Mobile CRM is Now the Sales Rep’s New Intelligent Assistant

The smartphone, whether an Android or iPhone, is not so much a telephone as it is a computer that lets you make phone calls.

It is an incredibly powerful piece of electronic technology that most people carry around.

The smartphone, whether an Android or an iPhone, is more of a computer than a telephone that lets you make calls. But in the life of a sales rep, the smart phone takes on even more important role. It becomes their key tool in communications, and enables greater flexibility, and higher functioning in the sales arena.

With the correct mobile CRM (Customer Relationship Management) system like Pipedrive or an advanced address book app like Covve which has CRM features, there is quick access to any information swiftly such as contact information, opportunity status, pipeline, and much more. But also, helpful insights such as: follow-up reminders, buyer activity alerts, and suggestions on what to do next with opportunities and buyers.

Laptops are not going away anytime soon, but the time that sales reps go back to the office or home and sit down, and turn on their computer is dramatically shrinking. Smartphone CRM apps enable reps to do most of the things they used to have to do on their computer—only much more conveniently. And smartphones fill the unproductive void when reps are on the go. No longer does out of the office, or a personal obligation, mean things don’t get done. Smartphones give reps their freedom to be places they need to be, and remain productive.

Mobile sales reps are better prepared than their non-mobile counterparts. They are doing more research before a client meeting then their counterparts because they have access to more resources at their fingertips, and virtually no limit to the amount of data they can access.  The important tools a sales rep can have at their disposal is listed below:

1. Lead Records – If a mobile sales rep is headed into a meeting with a very important potential client, they can brush up on the account details and recent activity on the ride over, straight from their phone.

2. Dashboards – A mobile CRM solution provides up-to-the-minute analytics and data on sales performance in easy to digest and mobile optimized dashboards and reports.

3. Paperwork – Mobile sales reps don’t have to wait until they are back in the office to send over the paperwork to close a deal. They can access, sign, and process a deal, straight from a mobile device, with no painful faxing necessary.

4. Pitch Decks – As technology progresses, products are changing fast and corporate messaging and pitch decks can change even faster. Sales reps with a mobile CRM always have access to the most up-to-date decks and selling resources.

5. Sales Collateral – If a mobile sales rep knows the perfect piece of content or sales collateral for a prospect, there is no need to send it in a follow up email. They can access their company’s library of resources, and explain or send documents right from their device.

6. Task Lists – Sticky notes on the computer is a thing of the past. Today’s sales reps have their daily tasks curated and organized for them in their mobile CRM solution, right next to their daily agenda.

7. The Entire Office – A sales rep equipped with a mobile CRM solution has access to social collaboration tools that allow them to tap into their entire company for expertise and advice.

If you are a sales rep, and not utilizing the amazing power of your smartphone, you are behind the curve.

The Factories Of The Future… Tomorrow’s Manufacturing Tech

The impact of the digital revolution has not just been witnessed in the computer age, but we have seen exactly what it’s beginning to do in the manufacturing and factory industries. The advent of automating certain aspects of factory line production is nothing new, but now with smarter technology, we are seeing that we are relying less on human hand to put certain aspects together. And while older businesses may still view the human hand as the key part of the manufacturing process, that’s not to say that these more established businesses can’t make the most of the technology in certain respects. So, if you think that your business could do with a little helping hand, here are some suggestions to integrate technology into your existing factory line.

Smart Products

The internet of things is a general term of how technology is being used to communicate with other systems and therefore learn from each other. The connections between systems mean that your human workers can focus on more pressing matters, it has been seen with back-office functions in specific businesses that minimal functions can be automated, such as emails and minor marketing tools. But with this in a factory setting, it can be implemented in alarm management, sensors, or the basic time management and productivity of certain areas.

Predictive Analytics

The one thing that crosses everyone’s mind when it comes to integrating technology into the factory setting is that if something fails, which inevitably it will, what happens and how to replace these items of equipment? Predictive analytics is becoming a key part of every aspect of the manufacturing industry, and it also has a main drive in how new technology can be used to increase the quality, as well as the quantity, of manufacturing products.

Virtual Reality

Yes, this can occur in manufacturing! This is now referred to either as simulation, integration, or digital design. Motion capture technology has been used by Ford to help refine their production line. And it has been used to simulate certain products, or it can be used in a practical sense, such as to help reduce the delays in time when requesting a quote from specific companies. The idea behind virtual reality now is to reduce the additional work and streamline the whole process. The customer can also see what something looks like, as well as the cost, which is lending itself well to the notion of transparency in the industry.

3d Printing

This is a major part of any manufacturing process, as scanning items in a 3d sense can be a big help to designers on how to change the product, this means that it can be altered to please the customer. A good example would be clothing, whereas you would have to go back and request an item of clothing be altered, with 3d printing, this wouldn’t be the case, saving the customer time, as well as the business.

In thinking about the best ways to press on in the manufacturing industry without compromising your human workforce, these would be a very handy addition to any factory.

A Guide to Store Layouts and How to Increase Sales

If you have always dreamed of owning your own store, it is vital that nothing stands in the way of your success. You don’t want to put in all of that hard work, only to find that you are unable to keep your store up and running. Instead, you will need to do everything in your power to make a comfortable profit. This will ensure that you can always pay for your premises, staff, and stock. As a busy entrepreneur, follow these proven steps to optimize your store layout and increase sales.

Choose décor that reflects your brand

In order to create an attractive environment in your store, choose a design scheme that reflects your brand. A unified aesthetic will help you to stand out from your competitors. Hire an interior designer to help you with your color scheme, lighting, furnishing, and statement pieces. Alternatively, you could sign up for an interior design course and manage the project independently.

Create clear zones

When customers enter the store, they should know exactly where to go. You don’t want them to be overwhelmed by clutter and chaos. Take control of the situation by creating clear zones in your shop space. If you have a clothing store, you will need to have a dressing room, accompanied by an attractive seating area. You will also need to divide your styles into relevant sections such as: tops, trousers, skirts, dresses, and accessories. If you decide to have a sale, there should also be a designated space for all of your clearance items.

Display your stock with care

In order to boost your sales, you will need to have your featured merchandise on display. Make sure that you don’t just arbitrarily place your items around the store. Instead, you should think carefully about how you are positioning each item and how they will appear to your customers. If you are struggling for display space, why not invest in a slat board display system or custom POP displays? This is an easy way for you to reposition the contents of your store, depending on the stock you have on hand. As your business evolves, make sure that your display space is able to adapt.

Get creative with your window displays

If you are going to entice customers into your store, get creative with your window displays; you should also make sure to update them on a regular basis. This is a fantastic way for you to keep the public coming back for more. Why not find incredible window displays that inspire you? You may not have the budget of a larger store, but perhaps you have plenty of your own creative ideas. If you want to save money, you could always opt for a minimalist look. Or, if you are eager to invest in your windows, you could go all out and hire a professional window dresser who would design your window for the launch of every new collection.

How to Succeed in a Retail Career

Are you thinking of starting a career in retail?  Many people find that working in retail is rewarding and there are many opportunities out there.  The retail industry has a lot to offer someone that is willing to work hard and keep their nose to the grindstone.  If you are looking to get into retail, you should pay close attention to the information below.  Today, we are going to learn what it takes to succeed in the world of retail.

Starting Out at The Bottom

If you have no retail experience, then you will probably have to start out at the bottom.  By taking a job as a cashier or stock clerk, you will be getting your foot in the door.  Many people who start out at the bottom end up giving up because of the lower pay rates.  But, those willing to work hard and stick around are often rewarded with positions in management.  In fact, many large retail companies are willing to train those who are good workers.  This will give you a great opportunity to make some serious money.  So, to get started in retail, apply for jobs at places like Dollar General and other retail establishments. Make sure to put in your Dollar General application and get the process started.

Take A Course in Business Management

A great way to gain a position in retail management is to go to back school for business management.  A degree in business management will help you move up in the company that you are currently working for. But, this degree alone will not make up for relevant experience.  So, make sure that while going back to college, you keep working your retail job.  Once you finish your degree, you will be able to combine it with your experience, which will give you a good chance at landing a management position.

Be Willing to Work Long Hours

Once you have gotten into a lower management position, you will now have more responsibility.  With an increase in pay will come some additional duties that you might not be used to, so make sure that you put in the hard work and learn your new position as quickly as possible.  Fast learners often do well in retail management.  Additionally, you will need to put in long hours to prove your worth to the company.  By doing so, you will gain the attention of upper management, who in the future just might offer you a job higher up on the ladder.  Learning how to cope with long hours will certainly help you become successful in the retail industry.

These are a few tips that will help you succeed in the demanding world of retail.  Remember that you will need to start from the bottom and work your way to the top.  The harder you work and the more you learn will help you gain higher positions, which will give you more rewards.  Keep in mind that earning good money in retail requires dedication and hard work.

How to Start a Successful Retail Business

The retail industry is the practice of selling goods to the public for their direct use, not for resale. Many people dream of starting their own business in retail. Starting a successful retail business can be challenging, but like other challenges, it can also be very rewarding. There are several important steps to starting a successful retail business, and all are equally important.


It is critical to know the type of retail business that you are starting. What will you be selling? Not only will this drastically affect your business plan, but it is also important to know as you are setting up the legal structure for your business. This can be expensive to change later, so be sure that you are ready from the beginning. It is also very important once you have decided what kind of retail business you will be running, to read up on any laws related to that business. This way, you will know about the different rules that must be followed and your business will be completely legal. It is also important to consider the internet. Will your business offer online shopping right away? This is another crucial detail to iron out because of the importance of having an online presence in today’s economy.


The location of your store is very important. It must be both within your budget and in a place that people see and can get to easily. The location can often mean the difference between success and failure since you want people to come to your store. Sometimes, the best location is too expensive, so have several options in mind in case one doesn’t work out. Not only do you need to know where your store will be located; it is also important to know where you will be buying your supplies from. By having the right supplies to make and prepare your products, or the right wholesale products, you will be more successful. It is critical to find a vendor that you can partner with, one who will work with you in the selling process while also helping with defective items. If these products are going to be shipped, you need to establish a time for that to occur.


Hiring the right people is very important to a successful retail business. Without good customer service and a range of useful and unique products, people are much less likely to shop at your store. Customer service is critical and keeps people coming back to your store because of the pleasant experience. Websites like will be invaluable assets in helping your company find the help that it needs to be successful. Be aware that you will also need to apply for an Employer Identification Number from the Federal Government if you are planning to have any employees. It will also be important for you to figure out the target audience of your business. This will impact the way that you advertise since different approaches work for different audiences.

Operating a successful retail business takes a lot of work. However, if you take the time to organize the what, where, and who, the process can be much smoother.