the right direction.

Track Progress

Don’t propose your business strategy, assign leaders and then forget about it. You need to have consistent follow up and tracking of progress if you want it to be successful. Have regular meetings with your leadership team, document comments, questions and the current status for each goal. Use your discussions as a time to draw your attention to any red flags or see where you may be excelling and will need another goal to replace the current one. This part of the process is all about open dialogue and holding each person accountable for their role.

Be Open to Changes

Your plan isn’t going to work if all you wrote is set in stone. You have to be willing to flex and open to changes others are proposing along the way. It’s nothing personal; it’s business, and if you don’t want to hear it, you risk the proposed strategy falling apart. Remain levelheaded and remind yourself that when you’re writing the business strategy that it could change in the future. Of course, you’ll want reasons why a particular aspect isn’t working or needs to be changed. Always look for the evidence before you perform corrections or make additions.

Communicate to the Entire Company

Although there may be details only appropriate for your eyes, you should plan on sharing the gist of the business strategy with the entire company. This will help your employees better understand how their efforts contribute to the bigger picture. They won’t be agitated when they receive what feels like a random assignment because they’ll know it has to do with the direction the company’s heading. Hold a meeting to dive into the strategy and answer any questions your staff members have.

Listen & Observe

If you want to experience success and make your vision a reality then you have to always be listening and observing. Hear what other people have to say, use their feedback to improve what you’re already doing and monitor progress closely. Your job is never done; it’s continuous and requires your involvement and leadership on a regular basis. Instead of always doing the talking, sit back and take in what ideas are being tossed at you and if you think you can use them. Read between the lines and pick up on what would have been missed opportunities without your attention to detail.

Believe you can bring your goals to life and you’re halfway there. Focus on the details and executing on what needs to get done first. It’s important to have the support of the other leaders in your company if you want to see your strategy become a reality. Continue to work hard and piggyback off of what goes right so that you can do more of that in the future. Remember that it takes a team effort and solid leader if you want to achieve success.

4 Ways To Develop A Stronger Team

It can be argued that one of the most important parts of your role as an executive or leader of your company is the ability to manage a successful team. Your employees are your responsibility, and their success depends on whether you can get everyone working together and producing great work.

You’ll be glad to know that there are ways to develop a stronger team and make sure you’re all bonding on a regular basis. Doing this will help your company perform better, individual careers will take off, and everyone will be more satisfied to come to work each day. Above all, you should take your role seriously and put in the effort because your staff members depend on you to guide them.

Develop Your Skills

To lead your team effectively, you have to brush up on your skills and know what your strengths and weaknesses are. Work on yourself first before you try to develop and lead a team of people. You can do this through executive coaching sessions that will instantly improve your career. The team of qualified and experienced individuals who run the programs know exactly what to focus on to help you succeed. The better you are in your role and at your job, the easier it’ll be to create a strong team of employees.

Play To People’s Strengths

You should always delegate wisely and avoid giving assignments to just anyone because it’s faster and easier. To get the best out of your team, you should know who’s good at which tasks and what skills each person brings to the table. It will give you and your team a better chance of getting the work completed efficiently and correctly the first time. If you aren’t sure, then spend time getting to know each employee, analyze their abilities and how they handle the assignment you give them.

Schedule Teambuilding Activities

Your team will instantly become stronger when you participate in fun and exciting team building activities together. It’s not only about the work, but also how your employees interact and support each other. Mix it up and go out to eat one week and give them challenges to complete as a group. It’s vital to build camaraderie among your team as it’ll show positively in the work that’s performed in the office. You need your employees working together towards a common goal and not competing against each other to be the best in every situation.

Encourage Open Communication

Be an advocate for open communication between your team members. Remind them that they’re on the same side and should talk and help each other succeed. You should aim to create a positive environment that welcomes mistakes, as long as people are willing to discuss what went wrong and can learn from them. Make it clear that although you’re busy, your door is always open. Hold team meetings and let everyone have a chance to speak and bring up questions or concerns.

Don’t let your team fend for themselves. Step up and be a good boss by working on your skills and helping your employees deliver their best work. It’s never too late to make this your goal and improve the results you and your team are delivering to the company.

The benefits of getting out of the office

It might feel safe behind that desk, but there’s nothing quite like getting out into the world and just getting things done at your own pace. The office may have everything that you think you need, but you might be amazed by the mental adjustment that occurs when you step into the outside world. Between fresh air and natural light, as well as more control over your working day, there are a number of reasons that make it worthwhile to escape the cubicle. Here then are the top reasons to unchain yourself from the safety of your desk and head to the outside world.

Face-to-face interaction

Of course you can have meetings in a virtual manner, utilizing chatrooms and group video call facilities to make it easier for everyone to be involved no matter where they are. However, there is a lot of difference between seeing a face on a screen and actually being face-to-face. The level of communication changes, and more attention is paid when the person we’re talking is in front of us. There are even suggestions that face-to-face meetings garner more positive results overall, so the benefits far outweigh the tired alternative of yet another Skype meeting.


There’s little worse than constantly refreshing your inbox as you wait for a vital email to land. Often it’s hard to work out what could be taking so long to answer such a simple question, but of course you have no idea what’s happening at the other end of that high-speed internet connection. However, getting out and about means that you can get problems solved and have questions answered in real time, and there’s nothing better than that.

The change of scenery

Stepping outside can do wonders for your creativity and energy levels, which means that getting out of the office is as beneficial to your working life as replying to that errant email you’ve been putting off all afternoon. No matter how open-plan your office and no matter how much natural light there is, nothing beats a bit of fresh air for getting the brain active.

The journey is the reward

Physically traveling to a meeting gives you time to mentally prepare yourself for the discussions ahead. A car journey, whether you’re off to meet a client or if it’s an in-house board meeting, is proven to clear the mind of clutter and can help to re-energize you. Of course, with all of this traveling you’re going to have to make sure your vehicle is up to scratch, and if you haul a trailer, then you need to have access to trailer spares in case of emergencies. It’s worth keeping some in your car, just in case.

The best thing about getting out of the office is that it doesn’t have to be for a long period of time. Schedule a walking meeting rather than a sit-down meeting as usual. That way it’s not just you that benefits from the revitalizing effects of the outside world, and you’ll notice the difference in your team immediately.